genius evil

Chapter 805 You Are Trying To Die

Chapter 805 You Are Trying To Die

"Boy, do you dare to hit me? No, you dare to kick me?" The second time Yigulu got up from the ground, Ren Minxing pointed a finger at Jiang Chen and yelled angrily.

With that appearance, it was clearly telling Jiang Chen that Ren Minxing would be kicked by someone one day, what an incredible thing it is, the nature is very bad, and the consequences are very serious.

"Actually, what I have to remind you is that not only did I dare to kick you, but I have already kicked you twice." Jiang Chen looked at this guy like an idiot.

If Ren Minxing asked loudly like this when he was kicked for the first time, he would still have some momentum, but unfortunately, he has already been kicked twice, and it would be superfluous to say such things again. It's also very embarrassing.

"Boy, are you arrogant? Do you know who I am, and what status my Ren family has in this Xifu?" Ren Minxing was furious.

"You said it yourself just now, half of the West Mansion belongs to your Ren family, I remember it, but, then? What do you want to say?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Since you remember, you still dare to touch me. You are trying to die." Ren Minxing gritted his teeth and said, what he was most afraid of was that Jiang Chen would take his words as deaf ears, as long as Jiang Chen remembered.

Of course, remembering is far from enough, he will let Jiang Chen deeply learn what it means to say that half of the West Mansion is owned by the Ren family.

"I didn't do anything, I only moved my feet." Jiang Chen corrected dissatisfiedly, and said slowly: "Of course, if you need me to do it, in line with the principle of adult beauty, I will most likely satisfy you."

"No." Ren Minxing flatly refused, and he didn't really deserve a beating.

In addition, after weighing Jiang Chen's fighting skills, Ren Minxing understood that he would definitely not be Jiang Chen's opponent if he fought alone.

As for why there was such a judgment, it was naturally due to being kicked twice by Jiang Chen.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses. Ren Minxing felt that no matter how hard he moved, the one who suffered was all himself, so he could only endure the humiliation.

Then he brought someone over, and then beat him back fiercely, so that Jiang Chen would know what kind of identity and status he, Ren Minxing, had in this West Mansion, and not just any small fish or shrimp could bully him.

"But I have already decided to do it." Jiang Chen said.

After finishing speaking, he stepped forward, raised his hand and slapped Ren Minxing on the face, knocking Ren Minxing to the ground.

"Boy, I said no." Ren Minxing struggled to get up, stroking his face, that was a grievance.

You don't hit people in the face.

Could it be that Jiang Chen doesn't understand such a simple truth?
He is the youngest of the Ren family, if someone sees five red finger prints on his face, how can he go out to meet people?
"It's okay, don't thank me, who made me a good person." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Boy, you and I are at odds." Ren Minxing felt that Jiang Chen was insulting his IQ.

"Jiang Chen, cousin, can you two stop arguing?" Ye Siran said after watching for a while, dumbfounded.

Even though Ren Minxing was rich and self-willed, Jiang Chen was enough to smoke once, so he should give Ren Minxing some face, right?

"He humiliated me first." Jiang Chen insisted.

"Give you 100 million, you can say that I'm humiliating you, but I've given you 1000 million, and you have the nerve to think it's humiliating you? Do you want me to give you [-] million? Boy, don't be too greedy, or you will I won't get any money." Ren Minxing grinned.

Ren Minxing felt in his heart that Jiang Chen's tone was too loud.

"I didn't say it, you said it yourself, but if you give me [-] million, I can consider it properly and let Ye Siran live with your Ren family." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Saying this, Jiang Chen looked at Ren Minxing, the time to really test his IQ has come, and it depends on whether this guy will be fooled.

Once Ren Minxing expressed that it was feasible, he would definitely nod and agree immediately.

"Boy, you are really greedy, don't even think about 100 million, don't even think about [-] million, don't even think about [-] million... I warn you, you have offended me, and I will greet you in the next time , I will make you feel at home in this West Mansion." Ren Minxing said gloomyly.

In addition to Jiang Chen hating trouble, the other thing he hated the most was others threatening him.

So, Jiang Chen slapped Ren Minxing again, and knocked Ren Minxing to the ground with his face on the ground.

Ren Minxing was really ashamed to look at others this time, and ran away in a desperate manner, which was extremely fast.

Jiang Chen reached out to hail a taxi, and after boarding the taxi with Ye Siran, Ye Siran reported the address of a hotel.

Crescent five-star hotel.

This hotel is well-known even in a place like Xifu where there are so many five-star hotels. The most important thing is that this hotel is one of the properties of the Ren family. If Ye Siran goes to stay, it will be free.

"Jiang Chen, what you did just now was a bit too much." Ye Siran said after glaring at Jiang Chen.

"What's the situation with Ren Minxing at Ren's house?" Jiang Chen didn't care about Ye Siran's questioning, but asked.

"Cousin Minxing is the eldest grandson of the Ren family." Ye Siran said.

