genius evil

Chapter 81 I won't be responsible for you

Chapter 81 I won't be responsible for you
Ten minutes later, a police car appeared in the parking lot, the door opened, and a figure quickly got out. That person was none other than Fang Yongnian who had met Jiang Chen once.

"Captain Fang, why are you here in person?" It was Ding Lingling who called the branch to ask for support, but Ding Lingling was still a little surprised to see Fang Yongnian appearing.

"Lingling, these two robbers have criminal records and are likely to be involved in other criminal cases. I'm here to take them away." Fang Yongnian replied.

"Oh, it's hard work for you, Captain Fang, and I need you to go there yourself." Ding Lingling said politely.

"You're welcome, if you say it's hard work, it's Lingling you who worked hard, and I'm just doing it easily." Fang Yongnian said with a smile, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

Fang Yongnian didn't know whether Jiang Chen was surprised by his appearance, but Fang Yongnian was quite surprised to see Jiang Chen here.From his point of view, it seemed that whenever Ding Lingling had something to do, Jiang Chen would always be by her side. Could it be that the relationship between the two of them was already so good?

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be here." Jiang Chen didn't speak, Fang Yongnian just took the initiative to say hello. After all, the impression Jiang Chen gave him during the last meeting can be described as profound.

"Captain Fang, I don't seem to have a handle on you this time." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Of course not, why do you say that?" Fang Yongnian asked suspiciously.

"Since there is no one, then this time, I should be able to get the bonus... Well, let me do the math. The two times I have acted bravely, the bonuses should add up to a lot. Captain Fang, when will you give me the money. "Jiang Chen touched his chin and said falteringly.

Fang Yongnian's face turned black, Jiang Chen didn't talk about being brave, he said, he got angry when he said it, why did he act bravely twice before and after, the last time didn't count at all, he was just threatened by Jiang Chen, and he had to give false testimony , and this time, the relationship between Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling is at most a mutual help between friends, and it would be too reluctant to characterize it as a righteous act.

Naturally, it was not this that made Fang Yongnian speechless the most, but Jiang Chen's appearance of a money fanatic who had never seen money before. Fang Yongnian is about to explode if there is a clue.

"I will report this to the higher authorities." Fang Yongnian said verbally, even though he was uncomfortable in his heart.

"It's better to be like this, otherwise I'd really think that it was Captain Fang who stole my bonus." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"That's not possible." Fang Yongnian gritted his teeth and said.

"It's best not to." Jiang Chen said lazily, ignoring Fang Yongnian's reaction.

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Fang Yongnian was slightly taken aback, as if inadvertently, he had once again shown weakness to Jiang Chen. After realizing this, Fang Yongnian was quite a heartbreaker, but he couldn't vent his anger on Jiang Chen. On Chen's head, he punched and kicked the two robbers, and the anger in his heart dissipated a lot.


The sound of taking pictures suddenly rang in Fang Yongnian's ears.

Fang Yongnian was slightly taken aback, thinking that a reporter had followed him, and if he accidentally captured the scene of him beating someone, it would be troublesome.

Fang Yongnian looked back quickly, but happened to see Jiang Chen fiddling with the phone in his hand, and when he saw him turn his head back, it happened to face his face, and a photo came from the front.

"Tsk tsk, I can't tell Captain Fang is quite photogenic." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"What are you doing, quickly delete the photo." Fang Yongnian was furious. If this photo was left in Jiang Chen's cell phone, wouldn't it mean that Jiang Chen had taken advantage of him.

"Hey, Captain Fang, are you begging me, are you threatening me, or are you begging me?" Eyes narrowed slightly, Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"I don't think I need to ask you." Fang Yongnian said coldly.

"Then, are you threatening me? Could it be that Captain Fang felt that the lesson from last time wasn't deep enough or memorable enough?" Jiang Chen put away his phone carelessly, looked at Fang Yongnian and said.

"You—" Fang Yongnian was furious, pointing a finger at Jiang Chen.

"Don't point at me like that, and don't worry about misunderstood me. That's right, I'm threatening you too, and it looks like my threat is more effective than yours." Jiang Chen said calmly. .

The veins on Fang Yongnian's forehead twitched violently. This was nothing. He failed to threaten Jiang Chen, but was threatened by Jiang Chen. He just remembered the last time he fought against Jiang Chen and suffered a dull loss. There is a stomach full of anger, and half of it is impossible to have an attack.

"Jiang Chen, you are really good at tricks. You don't need to say too much. Between you and me, we will see the difference in the future." Staring at Jiang Chen with fire-breathing eyes, Fang Yongnian threw the two robbers into the car. , drove the car and left.

"Jiang Chen, why do you always like to have trouble with Captain Fang?" Seeing Fang Yongnian being pissed off, Ding Lingling was somewhat dumbfounded.

"Did I feel sorry for him?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Ding Lingling was speechless, thinking that Fang Yongnian was almost pissed to death, but he still didn't feel sorry, how could Jiang Chen open his eyes and talk nonsense?

