genius evil

Chapter 803 You Have Your Eyes On Me

Chapter 803 You Have Your Eyes On Me

The young man walked out leisurely, as if he was walking in his own backyard, with a deep smile on his face, extremely gentle, like a spring breeze, and also extremely handsome and handsome.

Of course, smiling like a spring breeze is the feeling for others, handsome and handsome is the feeling of a young man himself, but there is no way, he has always been so confident and thick-skinned.

It's just that no matter how strong the smile is, it can't hide the full curiosity.

After walking out, the young man's eyeballs rolled around, he glanced at Hua Gu, and then at Ye Siran and He Manyun, as if he wanted to see who could die.

"Who are you?" Hua Gu had already started to kill, she didn't expect a person to appear out of nowhere, her face was very ugly, she stared at Jiang Chen and asked.

"You don't have to worry about who I am, just tell me who can die." The young man said lazily.

"Boy, you are courting death." Hua Gu was furious, disliking Jiang Chen's tone of voice.

"Could it be that you are telling me that I can die?" The young man looked stunned and said in disbelief, "Have I offended you?"

"Hmph!" Hua Gu snorted coldly, but did not answer the extremely idiotic question of the young man.

"Um, what do you mean, did you offend me or not?" the young man said relentlessly.

"It seems that you are really looking for death." Hua Gu couldn't bear it anymore, thinking whether to shoot this guy to death first.

After all, it is a young man who is looking for death with all his heart. Even if he dies, he can't blame others.

"Old witch, that's why you're being unreasonable." The young man's face darkened, a little unhappy, "You've been talking for a long time, but you haven't made it clear where I offended you. In other words, I didn't I have never offended you, but you keep saying that I am looking for death, do I look easy to bully?"

"You will soon understand whether you are easy to bully." Hua Gu said, she moved her foot, raised her right hand, and slapped Jiang Chen with a slap.

"Jiang Chen, be careful." Seeing Hua Gu making a move, Ye Siran said anxiously.

The young man was Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's appearance was unexpected and sudden. When Ye Siran saw Jiang Chen's appearance for the first time, he almost thought he was hallucinating.

After figuring out that it was not a hallucination, Ye Siran was immediately surrounded by great surprises.

You know, she asked He Manyun what Jiang Chen said when he called Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen said very simply, just told He Manyun that he knew.

Such an answer is undoubtedly very perfunctory.

As a result, Ye Siran did not expect that Jiang Chen would really come.

Even Ye Siran thought to himself, even if Jiang Chen found out with conscience and rushed over, they would probably all be dead already.

Jiang Chen is here, they are not dead yet... How can this not surprise Ye Siran?
Jiang Chen was still that angry, even on this occasion, he was still careless, saying a few words, just enough to make Hua Gu angry.

Seeing it, Ye Siran was extremely relieved, and the depression that had been in the past few days had quietly dissipated a lot.

However, it was also because Jiang Chen was too foolish. When Hua Gu made a move, Ye Siran felt nervous for a while, fearing that Jiang Chen would underestimate the enemy and be shot to death by Hua Gu accidentally.

Jiang Chen chuckled and cast a wink at Ye Siran.

Ye Siran blushed, and looked away angrily.

But at this moment, there was a "pop", a clear sound came out, upon hearing that sound, Ye Siran turned his head suddenly again, and then saw, on Huagu's old face, suddenly appeared five A red finger print.

"Do you still think I'm easy to bully?" After slapping Hua Gu casually, Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"You—" Hua Gu looked shocked, and looked at Jiang Chen in shock.

She didn't know how strong Jiang Chen was, but because Jiang Chen appeared silently and she didn't even notice it beforehand, she didn't show mercy when he slapped Jiang Chen.

Hua Gu felt that with her cultivation base of the seventh level of the ancient martial arts, if Jiang Chen was a little weird, a slap to kill Jiang Chen would be enough.

But what Hua Gu didn't expect was that when Jiang Chen made a random move, he hit her back and slapped her.

On the cheek, there was a burning pain as if it had been burned, but Hua Gu had no time to take care of it, and fell into a deep panic.

With her cultivation of the seventh level of the ancient martial arts, when she shot with all her strength, she didn't even touch a corner of Jiang Chen's clothes, but was slapped by Jiang Chen instead.

From this point, how could Hua Gu not know that she could not be Jiang Chen's opponent at all.

"I'm asking you something." Jiang Chen yelled and urged.

"You talk too much." Suppressing the panic in her heart, Hua Gu said.

"Actually, you can just point it out and tell me that I'm not easy to bully." Jiang Chen said.

"Even if you are strong, it will not be easy to kill me." Hua Gu said coldly.

As soon as Ye Siran opened his mouth, he called out Jiang Chen's name. Hua Gu knew that Jiang Chen should be called by Ye Siran for help, which inevitably made Hua Gu feel deeply regretful.

