genius evil

Chapter 806 No slap in the face this time

Chapter 806 No slap in the face this time
Ye Siran went to open the door, poked his head in, there was no one else but Ren Minxing.

"Cousin Si Ran, you live here, did I find the wrong place?" Ren Minxing scratched his head when he saw Ye Siran who opened the door.

"If you're looking for Jiang Chen, you're looking for the right place." Ye Siran said.

"You two live in the same room?" Ren Minxing's eyes widened.

"The suite is very big, it's no problem to accommodate two people." Ye Siran had to correct.

At best it was living in a suite, not a room.

The reason why I live in a suite is out of safety considerations. Now that everything is messed up, Ye Siran doesn't want to put himself in danger again. That's why he will take the initiative to ask for a suite when the lobby manager asks. in the suite.

"Is there a difference? This is living in the same room." Ren Minxing was obviously very single-minded, and when he saw that Ye Siran's hair was wet, he had just taken a shower, and his face immediately changed.

Adult men and women living together is enough to be ambiguous, and they have taken a bath, so it is conceivable what happened.

Stretching out his hand to push Ye Siran, Ren Minxing walked in angrily, saw Jiang Chen sitting on the sofa eating leisurely, and shouted: "Boy, you are dead."

"Cousin Minxing, when I was at the airport earlier, I had a little misunderstanding." Ren Minxing explained helplessly.

"I'm not talking about the airport." Ren Minxing was really angry, and said sharply: "The women of our Ren family, how can this kind of toad be able to climb high."

"Gao Pan?" Ye Siran froze for a moment.

"Si Ran, don't you understand why this guy doesn't want the 100 million I gave him, nor the 1000 million?" Ren Minxing said sharply.

"Why?" Ye Siran asked subconsciously.

"Of course it's this guy who knows that you can get more benefits from you. That kind of benefits is far beyond what 100 million or 1000 million can match. Such a big ambition and a big appetite." Ren Minxing said.

If he hadn't known why Jiang Chen didn't ask for money, Ye Siran would have believed Ren Minxing's words.

Immediately unable to laugh or cry, Ye Siran said: "Cousin Minxing, don't get excited, let's talk if you have something to say."

"How can I not be excited? This kid has brought you into harm's way. It's such a big flower, stuck on the cow dung." Ren Minxing was heartbroken.

"Cousin Minxing, you misunderstood." Ye Siran couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't understand how Ren Minxing's association ability was so rich.

She just lived in a suite with Jiang Chen, how could Ren Minxing think that she was harmed by Jiang Chen?

"There will be no misunderstanding. I will deal with him in a while. Don't intercede with him. Even if you intercede, I won't give you face." Ren Minxing said angrily.

While talking, Ren Minxing yelled: "Get the hell out of here."

Following Ren Minxing's words, more than a dozen people rushed in from the outside.

Black suits, black leather shoes, and black sunglasses, these dozen or so people are full of evil spirits.

"Beat him." Ren Minxing pointed at Jiang Chen and ordered.

A dozen or so people listened to the order, without saying a word, they rushed towards Jiang Chen like a tiger on a sheep.

"Be careful, don't beat people to death all at once. This kid has offended me twice. I must kill him slowly." After the dozen or so people made their move, Ren Minxing said in a sinister manner .

"Jiang Chen, don't kill people." Ye Siran said suddenly when he heard it.

"Haha--" Ren Minxing laughed loudly and said, "Cousin Si Ran, I can't understand what you are saying. Apart from being handsome, this little boy probably can't kill a chicken. How could you?" Did you see him?"

Ye Siran sighed, expressing his helplessness, and didn't argue, anyway, it's better to speak with the facts later.

"Ping ping pong pong..."

There was a huge lineup of more than a dozen people, and suddenly there was a chaotic sound. Before the dozen of people could even scream, they fell to the ground one by one, becoming like dead dogs.

"What happened?" Ren Minxing was full of ambition, and he was stunned to see all the people he brought turned into dead dogs.

"Cousin Minxing, you are too impulsive." Ye Siran blamed.

Bringing so few people wanted to challenge Jiang Chen, Ren Minxing looked down on Jiang Chen too much, probably, even if the entire Ren family challenged Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would not take it to heart.

What is this, fearless ignorant?
But you must know that Jiang Chen is very famous in the capital. Among the seven big families, the reputation has already spread far and wide. Minxing was also unresponsive.

This is not pretending to be an idiot, but being a real idiot.

"I brought so many people and came prepared, how can I be considered impulsive?" Ren Minxing said unconvinced, thinking that it was not his impulsiveness, but Jiang Chen's ability to fight too much.

At this time, Jiang Chen walked towards Ren Min and said, "What did you just say? A flower stuck in cow dung?"

"Isn't it?" Ren Minxing sneered, and said, "It doesn't matter if you can fight any more? There are too many people in my Ren family who can fight. I give you an order, and I will beat you to death in minutes."

"You're threatening me again." Jiang Chen said.

