genius evil

Chapter 809 You Are My Grandson If You Don’t Beat Me Up

Chapter 809 You Are My Grandson If You Don’t Beat Me Up

Silent all night.

Jiang Chen slept until eleven o'clock the next morning, got up, dressed, washed, and walked out slowly, just in time to see the next room, and Ye Siran came out of the room.

The hair is a little fluffy and messy, the face has just been washed, no makeup is applied, but the facial features are still exquisite and gorgeous, without any blemishes, no matter how you look at it from any angle, you have to admit that this is a big beauty with natural beauty.

Therefore, Jiang Chen stared at Ye Siran carefully from four angles: up, down, left, and right. After confirming that Ye Siran was indeed a beautiful woman, he looked away.

"Morning." Seeing Jiang Chen, Ye Siran greeted him, turning a blind eye to Jiang Chen's gaze as if admiring a delicate vase.

"It's getting late, did you sleep well last night?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Ye Siran shook his head, and Jiang Chen said again: "I knew you would not be able to sleep well."

"There is a peerless handsome guy living in the next room. He can see it but can't eat it. No wonder he can sleep well. This is exactly the same as living in the next room with a beautiful woman who can see it but not eat it." Finally, Jiang Chen Whispering to himself, Ye Siran could hear such a voice.

Ye Siran did not sleep well last night, but it had nothing to do with Jiang Chen, she was so preoccupied that she tossed and turned sleeplessly all night, and barely slept for a few hours until dawn.

With thick dark circles on the eyelids, Ye Siran didn't think Jiang Chen wouldn't be able to see that he didn't sleep well last night, unless Jiang Chen lost his eyesight.

However, I didn't think about covering it up with makeup. Firstly, I don't like it, and secondly, Ye Siran doesn't know how to wear makeup at all.

"What's for lunch?" Although he lazily ignored Jiang Chen's self-conscious nonsense, Ye Siran still changed the subject without a trace.

"Are you rich?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No money." Ye Siran said.

She went out to carry out missions, so where would she bring money? Jiang Chen paid the travel expenses all the way to the West Mansion. Now in this hotel, there is everything to eat, drink and live, and there is nothing to spend money on.

"Since there is no money, then wait for someone else to treat you." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Will someone treat you?" Ye Siran looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

"Of course there will be a treat. You have to trust my charm. Although the other party just invites me, I don't mind at all if you eat and drink." Jiang Chen said confidently.

Ye Siran was still very puzzled, and wanted to ask Jiang Chen who was the guest, if she didn't know the person who was the guest, then she wouldn't go.

She wasn't as thick-skinned as Jiang Chen, she went around eating and drinking.

Before Ye Siran could ask this question, there was a knock on the door.

"The guest is here." Jiang Chen said, and went to open the door.

"Jiang Shao, Miss Si Ran, the boss is hosting a banquet in Tingfeng Tower, and I am here to pick you up by car. The boss also said, please give him some noodles." There was a driver standing at the door The guy, probably because he was greeted, said respectfully.

"Who is your boss?" Ye Siran asked in amazement, thinking that Jiang Chen was joking, but never thought that there was actually someone treating him.

Hearing what this person said, not only Jiang Chen was invited, but she was also invited. If you go here, you don't have to worry about being caught eating and drinking.

"Boss Ren, Ren Junlin." The man who looked like a driver responded.

It is indeed a driver who came to treat guests.

Outside the Crescent Hotel, a black Bentley sedan was parked there. The driver first opened the door and invited Jiang Chen and Ye Siran to get in the car, then trotted into the car, drove on the road, and headed towards Tingfeng Tower .

"Jiang Chen, how do you know that my uncle will treat guests to dinner?" Sitting in the car, Ye Siran was in a rather strange mood.

Originally, it was quite strange for Ren Junlin to treat guests to dinner, in Ye Siran's view, after all, she is a junior, and Ren Junlin is an elder, it's not that elders can't invite juniors, but after she came to the West Mansion, I haven't visited Ren's house yet, and the etiquette aspect is a little bit wrong.

What was even more strange to Ye Siran was that Jiang Chen knew about it in advance. It would be fine to say that he was invited for dinner, but it was still lunch, as if Jiang Chen had already communicated with Ren Junlin in advance.

"Look at me, I'm so handsome and have such a good character, is it strange to invite me to dinner?" Jiang Chen asked.

Ye Siran didn't look at it, and said, "Be serious."

"Anyway, it wasn't your uncle who invited us to dinner, it was your second uncle who invited us. By the way, what's your second uncle's name?" Jiang Chen smiled and said.

"Ren Nanzheng." Ye Siran said, after thinking about what Jiang Chen said, he finally came to a conclusion that what Jiang Chen said meant he didn't say anything.

Tingfeng Tower is not far from Crescent Hotel, and it takes only ten minutes to drive there.

Obviously, Ren Junlin made some preparations for his dinner this time.

