genius evil

Chapter 82

Chapter 82
"Xiaoqiang, Lao Wan, come here for dinner." Ding Lingling turned her head and saw two policemen standing behind her, one old and one young, a typical combination of old and young.

Both of these two belong to the same sub-bureau as Ding Lingling, because the sub-bureau had dinner at this Sichuan restaurant before, it is not unusual to meet here, but the problem is that Ding Lingling is too embarrassed, Her mouth was full of meat slices, and this image was undoubtedly not very good.

"Yeah, Lao Wan and I are patrolling this area. It's just noon, so we'll settle our lunch problem here." The young policeman Cai Qiang said.

Then Cai Qiang glanced at Jiang Chen and asked, "Lingling, is this your friend?"

"His name is Jiang Chen, he is my friend." Ding Lingling nodded and said.

"Lingling, this friend of yours has a really good appetite." Cai Qiang said again.

Hearing what Cai Qiang said, Ding Lingling looked towards Jiang Chen, and saw that Jiang Chen had been eating indiscriminately between her words, even the plate of boiled pork slices in front of her was not good enough. Know when, all the remaining meat slices are gone.

Ding Lingling was a little dizzy, this Jiang Chen is too disrespectful, isn't this taking advantage of others' danger?

"His appetite is quite good." Ding Lingling said casually with a bitter face. She has no intention of talking now, but only thinks about how to send Cai Qiang and Lao Wan away quickly, otherwise it will be delayed for a while. Jiang Chen had to eat all the dishes on the table.

"Lingling, I don't think your complexion is very good. Are you a little tired? How about I take you back to rest after dinner?" Cai Qiang asked with concern.

Ding Lingling caught two robbers. This matter had already been spread in the branch office. , but in fact, she used to be engaged in copywriting work, and no one expected her to be able to do anything in solving the case. She just needs to stay in the branch office like a vase, which is extremely pleasing to the eye.

"No, no... Aren't you guys here for dinner? Go ahead and eat, don't worry about me." Ding Lingling held the chopsticks, hesitating, wanting to reach for the food, but she was a little scrupulous and said absent-mindedly .

Cai Qiang wanted to say something, but Lao Wan who was silent at the side pulled Cai Qiang and said with a smile: "Xiaoqiang, you are young and full of energy. I am an old guy who has been hungry for a long time. Don't disturb Lingling's meal, let's eat too."

Cai Qiang had no choice but to nod his head. This Lao Wan has been taking him with him, and he can be regarded as his half master. Cai Qiang still respects Lao Wan, so he had to sit down at another table with Lao Wan. Ordered some meals.

After 10 minutes, Jiang Chen who was gorging himself finally put down his chopsticks, burped contentedly, and said with a smile, "I'm full."

"I'm not full." Ding Ling said vigorously, but she also had to put down her chopsticks, because Jiang Chen had eaten all the dishes on the table.

This made Ding Lingling extremely depressed. Her eating speed was not as fast as Jiang Chen's, and because Cai Qiang and Lao Wan were in the same restaurant, she couldn't let go. The immediate consequence was that Jiang Chen ate it all by herself. At least four-fifths of a meal.

Ding Lingling regretted bringing Jiang Chen here for dinner, otherwise, she would have been able to settle two-fifths of it so that she wouldn't be hungry.

"I said what do you eat so much as a woman, just think of it as losing weight." Jiang Chen looked at Ding Lingling's gloomy expression and said amusedly.

"I'm in such a good shape, so I don't need to lose weight." Ding Lingling gave Jiang Chen a blank look. The rascal was ashamed to say that she ate too much, but he didn't talk about himself like a pig.

"Do you think I'm blind? Where's your figure?" Jiang Chen looked like he wouldn't be fooled.

The whites of Ding Lingling's eyes rolled, she was so angry that she almost picked up a dish and threw it at Jiang Chen's face.

After paying the bill and getting into the car, Ding Lingling still rolled her eyes at Jiang Chen, expressing her contempt for Jiang Chen's blindness.

"Little girl, don't turn it over. If you turn it over again, the eyeballs will fall out." Jiang Chen found Ding Lingling's childish behavior quite interesting, and he didn't know how this woman had the courage to chase after the robbery. committed.

"It's better if the eyeballs fall out than someone has no eyes." Ding Lingling finally found the opportunity to say what he wanted to say.

"With eyes but no eyes, who are you talking about, is that guy called Xiaoqiang?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Hey, he didn't offend you, how can he scold him so well?" Ding Lingling said angrily.

"I'm not swearing at anyone, I'm just telling the truth. If that guy hadn't been blind, how could he be so courteous to you." Jiang Chen pouted and said.

"People don't have eyes but know how to appreciate. Let me tell you, if you don't have good eyesight, don't push the problem to others." Ding Lingling was very upset.

