genius evil

Chapter 807 Don't Be Smart

Chapter 807 Don't Be Smart
"Hit back? How?" Frowning, Ren Junlin asked.

Face slapping is impossible when the situation is evenly matched, because no one can do anything to each other, and there is no point in fighting.

Don't do meaningless things. If there is no meaning to slap in the face, naturally there is no need to slap.

If you want to fight smoothly, you can only have the east wind overwhelm the west wind or the west wind overwhelm the east wind.

But between Jiang Chen and the Ren family, it is undoubtedly difficult to say who is the east wind and who is the west wind.

Just like not doing meaningless things, there is no need to do things that are not sure.

But since Wen Heng said he wanted to call back, Ren Junlin also wanted to hear what kind of explanation it was.

"Master, as I said earlier, this is the West Mansion." Wen Heng chuckled, and then said, "Jiang Chen is new here, and he is unfamiliar with the place, so it's fine if he's honest. There are many opportunities to stumble, and, sir, don't forget that no matter how powerful Jiang Chen is, he is only a young man of eighteen or nineteen."

"Don't bully young people into being poor." Ren Junlin said in a deep voice.

Wen Heng still smiled and said: "Jiang Chen is not an ordinary young man. If he doesn't bully others, how can others have the courage to bully him? What I want to say is that a young man at this age is just a young man with a passion for youth. At this young age, what he is interested in is nothing less than money and beauty."

"Speak clearly." Ren Junlin said lazily trying to figure out the meaning of Wen Heng's words.

"My lord, what I mean is that Jiang Chen and Miss Si Ran came to the West Mansion together, presumably because of something interesting to Miss Si Ran, we can definitely use some beauty tricks to lure Jiang Chen into being fooled. If that's the case, given Miss Si Ran's temper, she definitely won't let him go easily." Wen Heng said.

"With Siran's hand, hit Jiang Chen in the face?" Ren Junlin said thoughtfully.

"Miss Si Ran, in the final analysis, we are members of the Ren family. In my opinion, there is no difference between letting Miss Si Ran slap Jiang Chen in the face and us personally slapping Jiang Chen in the face." Wen Heng nodded.

"Small fights are meaningless." Ren Junlin shook his head.

To Ren Junlin, Jiang Chen was a poisonous snake. Once he decided to hit the snake, he had to hit it within seven inches, otherwise he would be bitten back by the poisonous snake.

Wen Heng's suggestion, in Ren Junlin's opinion, at best, is just disgusting and disgusting Jiang Chen, too petty to be on the table.

"Master, don't worry, Miss Si Ran's slapping Jiang Chen's face is just the first step... Lord, you are a proud person. Do you think that if a proud person is slapped in the face by a woman, he will What are you doing?" Wen Heng asked.

"Be direct." Ren Junlin doesn't like this analogy.

Wen Heng chuckled, and said: "Any man who is slapped in the face by a woman has to vent, and the best way to vent is to find a place to drink a few glasses of wine. This drinking, drunk, must be drunk. There will be conflicts with people..."

"Take the opportunity to kill?" Hearing this, Ren Junlin finally understood what Wen Heng meant.

"That's right, no matter how powerful a person is, when he becomes a drunk, he can only be slaughtered." Wen Heng said.

"Using beauty, seduce Jiang Chen, anger Si Ran, and then Si Ran slaps Jiang Chen in the face. Jiang Chen uses alcohol to relieve his worries, and our Ren family has completed the beheading plan. It's a bit interesting." Ren Junlin pondered. Said.

The most wonderful thing here is to use Ye Siran's hand to slap Jiang Chen in the face. After all, if Ye Siran didn't slap Jiang Chen in the face, how could Jiang Chen get himself drunk?

In such a short period of time, Wen Heng has set up a series of chains, one link is closely linked to the other, and there is no trace, which more or less makes Ren Junlin moved.

"Master, if you think the plan is feasible, I will arrange it now." Wen Heng said.

"Have you ever thought that Si Ran might not slap Jiang Chen in the face? Even if Si Ran slaps Jiang Chen in the face, Jiang Chen might not get himself drunk?" Ren Junlin said.

"Master, in everything, risks and opportunities coexist." Wen Heng reminded.

After a pause, Wen Heng continued: "The probability of these two things happening will not be lower than 80.00%. Such a probability, in my opinion, is already worth trying."

"Jiang Chen is no ordinary person." Ren Junlin said.

"I will arrange it seamlessly. Even if the matter is exposed, I am absolutely sure that Jiang Chen will not find out that there are traces of my Ren family's operation behind the scenes." Wen Heng said.

"Then, what are the chances that the woman you are looking for will succeed in seducing Jiang Chen?" Ren Junlin did not deny Wen Heng's proposal, but asked.

"This..." Wen Heng hesitated for a while.

"Don't forget, besides Si Ran, there is also Si Chen, this pair of sisters, you may find a woman who is more perfect than the two of them?" Ren Junlin said.

"Master, there are very few perfect women, but there are many women who make men want to burn their bodies when they see them." Wen Heng blinked and said.

