genius evil

Chapter 797

Chapter 797

Ye Sichen took Jiang Chen and Miss Mi to go shopping with her.

As the most popular celebrity nowadays, Ye Sichen's daily itinerary is quite intensive. In a month, for more than half a month, he is flying back and forth in the air.

The various itineraries on his itinerary have already been scheduled for two years.

And this is because Ye Sichen has only accepted the endorsement of Feifei Pharmaceutical Cosmetology Company so far, and has no other commercial activities, and does not take on movies and TV dramas, but only does music. will be tighter.

Naturally, being so unique, but still having such a hot popularity and market influence, Ye Sichen made many female celebrities envy and envy Ye Sichen on this issue.

However, because Ye Sichen never competes with anyone for resources, and never fights with anyone, all the actresses are jealous, but on the surface, they have a very good relationship with Ye Sichen. According to my impression, in many public and private occasions, I did not speak less for Ye Sichen.

This time, the reason why Ye Sichen was able to come to Tiannan City in time was because he had crossed out some unimportant itineraries and postponed some itineraries.

Because of this, Miss Mi doesn't complain.

After all, for Sister Mi, although Ye Sichen was not regarded as a money-making machine, the moderate exposure undoubtedly played a very good role in promoting Ye Sichen's achievements in music.

Too much work and too busy schedule, so Ye Sichen's private life is naturally lackluster, and his only hobby of shopping is also deprived.

Coming to Tiannan City this time, it is rare to have time, and with Jiang Chen's company, Ye Sichen just wanted to have a good time shopping.

There is a folk custom street in Tiannan City, Jiang Chen thought Ye Sichen would like it, so he brought Ye Sichen there.

Ye Sichen really liked it very much. As soon as he got out of the car, he was attracted by all kinds of small commodities.

Sister Mi felt that it was unnecessary for Ye Sichen to pull her. She lacked interest in shopping, but after being dragged by Ye Sichen for a while, it was inevitable.

After buying several things inadvertently, Sister Mi realized what she had done belatedly.

This can't help but make Miss Mi feel very emotional.

Jiang Chen didn't take Ye Sichen to the shopping mall, nor did he take Ye Sichen to other high-end places. Instead, he came to this unremarkable folk street, just to please Ye Sichen.

This undoubtedly proved one thing, that is, Jiang Chen was very intentional.

Of course, this also proved how clever Jiang Chen's method of picking up girls is.

In other words, if Jiang Chen wanted to do something to Ye Sichen, Ye Sichen would not have any resistance at all, let alone Ye Sichen, Miss Mi thought, it would be any other woman, including Including herself, it is estimated that she is unable to resist.

"Jiang Chen, can you see if this hat looks good?" Ye Sichen picked up a hat from a booth and put it on his head for Jiang Chen to see.

There weren't many people on this street, so Ye Sichen didn't need to disguise himself, he just wore a pair of sunglasses.

Ye Sichen was already beautiful, that colorful hat might look nondescript on someone else's head, but when Ye Sichen was wearing it, it looked extraordinarily cute and cute.

"Boss, how much is it?" Jiang Chen asked.

Soon, he paid the money with one hand and received the goods with the other, and Ye Sichen was wearing the hat, so he didn't need to take it off again.

Ye Sichen was happily looking at other things, but this scene made Sister Mi feel emotional again.

Whenever a man and a woman go shopping, even if it's not a relationship like boyfriend and girlfriend, when a woman buys an item, she will habitually ask the man if it looks good or not.

In fact, when a woman asks such a question, her original intention is to express her interest in it, and the inquiry is just a casual question.

As a man, it is better to just take out your wallet and pay the bill if you let the hype go.

That's what Jiang Chen did. Without saying a word, he decisively took out his wallet to pay the bill. This was actually telling Ye Sichen that the hat suits her very well.

Miss Mi didn't know what other women would think when they encountered this situation, but she was very satisfied with Jiang Chen's attitude.

Ye Sichen was in a good mood. He bought a lot of various small things. Apart from carrying the bags, Jiang Chen also accompanied Ye Sichen to pick and choose.

None of them are expensive things. The price of the most expensive trinkets does not exceed 100 yuan. At this time, the test is not the man's wallet, but the man's patience.

Jiang Chen's patience is undoubtedly very good, even so good that it is so bizarre that it makes Mi Jie feel strange that Jiang Chen has such good patience with Ye Sichen.

This, of course, made Sister Mi very emotional.

Next, I wandered all the way in this folk street, and Mi Jie followed with emotion.

She used to have a deep prejudice against Jiang Chen. She always thought that Jiang Chen approached Ye Sichen with malicious intentions. What happened in the hotel room today subverted her three views. Miss Mi has a better understanding of Jiang Chen.

