genius evil

Chapter 795

Chapter 795

Around eleven o'clock in the morning, the flight from Beijing to Tiannan City landed slowly at Tiannan City International Airport.

Following the flow of people, two figures walked slowly towards the exit.

These are two women. The two women are fully armed, covering themselves tightly from head to toe, with peaked caps, sunglasses and masks.

"Sichen, we will stay in Tiannan City for a day and return to the capital tomorrow morning. Also, you have been busy with work recently and have not had a good rest. After meeting Jiang Chen for dinner, we will go back to the hotel Rest." While walking, a woman said, it was Miss Mi.

"Sister Mi, didn't you say three days?" Ye Sichen said softly.

"When we got on the plane before, I received a call. There was an important event that you had to attend, so I had to temporarily change the itinerary." Sister Mi said.

In fact, there is no important event, this is just a reason for Miss Mi.

This time she came to Tiannan City, she was totally unwilling in her heart, but Ye Sichen was too stubborn, she really had no choice, so she agreed to Ye Sichen.

But it's absolutely impossible for Ye Sichen to stay in Tiannan City for three days, one day at most.

One day later, no matter what, she had to trick Ye Sichen back to the capital.

For Ye Sichen, Jiang Chen was too dangerous. If he stayed for one more day, the danger would multiply. Sister Mi didn't dare to let Ye Sichen stay in Tiannan City for three days.

"I won't go back." Ye Sichen shook his head.

"Sichen, that event is really important, don't be childish." Sister Mi hurriedly urged.

"Sister Mi, you promised me that you would give me three days. If I want to go back, I will go back after three days." Ye Sichen said extremely firmly.

Hearing what Ye Sichen said, Miss Mi immediately felt helpless.

Ye Sichen seemed to be a blank sheet of paper, innocent and romantic, harmless to humans and animals, but this is often the case. What she believes is extremely difficult to change.

It seemed like this time, Ye Sichen insisted on coming to Tiannan City to meet Jiang Chen, even if she had good words to say, Ye Sichen couldn't change his mind.

Right now, Ye Sichen insists on staying for three days. Judging from this attitude, it cannot be changed. Sister Mi knows that if Ye Sichen cannot be satisfied, even if Ye Sichen is forcibly brought back to the capital, Ye Sichen reckons Also sneak out.In that case, without her watching from the side, the consequences would be even more unimaginable.

This couldn't help but make Sister Mi's teeth itch with hatred, of course she didn't hate Ye Sichen, but Jiang Chen.

God knows what kind of magical power Jiang Chen possessed to make Ye Sichen look like this. One must know that before Ye Sichen knew Jiang Chen, no matter how big or small it was, he was extremely obedient to her opinions.

"Sichen, when I called Jiang Chen last night, Jiang Chen said that he was very busy and probably didn't have much time to accompany you." Sister Mi said, and as a last resort, she shifted the conflict to Jiang Chen.

"Is it like this?" Ye Sichen frowned slightly, and just when Sister Mi thought Ye Sichen had finally wavered, she heard Ye Sichen chuckle and say: "It doesn't matter, he is so good, there must be many Things to do."

"Hmph, I don't think Jiang Chen is outstanding. There are so many men on the street, and if you pick one at random, they are more than a hundred times better than him." Sister Mi said coldly.

"Sister Mi, you have prejudice against Jiang Chen." Ye Sichen pointed out.

"I don't have any prejudice against him. I just think it's a great sadness that a man has no other specialties other than being handsome and cheap." Sister Mi stepped up her efforts to smear Jiang Chen.

"Sister Mi, it's because you don't know Jiang Chen well. Just these few days, you can try to learn more about Jiang Chen." Ye Sichen said with a smile.

After getting off the plane, thinking that he would see Jiang Chen soon, Ye Sichen was in an exceptionally good mood.

"I'm not interested in him." Sister Mi said with a dark face.

"Sister Mi, if you're not even interested in me, it only means that you're not interested in all the men in this world."

But just after Miss Mi's words fell, a joking voice came.

"Jiang Chen, you have to figure it out, I'm just not interested in you." The person who spoke was Jiang Chen. After hearing the sound, Miss Mi gave Jiang Chen a white look and said angrily.

Jiang Chen said that she was not interested in all the men in the world, as if she didn't like men but women, which made Miss Mi very angry.

Even if she has never talked about a boyfriend, her orientation in this regard is normal and can no longer be normal.

"Sister Mi, I can only say that if you still have even the slightest interest in men, you will be deeply interested in me." Jiang Chen smiled, and opened his arms as he spoke. .

"What are you going to do?" Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen vigilantly, and took a step back in fright.

As Sister Mi stepped back, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ye Sichen lightly pounced over and threw herself into Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Damn it." Sister Mi gritted her teeth angrily.

When Jiang Chen stretched out his arms, she thought Jiang Chen was going to hug her, and she was a little taken aback. After seeing Ye Sichen fall into Jiang Chen's arms, Miss Mi realized that Jiang Chen wanted to hug her. The hug was actually Ye Sichen.

