genius evil

Chapter 790

Chapter 790

"Fart, are you talking humanly? You hit my car, and you said that I was fully responsible and paid for it." Hearing Jiang Chen's words, the middle-aged woman immediately quit and yelled loudly.

"That is, if you hadn't stepped on the brakes suddenly, how could I have crashed by driving hard? It is your full responsibility. Don't try to renege on the debt. Hurry up and pay us two." The young man was also quite dissatisfied, and said angrily.

"You two call the police and let the traffic police come over to deal with it." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, you smell of alcohol, you look drunk, it is your full responsibility to call the traffic police over here, don't waste our time here, we are very busy." The middle-aged woman said resolutely.

"So you two know each other." Jiang Chen smiled.

The middle-aged woman's complexion changed slightly, and she said: "Boy, what do you mean by that? Could it be that you are saying that the two of us have communicated to blackmail you?"

"I didn't say that, you said it yourself." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"I didn't mean that at all, I don't know him." The middle-aged woman denied it.

"If you don't know him, how do you know he's busy?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"I'm already very busy. There are hundreds of thousands of yuan per minute. You lose money quickly, or I will be rude to you." The young man said.

"Tell me, how many of you have come to Yilan City?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"We are not from the Heavenly Medicine School." The middle-aged woman said subconsciously.

As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged woman suddenly felt something was wrong, because when Jiang Chen asked her how many people had come to Yilan City, he didn't mention the word Tianyimen at all.

It was she who blurted out the words Tianyimen.

"It turns out that you two not only know each other, but are also members of the Heavenly Medicine School." Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

He ate at a restaurant earlier, and the wine was poisonous. Jiang Chen suspected that it had something to do with the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

At this time, a car accident occurred, which was quite strange. There were not many cars on the viaduct, but the middle-aged woman suddenly changed lanes in a solid line, and the young man behind her drove rear-end, which was also very strange. The speed must have exceeded [-] mph.

For some strange reason, Jiang Chen just lied casually. He didn't expect much, but unexpectedly he was really a member of the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

Have to say, it's pretty interesting.

"What is Tianyimen? I have never heard of it." The young man also said in a hurry.

"Just your poor IQs, don't embarrass yourself in front of me, tell me how many people have come to the Heavenly Medicine Sect, and tell me who poisoned the wine, maybe I can consider letting you two live. "Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Boy, do you mean that you don't intend to lose money? You are cruel. Don't let us see you again next time, or we will make you look good." The young man said viciously, and looked at the middle-aged woman. car.

"That's boring." Jiang Chen shook his head.

Now that he knew that these two were members of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, Jiang Chen couldn't possibly let the two of them leave. The moment the middle-aged woman turned around, Jiang Chen grabbed the middle-aged woman's shoulder with a big hand.

The middle-aged woman had been prepared for a long time, when Jiang Chen grabbed it with a big hand, her body suddenly fell short. At the same time, the young man behind her raised her right hand and sprinkled a handful of white powder.

The white powder disperses when it encounters the wind, and the faint fragrance is instantly diffused in the air.

The middle-aged woman became shorter, trying to avoid Jiang Chen's attack, and the young man took the opportunity to attack. The cooperation between the two was quite tacit.

If it were someone else, if they were not careful, they would definitely be tricked.

It's a pity that the two of them met Jiang Chen.

The posture of Jiang Chen's hand remained unchanged, and he grabbed the middle-aged woman's neck suddenly, and then squeezed it hard, and then, with a movement of Jiang Chen's feet, he appeared in front of the young man.

"Jiang Chen, you've been poisoned." The young man's expression turned ugly.

He didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so decisive and ruthless. The middle-aged woman was crushed to death without even a chance to resist. Moreover, Jiang Chen appeared in front of him so fast that he didn't even have time to react. No.

"I know." Jiang Chen said lightly, and slapped the young man's celestial cap casually.

"Jiang Chen, you are really domineering." A faint voice came to Jiang Chen's ears at this moment.

At the same time, a black-clothed figure flashed towards him. The speed was so fast that almost the words fell, and the person appeared a few meters in front of Jiang Chen.

Under the street lamp, a figure in black with green eyes staring at Jiang Chen.

"I've always been so domineering. It's not the first time your Heavenly Medicine Sect has known about it." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Too arrogant often means that you will die soon." The black-clothed figure said.

"People like you are not dead, I definitely won't die." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will live longer than you. Although I am surprised, you didn't drink the wine I poisoned. But it doesn't matter, although those two idiots didn't do enough, they still poisoned you." Hei The figure in clothes said slowly.