"It would be great if this guy wasn't so playful." Sister Mi said silently in her heart.

Saying this, Miss Mi suddenly felt wrong. Doesn't this mean that she already agreed with the relationship between Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen?

Shaking her head, Sister Mi said silently in her heart again: "Jiang Chen, you said Si Chen is the most beautiful flower in the world, I hope you don't let her beauty down."

After shopping around for several hours, Jiang Chen saw a dessert shop in front of him, and Jiang Chen dragged Ye Sichen into it.

"I want to eat ice cream." Ye Sichen said to Jiang Chen.

"Sichen, ice cream is too high in calories and easy to gain weight, just drink lemonade." Sister Mi said.

"Two ice creams, a cup of coffee." Jiang Chen said almost as Mi Jie said this.

"Sichen, you can drink coffee," Sister Mi said.

"The coffee is for me, you two have ice cream." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, didn't you hear what I said? Eating ice cream makes you gain weight easily." Sister Mi immediately became dissatisfied.

"Or you drink coffee, and I eat ice cream with Silly Baitian." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"I eat ice cream." Sister Mi gave Jiang Chen a hard look.

For most women in this world, especially female stars, eating sweets will undoubtedly have a strong sense of guilt.

When they were eating rice one by one, they wished they could count them one by one. For three meals a day, they ate the most boiled vegetables.

The only meat that can be eaten is beef, and you can't eat too much, just taste it.

Ye Sichen basically has no requirements for herself in this regard, but the reason for this is that Ye Sichen often doesn't realize that she is a big star, let alone realize that her image is important to businesses and fans. How important it is.

So, when Ye Sichen didn't ask, Miss Mi gave Ye Sichen a lot of requests.

No sweets are allowed, just one of many requirements.

As for whether Ye Sichen ate sweets behind her back, Sister Mi couldn't control it, but under her nose, if Ye Sichen wanted to eat sweets, there was no way.

After all, the calories in sweets are too high, and it is one of the most important culprits of obesity.

And this one, an extremely harsh requirement, was easily ignored by Jiang Chen.

Sitting in the dessert shop, Sister Mi told herself silently how many calories she had eaten while eating ice cream, and at the same time secretly reminded herself that she must go on a diet for dinner.

"Sister Mi, it's just an ice cream. Is it necessary to treat death like this?" Seeing that Sister Mi wanted to eat it very much, but hesitated to eat it, as if she would gain three catties immediately after eating this ice cream, Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing. .

Sister Mi sighed and was about to speak, but when she looked up, she saw that Ye Sichen was eating very happily. She only took a few mouthfuls of this ice cream, and Ye Sichen had already finished one ice cream.

"Jiang Chen, you are a man and you don't understand. For a woman, if she can't even manage her own body well, it will be a very sad thing." Sister Mi said, half of this was said to Jiang Chen Listen, tell Ye Sichen half of it.

"Jiang Chen, I want to eat another one, vanilla flavored." It was Sister Mi who had just finished speaking, when Ye Sichen's voice rang out.

"A vanilla-flavored ice cream." Jiang Chen beckoned to the clerk to bring one over.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean?" Miss Mi stared, this was too embarrassing for her.

"I heard that vanilla flavored ice cream is quite delicious, would you like some?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Sichen, after you finish eating this, don't eat any more," Sister Mi warned.

"I asked you if you want one." Jiang Chen reminded.

"No need, it's enough for me to eat this." Sister Mi said firmly, lest Jiang Chen would shake her confidence if she was not careful.

After eating dessert, Ye Sichen dragged Jiang Chen to continue shopping. Today, she is like a canary that just escaped from the cage, having fun.

Sister Mi had no objection when shopping, and just used up the calories of the ice cream she ate.

On Folk Street, the number of tourists gradually increased, but fortunately, no one recognized Ye Sichen. It is estimated that even if Ye Sichen resembled a certain celebrity, it would be hard to believe that Ye Sichen was there in a grand manner. Let's go shopping in this place.

Sister Mi was still a little vigilant, worried that Ye Sichen would be recognized and cause riots, but fortunately, what she was worried about did not happen, so she relaxed and enjoyed shopping with Ye Sichen.

In front of a small booth of sugar-making people, Ye Sichen looked at it without blinking, and swallowed quietly, as if he wanted to eat it very much.

Sister Mi was a little anxious, this is the rhythm of eating again, Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and took the wallet casually.

It was Jiang Chen's hand. He had just put it into his trouser pocket, when he heard a low and fierce voice in his ear: "Boy, be honest, don't move around, or you will be stabbed to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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