genius evil

Chapter 80 I Have a Gun Too

Chapter 80 I Have a Gun Too
Ding Lingling said just now that she was going to shoot, but it was just a verbal warning. In fact, for a young policewoman like her who has never been in the police force before, how can she wear a gun with her? .

Ding Lingling didn't have a gun on her body, and the robber actually said that he had a gun and wanted to lend it to her. How could this not make Ding Lingling startled.

Ding Lingling wailed in agony, how could she have imagined that it was just a routine patrol, and she met two robbers with guns on her body, and now she chased them up, wouldn't it be sending sheep to the tiger's mouth.

"Yeah, not only I have a gun, but my brother also has a gun, but I don't know, who do you want to borrow a gun from, or do you want to borrow both guns?" The man smiled, and when he spoke, The expression is ambiguous and obscene.

Ding Lingling was a little puzzled, she even wondered if the robber was out of his mind, otherwise why would he lend her the gun?

Therefore, even though the temptation to borrow a gun seemed great, Ding Lingling forced herself to calm down a bit. She said, "Don't you two know that illegal possession of a gun is illegal? You two have already committed robbery. crime, and now illegal possession of a firearm, which is a felony."

"We don't care about felony felonies. But girl, do you want to borrow or not?" the man said with a bluffing face.

"I..." Ding Lingling hesitated, she didn't know what to say, she thought this was too strange, she didn't want to borrow it, and she didn't know whether to borrow it or not.

"Why, you can't borrow it if you don't want to. Unfortunately, our brother will definitely lend you this gun. Even if you don't want to borrow it, you have to borrow it." The man walked towards Ding Lingling while talking. .

Ding Lingling was a little dazed by that person's words, she just felt that her IQ was not enough at all, she stared blankly at that person walking towards her, for a long time, she forgot whether she should do it or not. order something.

"I said, are you singing an opera?" Seeing that person walking towards Ding Lingling, Jiang Chen couldn't even speak if he didn't want to.

While talking, Jiang Chen swayed over from the car.

"Boy, if you are sensible, get out of here as soon as possible, don't ruin our good business." Another robber who had been silent all this time, saw Jiang Chen coming out, and immediately said fiercely.

This open-air parking lot happened to be empty, so it was the perfect place to "borrow a gun to commit murder". I didn't expect that there was a person hiding in it, and he walked out so carelessly. Wouldn't this be a good thing to ruin them.

"Jiang Chen, why are you here?" Ding Lingling also saw Jiang Chen at this time, and said in surprise.

"My car is parked here." Jiang Chen casually pointed to his car and explained casually.

"Jiang Chen, did you buy a car? When did you buy it? It was a BMW X6. When did you become so rich?" Seeing clearly the car Jiang Chen was pointing at, Ding Lingling looked astonished.

Ding Lingling knew that the car cost more than 100 million. Jiang Chen, a student, actually bought such an expensive car. No matter how rich his family was, he didn't spend it like this.Besides, Jiang Chen didn't look like a rich man.

"Well, I'm actually not very rich." Jiang Chen smiled, and looked at Ding Lingling speechlessly. This chick really couldn't grasp the point as always.

"Since you have no money, why do you still want to buy such a car? If you want to drive, why don't you just buy a car worth around 20 yuan? Besides, as a student, if you drive such a good car, don't you worry about the bad influence?" ?" Ding Lingling wrinkled her nose and said, apparently thinking that Jiang Chen had no money and wanted to slap his face swollen to make himself fat.

"Hey, no, Jiang Chen, why do you seem to have grown taller and more handsome?" While speaking, Ding Lingling suddenly noticed the change in Jiang Chen, her eyes widened and her face was full of disbelief.

Jiang Chen had indeed grown a lot taller. After breaking through the second layer of Body Tempering, his body changed from the inside out. If he was only less than 1.6 meters tall, now he is nearly 1.6 meters five.

Although such a height is still not conspicuous, Jiang Chen jumped from a height of less than 1.6 meters before to a height of 1.6 meters [-]. Such a change is quite astonishing.

Moreover, the changes in Jiang Chen's body were not limited to his height. He continued to use medicine to polish his body for a week, and crazily replenished food energy. Jiang Chen's body became much more plump, and his facial features also changed. There are not small changes, especially his eyes, which give people a sense of depth and charm.

"Little girl, why are you talking? I've always been handsome, okay?" Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"You were not handsome at all before, but now you seem to be a little handsome, but you are still not very handsome, at most it is just a little more masculine." Ding Lingling felt a little depressed, did this gangster never look in the mirror of it.

