genius evil

Chapter 791 It's a big loss this time

Chapter 791 It's a big loss this time

In terms of the relationship between men and women, Tang Tian has always been very proactive.

But obviously, Tang Tian tonight is more active than ever before.

"Xiao Tiantian, are you out of your mind too?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Hmph, that woman, Baobao Lin, is thinking about you all day long. I'm planning for a rainy day." Tang Tian said.

"What does this have to do with Baby Lin's idea of ​​me?" Jiang Chen asked curiously as he supported Tang Tian's slender waist so that Tang Tian could be in a more comfortable posture while doing exercises.

"First, I'm worried that you won't be able to stand the temptation of Lin Baobao, and you'll be seduced into bed by her. Second, I'm even more worried that Lin Baobao won't be able to stand your temptation, and will force himself on you, Overlord." Tang Tian said softly. Panting, said while breaking fingers.

"Undoubtedly, the second possibility is a bit more likely," Jiang Chen said.

"That's right, I'm just worried about the second situation, so I'm going to squeeze you dry now. After I squeeze you dry, Baby Lin won't be able to forcefully attack you, Overlord." Tang Sweet nodded.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"If I can't do it for a while, call Shuang'er up again. In short, I can't be succeeded by that woman, Baobao Lin." Tang Tian said, panting a little louder.

Regarding Jiang Chen's combat power, after so many visits, Tang Tian is very clear. Under normal circumstances, she and Shuang'er must be together to satisfy Jiang Chen.

And more often, even if she and Shuang'er were together, Jiang Chen might not be satisfied.

But in order not to be succeeded by Lin Baobao, Tang Tian made up her mind to squeeze Jiang Chen dry even if she was exhausted to death.

Otherwise, what if Lin Baobao really took the bow of Jiang Chen's Overlord?
What Tang Tian didn't expect was that even if Lin Baobao wanted to forcefully attack Jiang Chen's Overlord, as long as Jiang Chen was unwilling, Lin Baobao would not be able to succeed no matter what.

In other words, Jiang Chen just said that the second possibility is more likely, which is a huge lie. It should be said that the first possibility is more correct.

Perhaps it was because of her prejudice against Lin Baobao, Tang Tian's performance tonight was extraordinarily good, after a full hour of tossing, she was really exhausted, and this was her defeat.

"Shuang'er, come upstairs." Tang Tian was so tired that she didn't even want to move her fingers. After the unprecedented joy, there was unprecedented fatigue.

"Shuang'er, Xiao Tiantian is calling you." Baby Lin said to Shuang'er when she heard Tiantian's voice.

"I'll go up and have a look." Shuang'er said, a little embarrassed.

It wasn't the first time she served Jiang Chen with Tang Tian, ​​and she couldn't be more clear about what Tang Tian asked her to go upstairs at this time.

It's just that because of Baobao Lin's presence, I feel embarrassed.

"Wait..." Lin Baobao grabbed Shuang'er and asked, "Xiao Tiantian's voice sounded very tired. I'll help you go up and have a look. If necessary, I'll ask you to go up."

"I'll just go up." Shuang'er said, feeling more and more embarrassed, she knew why Tang Tian was tired.

"No, I'll go up first." Lin Baobao insisted, and after stabilizing Shuang'er, he twisted his little buttocks and ran upstairs.

Upstairs, the bedroom door was ajar. Lin Baobao stood at the door and looked into the bedroom through the slit. There was no light inside, so she couldn't see anything.

After hesitating for a moment, Baby Lin pushed open the door and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Baobao smelled a very strange smell. Just as he was thinking about what the smell was so strange, Tang Tian said on the bed: "Shuang'er, come here quickly, I'm going to die of exhaustion."

Lin Baobao hesitated again, silently, groping towards the bedside in the dark.

As soon as Lin Baobao walked out of the bed, two hands stretched out and pulled her onto the bed. At the same time, those two hands quickly took off the clothes on her body.

"Hey, Shuang'er, your waist seems to have gotten thicker." Tang Tian was the one who undressed Lin Baobao. It was obvious how painstaking she had been in order to prevent Lin Baobao from plotting against Jiang Chen.

Hearing what Tang Tian said, Baby Lin almost vomited blood.

Because what Tang Tian said means that Shuang'er's waist is much slender than hers, otherwise, you can feel the change without reaching out and touching it.

Lin Baobao is quite upset. Is her waist thick?

Obviously very slender and slender, okay, what kind of hand does Tang Tian feel?

Fortunately, Tang Tian didn't suspect anything, she only thought that Shuang'er had gained weight during this time, and urged: "Shuang'er, it's up to you next, I'm too tired, take a break, I'll continue later .”

Lin Baobao couldn't help being taken aback. Didn't it mean that doing that kind of thing between a man and a woman is very comfortable? Why is Tang Tian so tired?

Is it the wrong posture?
Or, Jiang Chen's cooperation is not good?

It doesn't seem right, it should be that Tang Tian doesn't cooperate well.

Tang Tian now has a lot of opinions on Lin Baobao. He guards Lin Baobao like a thief. Lin Baobao is also full of resentment towards Tang Tian. He will attack Tang Tian whenever he has the opportunity, and now is no exception.

After deciding that Tang Tian's cooperation was not good, Lin Baobao's unhappy mood improved a little.

