genius evil

Chapter 798 A Backhand Slap

Chapter 798 A Backhand Slap

"I have no grievances with you in the past, and I have no hatred in the present. If you disagree with me, you will stab me to death. Isn't that good?" Jiang Chen said innocently, looking at the guy who threatened him with squinting eyes.

He was just going shopping with Ye Sichen, who did he provoke?Where did this guy come from?
The person who threatened Jiang Chen was a man in his thirties, about 1.7 meters tall, with a mediocre appearance and ordinary clothes.

There are too many people like this on the street. If you don't pay attention, you will disappear from the crowd and have no sense of existence.

It was also because there were too many similar people, so Jiang Chen didn't take it seriously even if he had discovered that this guy approached secretly.

After all, whether it's Ye Sichen or Miss Mi, even if she loses her celebrity aura, she is still a super beauty that is rare to see.

Especially Ye Sichen, with her pure aura, it was easy to distinguish her from other women.

At first, Jiang Chen thought that the reason why this guy approached secretly was because he coveted Ye Sichen or Miss Mi's beauty, but he didn't expect that when this person approached, he would show his fierce side and threaten him. he.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense and be honest." The man said.

"I'm very honest." Jiang Chen felt even more innocent.

But if he is dishonest, this guy will regret his life long ago, okay?

"Then shut up." The man obviously didn't have the patience to talk to Jiang Chen, the dagger that secretly gestured at Jiang Chen's waist pierced Jiang Chen's clothes with a little force.

"My skin is delicate and tender, you have to be careful, if you accidentally stab me, it will be bad, even if you don't stab me, if you cut the skin, I will be very angry." Jiang Chen said softly yelled.

Ye Sichen stared at the sugar men without blinking, while Miss Mi was thinking about how to stop Ye Sichen from eating sweets. The two girls didn't notice Jiang Chen's situation.

"Boy, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will not be polite to you." The man couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't understand how Jiang Chen, a big man, would talk so much nonsense.

Moreover, this cheek is too thick, even the words such as delicate skin and tender flesh are spoken out.

"To be honest, so far, I haven't seen that you have been polite to me." Jiang Chen said.

"If you like it, I don't mind being more rude to you at all." The man's face was grim.

"Forget it, just keep the status quo." Jiang Chen said.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, the man thought that Jiang Chen finally knew he was afraid, snorted coldly, stretched out his hand, and saw three men rushing out quickly, surrounding Jiang Chen and the three of them.

"Don't say anything, tell the two of them to come with us." The man said to Jiang Chen.

"So your goal is the two of them, or me?" Jiang Chen asked upon seeing this.

"Of course it's the two of them." The man said coldly.

"So that's the case, it's easy to handle." Jiang Chen nodded.

The man was curious for a while, and was about to ask Jiang Chen what he meant, but he suddenly saw Jiang Chen move. Following Jiang Chen's movement, the three people who rushed out fell to the ground in an instant.

The man watched this scene happen helplessly, before he understood what was going on, Jiang Chen appeared in front of him again.

"Okay, now you can tell me what your purpose is." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, what happened?" As soon as the three appeared, Sister Mi felt something was wrong. Looking at the dagger in the man's hand, her expression changed slightly. Si Chen was injured.

"Ask him." Jiang Chen pointed at the man with his hand.

The man's expression changed, his eyes flickered, and he ran away.

How could Jiang Chen let him run away, raised his foot, and kicked him like shit.

"Jiang Chen, there will be no problem, right?" Sister Mi asked.

"Of course there will be no problem." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"That's good. This is Tiannan City. You are responsible for Sichen's safety. You must ensure Sichen's safety." Sister Mi said solemnly.

"Sister Mi, what you said is wrong, those guys who have foolish ideas should pay attention to their own safety." Jiang Chen said calmly.

The incident happened inexplicably, without beginning or end, but Miss Mi was still very worried, and stopped letting Ye Sichen go shopping, and forcibly dragged Ye Sichen back to the hotel.

There was no way, Jiang Chen could only drive and send the second daughter back.

In the hotel room, Jiang Chen swiped his card to open the door. As soon as the door opened, he immediately saw a person sitting in the living room of the room.

The man sat on the sofa very leisurely and comfortably, holding a red wine glass in one hand and a cigar in the other.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the man turned his head and looked over, smiling slightly.

"Jiang Shao, please don't blame me if I bother you." Smiling, the man said.

"It's very simple for me not to blame, get out of the room, or I'll throw you out of the window." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Jiang Chen, he is my cousin." Ye Sichen said softly.

"Cousin?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback.