While Jiang Chen and Ye Siran were talking, the driver had already parked the car at the entrance of Tingfeng Building, opened the door, and invited Jiang Chen and Ye Siran to get out of the car.

Tingfenglou is a very unique restaurant, which can be seen from the name. Looking at the eight black-clothed bodyguards standing at the entrance, Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh: "This place costs a lot. It’s very high, it must be very expensive to hire so many security guards.”

"I've been here once before, and there is no security guard." Ye Siran said strangely.

Tingfeng Building is very unique, mainly because it is a member-only restaurant, specifically, it is a hotel used to entertain distinguished guests within Ren's family. It is not open to the public at ordinary times. If you are a guest at home, don't even think about eating here.

"Really? Then it should be Ren Junlin who invited us to protect the two of us. It's an honor." Jiang Chen said, and walked into the restaurant with Ye Siran.

"Stop." But the two of them had just walked a few steps when a black-clothed bodyguard stretched out his hand to stop them.

"Your master invited me to dinner, what do you mean by telling me to stop?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"Go away, Tingfeng Building doesn't entertain outsiders, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you." The black-clothed bodyguard said.

"You have a problem with your ears? Are you deaf, or can't understand human speech?" Jiang Chen became even more unhappy.

"I think you're deaf, didn't you hear me telling you to get away?" the black-clothed bodyguard, who was not polite at all, scolded.

"If I don't leave, will you beat me up?" Jiang Chen asked.

The black-clothed bodyguard didn't reply, but looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot. He didn't know whether he thought Jiang Chen looked like an idiot, or Jiang Chen asked an idiot.

"Come on, beat me up, if you don't beat me up, you're my grandson." Jiang Chen couldn't take it any longer, pointed at himself, and shouted loudly.

"Brothers, do it." Jiang Chen wanted to beat him up, but the black-clothed bodyguard naturally wouldn't be polite to Jiang Chen, and greeted him in a deep voice.

"Wait." Ye Siran stopped him and said, "We are here by invitation, so it's fine if you don't let us in, but you still want to beat someone up, how brave you are."

"Beauty, although you are a woman, if you talk too much, we don't mind beating you up at all." A guy grinned, looking very obscene.

"Jiang Chen, beat them up." In a word, Ye Siran was very angry.

Almost as soon as Ye Siran's voice fell, a huge fist appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and greeted Jiang Chen directly towards Jiang Chen's nose.

Regarding his facial features, Jiang Chen is most satisfied with his nose... No, he is extremely satisfied with every part of his facial features.

Jiang Chen felt that it was not easy for him to have such a handsome face. It was not good for this guy to hit him, but he actually wanted to hit him on the nose.

So, Jiang Chen was very angry and punched that guy on the nose.

Immediately, nosebleeds flew everywhere, that guy was punched by Jiang Chen, the bridge of his nose was smashed, and he fell to the ground, howling like ghosts and wolves.

Seeing the situation, the other seven bodyguards in black remained indifferent, and rushed towards Jiang Chen one by one, some punched, some kicked, depending on the situation, they wanted to beat Jiang Chen up.

Being beaten is not Jiang Chen's style, but being beaten is.

If the opponent is very cruel, then Jiang Chen will only become more cruel.

In less than ten seconds, the other seven people who rushed up fell to the ground one after another. Then, some parts of them would never be used again in this life, such as hands and feet, or, for example, a certain unlucky person. A guy who can never be a man again.

"Miss Si Ran, it's a good luck that she didn't disgrace her life, so she beat her up." After the beating was over, Jiang Chen smiled and asked for credit.

"Why is the shot so heavy?" Ye Siran frowned.

He felt that it would be fine to just beat him up casually, but who knew that Jiang Chen would hit such a heavy hand, it would be a complete beating to death.

"Isn't that what you meant?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

"Did I mean it?" Ye Siran was even more surprised, thinking that fortunately he said to beat them and not kill them, otherwise there would be eight more corpses here now.

"Are you still eating this meal?" After a moment of silence, Ye Siran asked.

"There is a treat, and we are also invited. We must eat. If anyone refuses to let me eat, I will make him unable to eat for the rest of his life." Jiang Chen said fiercely.

"That's my uncle." Ye Siran said quietly.

"For your sake, I'll break his hands and feet later, and this matter will be over." Jiang Chen said generously.

Ye Siran gave Jiang Chen a glance, it would be better not to give this face.

Then, I saw, inside the Tingfeng Building, a figure ran out in a hurry. The person saw the situation at the door at a glance, and his face suddenly changed drastically. After kicking at the screaming guy, Fleeing in front of Jiang Chen and Ye Siran, he said with a guilty expression: "Jiang Shao, Miss Si Ran, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Wen Heng, whether you thought of it or not, there must be an explanation for this matter." Ye Siran said coldly.

"Definitely." Wen Heng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Miss Si Ran, I didn't expect you to be so angry after everyone said it." Jiang Chen said slowly, raised his foot, and kicked Wen Heng like a shit, and said lazily: "I'm sorry , I didn't expect to kick you."

(End of this chapter)

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