"Little girl, you have bad eyesight, I don't care about you." Jiang Chen shook his head, then turned to a robber and said, "Hey, open your eyes and see, am I handsome or not?"

"You're so handsome." The robber said angrily without thinking about it.

The robbers were a little confused by the conversation between Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling. They are robbers, okay? As the targets who are about to be bullied, can Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling have a bit of victim consciousness? Didn't take them seriously.

Coupled with Jiang Chen asking such stupid questions, the robbers exploded immediately.


Jiang Chen directly raised his hand, slapped that guy to the ground, and said cursingly: "It's really fucking bad luck, I've encountered a mental illness, and I hate the guy who opens his eyes and talks nonsense the most."

Ding Lingling was dumbfounded, and so was the other robber.

"Jiang Chen, don't be impulsive, they have guns." After staying there, Ding Lingling said anxiously.

Jiang Chen's temper was too hot, and he immediately slapped him to the ground. The problem is that he has a gun. If he shoots now, wouldn't she and Jiang Chen have to finish the game.

"Is it great to have a gun? I also have a gun." Jiang Chen said unhappily, and said to another robber: "Come here, open your eyes and let me see clearly whether I am handsome or not. "

The robber was a little confused, why did he feel that Jiang Chen was more vicious than him? Was the role reversed?

But when he saw the man who fell to the ground by Jiang Chen's slap, how could the robber not know that Jiang Chen kept saying that others were crazy, but in fact he himself was a complete crazy.

Just say that he is not handsome, it is completely true, why did he hit someone.

"" The robber stammered, he felt that he really couldn't go against his conscience and say that Jiang Chen was handsome, even though his conscience had been eaten by dogs long ago.

"If you want to praise me for being handsome, just say it directly, what's there to be embarrassed about." Jiang Chen comforted him with a smile.

The robber was speechless, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, what is your origin? I admit that you are a bit powerful, but we are the people of Lord Quan. I advise you, it is best not to meddle in other people's business, or you will not die someday." I don't even know how he died."

"You chatter, I just asked you if I'm handsome or not, what are you talking so much about?" Jiang Chen's face was so ugly, he rushed past, and slapped the robber again. He fell to the ground, and this time, he passed out directly from the fan.

"The trouble...seems to be resolved..." Ding Lingling looked at the two fallen robbers and couldn't react.

"Oh, chick, I'm sorry, I stole your job, will the police give you a bonus? By the way, I remember that you didn't give me the bonus for my bravery last time." Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling, smiling.

Ding Lingling ignored Jiang Chen and quickly walked towards a robber.

"Little girl, what are you doing?" Jiang Chen was taken aback by Ding Lingling.

"Search, they said they had guns on their bodies." Ding Lingling said seriously. Although the robber was knocked down by Jiang Chen at this time, having a gun on his body is always an unstable factor, and he must be searched out as soon as possible. Danger is nipped in the cradle.

"I said little girl, I also have a gun on me, why don't you come and search for my gun?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded, he simply didn't know if this girl was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid, she was obviously being molested.

"You really have a gun?" Ding Lingling's face changed a little, and she stopped searching and walked in front of Jiang Chen.

"Yes, let's search quickly, but whether you can search for the gun or not depends on your ability." Jiang Chen spread his legs, pointed between his legs, and said lazily.

"Jiang Chen, a body search is a body search, why are you doing such a rogue move?" Ding Lingling said angrily with a big face.

"Isn't it convenient for you to search for a gun? Let me tell you, my gun can be big or small, bendable and stretchable. With a single pull of the trigger, it can fire thousands of bullets. It's very baby. Be careful. Don't search for it." Jiang Chen said with a strange smile.

Ding Lingling is not an idiot after all, even though she has never had any experience with men and women, after listening to Jiang Chen's strange description, she understood what the so-called gun pointed at.

"Jiang Chen, you damn rascal." Ding Lingling cursed.Stamping her feet angrily, if she didn't understand and really went to search for Jiang Chen's gun, wouldn't it be...

Ding Lingling didn't dare to think about it at all, she just felt that her face was burning hot and was about to burn.

"Be serious, what is a hooligan? When a man goes out, who doesn't carry a gun with him? This gun is usually useless, but in this kind of place where the throat is broken, no one comes. , that can definitely be used heartily." Jiang Chen spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

Ding Lingling's face paled quietly, and she was surprised for a while. Although what Jiang Chen said was very serious, how could Ding Lingling not hear it? If Jiang Chen hadn't happened to appear, she would not be able to catch the thief today, but would fall on the two sides. In the hands of a robber, what will happen like that, I dare not even think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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