genius evil

Chapter 792 Ding Lingling's Little Thoughts

Chapter 792 Ding Lingling's Little Thoughts

The call was from Ding Lingling.

Ding Lingling was injured and lay in the hospital for several days. After Jiang Chen treated her, the wound quickly improved. Ding Lingling felt that she could almost walk on the ground without affecting her normal life. discharge.

At this time, Ding Lingling called Jiang Chen to ask if Jiang Chen had time to pick her up and leave the hospital.

Jiang Chen naturally had time, and in the current situation, even if he didn't have time, he had to make time.

Internal conflicts need to be resolved internally.

In the final analysis, Baobao Lin's bold move last night, no matter how he expressed that he was at a disadvantage, he was the only one who took advantage of it.

He is a guy who has taken advantage of it. If he joins in, it is inappropriate. Tang Tian and Lin Baobao can only solve it by themselves.

It's not a big problem. Discuss the ranking of who is big and who is small, and the flag will almost die down. Jiang Chen just decided to save some time for the second daughter. When Ding Lingling's affairs are settled, the second daughter is about to end the civil war. .

Taking a random car key, Jiang Chen drove out.

When Jiang Chen showed up at the hospital, Ding Lingling had asked someone to complete the discharge procedures and was waiting for him in the ward.

"Jiang Chen, you're finally here. Come on, we're going to be suffocated when we leave here." Seeing Jiang Chen appear, Ding Lingling said impatiently.

"Have you had breakfast? If you haven't, I'll take you to eat something first, and then send you home." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Okay, okay." Ding Lingling nodded quickly, anyway, she just needs to get out of here quickly, smelling the smell of disinfectant every day, Ding Lingling was almost depressed to death.

Ding Lingling could already walk on the ground, but her legs and feet were still weak. Jiang Chen helped Ding Lingling out of the ward, and the two took the elevator downstairs.

After going downstairs, just as he stepped out of the elevator, a person walked towards him.

That person is Ding Honghou.

After Ding Lingling was hospitalized, Ding Honghou specially instructed the attending doctor to contact him 24 hours a day if anything happened.

Ding Lingling was about to be discharged from the hospital. Although his injuries had almost recovered, Ding Honghou was still a little worried. After all, a gunshot wound was not a trivial matter. If he accidentally left sequelae, it would be bad.

No, as soon as I received the doctor's call, I rushed over immediately.

Unexpectedly, when he rushed over, Jiang Chen was already here.

Ding Honghou thought that it should be Ding Lingling who called Jiang Chen, otherwise Jiang Chen would not have come so soon.

He was Ding Lingling's father, and Ding Lingling was going to be discharged from the hospital. He didn't call him but Jiang Chen, and he only found out that Jiang Chen was going to be discharged from the hospital through the attending doctor.

Obviously, in Ding Lingling's mind, Jiang Chen was more important than his father.

Although there are conflicts between father and daughter that are difficult to resolve, this situation still makes Ding Honghou feel sad to some extent.

After sorting out his mood, Ding Honghou said hello: "Jiang Shao."

"Director Ding." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Lingling, do you have to leave the hospital today? Do you want to stay for a few more days? Wait until the injury is completely healed?" After greeting Ding Honghou, he asked Ding Lingling.

"Don't worry about my affairs, don't be hypocritical in front of me, I look disgusting." Ding Lingling turned her head away without even looking at Ding Honghou.

Ding Honghou's eyes showed a hint of disappointment, and he said: "Lingling, don't make fun of your body, even if you are going to be discharged from the hospital, you have to wait for a comprehensive examination. If the examination results are not serious, I will not prevent you from leaving the hospital."

"Where am I joking? Am I just a joke?" Ding Lingling said, gently tugging at Jiang Chen, motioning Jiang Chen to take her away.

"Director Ding, let's go first." Jiang Chen understood and said.

Ding Honghou was helpless, took out a business card and handed it to Jiang Chen, saying: "Jiang Shao, if there is any situation, call me anytime, I will rush over."

"Nothing will happen. Put away your hypocrisy. I don't need it. Also, even if I die, you don't have to worry about it." Ding Lingling snatched the business card, tore it into pieces, and threw it away. on the ground.

The sense of loss in Ding Honghou's eyes was even stronger, but he didn't say much, he sighed and let out the way.

Jiang Chen helped Ding Lingling go out, without saying much or asking, there was a conflict between Ding Lingling and Ding Honghou's father and daughter, he didn't know what the conflict was, if Ding Lingling wanted to tell him, he would take the initiative to mention it, If Ding Lingling doesn't want to say it, it's useless to ask.

The car stopped at the gate of the hospital. Jiang Chen helped Ding Lingling get into the car and drove away.

Ding Lingling sat in the car, her eyes were empty, she didn't know what to think, after a while, she said: "Jiang Chen, I'm hungry, didn't you say take me to have breakfast?"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I'll take you to eat some good food to nourish your body."

Jiang Chen drove Ding Lingling around and found a breakfast shop. After breakfast, he sent Ding Lingling back to his residence.

"Jiang Chen, I suddenly remembered something, what about lunch and dinner?" Entering the room, Ding Lingling nestled on the sofa and asked Jiang Chen.

