genius evil

Chapter 808 One Doesn't Look Like a Serious Woman

Chapter 808

Two moles the size of be exact, two moles the size of soybeans with hair growing on them.

What kind of picture would that be? After thinking about it for a while, Ye Siran couldn't help shivering.

There's no way, that picture is so beautiful, it's hard for Jiang Chen to remember it clearly, and his aesthetic taste is extraordinary.

"That's right, I knew I remembered correctly, why don't you take off your pants quickly and let me verify your identity." Jiang Chen said.

"Here?" Qianqian couldn't help lowering her head, and her face turned redder.

"You used to take off your trousers in front of me, a big man, and you were so quick. You were not afraid of being taken advantage of by me. It must have nothing to do with you taking off your trousers in front of a woman... If you don't know, those two big black moles on your buttocks make such a deep impression on me, how unforgettable they are..." Jiang Chen said with a look of reminiscence on his face.

"Okay... okay..." After hesitating for a while, Qianqian finally nodded.

Not to mention taking off the pants, even stripping off all the clothes, Qianqian had already thought about it, because she was here to seduce Jiang Chen.

Naturally, she didn't have big moles on her buttocks. Even if she wanted to draw two big moles with a brush to satisfy Jiang Chen's evil taste, it would be too late.

However, Qianqian felt that it didn't matter whether there was a big mole or not, what mattered was Jiang Chen's reaction and what Jiang Chen would do after taking off his pants.

Moreover, it was Jiang Chen who took the initiative to make her take off her pants. It is hard to say whether it was really bad fun or he just fell in love with her. Out of self-confidence, Qianqian believes that the possibility of the latter is undoubtedly Make it bigger.

When Jiang Chen asked for it, Qianqian took off her pants, naturally there was no psychological barrier.

She put on a coy attitude, but she didn't want Jiang Chen to feel that she was too active, so as not to accidentally reveal her feet.

Jiang Chen's request was very strange. After nodding, Qianqian slowly stretched out her hand and began to unbutton her trousers. She unbuttoned her trousers very slowly. It took a full minute to unbutton each button. After that, she slowly undid The trousers were taken off, and the lower body was bare, standing there, looking at Jiang Chen's eyes like that, as if water was about to overflow.

"Stick up your butt, let me appreciate the two big moles." Jiang Chen said, looking very excited.

Ye Siran was speechless, she didn't like looking at women's buttocks, so she turned her head away.

Qianqian was very well-behaved, she just sat down no matter what Jiang Chen said, raised her buttocks, and put on a very embarrassing and very seductive posture.

"No, your posture is wrong, I can't see clearly." Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied, pointing fingers, several times, Qianqian finally put on a posture that satisfied him.

Qianqian complied secretly while following Jiang Chen's request to pose.

Whether there are large moles on the buttocks can be seen clearly at a glance, let alone two moles the size of soybeans that have grown hair.

Undoubtedly, Jiang Chen had already discovered that there was no mole on her buttocks, but Jiang Chen didn't tell the truth, but admired it with relish, which clearly indicated that Jiang Chen was going to take the bait.

"Liar, you big liar, you don't have a big mole on your butt at all." But Qianqian was thinking like this, when Jiang Chen roared angrily.

Qianqian was in a daze, she didn't understand what happened, she just felt a big foot kicked her ass, and then, her whole body, like a cannonball, was kicked by Jiang Chen from the room Li flew out.

After kicking his foot into the air, Jiang Chen seemed to be still angry, rushed over angrily, closed the door, and muttered, "Damn it, there are too many liars these days, a handsome man like me really is There's no sense of security at all."

"Jiang Chen, stop acting." Hearing the sound of the door closing, Ye Siran turned around.

"Miss Si Ran, why do I not understand what you are talking about?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You asked that woman named Qianqian to pose just now, just to make it easier to kick her out?" Ye Siran said angrily.

I have to say that this is very shameless, and of course, it is also very relieved.

Even though she is also a woman, in Ye Siran's view, Qianqian is extremely attractive, with beautiful breasts, big waist, slender legs and long legs, she belongs to the kind of woman that makes men interested at a glance.

Jiang Chen didn't care about the fragrance and cherish the jade, and destroyed the flowers with his hands, which made Ye Siran look at Jiang Chen with a little bit of admiration.

The reason why it was a little bit was because after Qianqian took off his trousers, Jiang Chen could see Qianqian's lower body clearly. It was hard to say whether it was Jiang Chen's bad taste or deliberately taking advantage of others.

After all, Jiang Chen could kick people out directly, why bother so much?
"Miss Si Ran, I just like your understanding, but how did you see that I wanted to kick her?" Jiang Chen smiled even more joyfully.

