genius evil

Chapter 799 You Are Very Bully

Chapter 799 You Are Very Bully

"Jiang Shao, you are joking, how could I mean that." On the surface, Ren Qichao said.

No matter what Jiang Chen said, whether he understood his intentions or just said it casually, in short, he would never admit it.

Otherwise, what if Jiang Chen intentionally picks stabs?
Otherwise, what would Jiang Chen do if he beat him up?
Regarding the question of whether he can defeat Jiang Chen, Ren Qichao still has self-knowledge. Jiang Chen once walked sideways in the capital without any backing. Said, how terrifying Jiang Chen's strength is.

"I'm talking nonsense, why are you so nervous? With your appearance, I would suspect that you are guilty." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

Ren Qichao smiled wryly, and said, "Young Master Jiang, I'm a timid person, don't joke with me. Besides, there's no reason, how could I have a guilty conscience."

"I didn't hear what you said." As soon as Ren Qichao's voice fell, Jiang Chen raised his hand and slapped Ren Qichao on the face.

Following Jiang Chen's slap, he suddenly saw five red finger prints appearing on Ren Qichao's fairly fair and handsome face, which is enough to prove how hard Jiang Chen used to slap this slap. strength.

"You—" Ren Qichao was dumbfounded, looking at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

He never expected that Jiang Chen would do something to him, and he couldn't think of any reason why Jiang Chen would do it to him, but Jiang Chen did it.

This slap in the face directly fooled Ren Qichao.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter?" Seeing Jiang Chen slap Ren Qichao, Ye Sichen said hurriedly, his face flushed slightly.

Sister Mi looked at Jiang Chen like a monster, thinking that this guy might be a violent maniac, right?
Thinking about it this way, Sister Mi was worried about Ye Sichen. After all, what if Jiang Chen not only hit men, but also women?What should Ye Sichen do?

Even if the time comes to unite with fans to protest, Jiang Chen is a daring guy who doesn't even look down on the Ren family of the West Mansion. For Ren Qichao, the son of the Ren family of the West Mansion, he will fight whenever he wants. Fans protest against such things. Jiang Chen wouldn't care about it at all.

Thinking about that possibility, Miss Mi felt shuddering.

"Let me ask you, what did you just say?" Jiang Chen raised his hand, slapped Ren Qichao on the face again, and asked impatiently.

"Jiang Chen, are you crazy?" Ren Qichao became furious.

It was fine for Jiang Chen to slap him once, but he slapped him again in a frenzy, which made Ren Qichao very angry.

"It seems that your mind is not clear enough, otherwise, I'd better clear it up for you first." Jiang Chen said, raised his hand, and slapped him for the second time.

Then, the fourth, the fifth...

Jiang Chen slapped Ren Qichao's face one after another as if he didn't want money, one forehand and another backhand.

Both sides of Ren Qichao's cheeks were red and swollen at first, then bruised and purple, and finally swollen like a pig's head. His own mother probably couldn't recognize who he was when she saw it.

"Are you clear-headed? If you have, answer my question." It wasn't until Ren Qichao was beaten into a pig's head that Jiang Chen stopped and asked.

"Jiang Chen, I don't know what you're talking about at all. Even if you don't take my Ren family seriously, my Ren family is not easy to bully. One day, I, Ren Qichao, will be ten times and a hundred times as good as today's matter. Return it." Ren Qichao said viciously.

Thinking about how high-spirited Ren Qichao was when he was in Xifu, no matter who he is, he must act according to his face, his happiness and anger, and even a look in his eyes, I don't know how many people are worried.

However, after arriving in Tiannan City, Jiang Chen's actions simply did not treat him as a human being.

Ren Qichao couldn't count how many times he had been slapped by Jiang Chen, but if he had the chance, he must tell Jiang Chen to live instead of die, so as to repay the humiliation he suffered today.

"I don't know if your Ren family is easy to bully, but you must be very easy to bully." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Whether it is a bully or not, there is no evidence to say it, only you will know if you have been bullied.

He hasn't bullied the Ren family yet, so naturally he doesn't know this.

But he had bullied Ren Qichao before, so he was easy to bully, he could bully him however he wanted.

No, in order to prove that Ren Qichao is indeed very easy to bully, Jiang Chen who finally stopped, slapped him again.

Ren Qichao asked Jiang Chen if he was crazy just now. He didn't know if Jiang Chen was crazy, but he felt that he was going crazy.

Even if he is easy to bully, what does Jiang Chen mean by doing this? Could it be that he is addicted to bullying him?
Thinking of him, Ren Qichao, he had never been bullied before, and had never been bullied... Finally, he understood what kind of inner feelings those guys who were bullied by him were dying.

"Jiang Chen, please explain clearly, what exactly do you mean?" Ren Qichao said through gritted teeth.

He just said that he was timid and told Jiang Chen not to joke around. Why did Jiang Chen do it suddenly? Ren Qichao racked his brains and couldn't understand this point.

