genius evil

Chapter 800 Why do women make trouble for women

Chapter 800 Why do women make trouble for women
Somewhere in the southwest of China, in the depths of a primitive jungle with few people.

In the evening, the sun moved westward, and inside the jungle, people could be seen indistinctly moving quickly.

"Attention all, spread out and rest in place." Looking up, looking at the gradually dimming sky above his head, Ye Siran issued an order.

When the figure was moving, the traces produced quickly disappeared, and following Ye Siran's words, the huge mountain forest instantly became incomparably quiet.

"Si Ran, are you okay, can you hold on?" He Manyun looked at Ye Siran worriedly, and asked softly.

The camouflage combat uniform on Ye Siran's body was damaged in many places, and there were bloodstains on the knees and elbows, which looked extremely shocking.

On Ye Siran's small face, there were also many scratches left by branches and bushes, making him look extremely distressed.

"I'm fine." Ye Siran shook his head and said, "How many of our people are left?"

"In order to avoid panic, I counted quietly. There are 19 people including you and me. A total of 11 people have been lost. The loss this time is too heavy." He Manyun said bitterly.

"I, Ye Siran, will definitely avenge this revenge." Gritting his teeth tightly, Ye Siran said brazenly.

The reason why Ye Siran appeared in this jungle was just to perform a routine field training task, but he didn't expect that just a week after the training, an accident happened and he was targeted by someone.

After two days, one after another, 11 people died at the hands of that person.

Seeing the sisters being murdered one after another with his own eyes, Ye Siran felt as if he had been fried, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Revenge?" He Manyun smiled bitterly, and she said, "I believe you have already seen it. That person never thought about killing us all, but he was just playing a game of cat and mouse. Please don't Thinking of revenge, whether we can leave here alive is still unknown."

"No, we must leave here alive." Ye Siran said firmly.

She wanted revenge, so she had to live, and she couldn't let the sisters die in vain.

"Si Ran, don't get excited." He Manyun comforted, "You have called Ren's family and Shangfeng respectively in the past two days, but you still haven't responded?"

"Not yet." Ye Siran said sadly.

"We only have one day left in our rations, and we have almost run out of bullets. If there is no response by this time tomorrow..." He Manyun said.

Having said that, He Manyun did not continue.

For this field training mission, the preparations were sufficient in advance. The team members were loaded with guns and live ammunition, but since they were entangled by that man two days ago, they almost used up all the bullets, but they still had nothing to do with him.

If all the bullets are fired, the situation will definitely deteriorate. The worst result is that all of them will die here.

In fact, He Manyun is also very skeptical that the other party is killing them one by one in a leisurely manner, instead of killing them all in one go, is it just time to wait for their bullets to run out.

Once the bullets are exhausted, their deterrence is equal to zero, no matter what the opponent wants to do, they are powerless.

As for the rations, because the tentative time for this training is ten days, they only brought ten days of rations. According to the training task arrangement, they were going to leave here at this time.

If you leave, you don't have to worry about food rations, but the biggest problem now is that they are tightly trapped, and the man keeps forcing them to go deep into the jungle.

In this case, once the rations are eaten, it will undoubtedly make things worse.

"Manyun, I understand what you mean. Let's rest here tonight. Everyone eat as much as possible. We don't need to save food. At dawn tomorrow, we will concentrate our efforts and make a breakthrough." Ye Siran said.

"Okay." He Manyun nodded vigorously.

Confining is death, at least there is still a glimmer of hope for success in breaking out, at least, it is much better than sitting and waiting for death.

"By the way, did you make a phone call before, and who did you call?" Ye Siran remembered something, and asked.

In such a situation, the only thing Ye Siran can rely on is the Ren family and the military. At present, the Ren family and the military have not responded for a long time.

Both of these aspects can't be counted on, and Ye Siran never thought that he could count on others.

He Manyun hesitated for a moment after hearing Ye Siran's question, and said, "Jiang Chen."

"You said you called Jiang Chen?" Ye Siran's expression suddenly became extremely strange.

She knew that He Manyun was calling for help, but she never expected that He Manyun would call Jiang Chen.

"Last time, I asked for Jiang Chen's contact information." He Manyun explained.

"What did Jiang Chen say?" Ye Siran asked again.

"He said he knew." He Manyun said.

"What do you mean?" Frowning, Ye Siran's expression became even more strange.

What does it mean to know?
Do you agree to support or refuse?

Even if there was some disagreement between him and Jiang Chen, Ye Siran still admired Jiang Chen's ability very much. Apart from other aspects, Jiang Chen's ability in destruction was definitely at the level against the sky.

