genius evil

Chapter 801 So You Like Jiang Chen

Chapter 801 So You Like Jiang Chen

After sensing the other party's intentions, Ye Siran spoke quickly and hastily, but it was still too late.

With a scream, a figure fell to the ground with a bang.

Between his eyebrows, the handle of a slender lancet can be seen impressively.

The lancet hit the man between the eyebrows, penetrated deep into the brow bone, and killed him with one blow!

Even though he had seen this girl kill someone with a willow-leaf flying knife many times, Ye Siran was still astonished to see that person fall to the ground.

A feeling of suffocation and depression swept through his heart, and Ye Siran shouted frantically, "Shoot, shoot!"

As soon as the words came out, Ye Siran took the gun in his hand and started shooting wildly at the girl.

The rest of the team members fired after hearing Ye Siran's order.

Rows of bullets swept past, but within the sight range of everyone, Hua Gu's shadow was lost.


A team member suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.


Another team member staggered back and fell to the ground.

Everyone, including Ye Siran, couldn't find Hua Gu's shadow, and the elusive Lancet was swift, harvesting one life after another.

In the blink of an eye, six people died under the lancet.

Until the bullets in his hand were exhausted, Hua Gu still did not appear, no matter how unwilling he was, Ye Siran had no choice but to order to retreat.

In the jungle, the figure ran wildly. In this way, they ran for nearly two kilometers in one breath. Seeing that Hua Gu didn't seem to catch up, Ye Siran asked everyone to rest in place.

"Six of us died." He Manyun said.

"I know." Ye Siran's eyes were red and bloodshot, and he said in a low voice: "Count the bullets and equipment."

He Manyun nodded, and after a while, He Manyun appeared in front of Ye Siran with an ugly expression, and said, "There are still thirty bullets left."

"So few?" Ye Siran's face quickly became ugly after hearing what He Manyun said.

"There's nothing we can do about it." He Manyun sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Then Huagu, she must have sensed that we were driven into a desperate situation, and would make a counterattack before dying, so she appeared on purpose, wasting our time." Firepower."

"No matter what, she must die." Ye Siran said viciously, and then ordered: "Give me ten bullets, and share the rest among you."

"What are you going to do?" He Manyun became vigilant.

"This is an order." Ye Siran raised his voice an octave without explaining.

He Manyun sighed again, she knew that Ye Siran was going to fight Hua Gu with his life, but the strength of the two sides was very different, even if they fought hard, it was just sacrificing their lives in vain.

However, in the current situation, even if you don't want to sacrifice, it is impossible.Although worried that Ye Siran would do something irrational, He Manyun asked the remaining team members to divide the bullets.

"Light the fire, let's eat first." Ye Siran said after the bullets were distributed.

After a while, the sky was dark, and several bonfires were lit in the depths of the jungle. The exhausted members sat around the bonfires one after another, taking out their rations and eating silently.

The team members died one after another. In the previous confrontation, in just two or three minutes, six people died again. A team of 3 people, so far, only 30 people left.

But the opponent they faced was nothing more than Huagu, which made everyone feel depressed, like pressing down on a mountain that could not be moved.

"After this meal, our rations will be finished." Leaning against a big tree, He Manyun said softly to Ye Siran.

Ye Siran remained silent, holding a branch and fiddled with the flames.

"Actually, it doesn't matter. After tomorrow, even if we are lucky enough not to die, we will be driven crazy by that girl." A moment later, He Manyun said with a self-deprecating face.

"Are you afraid of death?" Ye Siran glanced at He Manyun and asked suddenly.

"If I say that I'm not afraid of death, do you believe it?" He Manyun smiled wryly, and murmured, "I'm so young, pretty, and have a good figure. If I die like this, my future boyfriend will definitely be very happy." Sorry."

"You don't have a boyfriend." Ye Siran reminded.

"Not now, but there will always be in the future. After I die, there will be one less beautiful woman in this world, and one more bachelor who can't find a girlfriend." He Manyun said.

"Want to fall in love?" Ye Siran heard the implication in He Manyun's words.

"You don't want to?" He Manyun blinked and asked back.

Ye Siran stirred up the fire a little more vigorously, the firelight reflected her pale face, and there was a little confusion in her eyes.

Huagu is in the dark, they are in the light, it is not a wise thing to light a fire, it is very likely that due to the fire, all of them will become living targets.

But at this point, Ye Siran didn't care anymore.

