genius evil

Chapter 793 We Didn't Live Together

Chapter 793 We Didn't Live Together
"Jiang Chen, do you really know how to cook?" Ding Lingling murmured.

Except that Ding Lingling didn't really expect Jiang Chen to stay to buy vegetables and cook for her, she never expected Jiang Chen's cooking skills to be so good.

Because she didn't have too high expectations, Ding Lingling felt that as long as Jiang Chen cooked the dishes, she would eat them even with her eyes closed, and she would definitely not discourage Jiang Chen's enthusiasm.

Of course, if it was really unpalatable, it would be enough for her to eat at most one or two bites of each dish.

Anyway, she didn't really want to eat Jiang Chen's cooking, she just wanted Jiang Chen to spend more time with her.

The reality was obviously far beyond her expectations.

The level of Jiang Chen's cooking, of course, can't be judged by cookedness. Looking at a few dishes with delicious flavors, just looking at them is enough to make people's index fingers twitch.

"Otherwise, how did these three dishes and one soup come about?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

Ding Lingling didn't have the mood to talk at the moment, she couldn't wait to taste the taste of these few dishes Jiang Chen made, after sitting down, she picked up the chopsticks, picked some up, put it in her mouth, and tasted it.

"Delicious." Taking a bite, Ding Lingling's eyes lit up, and the chopsticks in his hand moved quickly.

"Eat slowly, I'll wash my hands first." Jiang Chen said, and went to the kitchen.

Jiang Chen tidied up the kitchen a bit and washed his hands. When he walked out of the kitchen, he saw that the four dishes on the table were almost eaten by Ding Lingling.

"Little girl, haven't you thought about saving some for me?" Jiang Chen asked with black lines all over his head.

Since it wasn't long after breakfast, when Jiang Chen was cooking just now, he thought about making three dishes and one soup, which should be almost enough. After all, Ding Lingling definitely wouldn't be able to eat much, most of it was to be kept for himself. food.

But what's the situation?
He just washed his hands, how long has it been, Ding Lingling is almost wiped out, are you so hungry?

"Jiang Chen, I'm sorry, it's really delicious, why don't you cook a few more dishes?" Looking at her record, Ding Lingling's face was red, but she said with a smile.

Ding Lingling wasn't hungry at first, but Jiang Chen's cooking was so delicious, it aroused her appetite all of a sudden, and she didn't think about it at all. In fact, asking Jiang Chen to cook was to tease Jiang Chen Bad taste.

"Forget it, I'm not hungry, eat all you like." Jiang Chen smiled.

"That's what you said, don't blame me for eating alone." Ding Lingling squinted and smiled, as if Jiang Chen Jiang Chen would snatch her up, speeding up the sweep.

A few minutes later, Ding Lingling burped contentedly, touched her swollen belly and said, "Jiang Chen, it's all your fault. If I eat your dishes every day, I will definitely gain weight."

"Just today." Jiang Chen said in a quite sure tone.

This woman actually wants to order him to cook every day, it's too beautiful.

"Then what should I do tomorrow?" Ding Lingling became annoyed, looking at Jiang Chen with big eyes full of expectation.

"You can be hungry." Jiang Chen reminded.

"Jiang Chen, why are you so heartless, don't forget, I'm a patient." Ding Ling said angrily.

Jiang Chen didn't say a word, he took out the silver needle casually, pierced Ding Lingling's leg a few times through his trousers, and then said leisurely: "Okay, you are no longer a patient. Quickly clear the table, Then wash the dishes."

"What did you do to me? It didn't hurt at all, but now it hurts so much because you stabbed me." Ding Lingling said pretendingly, she didn't want to wash the dishes.

"I decided to order takeaway for dinner." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"I'm going to wash the dishes." Ding Lingling jumped up from the sofa suddenly, her movements were so flexible, she didn't look like a patient at all.

Cleaned up the table, took the dishes to the kitchen, turned on the faucet, Ding Lingling was cleaning quickly.

"Something's wrong." After washing the dishes for a while, Ding Lingling moved her left foot, and the pain was gone, as if she had never been injured before.

The reason why Ding Lingling didn't feel right was because after she was discharged from the hospital, she still had a slight pain in her left leg, but the pain was not too obvious, and because she was too boring in the hospital, that's why she decided to leave the hospital.

Now, that little pain is gone.

Ding Lingling raised her trouser leg and looked at it, and she saw that the scars on her legs seemed to have faded a lot.

"This damn guy cheated so he wouldn't cook for me. It's too hateful." Ding Ling's teeth itch.

"No, if it's like this, maybe Jiang Chen really won't make me dinner." Thinking about it, Ding Lingling was really worried.

The food made by Jiang Chen is still very delicious. Although it is not as good as the restaurant's chef, for Ding Lingling, it is also very, very good.

The most important thing is that Jiang Chen cooked for her with his own eyes.

Ding Lingling thought to herself, among so many women around Jiang Chen, no one has ever had such an honor, right?

Thinking that if Jiang Chen knew that she was really fine and the dinner was about to fail, Ding Lingling couldn't help feeling a little anxious. She felt that that kind of situation must not be allowed to happen.