Accidentally making a mistake made Sister Mi feel deeply ashamed, but the scene of Ye Sichen throwing himself into Jiang Chen's arms made Sister Mi deeply annoyed.

"Sichen, pay attention to your image." Gritting her teeth, Miss Mi reminded in a low voice, pulling Ye Sichen away from Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Silly Baitian, do you think it's necessary for Miss Mi to find a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen didn't care, and led the two girls outside, and said casually.

"Why?" Ye Sichen asked curiously.

"No reason, don't listen to his nonsense. Also, he likes to talk nonsense the most. No matter what he says, don't believe it. Think of him as letting go..." Sister Mi said, originally she wanted to say that Jiang Chen was farting, and when the words came to his lips, he felt indecent, so he took them back.

"Silly Baitian, don't you think that after Sister Mi finds a boyfriend, she won't always be in charge of you?" Jiang Chen urged, ignoring Sister Mi's attack.

Ye Sichen thought it made sense and nodded vigorously.

Seeing this, Miss Mi was so angry that she almost passed out.

She's always taking care of Ye Sichen, maybe she's still doing something wrong?
Under her supervision, Ye Sichen was flirting with Jiang Chen under her nose. If he didn't care about it, Jiang Chen might abduct Ye Sichen to where.

Unexpectedly, Ye Sichen actually agrees with Jiang Chen's point of view, which is a big blow to Miss Mi.

"Sichen, are you dissatisfied with me?" Sister Mi said bitterly.

"No, it's Miss Mi, you're not very satisfied with Jiang Chen." Ye Sichen said.

Sister Mi was attacked again, is it true that if she is dissatisfied with Jiang Chen, then Ye Sichen will be dissatisfied with her?

It is said that women are not allowed to stay in college, and girls are extroverted, and sooner or later their elbows will turn outward. At this moment, Miss Mi finally understood the true meaning of this sentence.

Jiang Chen drove the Range Rover, opened the door to let Ye Sichen and Miss Mi get in the car, and then drove towards the downtown area of ​​Tiannan City.

Sister Mi sat alone in the back seat, and seeing Ye Sichen sitting in the co-pilot, she felt an unprecedented feeling of isolation, which made Sister Mi even more remorseful. If she had known this earlier, she would have said nothing. He would not agree to Ye Sichen's coming to Tiannan City.

Looking through the rearview mirror, Jiang Chen saw all of Miss Mi's reactions in his eyes, and Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Ye Sichen took off his hat and mask, put away his sunglasses, revealed his delicate face, and said to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, Sister Mi is kind-hearted, but sometimes what she says is a bit too much, don't mind."

"Okay, I don't mind." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I'm here this time, and I plan to stay in Tiannan City with Sister Mi for three days, and then I have to go back to deal with work matters. You just take advantage of these few days to communicate with Sister Mi more, so there should be no more misunderstandings." Ye Si Chen said again, with a sincere tone.

"I have never had any misunderstandings with Sister Mi. Maybe Sister Mi has misunderstood me. I will clarify." Jiang Chen nodded.

Listening to the conversation between Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen, Sister Mi was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

She talks too much?
Did she misunderstand Jiang Chen?
No, it is not excessive at all, and there is no misunderstanding.

What Ye Sichen said made Sister Mi feel chilly, as if her daughter, who had been brought up with great difficulty, was offered by a pig.

"Jiang Chen, Sister Mi is the most important person in my life. You are my best friend. I don't like conflicts between you the most. Otherwise, if you are unhappy, I am also unhappy." Ye Si Chen sighed softly and said quietly.

"This—" Miss Mi was dumbfounded.

What Ye Sichen said, from Sister Mi's point of view, was all saying good things for Jiang Chen, making her slander and dissatisfied.

But it turned out that what Ye Sichen said meant something like this.

She didn't want to see conflicts between her and Jiang Chen, and she was using her own way to resolve the conflicts between her and Jiang Chen.

"Silly girl." Sister Mi said in her heart, her mood was extremely complicated, and she suddenly became a little suspicious. Did she do something wrong in preventing Ye Sichen from contacting Jiang Chen all this time?
Of course, this kind of regret is not regretting that he did something wrong, but Ye Sichen's behavior, like a child in the rebellious stage, the more he stops, the more he wants to do that.

Jiang Chen was also surprised that Ye Sichen would say something like this, he froze for a moment, and said, "Silly Baitian, don't worry, I will impress Sister Mi with my sincerity, and let her know that I am How excellent."

"Sister Mi will know how good you are." Ye Sichen laughed, his unparalleled beauty was like a flower slowly blooming.

Miss Mi secretly rolled her eyes.


Well, she admitted that Jiang Chen was excellent, if Jiang Chen wasn't overly playful and sentimental.

After the car returned to Tiannan City, Jiang Chen first took Ye Sichen and Miss Mi to have a meal, and then went to the hotel he had booked earlier.

After entering the hotel room, Ye Sichen wanted to take a shower and change clothes. As soon as Ye Sichen entered the bathroom, Miss Mi appeared in front of Jiang Chen, raising eyebrows and raising eyebrows: "Jiang Chen, you can go!"

(End of this chapter)

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