genius evil

Chapter 796 The Most Beautiful Flower in the World

Chapter 796 The Most Beautiful Flower in the World

"Sister Mi, is it really okay for you to do this to your face and your back?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"I discussed this matter with Si Chen. This time, I came here just to meet you and have a meal. Now that we have met, we have eaten the meal. Why don't you go and stay?" Sister Mi said confidently .

"Didn't Silly Baitian say why he came to Tiannan City?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"I have work matters to deal with, so I just met you by the way. Otherwise, what do you think? I thought I came here specially to find you? Don't be so affectionate here." Sister Mi said aggressively.

Jiang Chen sighed, and said, "No wonder I said stupidly, let you communicate with me, it seems that your misunderstanding of me is too deep."

"You're wrong. I don't have any misunderstandings about you, let alone prejudice. In addition, I admit that Si Chen has a crush on you, but this doesn't mean anything. At best, it's just a little girl's curiosity about the world. "Sister Mi said.

"So, you're not even as sweet as a fool." Jiang Chen said.

"What do you mean?" Miss Mi frowned.

"Even Silly Baitian is full of curiosity about this world, but you are not. Don't you feel like you have failed?" Jiang Chen teased.

"As I said, she's just a little girl, but I'm different. Any means and tricks of yours are invisible to me," Sister Mi said.

"Are you sure?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Very sure." Sister Mi said.

Following Sister Mi's words, Jiang Chen moved his right hand quickly, and a silver needle in his hand pierced Sister Mi's body a few times at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

After being pricked by the silver needle, Miss Mi didn't feel anything, she looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

"Sister Mi, have you ever heard a saying that if a man is extremely eager to get a woman, he has at least a hundred ways?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"Why, finally plan to show your true colors and have a showdown with me?" Sister Mi said.

"For me, if I want to get a woman, there are at least a thousand ways." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"It's just your self-righteousness." Sister Mi sneered, she thought that the method Jiang Chen said was nothing more than deceit and abduction.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, because I have already done a small experiment on you. The result of the experiment is whether you will take off your clothes in front of me." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"You're dreaming." Miss Mi was furious.

Taking the initiative to undress in front of Jiang Chen, who does Jiang Chen take her for?
How much did she despise herself to do that kind of thing?

But soon, Miss Mi realized that what she said was too full.

For some reason, Jiang Chen in front of her, with that extremely hateful smiling face, fell into her eyes, and quietly, she felt a little more cordial affection.

That good feeling emerged from the bottom of my heart, like a girl in a boudoir, looking forward to it, and finally looking forward to the return of her lover.

This kind of favor came out of nowhere, so that she was shocked. She shook her head vigorously, trying to get rid of such weird thoughts from her mind.

It turned out that it couldn't be done at all.

Her body began to become dry and hot, as if there was a fire burning, and the flame gradually became more and more vigorous. What burned was her reason, which quickly stimulated her lust.

Sister Mi didn't know what was wrong with her. Thinking of what Jiang Chen had said, she secretly wanted something bad, and hurriedly shifted her gaze away from Jiang Chen.

But her body was completely out of her control. The emotions that had been suppressed in her body for more than 20 years, along with the burning fire in her body, suddenly burst out in an incredible way.

She waited for relief, waited to vent.

Otherwise, it seemed that the flame would burn her whole body.

Sister Mi is wearing a white shirt with black pencil pants. She looks energetic and capable. Uncontrollably, Sister Mi stretched her hand in front of her and unbuttoned a shirt.

After one button was undone, Miss Mi involuntarily undid the second button, and then the third...

Before the third button was undone, Jiang Chen moved his right hand, and the silver needle between his fingers quickly pierced Miss Mi's body.

When the silver needle entered her body, Sister Mi felt as if she had been bitten by a mosquito. She lost her mind. At this moment, she regained consciousness. She lowered her head and saw that her shirt had unbuttoned two buttons, and her face turned pale.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Miss Mi was dumbfounded, looking at Jiang Chen's expression, it was like seeing a ghost.

"Do you believe it?" Jiang Chen asked lazily.

If he wanted to take advantage of Sister Mi, he would not stop Sister Mi's behavior at all. In that case, Sister Mi would have already taken off her shirt.

It's just a few injections, but the hallucinogenic effect brought about is enough to let Miss Mi know that the so-called thousand methods in his mouth are not alarmist.

"Why is this happening?" Sister Mi's mind is numb.

When she unbuttoned her shirt, although her sanity was lost, she had a clear perception of her every move.

Jiang Chen sat there completely motionless, she was the one who wanted to undress herself.

