genius evil

Chapter 788

Chapter 788

Jiang Chen was not stupid, because Jiang Chen refused to drink three bottles of white wine in a row.

But not stupid, in Dapeng's view, Jiang Chen's IQ is also very limited.

Dapeng felt that when Jiang Chen was completely refusing, he could pay attention to the art of speaking a little bit. This opening, you guys are coming to beat me, it is simply looking for death.

If Jiang Chen hadn't had a sip of wine since he came in, Dapeng couldn't help but wonder if Jiang Chen was drunk.

After all, I have seen someone looking for a smoker, but I have never seen one. Who is so eager to find a smoker.

"Do it."

Jiang Chen wanted to find him himself, but Dapeng would not be merciful, and gave orders indifferently.

Dapeng is the leader of the villagers group and an absolute core figure. Usually, no matter what he does, he always responds to everyone, and his words still have a little weight.

In the current situation, Jiang Chen was the target of everyone's criticism, and Dapeng's words were even more weighty.

Following Dapeng's words, everyone jumped up and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Seeing this situation, Dapeng nodded in satisfaction. He was still very satisfied with his influence, but he turned his head and saw Jiang Yanyan standing there with a smile on her face, her eyes were almost green It's like light popped out.

"What's the situation?" Dapeng looked confused.

He felt that Jiang Chen was Jiang Yanyan's boyfriend, Jiang Chen was beaten by a group of people, even if Jiang Yanyan was not in a hurry to cry, she should call the police or something.

Even if you don't call the police, you can rush to help, although it won't be of any use.

Why did he look very happy when he looked at Jiang Yanyan... No, it should be said that he was very excited.

"Could it be that Jiang Yanyan and Jiang Chen have a bad relationship?" Dapeng muttered in his heart.

Thinking about it this way, Dapeng felt that it was very possible, otherwise, it would be hard to explain why Jiang Yanyan would have such a reaction.

Thinking of this, Dapeng couldn't help but become active.

You know, when Dapeng formed a fellow group of college students in Yilan City in the capital, he didn't have any good intentions, just to make it easier for him to pretend to be aggressive and pick up girls.

To be specific, pretense is second, and picking up girls is the most important.

It is precisely because of organizing a group of fellow villagers that in the past two or three years, Dapeng has successfully pretended to be aggressive time and time again, and has also seduced girls time and time again.

The same is true of Dapeng's original intention for this gathering.

The few women who came here before had mediocre figures and looks, which disappointed Dapeng. He thought that today's trip was going to be a waste of work, so Jiang Yanyan appeared with Jiang Chen.

Not long after Jiang Yanyan graduated from high school and has not yet entered university, she still has the immature aura of a high school student, but even so, it is enough to make Dapeng's eyes shine.

In particular, the wild aura on Jiang Yanyan's body made Dapeng move his index finger very much.

Dapeng knew that other people, when they saw Jiang Yanyan, were also harboring ulterior motives, otherwise they wouldn't have targeted Jiang Chen so unanimously.

But from Dapeng's point of view, Jiang Chen deserved it. Who would let Jiang Yanyan, such a beautiful woman, be his girlfriend.

Jiang Yanyan showed up with her boyfriend, and immediately cut off everyone's thoughts. Even if Jiang Chen didn't want to be targeted, it would be very difficult.

Regarding the target, these people's intentions to play Jiang Yanyan's idea have faded a lot, and the same is true for Dapeng.

But it seems that the relationship between Jiang Yanyan and Jiang Chen is not that good. This naturally makes Dapeng a little distracted, thinking that after beating Jiang Chen violently for a while, is he going to find some reason to leave Jiang Yanyan alone? Go out on a date.

With this thought in mind, Dapeng looked at Jiang Chen. Dapeng wanted to see how Jiang Chen had been beaten up, but he glanced at him. Dapeng's eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.

Impressively, he saw that this huge private room was full of people lying here and there. A group of people, except for a few girls who didn't make a move, all the rest were lying on the ground.

Those guys lying on the ground were crying like ghosts and wolves, and there were even a few of them who were beaten and cried.

"What happened?" Dapeng was suddenly stunned.

His thoughts were all on Jiang Yanyan, dreaming about things, and he didn't notice what happened.

It was only obvious that all these people were made to lie down by Jiang Chen.

In other words, they failed to beat Jiang Chen one by one, but were beaten by Jiang Chen instead.

Dapeng's face instantly became ugly, unbelievable, but he had to believe it.

Then, Dapeng suddenly realized why Jiang Yanyan was not only not worried, but also very excited when Jiang Chen was beaten by the group.

Dare to love is because he thought too much of wishful thinking, Jiang Yanyan was excited, not because of a bad relationship with Jiang Chen, but because of his strong confidence in Jiang Chen's fighting power.

And Jiang Chen also proved with his actual actions how terrifying his fighting power was.

"One-on-one with so many people, why is this guy so perverted?" Dapeng's feet felt cold, and he felt bad all over.