"What should I do?" Ding Lingling quickly thought of a solution.

In terms of Jiang Chen's personality, Ding Lingling thought it was impossible to force Jiang Chen to cook for her, the only way to do it was to let Jiang Chen take the initiative.

However, Ding Lingling thought about how to make Jiang Chen take the initiative, but couldn't figure it out, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Little girl, are you going to open the door or should I?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Go and open the door, I haven't washed the dishes yet." Ding Lingling said casually.

Jiang Chen just walked over and opened the door. As soon as the door was opened, two girls outside the door looked at Jiang Chen and giggled.

Jiang Chen took a look, it was very strange.Looking at it again, it was still very strange, and she knew that she was not looking for her, so she said to Ding Lingling: "Little girl, someone is looking for you."

Ding Lingling finally washed the dishes, dried her hands and came out. Seeing the two girls, she said happily, "Xiaoqun, Xiaozhen, come in and sit down, both of you."

The two girls entered the door under Ding Lingling's greeting, and when they sat down, Ding Lingling said to Jiang Chen in the role of hostess: "Jiang Chen, there are guests here, why don't you go?" pour water."

Jiang Chen smiled and poured two glasses of water over.

The girl called Xiaoqun took a sip of water and said enviously: "Lingling, your boyfriend treats you so well."

"Yeah, it's okay to be nice to you, and you're so handsome, I'm so envious of you." Xiaozhen said.

"There's nothing to be envious of, just pour some water." Ding Lingling said nonchalantly, but she was really happy.

"Anyway, your boyfriend is so handsome, the water he poured for us seems to taste much better." Xiaoqun obviously had a tendency to be a nympho, and while talking, he secretly looked at Jiang Chen.

"Hey, Xiaoqun, don't try to poach my corner, or I won't let you go." Seeing this, Ding Lingling immediately became vigilant.

Xiaoqun smiled and said, "You are a policeman, how dare I poach your corner, but you certainly don't mind, Xiaozhen and I will have lunch at your place."

Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen live on the opposite side of Ding Lingling, because they are girls, they usually walk around. When Jiang Chen bought vegetables and went upstairs, Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen saw it.

At this time, I came to visit, on the one hand, to see Ding Lingling's "boyfriend", and on the other hand, to grab a meal, of course, the latter is the key point.

"But we have already had lunch." Ding Lingling said.

"Have you eaten so early?" Xiaoqun was taken aback for a moment. Doesn't this mean that the meal was declared a failure before it even started?
"I didn't have enough breakfast, so I ate a little early." Ding Lingling explained, and at the end, lest the second daughter would not believe it, she said again: "When you knocked on the door just now, I was washing the dishes."

"Xiaozhen, did you hear that we came late, we said we would come here earlier, but you have to wait." Xiaoqun just complained.

"Who knew that Lingling would eat so early, but it's okay, we will have a lot of opportunities to eat in the future." Xiaozhen comforted.

Ding Lingling was depressed and thought about it after today. I don't know when I will be able to eat Jiang Chen's food again. How can the two of you eat together?

"That's right, Lingling, you are going to live with your boyfriend, right? Then we come to have dinner later, you are not allowed to open the door, at worst we pay for some food expenses, by the way, I absolutely do not Will poach your corner, although your boyfriend is really handsome." Xiaoqun said.

"No cohabitation." Ding Lingling said immediately.

Thinking that Jiang Chen had so many troublesome things to explain after being misunderstood as her boyfriend, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he should have said that Jiang Chen was not her boyfriend, although Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen would definitely not believe it. , even if he reluctantly believed it, with Xiaoqun's nympho character, if Jiang Chen got his idea, things would undoubtedly be more troublesome.

"Lingling, don't be embarrassed. It's normal to live together these days. Besides, if you don't live together, how can you know whether it's suitable or not?" Xiaoqun said.

"I really don't live together." Ding Lingling said with a bitter face.

"Handsome guy, it looks like Lingling is not ready to live with you yet, you have to keep working hard." Xiaoqun clenched her fists and said cheeringly.

"I'm so handsome, she will live with me sooner or later." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen looked at each other, and said together, "Lingling, your boyfriend is so humorous."

Ding Lingling wanted to vomit blood a little bit. She admitted that Jiang Chen was indeed a very humorous guy, but where did the sentence he said just now reflect the point of humor?

Even if Jiang Chen is handsome, Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen can't open their eyes and talk nonsense, right?
Could this be the so-called, as long as you are handsome, no matter what you do is right?
After sitting for about ten minutes, Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen left regretfully, saying that they would come again for dinner next time. Ding Lingling sent the guests away, closed the door, turned around, and said angrily to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, why did you say that? If so, it’s all right now, Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen misunderstood the relationship between you and me.”

"Isn't this exactly what you want?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"What do I want?" Ding Lingling seemed even more puzzled, unable to understand what Jiang Chen was saying.

"I mean, didn't you want to live with me a long time ago? But unfortunately, I don't plan to give you a chance yet." Jiang Chen said.

"Go to hell." Ding Lingling grabbed a pillow from the sofa and threw it on Jiang Chen's body...

(End of this chapter)

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