"Unfortunately, your mind is still not clear enough." Jiang Chen sighed, looking extremely regretful.

Seeing this, Ren Qichao inexplicably had a bad premonition, and stared at Jiang Chen with extreme vigilance, guarding Jiang Chen's every move.

But what Jiang Chen wants to do, how can he stop it?

Without looking at it, Jiang Chen raised his kick and kicked Ren Qichao out. Then, Jiang Chen opened the door, kicked Ren Qichao out of the room like a dead dog.


After closing the door smoothly, Jiang Chen said with a light smile, "Okay, it's finally a bit quieter."

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing?" Ye Sichen complained softly, she asked Jiang Chen what's wrong, but Jiang Chen didn't answer her question.

However, Ye Sichen's complaints were not lethal at all, and his voice was muffled and soft, which sounded more like coquetry.

"Silly Baitian, don't you think that this cousin of yours deserves a beating?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Is there?" Ye Sichen was confused.

Although, every time during the Chinese New Year and family gatherings, Ren Qichao always behaved superior and bossy, and many people didn't like it.

But it was also difficult for Ye Sichen to connect disliking with needing to be beaten.

"Believe me, absolutely, otherwise, why would I beat him for no reason? Besides, there are so many people on the street, I don't beat anyone, but I beat him. Does it look like you deserve a beating?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Miss Mi couldn't help but rolled her eyes. Did Jiang Chen treat Ye Sichen like a three-year-old child by saying this?
Just from the perspective of a perfectly developed figure, Ye Sichen is definitely not a three-year-old child, but to Ye Sichen, even if Jiang Chen is talking nonsense, she still believes it to a large extent.

Ye Sichen thought seriously about the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, and after a while, he said, "Jiang Chen, even if my cousin is in need of a beating, you don't want to be so hard in the future, just give him a casual beating, okay? "

"No problem, I'll listen to you." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

Ye Sichen suddenly became happy, his eyes sparkled.

Miss Mi was extremely speechless, and Ye Sichen was too easy to coax... No, it wasn't that Ye Sichen was easy to coax, but that Ye Sichen was simply obsessed with Jiang Chen, and she believed everything Jiang Chen said.

Sister Mi couldn't stand it any longer, and said to Ye Sichen, "Sichen, go take a shower first, and we'll have dinner together later."

"Okay." Ye Sichen nodded and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Didn't Silly Baitian take a bath today?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Sichen is a public figure, and his image is very important. He must maintain it anytime and anywhere, and he must not leave people talking." Sister Mi explained.

In the end, without waiting for Jiang Chen to speak, Miss Mi asked, "Is it related to Ren Qichao who threatened you earlier?"

"Otherwise, why would I beat him?" Jiang Chen said Shi Shiran, neither admitting nor denying it.

"You have no proof, and Ren Qichao didn't admit it, and I don't understand why he would do that." Sister Mi asked seriously.

"You don't need evidence, and you don't need him to admit it. If you insist on finding fault with your eggs, just think it's my hands that want to beat someone up." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Jiang Chen has never been a soft-hearted person. When he was threatened in Folk Street, the reason why he didn't do anything to those guys was because Jiang Chen knew that those guys were nothing more than insignificant characters. It's meaningless to pinch him to death, the instigator behind it will appear soon.

The timing of Ren Qichao's appearance was very coincidental. Even if Jiang Chen didn't want to doubt him, it would be difficult for him to happen. In fact, when he saw Ren Qichao for the first time, Jiang Chen had doubts.

Ren Qichao said that he had something to say to Ye Sichen, to be precise, he wanted to take Ye Sichen away. This undoubtedly confirmed Jiang Chen's suspicion.

"Jiang Chen, it's not that I'm picky, but I think that if it's really related to Ren Qichao, Ren Qichao must have intentions." Miss Mi said with a frown.

She didn't care about Ren Qichao's fate, she only cared about whether Ye Sichen would be hurt.

"It's very simple to know his intentions, just ask Silly Baitian to call the Ren family." Jiang Chen said.

Sister Mi was right when she thought about it. After Ye Sichen came out of the shower, she immediately asked Ye Sichen to call the Ren family.

"Grandpa is sick, Jiang Chen, I'm going to the West Mansion with Sister Mi, so I can't accompany you." Ye Sichen said apologetically after the phone call.

Sister Mi gave Jiang Chen a hard look, thinking that it's no wonder that what Ren Qichao said before to talk to Ye Sichen had something to do with her grandfather. It turned out that Ye Sichen's grandfather was sick. Doesn't this mean that Ren Qichao's beating , In vain?

Jiang Chen just smiled and didn't explain anything. After a while, he drove Ye Sichen and Mi Jie to the airport. When Ye Sichen and Mi Jie got on the plane and Jiang Chen drove back, something unexpected happened. phone call came in...

(End of this chapter)

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