If Jiang Chen hadn't stopped her, she would have made a big fool of herself.

"There is no reason, as long as I think, I can do it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

Miss Mi fell silent for a moment.

What Jiang Chen said was not clear, but he understood it very well.

The implication was nothing more than telling her that if he really had something wrong with Ye Sichen, then he had plenty of ways to take Ye Sichen into his possession.

An extremely ridiculous thing happened to me. On this issue, no matter how much Sister Mi is unwilling to believe it, she still has to believe it.

"Then why are you so nice to Si Chen?" After a moment of silence, Sister Mi said silently.

Previously, in Sister Mi's opinion, the main reason why Jiang Chen was nice to Ye Sichen was because Ye Sichen was innocent and easy to deceive. The current situation made Sister Mi realize that it was not what she thought.

Jiang Chen said that for him, there are at least a thousand ways to get a woman. Whether this is an exaggeration, Miss Mi doesn't know.

However, only one method is needed, and it is actually enough, isn't it?
Smiling, Jiang Chen said: "To give a very simple example, if you like a flower very much, but unfortunately the blooming period of that flower is very short, and there will be people coveting that flower constantly, wanting to pick it up." ,what will you do?"

"I will stop everyone who picks the flowers, and find a way to prolong the flowering period." Without thinking about it, Miss Mi said.

"To me, Silly White Sweet is the most beautiful flower in the world, pure and white." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen in a daze. Was Jiang Chen saying that he was kind to Ye Sichen because he wanted to protect Ye Sichen?

Sister Mi didn't think there was anything wrong with comparing Ye Sichen to a flower.

As Ye Sichen's manager, Sister Mi is very clear about how many dirty things are behind a beautiful woman, especially when she is still a public figure.

Ye Sichen has always been well protected, thanks to her, to the company, and to the family that Ye Sichen belongs to.

However, there are too many people coveting this flower, and countless people are stretching out their hands, wanting to pick this flower away.

Of course, Ye Sichen is well protected now.

If, one day, all the forces around Ye Sichen were unable to protect her, what would happen?

Sister Mi shuddered, a little afraid to think about it.

Because, Miss Mi knew that if Jiang Chen was the one who wanted to pick the flowers, everyone around Ye Sichen would probably be helpless.

"You are a smart person, you know what I'm talking about." Jiang Chen said again.

"But how can you guarantee that you are not?" Sister Mi asked nana.

"Even if I am, there is nothing you can do, so you can only pray that I am not." Jiang Chen said firmly.


Ye Sichen took a little longer to take a shower this time, almost half an hour before he walked out of the bathroom.

Her hair has been washed and blown to half-dry, and she is wearing long red dresses. Her complexion is as white as cream, and her jet-black hair is casually scattered behind her head. She walks like an elf.

"Sister Mi, do you want to take a bath?" Ye Sichen asked.

"Okay...ok..." Miss Mi looked at Jiang Chen with a look of sorrow and resentment.

Jiang Chen's actions were too shocking and hard to digest. She wanted to be alone for a while, think about it, turned around, and went to the bathroom.

"Jiang Chen, how is your chat with Sister Mi going?" Ye Sichen sat down beside Jiang Chen and blinked.

She washed for a long time on purpose, deliberately leaving time and space for Jiang Chen and Sister Mi to chat. Earlier, she was worried that the two would quarrel, but luckily they didn't.

It's just that Miss Mi looked a little dazed, which made Ye Sichen puzzled.

"The chat was very pleasant. After getting to know me better, Sister Mi has been convinced by my personality charm." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Really?" Ye Sichen's eyes lit up, this was exactly the result she wanted, if Jiang Chen could live in peace with Sister Mi, it would be great for her.

"Of course it's true, you have to believe in my charm." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

Ye Sichen couldn't stop laughing, and started talking to Jiang Chen about other topics, such as the contents of letters written to her by fans, gifts from fans, etc., sharing interesting experiences in work and life.

Sister Mi came out of the shower and saw Ye Sichen happily talking to Jiang Chen. For the first time, she found that when Ye Sichen and Jiang Chen were together, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women looked extremely pleasing to the eye. The slightest inconsistency.

Putting aside her prejudices against Jiang Chen, she had to admit that Jiang Chen was a very attractive man, moreover, very attractive to girls.

"Jiang Chen, I hope what you said is true and don't hurt Si Chen." Sister Mi said silently in her heart. She couldn't stop Jiang Chen from doing anything, and she had no ability to stop him.

The only thing she hopes for now is that Jiang Chen can really make Ye Sichen happy, and the rest can only go with the flow...

(End of this chapter)

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