"So confident?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I developed this poison myself. Unless you don't breathe, once you breathe, you will definitely be poisoned. You have at most 2 minutes to live." The figure in black said confidently.

"So if I tell you now that I'm still not poisoned, you definitely won't believe it... But it's okay, we can talk about other topics." Jiang Chen said.

"I have nothing to talk to you about." The figure in black said indifferently.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen asked directly as if he didn't hear the figure in black.

"Looking for death." The figure in black instantly became angry.

"I knew, you're so ugly, you definitely don't have a boyfriend." Jiang Chen touched his chin and said.

"Jiang Chen, after you die, I will cut you into pieces." The figure in black said through gritted teeth.

"Don't be so excited, we can actually chat like old friends." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Are you provoking me on purpose?" the figure in black asked forcefully.

"Of course not, the main reason is that I'm very interested in the Heavenly Medicine Sect now, so I want to learn more about the Heavenly Medicine School from you, so that I can destroy the Heavenly Medicine School someday when I have time." Jiang Dust said.

"Whimsical." The figure in black snorted coldly.

"You still have to have dreams, otherwise what's the difference between you and salted fish?" Jiang Chen asked back, and said casually, "You definitely won't mind telling me how many people have come to the Heavenly Medicine Sect this time, right?"

"To deal with you, the three of us are enough." The figure in black said coldly.

"It's a pity." Jiang Chen said, his regret was beyond words.

"Pretending to be a ghost." The figure in black said bluntly.

"Two minutes have passed." Jiang Chen reminded leisurely.


It was fine if Jiang Chen didn't say those words, but when Jiang Chen said those words, the expression of the figure in black changed drastically in an instant.

Because the white powder sprinkled by the young man was developed by herself, she knows better than anyone else the onset time and onset reaction of such poison.

Now that 2 minutes have passed, Jiang Chen has nothing to do. It has to be said that it is beyond her expectation, it is hard to believe.

"Don't be nervous, this just means that we have more time to chat." Jiang Chen comforted.

The black-clothed figure was flustered in the wind, what did Jiang Chen mean by this, and how did he comfort her?

If it wasn't for knowing that he had an ugly face, the figure in black couldn't help wondering if Jiang Chen had taken a fancy to her.

Immediately, it just feels wrong.

Jiang Chen was not consoling, he was clearly mocking her in disguise.

"Jiang Chen, die to me." The black-clothed figure was furious, and with a movement of both hands, dozens of silver needles burst out, enveloping Jiang Chen like a gust of rain.

"I really want to have a good chat with you, why are you in such a hurry to die." Jiang Chen sighed, very upset.

After all, if he wanted to kill the woman in black, he would have already killed the woman in black when she appeared.

Not killing her is to save her life, just to chat about the situation of the Heavenly Medical Sect, such a small wish, the figure in black is unwilling to grant it, which naturally makes Jiang Chen very unhappy.

With a casual grab, a silver needle was caught in his palm.

The figure was fleeting, and the silver needles filled the sky, which had no effect on Jiang Chen. In the next second, Jiang Chen appeared in front of the figure in black. With a flick of the silver needle in his hand, it was sent into the heart of the figure in black without error. .

With a "bang", the figure in black fell straight to the ground without making a sound.

"Today, the medical school is quite good at using poison, but their strength is not very good at all. If we have time, we really have to destroy it." After killing the figure in black, Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Counting this time, it was the second time that Jiang Chen had dealt with people from the Heavenly Medicine Sect head-on. Without exception, the other party's cultivation was very low.

Of course, it is said that he is good at using poison, but such a method of using poison is not enough for Jiang Chen to take it to heart. His dabble in the path of medicine is so complicated, and he is just a small ancient martial arts sect. Comparable?

It's just that for these people, letting them stay in this world is always a disaster, and what is invisible is pure. Jiang Chen has already launched a murderous plan against the entire sect.

Jiang Chen killed three people one after another, and many passing drivers saw it, causing panic. Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone, called Brother Dao, and asked Brother Dao to bring someone to deal with it, and sent his car to repair.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen hailed a taxi and went to Guilanyuan Villa.

Twenty minutes later, just after Jiang Chen entered the villa, Lin Baobao walked over, holding a pair of slippers in his hand, and said courteously, "Jiang Chen, you are back."

"What's the situation?" Jiang Chen was confused.

"Don't pay attention to her, this woman is out of her mind." Tang Tian pulled Jiang Chen past her, and directly pulled Jiang Chen in without changing her shoes. Pushed down on the bed...

(End of this chapter)

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