There was a man courting him, although she didn't like that kind of behavior, and was even a little bit against it, but Jiang Chen directly described him as blind, wouldn't that mean he was doubting her charm, how could this be tolerated.

"Little girl, you can rest assured about this question, my vision has always been the best." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"Hmph, then I want to see what the woman you like will look like." Ding Lingling was straightforward, and said whatever came to her mind.

"Hey, chick, if you have time, I'll bring my woman to show you some other day, and prove my vision by the way." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You have a girlfriend?" Ding Lingling froze for a moment, then said with her tongue open.

She was just talking casually, in order to blow Jiang Chen's arrogant arrogance, so that Jiang Chen would not use himself to blame, but Jiang Chen actually had a girlfriend.

"It's normal for a handsome man like me to have a girlfriend, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said triumphantly.

"I'm sorry, you just said it the wrong way. It's normal for a man like you who is not handsome at all to not have a girlfriend. I don't know what kind of woman is blind to fall in love with you." Ding Ling Ling said sullenly, "I don't know why, but suddenly I'm in a bad mood.

"You really don't think I'm handsome enough?" Jiang Chen asked in a serious manner, not arguing with Ding Lingling.

"Then..." Ding Lingling almost blurted out, is there any need to say that, she hurriedly put her words back, looked at Jiang Chen, and said: "It's not that he's not handsome, but it's absolutely hard to call him handsome. At most, it is more pleasing to the eye and not annoying."

"Have you noticed that I am much more handsome than a few days ago?" Jiang Chen asked again.

Ding Lingling nodded silently. She was wondering about this matter, but she hadn't seen him for a few days. Jiang Chen had grown several centimeters, and his appearance had also undergone considerable changes. This was really weird and unbelievable. Chen is still growing his body, so there is no reason to grow so much in a few days, isn't it?

When Ding Lingling was in the parking lot before, the reason why she recognized Jiang Chen so quickly was because she heard Jiang Chen speak. If Jiang Chen did not speak when he walked out, she would not dare to recognize him. human.

"Right, I knew you would admit this." Jiang Chen smiled.

"So what if you admit it, is it possible that you can become more handsome?" Ding Lingling couldn't see Jiang Chen's complacency, so she couldn't help attacking him. Anyway, she knew that Jiang Chen was as thick-skinned as a city wall and was automatically immune to all attacks. hit.

"Of course." Jiang Chen said as a matter of course.

Ding Lingling swallowed, and really wanted to ask Jiang Chen if he wanted to be ashamed, but he couldn't get it out of his mouth. After all, Jiang Chen had indeed become a little more handsome. The only difficulty is how handsome Jiang Chen can become.

"Even if you can become more handsome, what does it have to do with me." Ding Lingling muttered.

"Of course it has something to do with it. At least one thing can be proved. My woman has more discernment than you, and she can see my connotation better." Jiang Chen said boldly.

Ding Lingling felt speechless, this guy couldn't see any connotation from looking at it horizontally or vertically, suddenly Ding Lingling felt that something was wrong, and said dissatisfiedly: "Jiang Chen, you take me and your woman What do you mean by comparison, I don’t have that kind of relationship with you.”

"Oh, I just want to remind you kindly, don't fall in love with me because I'm too handsome, otherwise I will be embarrassed to reject your love show." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Ah, go to hell." Ding Lingling waved her angry little fist and beat Jiang Chen.

The place where Ding Lingling lives is a high-end villa complex, Jiang Chen is not too surprised by this, after all he has long seen that Ding Lingling's identity is a bit unusual, and being able to live in this kind of place is not a big deal. What a surprise.

"Hey, little rascal, I'm going in." Ding Lingling got out of the car with her bag, and shook her hand at Jiang Chen.

"Please don't act like you're inseparable, okay, if you're seen by outsiders, you'll be misunderstood." Jiang Chen looked terrified.

Ding Lingling had black hair, and she still wanted to say thank you to Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen had helped her several times. Even if Jiang Chen despised her, he should say thank you. Naturally, there was no way at this time. I said it.Turn around and leave, feeling bitter in my heart.

"Little girl, don't go so fast, I have something to tell you, remember to be careful with that Fang Yongnian." Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"What's wrong?" Turning around, Ding Lingling asked puzzled.

"It's nothing, just remember what I said." Jiang Chen didn't explain anything.

Ding Lingling was a little confused, but she still nodded, but whether she took Jiang Chen's words to heart is another matter.

Watching Ding Lingling enter the community, Jiang Chen started the car and was about to leave, but suddenly he heard the roar of an engine, and then, a white Porsche brought a gust of cold wind, roared towards it, and crossed the BMW In front of the front of the car, Jiang Chen's car was blocked...

(End of this chapter)

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