"This is the truth." Ren Minxing disagreed with Jiang Chen's statement.

"But don't you know that I can kill you in minutes?" Jiang Chen asked curiously after talking so much to the idiot.

"This—" Ren Minxing's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he covered his face with his hands and said, "This time, no slap in the face is allowed."


Jiang Chen kicked Ren Minxing to the ground with one kick, another kick, and another kick, rolling Ren Minxing around like a rolling gourd.

"Ah—" Ren Minxing cried like a ghost.

"Slap me in the face, you can slap me in the face." Ren Minxing said angrily, he suspected that he was going to be kicked to death by Jiang Chen.

"I wish it had been like this earlier." Jiang Chen said, stretched out his hand to grab Ren Minxing, bowed left and right, scratched his ears, and greeted him.

"Jiang Chen, forget it." Ye Siran said softly.

"You can't forget it easily, otherwise what will he do if he troubles me again?" Jiang Chen said.

"No." Ye Siran said: "After he goes back and finds out who you are, he won't bother you anymore."

any home.

Ren Minxing appeared at Ren's house with a swollen face like a pig's head and footprints all over his body.

Ye Siran said that after he found out who Jiang Chen was, he would not trouble Jiang Chen any more. Naturally, Ren Minxing did not believe in this evil.

Ren Minxing felt that Jiang Chen treated him like this, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu went down to earth, he would fight Jiang Chen to the end.

However, Ren Minxing still felt that he should first inquire about Jiang Chen's background. After all, he knew that Ye Siran didn't say what Ye Siran said to Jiang Chen, but intentionally said it to him.

From what Ye Siran said, it seemed that Jiang Chen was very powerful, so Ren Minxing was also a little curious about who Jiang Chen was.

"Minxing, what's the matter with you?" Ren Minxing had just entered the door when a rather stern voice came into his ears.

"Dad..." Ren Minxing ran over immediately when he heard the voice, and said in mourning, "Dad, you must make the decision for me. I was almost beaten to death."

"Who did it? It's so courageous." Ren Junlin said angrily.

Because there was only one son, Ren Minxing, Ren Junlin loved Ren Minxing very much. From childhood to adulthood, no matter how big a mistake Ren Minxing made, he never made a move.

Right now, Ren Minxing was beaten so badly, Ren Junlin felt distressed and angry.

"Jiang Chen, it's a guy named Jiang Chen." Ren Minxing forced out two tears and said.

Then, Ren Minxing said: "Cousin Si Ran told me that this Jiang Chen seems to have some background, Dad, do you know who he is?"

Ren Minxing was just about to inquire about Jiang Chen's identity, but was bumped into by Ren Junlin, and besides pretending to be pitiful, he asked Ren Junlin to listen to him by the way.

"Jiang Chen?" Ren Junlin frowned, and asked, "Min Xing, is that Jiang Chen you're talking about a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old?"

"I don't know how old he is, but he looks like a little boy." Ren Minxing said, blinking, and asked, "Dad, you've heard of him, right?"

Ren Junlin nodded slightly, his face became quiet and serious.

Ren Minxing is not sensitive to the name Jiang Chen, but Ren Junlin is naturally not the same as Ren Minxing. In fact, they are as powerful as the seven major Chinese families, but anyone who pays attention to it will be no stranger to the name Jiang Chen.

"Is he very powerful?" Ren Minxing felt that something was wrong with Ren Junlin's face, and he was inexplicably disturbed.

"Leave this matter to me, don't go to Jiang Chen anymore, do you hear me?" Ren Junlin said in a stern tone.

"Dad, I still want to take someone to take revenge. That guy Jiang Chen beat me so badly, I must beat him worse than me." Ren Minxing refused.

"Shut up." Ren Junlin stared at Ren Minxing fiercely, and said, "Stop embarrassing yourself here, go back to your room, if I find you go to Jiang Chen again, I will be the first to break your leg. "

"Dad, did you make a mistake? You should break Jiang Chen's leg." It was the first time for Ren Minxing to see Ren Junlin lose his temper so much. He shivered and said unconvinced.

Even though he knew for a long time that the name of his son's idiot was well-known in this Xifu, Ren Junlin never expected that Ren Minxing's idiot had reached such a level.

Immediately, a resentment of hating iron and not steel came to mind, Ren Junlin kicked Ren Minxing to the ground with one kick, and sternly said, "Get out of here."

Ren Minxing quickly rolled away in despair. After getting out, a young man slowly walked out, and said respectfully to Ren Junlin: "Master, Jiang Chen is a bit too much."

"I know this matter well," Ren Junlin said.

"Min Xing can't be beaten for nothing, and this is the West Mansion, not the capital city, let alone Jiangnan Province. Even if Jiang Chen is a dragon, in our West Mansion, he must be entangled." The young man reminded.

Glancing at the young man, Ren Junlin said, "Wen Heng, what do you want to say?"

The young man replied: "It's very simple, how did Jiang Chen hit Min Xing in the face, our Ren family, hit back with ten times the force!"

(End of this chapter)

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