genius evil

Chapter 794 A Very Pure Relationship Between Men and Women

Chapter 794 A Very Pure Relationship Between Men and Women
Some words, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

The appearance of Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen was just a small episode, but what the two daughters said was extraordinarily fascinating.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't have daydreams at all, and it was Ding Lingling who had a lot of daydreams.

In addition, when Jiang Chen said such words, Ding Lingling's face was reddened, and her face was scalding hot.

Speaking of which, the relationship between her and Jiang Chen, after getting along for such a long time, there is only a thin layer of window paper between each other that has not been pierced.

Xiaoqun and Xiaozhen almost punctured the window paper unintentionally.

But after all, it was a little bit worse.

If the window paper wanted to be pierced, Jiang Chen had to take the initiative.

What made Ding Lingling helpless was that Jiang Chen didn't seem to have any plans to pierce the window paper.

And although she didn't lack the courage to pierce the window paper, she had a lot of worries after all, and she didn't know what Jiang Chen was thinking.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing if it was her wishful thinking?
Jiang Chen didn't care about Ding Lingling's messy thoughts, he threw the pillow on the sofa and said, "Little girl, I'm a little sleepy, let's sleep for a while."

"Go to sleep, I'll watch TV." Ding Lingling said.

Last night, because of Lin Baobao's joining, Tang Tian acted as if she had taken a stimulant. The direct result was that Jiang Chen didn't even have time to close his eyes all night. ,

Jiang Chen was really sleepy to some extent, entered the bedroom, lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

"Really asleep?" Ding Lingling looked around in the living room and saw Jiang Chen lying motionless on the bed, as if he had really fallen asleep. Out of curiosity, she got up and tiptoed into the bedroom.

Standing at the head of the bed, Ding Lingling looked at Jiang Chen, wrinkled her nose, and muttered, "It's just cooking a meal, are you so tired?"

While talking, Ding Lingling covered her lips and yawned a little.

She has been in the hospital during this period of time, and she hasn't had a good rest, and because of the injury, her energy is not good.

At this time, seeing Jiang Chen sleeping so soundly, Ding Lingling wanted to sleep too.

But soon Ding Lingling became distressed. She lived in a single apartment with one bedroom and one living room, and there was no extra room at all.

Now that the bed is taken by Jiang Chen, she can't sleep on the sofa, right?

"No, I don't want to sleep on the sofa." Ding Lingling said to herself.

After thinking about it, Ding Lingling just wanted to wake Jiang Chen up and let Jiang Chen sleep on the sofa, but he couldn't bear it. The most important thing was that Ding Lingling was worried that if Jiang Chen was allowed to sleep on the sofa, Jiang Chen would go on strike and not cook her dinner.

"What should we do? Do we want to sleep together?" Ding Lingling said with a bitter face.

The bed was very big, Jiang Chen slept on the bed alone, and didn't take up much space, by some coincidence, Ding Lingling suddenly felt that it would be good for the two of them to sleep together.At least, it's more comfortable than sleeping on the sofa, isn't it?

Therefore, Ding Lingling took off her shoes, climbed onto the bed lightly, and lay down beside Jiang Chen.

After lying down, Ding Lingling suddenly felt drowsy. Ding Lingling felt that her eyelids were as heavy as lead, and she almost couldn't open them. She yawned a little again, and fell asleep unconsciously. .


About five or six hours later, in the bedroom, there were suddenly three screams, one louder than the other. If they didn't know it, they would almost think that someone was killing a pig.

It was Ding Lingling who screamed. Ding Lingling hadn't gotten up yet, she was still lying on the bed, to be precise, she was lying in Jiang Chen's arms.

And Jiang Chen's two hands, but unceremoniously, hugged her tightly.

If that's all, it's fine. The biggest problem is that the place where Jiang Chen's two hands are hugging is too sensitive, so sensitive that Ding Lingling can even feel the temperature of Jiang Chen's palm.

"Little girl, what's your ghost name?" Jiang Chen was very dissatisfied and had to open his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, what did you do to me?" Ding Lingling was terrified.

"Didn't do anything." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Then why am I in your arms, and your hand..." Ding Lingling said with a sad face.

"Little girl, don't you think that you should ask yourself this question?" Jiang Chen reminded, not to mention that Ding Lingling's chest is a little small, but the hand feels quite good.

"Ah..." Then, the fourth scream came from Ding Lingling's throat, piercing the eardrums, and then Ding Lingling slid out of bed, ran out of the bedroom, and hurried into the bedroom. The restrooms are all shameless.

Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, Ding Lingling could clearly see that her face was as red as if she had been burned, even her neck was red.

"How could this happen?" Ding Lingling muttered to herself, her heart was beating so hard that it was about to jump out of her throat.

Ding Lingling knew that she was dishonest in her sleep, and sometimes she ran all over the bed when she fell asleep, but Ding Lingling never expected that she would sleep in Jiang Chen's arms.