"Haha, Young Master Jiang's temperament is exactly the same as the rumors." The man laughed, and then said to Ye Sichen, "Sichen, I haven't seen you for a while, how are you?"

"Cousin, I'm fine." Ye Sichen nodded and said.

"If it's very good, I don't worry. I came to Tiannan City from Xifu on this special trip. I have something to look for you. Since you are back, come with me." The man said, talking, casually Throwing the unfinished cigar into the wine glass, he stood up.

"Cousin, why are you looking for me?" Ye Sichen asked curiously.

She didn't have much contact with this cousin, that is, during the Chinese New Year, the family reunited and met, and they didn't even say a few words.

My cousin suddenly appeared in Tiannan City and said he came here on a special trip, which made Ye Sichen very puzzled as to why he was looking for her.

Ye Sichen felt that if it was just a trivial matter, then she would not leave with her cousin. After all, she came to Tiannan City to find Jiang Chen.

I just came to Tiannan City today, and Ye Sichen was absolutely unwilling to separate from Jiang Chen, unless my cousin was willing to wait for her in Tiannan City for a few days.

Therefore, Ye Sichen wanted to ask what kind of thing it was.

"It's inconvenient to say something about your grandfather, that is, my grandfather." The man said after glancing at Jiang Chen.

"It doesn't matter, neither Jiang Chen nor Miss Mi are outsiders." Ye Sichen said.

"Yeah, I also think that if you have something to say, it's better to talk about it now." Sister Mi chimed in.

When I was shopping before, I was inexplicably threatened by someone, but now this so-called cousin appeared even more inexplicably, and he wanted to take Ye Sichen out of here. This kind of situation made Miss Mi a little uneasy.

"Although you have a good relationship with Young Master Jiang and Si Chen, this is our Ren family's housework. I don't think you need to listen to it." The man said flatly, and introduced himself, "My humble Ren Qichao."

"Oh, you are from the Ren family of the Xifu?" Jiang Chen said, after listening for a while, he finally figured out the identity of this person.

Ye Sichen called this Ren Qichao's cousin, implying that Ye Sichen's mother came from the Ren family in the West Mansion, and the old man who guarded one side of the Ren family was Ye Sichen's grandfather.

In this way, Jiang Chen finally understood why Ye Sichen was able to get out of the mud without being stained in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry.

The seven major families in China, the Ren family of Xifu, are Ye Sichen's backer, but whoever dares to take Ye Sichen's idea must be weighed and weighed.

Only a family like the Ren family could spare no effort in cultivating Ye Sichen, and it could even be said to be willful.

After all, as a public figure, with all kinds of halos, celebrities seem to be superior and are sought after by thousands of fans, but they are actually just money-making tools for major entertainment companies.

In terms of Ye Sichen's current reputation, any company would be a cash cow, and what would be shaken would still be cash.No entertainment company would let Ye Sichen's fame and influence go unused.

Only under the protection of the Ren family in Xifu, Ye Sichen could still sing quietly.

Of course, after figuring this out, Jiang Chen wasn't too surprised. He had already thought about Ye Sichen's background. Just a little weight.

"Master Jiang made you laugh." Ren Qichao said, seemingly humble, but in fact he had great pride.

"Since you know I'll make fun of you, why bother talking nonsense? If I didn't take the Ren family seriously, I'd almost think that you were hitting me." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Hearing this, Ren Qichao's face changed slightly.

He reported his family background, on the one hand to show off his family background, on the other hand, as Jiang Chen said, it was to beat Jiang Chen.

When Jiang Chen said such words, it sounded like he was joking, but secretly, it made Ren Qichao's heart tighten slightly.

He didn't take the Ren family of Xifu seriously.

Jiang Chen's words seemed to be exaggerating, but Ren Qichao knew that Jiang Chen did have the qualifications to say such words!
Among the seven major families in China, the relationship among them is intricate, and any trouble in one family will be watched by other families.

Jiang Chen had been to the capital once, and at one time the capital was full of storms. Although the Ren family did not participate in this matter, everyone in the Ren family had heard of it.

This is also the reason why Ren Qichao would sell Jiang Chen's face and call him Young Master Jiang when he saw Jiang Chen.

Otherwise, if it were someone else, in his capacity as Ren Qichao, it would be considered as a face to the other party, and it would be a great honor for the other party.

It's just that he wanted to hit Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen slapped him on the face with a backhand.

Warn Jiang Chen that he doesn't have the qualifications yet. This kind of situation immediately made Ren Qichao feel a little stingy. He is not angry, and he is not angry. The whole person is in an extremely awkward situation...

(End of this chapter)

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