However, Ding Lingling didn't say much on this issue, and instead said: "When you have time, go shopping with me, and treat me to dinner."

"Let's just go shopping and eat, why don't we go to a hotel and get a room and talk about our ideals in life?" Jiang Chen said smugly.

"What are you talking about? Who wants to have a room with you?" Ding Lingling blushed with embarrassment. Even if this guy had a crush on her, he couldn't be so straightforward. Didn't he know that he would scare people away? ?

In the next second, Ding Lingling felt something was wrong. Didn't Jiang Chen always dislike her breasts not being big enough? Why would he want to have sex with her?

"Little girl, don't you think you're hot? I'm just talking casually. If you take it seriously, I will never be responsible." Seeing Ding Lingling's eyeballs flickering, Jiang Chen hehe laughed.

"Bastard, I'm so mad." Ding Lingling stomped her feet, this guy is really hateful.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, rubbed Ding Lingling's little head with his hands, and said with relief: "I was a little worried that you would be overwhelmed when you were stimulated, but now it seems that having a strong nerve really has the benefits of having a strong nerve, so you don't want to go shopping Are you eating, what are you doing in a daze, let's go."

Ding Lingling couldn't get angry immediately, she looked at Jiang Chen with big eyes, blinking, how could she not understand that Jiang Chen was deliberately joking to ease her inner tension.

"Jiang Chen, I don't seem to have any money with me." Ding Lingling said suddenly.

"I treat guests." Jiang Chen said generously. It was rare for him to be so generous. If Ding Lingling hadn't been stimulated just now, he wouldn't have taken the initiative to say such words as a treat.

"Then I want to buy a lot of clothes, and I also want to eat a seafood feast. I agreed that you pay for the treat, and I can't go back on my word." Ding Lingling smiled like a little fox.

Who told Jiang Chen not to say comforting words, but deliberately teased her, if Jiang Chen didn't let Jiang Chen bleed out once, she wouldn't feel very comfortable in her heart.

"Okay, I'll pay for it." Jiang Chen's heart was bleeding, this little girl with a small chest and no brains really didn't treat her outsiders at all.


A few minutes later, Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling appeared in a large shopping mall.

There is no doubt that Ding Lingling likes shopping very much, but because of the special nature of her profession, she had to suppress this liking in the past.

Today, with Jiang Chen's company, Ding Lingling is like a canary that just escaped from the cage, that's crazy.

The most direct manifestation of Ding Lingling's madness is that he kept running into various clothing stores to try on clothes. Jiang Chen felt fortunate that although Ding Lingling's chest was indeed not very big, under the perennial police training , a good figure, impeccable, can be called the most perfect model figure.

Ding Lingling's fitting was like a dress-up meeting for Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was extremely satisfied. After all, no matter whether it was Jiang Chen in the previous life or this life, he had never had such an experience. When Jiang Chen paid the bill, he was in a much happier mood, and even the matter of Ding Lingling's small breasts became forgivable.

Bought several sets of clothes in a row, costing Jiang Chen nearly tens of thousands, Ding Lingling was satisfied, carrying the bag, happily walked out of the shopping mall with Jiang Chen, and went to the place to eat.

When the car stopped at a place to eat, Jiang Chen was surprised that this place was not a place to eat seafood, but a rather ordinary Sichuan restaurant.

"Stop eating seafood?" Jiang Chen smiled.

"Of course I want to eat, but next time." Ding Lingling snorted, and led Jiang Chen into the Sichuan restaurant.

It can be seen that Ding Lingling has been here before, and he ordered a few signature dishes. Because Jiang Chen had to drive, Ding Lingling, a policeman, thought that he had to set an example, so he couldn't help but order a can for Jiang Chen. herbal tea.

"Sichuan cuisine is spicy and delicious. Drinking some herbal tea later can just relieve the heat." Ding Lingling said.

Jiang Chen smiled. He casually glanced at the several main Chinese herbal medicines on the herbal tea jar just now. They indeed have the effect of reducing internal heat, but judging from the preparation method, they are actually just a kind of drink. The so-called medicinal function , It's just an advertising method used by manufacturers to promote it.

But Jiang Chen didn't say much, drinking herbal tea is better than drinking cold boiled water, and Ding Lingling seems to like this kind of herbal tea quite a bit, so I won't spoil her good mood.

There were not many people in the restaurant, and the dishes ordered were delivered quickly. Jiang Chen and Ding Lingling glanced at each other, as if they understood something from each other's eyes. stand up.

"Slow down, you slow down." Ding Lingling was a little anxious seeing Jiang Chen's three actions, that is, finishing half of a large bowl of spicy fish fillets.

"Hands are fast, hands are slow, whoever eats first will be the one, stop talking nonsense." Jiang Chen smiled, showing a mouthful of snow-white teeth.

"Hmph, I'm just giving in to you, I haven't started it yet." Ding Lingling pulled a plate of boiled pork slices in front of her, dipped the meat slices into the sauce, and started to eat.

"Lingling, what a coincidence that you are eating here too." Just as Ding Lingling was eating happily, a voice suddenly rang in Ding Lingling's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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