What's more terrible is that Jiang Chen didn't take the initiative to hug her, but she grabbed Jiang Chen's two hands and hugged herself.

"It's too shameful." Ding Lingling said, deeply ashamed.

Ding Lingling dawdled in the bathroom for about ten minutes before pushing the door out, while Jiang Chen was already preparing dinner in the kitchen.

Because Ding Lingling could eat too much, Jiang Chen decided to cook all the dishes he bought. There were six dishes in total, which was not a small project.

It took about fifty minutes before Jiang Chen brought the five dishes to the table.

"Little girl, eat." Jiang Chen greeted.

"Jiang Chen, I think it is necessary to explain." Ding Lingling hesitated and said, otherwise, what should Jiang Chen do if he decides that she wants to take advantage of him?
She had to tell Jiang Chen that she ran to sleep on the bed because there was only one bed, and it was definitely not to take advantage of Jiang Chen. As for Jiang Chen taking advantage of her, she didn't care about it.

Smiling, Jiang Chen looked into Ding Lingling's eyes and asked, "Explain what? Don't worry, I won't make you responsible for me."

"I never thought of being responsible to you." Ding Lingling snorted.

"That's fine, let's eat." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

Ding Lingling was suddenly pissed off. It took her a lot of effort to muster up the courage. What kind of reaction was Jiang Chen doing?Is it a bad thing to make her responsible?
No, why should she be responsible for Jiang Chen? If he had to be responsible, Jiang Chen should be responsible for her, right?

"I haven't said clearly yet, don't eat it, you should be responsible to me." Ding Lingling said.

"So, are you planning to tell me that the reason you ran to the bed was to lure me into committing a crime on purpose, and then to be responsible to you?" Jiang Chen said leisurely.

Ding Lingling gritted her teeth and said, "Even if I seduce you, is this the reason for your crime?"

"Little girl, you are fishing for law enforcement." Jiang Chen said with an aggrieved face.

"So what? You must be responsible to me." Ding Lingling said triumphantly. If Jiang Chen hadn't mentioned it, she would have forgotten that there is such a thing as fishing law enforcement.

When Jiang Chen said this, he just found a perfect reason for her.

"Little girl, I just casually touched you twice, and you let me take responsibility. I definitely don't want to suffer such a big loss, unless..." Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

"There is nothing unless or not, you just need to know that from today onwards, I will be your girlfriend." Before Jiang Chen could finish speaking, Ding Lingling was interrupted, who cares so much, officially announced , with a serious and serious face.

"Okay, girlfriend, shouldn't it be time to eat?" Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing.

Ding Lingling also laughed happily and said: "Boyfriend, you have worked hard, eat more."

Tired of eating a meal crookedly, Ding Lingling tidied up and washed the dishes very consciously, and then, when Jiang Chen left, very proactively sent Jiang Chen out.

"Lingling, are you going out?" Xiaoqun just went out to take out the trash, saw the two of them, and asked.

"No, Jiang Chen is going back, I'll see him off." Ding Lingling said happily.

"Aren't you going to stay overnight?" Xiaoqun was a little gossip.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are a very pure relationship between a man and a woman." Ding Lingling said, it was just sleeping together, nothing happened, it was really pure.

"Is there a pure relationship between male and female friends?" Xiao Qun expressed confusion.

Ding Lingling was right when she thought about it, she was Jiang Chen's girlfriend now, watching Jiang Chen enter the elevator, Ding Lingling patted her head belatedly, that was a regret.

Jiang Chen went downstairs and walked towards the car park, but he didn't get into his own car, but knocked on the window glass of the car next to him.

The glass fell, revealing a face, it was Ding Honghou.

"Director Ding has been here for a whole day. It can be said that he has put in good intentions, but sometimes, should he think about what the other party really needs?" Jiang Chen said with a faint smile. After saying this, he did not wait for Ding Honghou to reply. Turned around and got in the car to leave.

Ding Honghou fell silent.

After Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling left the hospital, he couldn't feel relieved, so he drove over. He spent the whole day squatting in the car, and didn't even eat a meal except for drinking a few sips of water.

The rift between father and daughter is constantly widening. It's not that Ding Honghou didn't want to make up for it, and he is also making up for it with his own actions.

Jiang Chen's words made Ding Honghou understand that no matter what he does, it has nothing to do with anyone else if he thinks it is right or wrong. It's what he needs to do.

After figuring out this link, Ding Honghou was relieved. He didn't continue to squat, and drove away, but he didn't see it. The upstairs window and the curtains were opened a thin slit. Ding Lingling happened to see him driving away. In one scene, the corners of his eyes were slightly red.

Not long after Jiang Chen was driving on the road, a call came in. Seeing that the caller ID was Sister Mi, Jiang Chen picked it up.

"Jiang Chen, Si Chen and I will arrive in Tiannan City tomorrow morning, you come to pick up the plane." Sister Mi said, not giving Jiang Chen a chance to refuse, and hung up instantly...

(End of this chapter)

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