"It's not a decent woman at first glance, isn't it? And I'm very surprised, how did she come in." Ye Siran said indifferently, his face quietly became a little ugly.

This is a five star hotel.

There is no need to say more about the hotel's security facilities, not to mention, this is the presidential suite, no matter how powerful the means of sliding the door to unlock it, it is impossible to get in without destroying the door.

Unless you have a key card in your hand.

Ordinary people would definitely not be able to get the door card. The ones who could get it could only be people within the Ren family, or people with extraordinary status within the Ren family.

"Miss Siran, you are worthy of being Huizhi Lanxin, but since you have already seen the tricks, why do you say that it has nothing to do with me? Do you know how sad I am when you say this?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Do I have anything to do with you?" Ye Siran asked back.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but choked for a moment, it seemed that there was really nothing to do between him and Ye Siran.

"Well, we have nothing to do with each other." Jiang Chen had to admit that this was a fact.

"Jiang Chen, tell me, what does this woman want to do?" After thinking about it, Ye Siran asked.

"Before asking this question, I think you should first ask who sent her here." Jiang Chen said.

"Do you know who sent her here?" Ye Siran was very surprised.

"Ren Minxing, Ren Qichao, or anyone in the Ren family." Jiang Chen said.

Ye Siran was speechless, and heard Jiang Chen say again: "Fortunately, no matter who sent her here, there is no doubt that she came to seduce me."

As he spoke, Jiang Chen became angry again, "I, Jiang Chen, are notoriously dedicated and conservative. What bastard came up with the idea of ​​deliberately pouring dirty water on me to ruin my reputation. In broad daylight Under the circumstances, if you do such a thing, be careful to give birth to a son, but fortunately you are here, and with your testimony, I finally kept my innocence."

Ye Siran quietly listened to Jiang Chen's nonsense, and after Jiang Chen finished speaking, he couldn't help asking: "Jiang Chen, what's the point of that question you asked me?"

"What question?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled.

"You said let me ask who sent her here first." Ye Siran reminded.

"Why are some innocuous little details so serious." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "That's not the point, the point is..."

"What's the point?" Ye Siran asked subconsciously.

"The point is that I'm so handsome." Jiang Chen touched his face with his hand, and said narcissistically.

Hearing this, Ye Siran suddenly had a strong urge to kick Jiang Chen, she forcibly held back, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked Jiang Chen.

It's so irritating and shameless!
"Should we live in another place?" After kicking Jiang Chen, Ye Siran said worriedly.

She and Jiang Chen had just arrived in the West Mansion today, and several things happened one after another, and they couldn't stop for a moment, which made her feel deeply uneasy.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Why do you want to change places? The reason why you want to live here is to set up a target and let the enemy shoot at you."

"I shot you." Ye Siran corrected.

If she came here alone this time, she would definitely not stay in a hotel, she would be too insecure, and it would be too easy for others to attack.

With Jiang Chen by her side, there was no need to think about safety issues.

It also happens that Jiang Chen can be used as a target to see what kind of situation is going on in the West Mansion.

"Damn it, are you using me?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Pretending to be crazy." Ye Siran ignored Jiang Chen lazily, sat down on the sofa, and called Ye Sichen.

Ye Siran didn't say much on the phone, after confirming that Ye Sichen was safe, he said a few words, then hung up the phone.

"Miss Siran, don't you feel ashamed for using me so brazenly?" Jiang Chen sat opposite Ye Siran, quite dissatisfied.

"What happened this time is not only for me, but also for Si Chen, who has no power to protect himself..." Ye Siran looked at Jiang Chen and said.

"I'm talking to you, what are you talking about foolishly?" Jiang Chen said.

"Sichen will be in danger at any time if the black hands are not found out. I don't have time to play cat and mouse with them. Jiang Chen, I need your help." Ye Siran said seriously.

"How to help?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Accompany me to Ren's house. There are some things that I want to ask grandpa to hear what grandpa has to say." Ye Siran said.

Originally, she didn't intend to go to see Mr. Ren so soon, but the other party even resorted to seductive means. As far as the bottom line is concerned, it can be seen that Ye Siran just doesn't want to wait any longer.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Silly Baitian is doing well in the Ren family now, that's what your grandfather said."

"Jiang Chen, are you saying that my grandfather knew about it?" Ye Siran's face changed drastically, and he couldn't believe it.

"You may or may not know, but the old man of the Ren family is definitely not a fool." Jiang Chen said lazily, and then said: "In addition, this good show has just begun, just like playing cards. The king is played, is it because you want to lose?"

"Jiang Chen, my heart is very confused." Ye Siran said in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter, after all, your heart will soon become more chaotic." Jiang Chen comforted.

Ye Siran gritted his teeth, wanting to kick Jiang Chen again...

(End of this chapter)

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