Because she is very clear that in the situation where the strength of the enemy and the enemy are very different, even if they don't light a fire, they are still targets. Hua Gu can kill them whenever she wants, and kill as many people as she wants. They are extremely unscrupulous. There is no way to fight back.

The team members are all in a state of extreme fear. They are all in the Mood for Love, and some of them are like He Manyun. So far, they have never been in love. How have they ever experienced such a thing?
Firelight can bring warmth to people and expel inner fear.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Siran ordered the fire to be lit, and several piles of fire were lit.

The flames were burning, Ye Siran looked up and could clearly see the fatigue on the faces of all the team members, and a few of them were clearly on the verge of collapse.

Ye Siran saw it, and thought that what He Manyun said was right, after tonight, the people here, including her, would probably go crazy even if they didn't die?

"I don't know." Ye Siran said.

"Then think about it now, what kind of boyfriend do you want to find in the future." He Manyun said interestingly.

"At this time, talk about such a topic?" Ye Siran felt a little baffled, looked at He Manyun with strange eyes, and wondered if He Manyun had gone crazy.

In this case, there is no point in talking about such a topic, and it is indeed too weird.

"Why are you looking at me like crazy?" He Manyun couldn't take it anymore, and said: "Anyway, I'm idle, so let's chat casually, isn't it good to pass the time?"

After saying this, seeing that Ye Siran was still looking at her with crazy eyes, He Manyun could only raise her hands in surrender, and said, "Well, I'm actually just curious, what kind of man do you like?"

He Manyun has known Ye Siran for a long time, and can be said to be the person who knows Ye Siran best, but it is strange that He Manyun has never heard Ye Siran talk about this matter, she is not lying, she is indeed very curious .

"I haven't thought about it for the time being." Ye Siran said helplessly.

"I don't believe you haven't thought about it at all, unless you don't like men... Eh, Siran, don't you like me?" He Manyun said vigilantly.

"Manyun, I found that your skin is getting thicker and thicker, maybe it's because of Jiang Chen's influence." Ye Siran said angrily.

Having never been in a relationship, not having someone she likes, does not mean that she likes women. Ye Siran knows that her orientation in this regard is very normal, she just hasn't met a man who makes her heart flutter.

Seeing what He Manyun said so seriously, this face is really too thick, just like Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen?" Inexplicably thinking of Jiang Chen, Ye Siran's expression was a little dazed, and Jiang Chen's smirk instantly appeared in the depths of his mind.

Shaking his head, Ye Siran quickly expelled the image of Jiang Chen from his mind.

"I see." He Manyun suddenly became startled, pointed at Ye Siran, and suddenly realized: "I see, so you like Jiang Chen!"

He Manyun took out her mobile phone, handed it to Ye Siran, and urged: "Hurry up, call Jiang Chen."

"What?" Ye Siran was confused and explained in a muffled voice: "Don't talk nonsense, when did I like Jiang Chen?"

"It is said that when a person is in a desperate situation, the first person she thinks of is the person she likes... You don't think about other men, but you think of Jiang Chen. There is no doubt that you like him." He Manyun said seriously Said.

Ye Siran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said patiently: "Stop messing around, take the time to rest."

"This is not nonsense." He Manyun looked very serious, and said sternly: "Tomorrow, maybe tonight, we will all die. Is it possible that you want to die with regret?"

"What does this have to do with Jiang Chen?" Ye Siran was very puzzled.

"If you call Jiang Chen and confess your love to Jiang Chen, even if you die, you won't have so many regrets." He Manyun said seriously.

"I don't like him." Ye Siran frowned, and said displeasedly: "Manyun, don't say such things in the future."

"Is there a future?" He Manyun said in a whisper.

Ye Siran was slightly taken aback, but found that, if nothing else happened, she, He Manyun, and everyone here would have no future.

"The matter hasn't come to the final step yet." Ye Siran comforted, even though she had no confidence when she said it herself.

Sadly, Ye Siran took the phone from He Manyun, planning to make a call to Jiang Chen.

It's not a confession, and it's not for the sake of less regret, but Ye Siran thinks it's good to call Jiang Chen and say a few words.

Moreover, Ye Siran hoped that after her death, Jiang Chen would stop bullying Ye Sichen. Although, this was an extravagant wish, how could Jiang Chen not bully Ye Sichen?
However, Ye Siran's phone call was not made after all, because He Manyun's cell phone was out of battery.

"Ah——" He Manyun grabbed the phone and threw it on the ground. With a bang, the phone was broken into four or five by her fall, and deep in her throat, she let out a low growl like a trapped animal...

(End of this chapter)

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