In Lin Baobao's view, Tang Tian didn't cooperate well, which was like giving her an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Tang Tian groped and climbed onto Jiang Chen's body.

"Huh?" When Baobao Lin's two hands came over, Jiang Chen instantly sensed that something was wrong.

But before Jiang Chen found out what was wrong, Lin Baobao just sat down, and then, the sound of gasping for air came out, and Lin Baobao screamed loudly.

"Baby Lin?" Tang Tian, ​​who was a little tired, felt a little unwell when she heard the yelling, and quickly ran out of bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

"Woooo..." When the light was turned on, Baby Lin covered his face with his hands, feeling pain and embarrassment.

Then, the three people in this bedroom were all embarrassed.


Such an awkward atmosphere lasted until the next morning.

In the restaurant, the atmosphere is weird.

Shuang'er put the cooked millet porridge on the table, glanced at Tang Tian, ​​then at Lin Baobao, finally landed on Jiang Chen, and blinked.

"It's breakfast, aren't you hungry?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Not hungry." Tang Tian said coldly.

"I'm hungry." Lin Baobao picked up a spoon to serve himself porridge.

"Baby Lin, you are so hungry." Tang Tian said.

"I'm really hungry." Baby Lin said aggrieved.

"Don't eat it." Tang Tian's tone was very aggressive.

"I'm about to starve to death." Baobao Lin said anxiously, as if she would starve to death in a matter of minutes if she was not given food.

"Then forget about starving to death." Tang Tian has no sympathy at all.

In fact, it was no wonder that Tang Tian was so angry. She tried her best to prevent Lin Baobao from attacking the Jiang Chen Overlord, and almost broke her bones because of this.

Lin Baobao is good. Under her nose, she succeeded in stealing.

This made Tang Tian so angry that she had the urge to strangle Lin Baobao to death.

"Xiao Tiantian, why are you so heartless? Besides, you didn't cook this porridge." Baobao Lin said angrily.

"I bought the rice with money." Tang Tian said.

"Jiang Chen, go and buy me breakfast, I don't eat the rice porridge this woman bought." Baobao Lin said to Jiang Chen.

"No, and you, why do you want to order my man? Can you still show some face?" Tang Tian accused.

"It's also my man." Lin Baobao said confidently.

Saying this, Lin Baobao started giggling, no matter what, he finally managed to take Jiang Chen down. The process was not pleasant, but the ending was still very happy.

"Ah——" Tang Tian almost didn't go crazy, and rushed towards Baobao Lin.

Not to be outdone, Lin Baobao jumped at Tang Tian, ​​and the two women got into a mess.

"Master, are the two of them alright?" Shuang'er was confused and didn't understand what happened.

She thought to herself that it should be what happened after Baobao Lin went upstairs last night, but she never thought that Baobao Lin would be so courageous.

"It's okay." Jiang Chen greeted while drinking the porridge, "Shuang'er, you can eat too."

Tang Tian and Lin Baobao didn't really fight. First, the two girls are used to fighting. Usually, they always fight and fight, and it never stops. Second, Lin Baobao is still guilty in the final analysis, worried Tang Tian was really angry, her confidence was very weak, and she didn't dare to make too much trouble with Tang Tian.

"Baby Lin, listen carefully to me, don't call me Xiao Tiantian again." Tang Tian pressed Baobao Lin on the sofa and said fiercely.

"Okay, Sweetie." Baby Lin nodded vigorously.

"I told you not to call, but you still call." Tang Tian pinched Lin Baobao's face and said, "From now on, you will call me Da Furen and Shuang'er Second Madam. You are Jiang Chen's concubine, do you know?"

"Tang Tian, ​​you are deceiving people too much." Lin Baobao expressed that he couldn't bear it, turned over and pressed Tang Tian under him, and said, "Why am I Jiang Chen's concubine? I don't want to do it. My breasts are bigger than yours. , I am the eldest lady."

"Baby Lin, you're dreaming." Tang Tian bared her teeth, pinned Baby Lin again, and said, "If you don't agree, I'll let Jiang Chen kick you out."

"Jiang Chen wouldn't do that." Lin Baobao groaned, on this issue, he was very confident.

"Looking at you like this, if you don't have a figure or a good looks, you will soon lose your position as a concubine." Tang Tian threatened.

"Xiao Tiantian, you just envy me for being more beautiful than you, and envy me for having a better figure than you. No matter what you say, it's useless." Baby Lin said triumphantly. She still has a lot of confidence in her figure. confident.

"Master, you two... three..." Shuang'er sat drinking porridge with Jiang Chen, and after listening for a while, finally got a little clue.

Then Shuang'er was a little dumbfounded, no wonder Tang Tian was so angry.

You know, even though we knew that something would happen to Jiang Chen and Baobao Lin sooner or later, who would have thought that Baobao Lin would choose such an opportunity?

"Yeah, it's a big loss this time." Jiang Chen said heartbroken.

"Jiang Chen..." Tang Tian and Lin Baobao looked at Jiang Chen together and gritted their teeth.

"Uh, I'll answer the call, you two continue." Jiang Chen quickly got up and walked out, holding the phone and pretending to answer the call, but he didn't expect that the ringtone of the phone really rang at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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