"Forget it." Ren Junlin finally shook his head.

From Ren Junlin's point of view, the biggest flaw in this matter is not on Jiang Chen, but on the two sisters Ye Sichen and Ye Siran.

Unless Jiang Chen is an idiot, he was lured into the bait by a woman of unknown origin.

"Master, I also heard about one thing. Qichao went to Tiannan City the day before yesterday. He came back alone yesterday, and he shut himself up after returning home." Wen Heng said.

"How do you say it?" Ren Junlin asked.

Ren Junlin never paid much attention to Ren Qichao, but he knew that Wen Heng was a smart person and would not mention Ren Qichao for no reason.

Sure enough, I heard Wen Heng say: "When Qi Chao was in Tiannan City, he suffered a bit from Jiang Chen's hands, and it was difficult to meet people."

Speaking of this, Wen Heng said again: "First Qichao, then Minxing, and Jiang Chen were merciless in attacking. Is this not paying attention to my Ren family, or is it intentional to fight with my Ren family? By the way, I'm a little confused."

"Think slowly if you don't understand, don't pretend to be smart." Ren Junlin gave Wen Heng a meaningful look, and walked away.

Wen Heng's eyes flickered, watching Ren Junlin leave, a bit of ruthlessness quietly crept up on that rather delicate face.

Jiang Chen didn't know that he was missed by others, but the one who missed him was still a guy who had nothing to do with him.

Because Ye Siran hadn't eaten properly in the past few days, after Ren Minxing left, Jiang Chen accompanied Ye Siran to have a meal.

The place to eat is in the hotel restaurant. After eating, Jiang Chen and Ye Siran returned to their room.

But just entering the room, the two of them saw a woman sitting on the sofa in that room.

The woman heard the sound of the door opening, looked back, immediately stood up, and smiled charmingly at Jiang Chen, with a vicious smile.

"Miss Siran, your friend?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I don't know." Ye Siran said, she was about to ask Jiang Chen if he was his friend.

"Then what's going on?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"Young master, you are so cruel, have you forgotten me so soon? I am Qianqian." Lao Gao pursed her lips, and the woman looked like she had been greatly wronged.

"So it's your friend." Ye Siran gave Jiang Chen a deep look.

Then, Ye Siran was a little annoyed again, and Jiang Chen asked if it was her friend as soon as he opened his mouth. She thought that this woman named Qianqian had nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

Now it seems that Jiang Chen deliberately pretended not to know each other, and his motives were very impure.

"I never knew you, so where did you forget?" Jiang Chen looked a little depressed, waved his hand and said, "Ugly woman, where did you come from, and where did you go back?"

"Young master, you can't treat me like this." Qianqian wanted to cry, and said, "Young master, that's not what you said to me that night. You said that you would treat me well and spoil me forever."


Jiang Chen almost threw up in disgust.

"Look at my eyes, am I blind?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

This woman has a good face and a good figure, but the dusty aura on her body is too heavy. In terms of Jiang Chen's aesthetic taste, even if he is blind, it is impossible for him to appreciate it.

"Young master, you still said that I am your heart, your treasure..." A trace of tears fell from the corner of Qianqian's eyes.

"Stop!" Jiang Chen hastily waved his hand and interrupted her. If he continued, he was very worried that he would really vomit, otherwise, wouldn't this meal be for nothing?

"Young Master, are you afraid that I will pester you? You can rest assured that I came to you this time just to see you, and there is no other meaning. If you want to drive me away, I will immediately Let's go." Feeling aggrieved, Qianqian said, Ruoyou Ruowu glanced at Ye Siran.

"I have nothing to do with him." Ye Siran explained.

"I have nothing to do with her." Jiang Chen also explained.

"Young Master--" Hearing Jiang Chen say this, Qianqian's tears kept pouring out like broken beads.

"Jiang Chen, should I avoid it first?" Ye Siran said expressionlessly.

Whether Jiang Chen is flamboyant or not, as long as he doesn't provoke Ye Sichen, Ye Siran will not pay attention to it. However, a woman is coming to him right now. From a woman's standpoint, she naturally subconsciously leans towards this woman named Qianqian.

"No, you don't have to avoid it, I'll go." Qianqian said while crying.

"Then you go." Jiang Chen grinned and said.

Looking at Jiang Chen heartbroken, Qianqian covered her face and ran away, but she ran a few steps, stopped, looked sideways at Jiang Chen, and asked sadly: "Young master, just ask Tell me, have you really forgotten me?"

"No, how could I really forget you." Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

"Young master, is what you said true?" Qianqian's eyes lit up.

"It's more real than pearls. I remember it very clearly. On both of your buttocks, there are two big black moles that look like soybeans. There are hairs growing on the black moles. Is it like this?" Jiang Chen said.

"It's not... ah... it's..." Qianqian lowered her head deeply, her face flushed.

Ye Siran's head was instantly covered with black lines. It turns out that Jiang Chen has such a hobby?
(End of this chapter)

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