If she had known this, she would have killed Ye Siran long ago, otherwise, where would there be such troubles?

"Don't you know that you look easy to bully?" Jiang Chen said in great bewilderment.

Hearing the sound, Hua Girl was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Ye Siran and He Manyun looked at each other and then smiled.

"Jiang Chen, how do you know, she looks easy to bully?" Blinking, He Manyun said.

In the past few days, she has been bullied by this Huagu, and finally she has the opportunity to bully her back. Naturally, He Manyun doesn't mind adding insult to injury at all.

"Since it looks like it, it's obvious that it's not long enough." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"But why didn't I see it?" He Manyun pretended to be puzzled.

Jiang Chen didn't answer He Manyun's question, but told her with practical actions why Hua Gu seemed to deserve a beating.

Ever since, Jiang Chen slapped Hua Gu's face again.

After a slap, Jiang Chen said triumphantly: "See, isn't it easy to bully?"

"So it's really easy to bully." He Manyun's eyes lit up.

Hua Gu is really about to vomit blood now.

If Jiang Chen slapped her for the first time, there was an element of accident that made her feel lucky, then when Jiang Chen slapped her for the second time, Hua Gu was ashamed .

It was in vain for her to say that it was not an easy matter for Jiang Chen to kill her, but Jiang Chen proved by facts that killing her was as easy as pie, nothing could be easier.

Hua Gu couldn't help panicking, she stared at Jiang Chen with resentment, and said, "Boy, you are too rampant, if you dare to kill me, my Xiaoshui Sect will chase you all over the world, and I will kill you too."

"I found out that you are becoming more and more unreasonable." Jiang Chen sighed, and said with an innocent face: "Is it really good to have a backer if you disagree with me like this? Bullying me without a backer?"

Hua Gu's heart skipped a beat, thinking what Jiang Chen meant, could it be that Jiang Chen has no backer?

Is it just possible? She could tell at a glance that Jiang Chen was only eighteen or nineteen years old. At this age, his cultivation base is so terrifying. How could he not have a backing?

But when Hua Gu was thinking like this, Ye Siran's eyes widened suddenly, he looked at Hua Gu in disbelief, and asked in a low voice, "Are you from the Xiaoshui Sect?"

"Ye Siran, are you surprised?" Hua Gu said noncommittally.

"An accident?" Ye Siran smiled wryly.

Ye Siran was not just as simple as an accident, his mood became extremely complicated for a while.

When Jiang Chen heard Hua Gu mention Xiaoshuizong, he didn't feel too much, but to Ye Siran, it was like the cold winter of March [-], when someone poured a basin of ice water on his head, and his whole body was cold from head to toe .

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously.

"Jiang Chen, this Xiaoshuizong has a great relationship with the Ren family." Ye Siran said bitterly.

"Huh..." Jiang Chen froze for a moment.

The family is backed by the sect, Ye Siran's words mean that the Xiaoshui sect is the sect behind the Ren family in Xifu.

Although Ye Siran's surname is not Ren, he is inextricably linked with the Ren family, and they are essentially a family.

People from Xiaoshuizong want to kill Ye Siran, doesn't this mean that the whole family is killing each other?

No, it can't be regarded as cannibalism, but a unilateral massacre. After all, Ye Siran is not qualified to kill each other with Xiaoshuizong.

"Why is this happening?" Ye Si asked heartbroken.

"I don't know, I just came to kill you." Hua Gu said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, help me, kill her." Hearing Hua Gu's words, Ye Siran stopped asking any more questions. In time, everything will come to light.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded, and directly slapped Hua Gu to death. Poor Hua Gu, when teasing Ye Siran and others, was like a cat playing with a mouse. In front of Jiang Chen, he turned into the mouse.

"Is this the end?" He Manyun said with a sad face.

It was too easy for Hua Gu to die. She was thinking that maybe Jiang Chen would have a big fight with Hua Gu. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would slap Hua Gu to death like a fly? up.

The rest of the team members also had extremely weird faces, and the way they looked at Jiang Chen quietly gave them a little more awe.

"Okay, everyone stay where you are for 10 minutes, and we'll leave here in 10 minutes." Taking a deep breath, suppressing the restlessness in his heart, Ye Siran ordered.

The team members dispersed one after another and sorted themselves out.

He Manyun leaned in front of Jiang Chen, looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, from head to foot, then from foot to head, kept looking like this, and didn't speak, Jiang Chen was terrified.

"Have you taken a fancy to me?" After being watched by He Manyun for 5 minutes, Jiang Chen had no choice but to speak.

"Fuck off, shameless, the devil has taken a fancy to you." He Manyun turned a pale face, blushing, but also realized that staring at Jiang Chen like that could easily lead to misunderstanding...

(End of this chapter)

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