"This means that if the old man of the Ren family dies, Ren Minxing's father will be the first successor. If there is another accident, his father will also die. Ren Minxing will be the next head of the Ren family?" Jiang Chen said.

"It's almost like this." Ye Siran said angrily.

The truth is this truth, but Ye Siran dislikes Jiang Chen's harsh words, so why can't he simply say that Ren Minxing has the qualifications to inherit the Ren family?
Why do you bring her grandfather and uncle into it?

Even if Ren Minxing offended Jiang Chen, her grandfather and uncle were innocent, and there was no such arrangement.

"Although this is almost the case, it may not be smooth sailing for Ren Minxing to inherit the Ren family in the future." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, do you suspect that Cousin Min Xing was behind the scenes?" Ye Siran's face changed slightly.

"What do you think?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"Is it possible?" Ye Siran did not answer Jiang Chen's question, but asked instead.

"For many things, the more impossible they feel, the more likely they are. Besides, he is so stupid, isn't he? If a fool wants to rise to the top, the best way is to drive out all the smart people around him." Jiang Chen couldn't help but Said in a hurry.

"So you were testing cousin Minxing just now?" Ye Siran suddenly realized, and finally understood why Jiang Chen was rude to Ren Minxing.

After figuring this out, Ye Siran felt a little guilty again, she had questioned Jiang Chen's behavior just now.

"The temptation of 1000 million is still very strong. Even if I have more money than I can spend in a few lifetimes, it seems to me that I have nothing to do with money." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Then how suspicious do you think Cousin Minxing is?" Ye Siran said worriedly.

"That depends on whether he is really an idiot or just pretending to be an idiot." Jiang Chen said.

"Maybe, it's not an act." After thinking about it, Ye Siran said a little embarrassedly.

Although Ren Minxing chose a good name, in fact it is not worthy of the name, he is a genuine dandy, Ye Siran thinks that Ren Minxing should not have such cruel methods.

Thinking of this, another person appeared in Ren Minxing's mind - Ren Qichao!
The members of Ren's family are not considered prosperous, Mr. Ren has two sons and a daughter.

Ye Siran's mother is the youngest daughter, perhaps because she is the only daughter, she is the most favored by Mr. Ren.

However, in the generation of Ye Siran's mother, the population is still not prosperous. Except for Ye Siran's two daughters, Ye Siran's first uncle and second uncle only gave birth to a son.

Ren Minxing is the son of Ye Siran's eldest uncle, and Ren Qichao is the son of Ye Siran's second uncle.

If the suspicion of Ren Minxing is ruled out, then there is no doubt that the suspicion of Ren Qichao cannot be removed.

Ye Siran opened her mouth, just wanting to talk to Jiang Chen about this matter, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth. She is currently in a state of confusion, and there are some things that she wants to say, but she doesn't know how to proceed. Speaking of.

When the car arrived at the Crescent Hotel, when Ye Siran appeared at the front desk, he was recognized by the lobby manager, and everything that followed became extremely simple.

The manager of the lobby was very winking, and took the initiative to complete the check-in procedures, and then Jiang Chen and Ye Siran lived in the presidential suite on the top floor.

After entering the room, Ye Siran called and asked the hotel attendant to buy two sets of clothes for her and bring them up. After the clothes were delivered, Ye Siran said: "Jiang Chen, take a rest first, I'll take a shower."

The conditions in the jungle were harsh, and he was hunted down by Hua Gu for several days. Ye Siran hadn't showered for several days. On the way to the West Mansion, he bought a set of clothes from a clothing store to change into.

For Ye Siran, who is a bit of a clean freak, she actually wanted to take a good bath a long time ago, and finally got the chance.

"Actually, I also want to take a bath." Jiang Chen said embarrassedly.

Ye Siran blushed, took his clothes and went into the bathroom, shut the door loudly, Jiang Chen burst out laughing.

Ye Siran took the bath for half an hour. When Ye Siran changed his clothes and came out, Jiang Chen was eating the special snacks sent by the hotel.

"Jiang Chen, don't you want to take a bath? Go take a bath now." Ye Siran's face was still red, I don't know if it was because he was still shy, or it was because of the hot steam.

"Oh, I remembered that I didn't have a change of clothes." Jiang Chen said.

"I'll call someone to buy it for you." Ye Siran said.

Of course she knew that Jiang Chen didn't really want to take a bath, it was purely to tease her, but in order to avoid being teased again, Ye Siran decided that this bath, no matter what, Jiang Chen had to take a bath.

"It's fine, just buy ten or eight pieces from Armani or Givenchy. I don't have high demands." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"As far as I know, the two clothing brands you mentioned are the sole agents of the Ren family." Ye Siran squinted and smiled lightly. Jiang Chen's request was not difficult for her at all.

But at this moment, the people outside the room rang out, someone was knocking on the door, to be exact, hearing that noise, it was knocking down the door...

(End of this chapter)

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