If Jiang Chen accepts the request for support, they are very likely to be able to overcome this difficulty.

But this is only if, Jiang Chen's answer made Ye Siran not have any hope, and another point is, the current situation is strange, no one knows how long they can live.

Maybe, even if Jiang Chen was willing to support them, they would already be dead when Jiang Chen finally came over?

Ye Siran is not a pessimistic person, but he has to prepare for the worst.

"I don't know what it means, let's take a step at a time." He Manyun was a little helpless, and suddenly said: "Si Ran, why don't you call Si Chen?"

"Forget it." Ye Siran shook his head.

If she could get out of here alive, she would call Ye Sichen immediately, but if she couldn't live, why let Ye Sichen know that she was going to die?
He Manyun knew what was going on in Ye Siran's mind, so she didn't say much, and reminded: "You have hardly closed your eyes for the past two days. Take a rest while you have time. I'll be on guard today."

"Then it's hard work for you." Ye Siran knew the condition of her body, she was too tired, and she relied on her strong will to support her.

Now that she decided to break through tomorrow morning, Ye Siran knew that she had to take a good rest, otherwise, by tomorrow morning, she might not even be able to hold a gun.

But just as Ye Siran closed his eyes, He Manyun's voice rang in her ears again: "Si Ran, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait until tomorrow morning."

Hearing the sound, Ye Siran's eyes opened suddenly, and he stood up abruptly.

"Shasha... Shasha..."

There were footsteps coming from a distance, it was the sound of someone stepping on the dead branches and leaves of the jungle.

The jungle is empty and quiet, far away, but the sound of footsteps can be heard very clearly.

The sound of footsteps, from far to near, hearing the sound, slowly approaching, Ye Siran's face gradually became ugly.

"Attention everyone, prepare to fight." With a low shout, Ye Siran raised his gun and pulled the bolt.

"Si Ran, the last bullet must not be fired until the last moment." He Manyun reminded, and also picked up the gun.

Ye Siran understood what He Manyun meant.

If there is the last bullet left, that bullet is not used to kill the enemy, but to kill himself.

But now, Ye Siran doesn't have that kind of thinking. After so many sisters died, she is extremely unwilling and blames herself very much. Even if there is only the last bullet, she will shoot it viciously.


Hidden figures showed their heads one after another. Everyone's attention was focused on the sound of footsteps, and they held their breath, ready to fight at any time.

From the sound of the footsteps, it was obvious that the walkers were not in a hurry, as if they were walking in this jungle.

But Ye Siran and the others, none of them dared to be careless, they all held their breath and waited quietly for that person to appear.

ten seconds...

20 second……

When 1 minute passed and a figure finally appeared within the range of vision, Ye Siran and the others looked around, their nerves tensed up.

A mere 1 minute is very short in normal times, but in this situation, every second is so difficult.

To Ye Siran and the others, this minute seemed as long as an hour had passed.

The figure finally appeared, standing next to a big tree, and then stopped, with chattering laughter deep in his throat.

The distance between the two sides was not very far, and the man was already within range of the shooting, but everyone, including Ye Sichen, just looked at the figure, and no one fired.

Because they all know very well that the opponent is too powerful, even if they shoot, it is useless. If they shoot indiscriminately, they will only waste bullets, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

"Si Ran, that guy is provoking us, what should we do?" He Manyun said in a low voice, forcibly suppressing the urge to shoot.

"Unless that person gets closer, within ten meters, we'll shoot again." Ye Siran also said in a low voice.

"I have already stopped." He Manyun reminded, how could he not know, the closer the person walked, the less cover there was, and the higher the probability of the bullet being hit.

"Let me try to say a few words." After pondering, Ye Siran said.

"Okay, it's best to find a way to provoke that guy to come over." He Manyun said.

Ye Siran nodded slightly, looked at the figure a few times, and said, "May I ask who are you?"

The man chattered and said in a hoarse voice, "Little girl, you can call me Hua Gu."

"You are a woman." Ye Siran was greatly surprised.

The two sides have been fighting in this jungle for two days, but they have never seen the real face of this girl, nor have they had a conversation. Ye Siran does not know that the other party is a woman.

"Quack, of course I'm a woman. As the old saying goes, why should a woman embarrass a woman? Little dolls, don't be stubborn and let me kill you honestly." Hua Gu said with a grinning grin.

"Why would a good woman make things difficult for women? If so, why did you kill us?" Ye Siran was furious and asked angrily.

However, as soon as such words fell, Ye Siran's face suddenly changed, and he said anxiously: "Be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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