"Order takeaway." Jiang Chen said.

"I've been eating takeaways in the hospital. I'm about to throw up. I don't want to eat takeaways anymore." Ding Lingling was not happy.

"You can order a better takeaway." Jiang Chen smiled.

"The better takeaway is also takeaway, which is unhygienic and greasy. I want to eat something lighter." Ding Lingling said.

"Then order a better takeaway." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Stop talking about takeout, I'm a little sick." Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes and asked, "Do you have anything else to do today?"

"It's fine for now." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

During this period of time, the biggest problem is the problem of Feifei Medical Beauty Company. Right now, after being guided, all kinds of public opinions on the Internet are overwhelmingly inclined towards Feifei Medical Beauty Company.

It is one thing for Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company to change from being hacked to being a victim. It is one thing to further expand the company's popularity. The future sales market will inevitably become more popular.

In addition, the threat comes from the Heavenly Medicine Sect.

However, the Heavenly Medicine Sect fell into the sand twice, and if he was smart enough, it should stop for a while. For the time being, Jiang Chen has nothing else to deal with.

"Then can you stay and cook for me?" Ding Lingling said expectantly.

"I cook?" Jiang Chen thought he had heard wrong.

"Yeah, you're fine anyway... I was injured, it would be a pity if I couldn't eat something delicious." Ding Lingling said pitifully.

"Okay, I promise you." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"Great, then go shopping now, I don't cook here, and there is nothing in the refrigerator." Ding Lingling said happily.

"Little girl, you are really willing to order me around." Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he turned around and went out to buy vegetables.

Jiang Chen went to buy vegetables, Ding Lingling stood up from the sofa and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, Ding Lingling stared at the mirror, looking and looking.

His face looked a little pale, with a little less pink color, and his skin was a little dry due to blood loss from the injury.

However, none of these affected Ding Lingling's good mood.

Jiang Chen was going to cook for her for the whole day, and even went to buy vegetables. Thinking about it, Ding Lingling was overjoyed.

You know, the reason why she said not to eat takeaway food was just to find an excuse for herself to keep Jiang Chen, but she didn't really expect Jiang Chen to buy her vegetables and cook for her.

Although Jiang Chen was reluctant, he finally agreed, which made Ding Lingling feel better than ever.

Because this means that in Jiang Chen's heart, she still has a certain place, otherwise, how could a guy as proud as Jiang Chen be willing to buy and cook for a woman?

Thinking about the scene of Jiang Chen wearing an apron busy in the kitchen after he came back from buying vegetables, Ding Lingling grinned and laughed non-stop.

The appearance of a woman is the one who pleases herself, and her image is still very important.

While Jiang Chen was going to buy vegetables, Ding Lingling took a shower first, and then did a meticulous facial treatment. After she regained her radiant face, Jiang Chen finally came back from grocery shopping.

Ding Lingling was wearing home clothes and sitting on the sofa watching TV. When she saw Jiang Chen pushing the door in, she got up and poured water for Jiang Chen, and said with a smile: "Jiang Chen, Young Master Jiang, thank you for your hard work, drink some water .”

Apart from Ding Lingling's reason, Jiang Chen would agree to stay to buy vegetables and cook. It was also because of Ding Honghou's reason.

Ding Honghou's appearance made Ding Lingling very unhappy. Jiang Chen felt that if he could do a little thing to make Ding Lingling happy, he would naturally not mind.

Ding Lingling's mood didn't seem to be affected by Ding Honghou, Jiang Chen felt a little relieved, took the water cup that Ding Lingling handed over, and took a sip of water.

After Jiang Chen finished drinking the water, Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen the apron he had prepared earlier, and said, "Jiang Chen, you can cook now, I'm hungry again."

"Eat the apple." Jiang Chen took a freshly bought apple and threw it to Ding Lingling.

"I don't want to eat apples, so hurry up and cook." Ding Lingling urged, she couldn't wait to see Jiang Chen wearing an apron.

"Little girl, are you alright?" Jiang Chen asked speechlessly.

It's only a little past nine o'clock, and it hasn't been an hour since breakfast, yet Ding Lingling is hungry again?

"It's okay, I'm just hungry." Ding Lingling blinked, so as not to admit her bad taste.

"Just wait." Jiang Chen didn't think too much, walked into the kitchen with the dishes in his hand, tied the apron on his body, and then cleaned up the dishes and got busy.

"It seems very professional." Ding Lingling stood at the door of the kitchen and looked at it, saying in her heart.

She herself is not good at cooking, and usually either does not eat, or uses fast food to deal with it. Judging from Jiang Chen's series of actions, not to mention whether the food Jiang Chen made is delicious or not, at least it is better than hers. Much more professional.

Jiang Chen was very fast, busy with the things in hand in an orderly manner. Half an hour later, when the rice in the rice cooker was cooked, the three dishes and one soup were served on the table.

Even watching Jiang Chen wash and chop vegetables and stir-fry vegetables with his own eyes, Ding Lingling was still stunned when Jiang Chen brought three dishes and one soup to the table...

(End of this chapter)

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