genius evil

Chapter 802 Jiang Chen Arrives

Chapter 802 Jiang Chen Arrives
In the jungle, the mountain wind howled.

It was already midnight, and He Manyun and the others were all asleep.

Ye Siran was in charge of the night watch. She added some firewood to the fire, and walked away in a daze for a while. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure walking over step by step.

It's Hua Gu.

Turning his head, looking at the team members, Ye Siran subconsciously picked up the gun in his hand.

"You still have [-] rounds of ammunition, and you have ten rounds in this gun, am I right or not?" Hua Gu walked over and said with a mocking face.

"You eavesdropped on our conversation?" Ye Siran's face changed suddenly.

At the same time, Ye Siran suddenly understood why, when she decided to break out tomorrow morning, Aunt Hua would appear. It turned out that it was really what He Manyun thought.

"All of you, in my eyes, are as humble as ants. I can trample to death, can't I?" Hua Gu jokingly said.

"What exactly are you going to do?" Ye Siran asked, telling her instinctively that Hua Gu didn't seem to have the intention to kill at this time, otherwise, this time would undoubtedly be the best time to kill.

I'm afraid Hua Gu has already killed several people before she has time to wake them up.

It is even possible that Hua Gu killed her first, and then killed everyone silently, they didn't even have a chance to desperately.

"This is just a small game." Hua Gu said.

"Did someone bribe you to kill us?" Ye Siran said, holding a gun, got up and walked over.

She didn't want Hua Gu to get too close, Hua Gu was too dangerous.

"You are quite courageous." Seeing Ye Siran walking towards her, Hua Gu's expression was quite intriguing, and she said indifferently: "Yes or no, what does it matter? No matter how much you know, you can't avoid it." Once you die, simply know a little less, and die more quickly."

"Who asked you to kill us?" Ye Siran didn't expect, he guessed it casually, and he guessed it right, and asked immediately.

"You?" Hua Gu smiled, "They are just a bonus for this game, and my target is you."

"Then why don't you kill me directly, instead of killing innocent people?" Ye Siran was angry.

Hua Gu smiled and asked back: "Why should I kill you directly? Are you ordering me?"

"Is it because I'm dead that you let them go?" Ye Siran asked coldly, not in the mood to play word games with Hua Gu.

Ye Siran knew that Hua Gu would not tell her who asked her to kill, so he didn't ask any more questions.

If she could die in exchange for others living, she would rather die immediately.

"You think too much." The expression on Hua Gu's face was full of sarcasm, and she said, "Don't think about committing suicide. My goal is you. That's right, but the rules of the game are made by me. The lives of all of you are at stake." It is mine. If you commit suicide, I will kill all these people."

Ye Siran's mind fluttered.

When Hua Gu said that the target was her, she really thought about committing suicide, but Hua Gu's words blocked her retreat.

"In that case, why did you tell me this? You came here at this time to tell me this on purpose, didn't you?" Ye Siran asked tremblingly.

Huagu chuckled and said, "Little baby, besides being brave, you are also very smart. Why should I tell you? Naturally, I want to make this game more interesting."

"What do you mean?" Ye Siran didn't understand.

"In the past two days, you've been angry, you've been in pain, you've been disappointed, but I've never seen your fearful side." Hua Gu reminded.

Ye Siran's face turned ashen for an instant.

What Hua Gu said was unclear, but she understood.

Hua Gu's meaning is very simple, that is to make her hesitate, make her fear, and make her feel restless all day long.

And when Hua Gu told her that the target was her alone, and that she couldn't even commit suicide, Hua Gu had already succeeded, and she had no choice but to fear and hesitate.

"I don't think this would be more interesting. You came here to kill me. If you kill me, your mission will be completed. No matter for you or me, it is the best result." Suppressing the panic in my heart, Ye Siran said.

"You will be the last to die." Hua Gu said, turned around and left.

Seeing Hua Gu slowly disappearing from sight, Ye Siran raised the gun in his hand, aimed at Hua Gu, and made a shooting motion.

Unfortunately, after all, he didn't have the courage to shoot.

It's just a simple way to play with people's hearts, but for Ye Siran, this night is undoubtedly worse.

At dawn the next day, He Manyun woke up, opened her eyes, jumped up immediately, and laughed loudly: "So I'm not dead yet."

Last night, He Manyun originally wanted to squint a little bit. In front of the enemy, she didn't dare to sleep too hard, otherwise it would be bad if she fell asleep and couldn't wake up again. dawn.

"Wake them up and have something to eat together." Ye Siran said.

Last night, after Aunt Hua left, she went to catch two rabbits. The rabbits had been cleaned up, and it was time to barbecue.