"Come here." Jiang Chen hooked his fingers to Dapeng, who cares about this guy's messy thoughts.

"What are you going to do?" Dapeng asked tremblingly.

"Beat you." Jiang Chen's answer was extremely rough.

"I didn't do anything." Dapeng said hastily.

"I told you to come here, so you come here quickly, if you dare to talk nonsense, I will beat you to death, believe it or not?" Jiang Chen said arrogantly.

Dapeng's face was ashen, and he said, "Don't do anything, or I will call the police."


Jiang Chen walked over and kicked Dapeng to the ground.

Isn't this guy unwilling to go over? It's the same for him coming over, but in this way, this guy is destined to suffer more.

After one kick, Jiang Chen kicked again, the third kick, the fourth kick... As if kicking a football, Jiang Chen kicked Dapeng's body one after another until only the one who kicked Dapeng was the one who entered. Jiang Chen stopped his breath when he was still out of breath.

"It doesn't seem like there's anything interesting, classmate Yanyan, should we go?" Jiang Chen asked Jiang Yanyan after cleaning up Dapeng.

"Wait for me for a while." Jiang Yanyan said, ran to the long table, quickly picked up two bottles of red wine and hugged her in her arms, and said, "Let's go."

After a while, Jiang Chen led Jiang Yanyan out of the villa and got into the car parked outside.

"Student Yanyan, what are you doing with two bottles of wine?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"That Dapeng guy said that today's party is about eating and drinking. I didn't eat or drink anything. I walked away empty-handed. Wouldn't it be a disadvantage? At least I have to earn back the gas fee." Jiang Yanyan said carelessly.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "That guy probably suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck today."

Jiang Yanyan had a good eye, and when she made a move, she took two bottles of the most expensive red wine. The combined price of these two bottles of wine was tens of thousands.

The red wine was not turned on, and Jiang Chen wasn't quite sure whether Dapeng was using it to pretend or really wanted to drink it, but no matter what, this time he was bleeding profusely.

"It's not because of you." Jiang Yanyan complained.

"Well, classmate Yanyan, I'm sorry, today's matter was my fault, and I accidentally messed up your party." Jiang Chen then said hypocritically.

Jiang Yanyan glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "Jiang Chen, can you be more fake?"

After saying this, Jiang Yanyan couldn't help feeling very helpless.

I also don't know whether Jiang Chen is too good at causing trouble, or he is too good at causing trouble.

The last primary school reunion was like this, and this time the reunion is also like this. Jiang Yanyan felt that if there was a similar reunion next time, Jiang Chen must not be brought along, otherwise, everyone would have no way to get along well. play.

Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "Actually, it's not that fake. I'm really apologizing to you. After all, if it wasn't because I'm so handsome and made them go crazy with envy and jealousy, they wouldn't target me anymore. .”

"Obviously I'm too beautiful, okay?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes again.

After a pause, she glanced at Jiang Chen and said, "So you know, why are they targeting you. I thought you didn't know anything."

"I'm so handsome, and I'm used to being targeted by people," Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Yanyan was speechless and said, "What I mean is, since you knew this early on, you don't have to do anything. You are so talkative, and they have nothing to say if you just talk about it."

"Try not to yell if you can do it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then why do you usually talk so much nonsense?" Jiang Yanyan attacked.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "You will never understand how lonely a master I am."

It doesn't matter if Dapeng is digging a hole or Lao Chen is talking about it, but they don't know how childish and ridiculous their self-righteous intentions and methods are in Jiang Chen's eyes.

In the final analysis, Dapeng, Lao Chen and others are all students, and when they play these so-called tricks, their thinking patterns start from the status of students.

Jiang Chen was different. He had been a man in two lifetimes, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was an old man. He was just lazy to fight wits and bravery with them, and he just used his own methods to beat them to pieces.

"Jiang Chen, you are a merciful guy, and you have the nerve to say that you are lonely, can you show some face?" Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"You really don't understand." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Stop pretending to be deep in front of me. Let me ask you, what about these two bottles of wine?" Jiang Yanyan said.

"Do whatever you want." Jiang Chen said casually.

"How about, let's find a place and drink these two bottles of wine. It just so happens that it's getting late, so let's go have dinner together." Jiang Yanyan thought for a while and said.

"Your treat." Jiang Chen had no objection, as long as Jiang Yanyan treated him.

Jiang Yanyan gritted her teeth and said angrily, "If you treat me, please treat me. I'll treat you to a roadside stall."

Said it was eating at a roadside stall, Jiang Yanyan asked Jiang Chen to drive the car to a good restaurant, the two got off the car and walked inside the restaurant, Jiang Yanyan introduced while walking: "This restaurant is opened by a friend of my dad's. , the taste of fish is unique in Yilan City, you should try it later, you should like it."

"Yanyan, you haven't come to Uncle Cheng's place for dinner for a long time." It was just after Jiang Yanyan finished speaking, a voice came...

(End of this chapter)

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