"Okay." He Manyun saw two rabbits, her eyes lit up, and everyone woke up.

Ye Siran was in charge of roasting the rabbits. After they were roasted, they distributed them and everyone ate some.

"What's the arrangement for today?" He Manyun asked vaguely while eating rabbit meat.

"Break out." Ye Siran said in a deep voice, "Once Hua Gu reappears, you take people to go northwest. There is a river dozens of kilometers away. After crossing that river, there is a national road not far away. If you are lucky enough to stop a car, you will be safe."

"Dozens of kilometers? I guess we can't even walk a few kilometers." He Manyun said, suddenly feeling wrong, and asked, "You asked me to take someone away, what about you?"

"I will delay Hua Gu and buy you time." Ye Siran said.

This plan was what she thought up last night.

The plan was not mature, because if Hua Gu wanted to kill someone, none of them would be able to escape, let alone run tens of kilometers away.

However, Hua Gu said that the target is her, so she has the capital to deal with Hua Gu.

Hua Gu's words certainly made the game more interesting, but on the contrary, it also made Ye Siran feel that it was a great opportunity.She alone can hold Hua Gu back.

"Do you have a fever? What kind of bad idea is this?" He Manyun glared at Ye Siran, and said, "How can you hold Hua Gu back, she wants to kill you, it's as easy as flipping the palm of your hand, not even for ten seconds."

"I have the confidence to live longer." Ye Siran said firmly.

"Confidence is a good thing, but it also needs to be realistic. Your plan won't work at all... From my point of view, the best way is to work hard with Hua Gu." He Manyun said.

"This is an order." Ye Siran said.

It's hard for her to explain to He Manyun, but this is the best way, otherwise, everyone will be dragged down to death by her.

"I won't accept this order of yours." He Manyun shook her head, she couldn't leave Ye Siran to die, and it's meaningless to die like this.

"I repeat, this is an order." Gritting his teeth, Ye Siran said.

"Si Ran, if you want to die, everyone will die together, if you want to live together." He Manyun said.

"Manyun, just listen to me, I beg you." Ye Siran said.

"It's better to beg her than to beg me. Wouldn't it be better for you to beg me to let you go?" Just as Ye Siran finished speaking, Huagu's voice sounded.

"Old witch, what's so great about you? Who asked you?" He Manyun stared at Hua Gu and said loudly.

"If you don't beg me, someone will beg me." Hua Gu ignored He Manyun, Shi Shiran said.

"Will it be useful for me to ask you?" Ye Siran said, she knew Hua Gu was talking about her.

"It's useless." Huagu laughed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You said it's useless, why do we ask you?" He Manyun rolled her eyes.

"This is not nonsense." Ye Siran sighed, and said to Hua Gu: "These people have nothing to do with you, why do you have to kill them all? If you think killing me directly is not enough, you can slow down Slowly kill me."

"Si Ran, what are you talking about? This old hag looks dissatisfied with her desires, and she will torture and abuse you." He Manyun said hastily.

"You can consider my suggestion." Ye Siran shook his head at He Manyun, and said to Huagu again.

"I gave you one night, thinking you would have some brilliant ideas, but I didn't expect you to be so childish, it was a waste of my time." Hua Gu dismissed it.

At the end, Hua Gu's voice turned cold, and she said, "Pick up your guns and shoot me."

"You damn pervert, don't hide if you have the ability. If your bones are harder than bullets, I, He Manyun, will be convinced." He Manyun raised her gun and pointed it at Huagu.

"What about you?" Hua Gu asked Ye Siran without paying attention to He Manyun.

Ye Siran picked up the gun, pointed at Hua Gu, and said, "If you think this is more interesting, you are bound to be disappointed."

"It looks like I'm really going to be disappointed." Hua Gu said regretfully, she could see that Ye Siran was not afraid, this was not what she hoped to see.

"If you don't want to be more disappointed, killing me as soon as possible is the best result." Ye Siran said again.

"Then, I'll kill you all, and this game should be over." Hua Gu thought for a while and said.

"Old witch, it's not certain who will kill who." He Manyun bared her teeth, and she won't lose if she loses.

"Shoot, don't waste my time, and..." Hua Gu pointed at He Manyun, and said, "You will be the first to die in today's killing."

"Scaring me, I warn you, I, He Manyun, was scared too much." He Manyun said with a stare, thinking in her heart, there are deaths on the left and right, what is the difference between the first death and the last death?
"Then, you can go to hell." Hua Gu said coldly, and at the same time, Ye Siran was about to pull the trigger.

"Who? Who can go to die?" At this moment, a voice that seemed to be a smile but not a smile rang out. Accompanied by the voice of speaking, the young man walked out slowly and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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