genius evil

chapter 814

chapter 814

Even though Jiang Chen moved his hands and feet, the furnishings in the shop were not damaged, and none of the shop assistants took it seriously.

Moreover, Jiang Chen has always been smiling, with a gentle and harmless look on his face. For such a man, not to mention his hands and feet, even if he is playing hooligans in the street, that is completely forgivable, isn't it?
The clerks all forgave Jiang Chen's hands-on behavior, and under Ye Sichen's call, they graciously brought Jiang Chen clothes and trousers.

Jiang Chen was trying on clothes in the fitting room, Ye Siran stood outside the door of the fitting room and talked to Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, is what that Cen Hui said highly credible?" Frowning, Ye Siran asked in a deep voice.

At first glance, Cen Hui is the kind of ignorant kid from a rich family. Most of the meaning of life is spending money and throwing money at others. No matter from which angle you look at it, the credibility of what you say is questionable.

But intentionally or unintentionally, the words that the little fat man said were too shocking, subverting Ye Siran's perception of the Ren family.

In the fitting room, Jiang Chen chuckled lightly, and said, "Is that in such a hurry? Can't you wait for me to buy the clothes first?"

"You didn't come out to buy clothes at all today." Ye Siran said angrily, now he believed that Jiang Chen was indeed luring a snake out of its hole, and it was still a big snake.

"I'm trying on clothes right now, you say I'm not here to buy clothes, is that true?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Did you already know that you would meet Cen Hui?" Ye Siran asked, ignoring Jiang Chen's nonsense.

The reason why Ye Siran came up with such an idea was because in the morning, when Jiang Chen said that there was a treat, as expected, someone immediately offered a treat.

As soon as Jiang Chen mentioned that he came to go shopping, this kind of thing happened. If he had to say it was a coincidence, then it would be too coincidental. It was too coincidental to believe.

"Do you think I will know him?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

Whether Ye Siran believed it or not, this matter was indeed a coincidence, but it was just too much of a coincidence.

"Are you really here to buy clothes?" Ye Siran asked, inexplicably feeling that his IQ was not enough. Of course, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to know Cen Hui.

Not to mention that it was Jiang Chen's first visit to the West Mansion, she had been here many times, so she didn't know Cen Hui.

"Of course I'm here to buy clothes." Jiang Chen sighed, changed his clothes, and walked out from inside.

As soon as Ye Sichen saw Jiang Chen walk out of the fitting room, he ran over to straighten Jiang Chen's collar. What Jiang Chen was wearing was the sky blue shirt.

It has to be said that this color is very suitable for Jiang Chen, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a jade tree facing the wind.

Jiang Chen stood in front of the fitting room, looked at the mirror again and again, sometimes smiling, sometimes with a serious face, in six directions, up, down, front, back, left, and right, feeling that he was so perfect, that he couldn't be more handsome.

"Praise me." Jiang Chen said.

"Ah—" Ye Siran looked at Jiang Chen in surprise.

"Praise me for being handsome." Jiang Chen urged.

It is said that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Jiang Chen thought that this sentence definitely did not apply to him. An ordinary piece of clothing worn on him would give off a distinctive aristocratic temperament. .

Ye Siran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "We'll leave after buying the clothes."

What Cen Hui said made Ye Siran have a lot of doubts, she wanted to ask Jiang Chen carefully.

As for praising Jiang Chen, Ye Siran naturally couldn't boast, but Ye Siran felt that this guy was so stinky, it made no difference whether he praised Jiang Chen or not, right?

"Jiang Chen, you are so handsome." Ye Sichen said, with little stars in his eyes.

"Silly Baitian, you have the best eyesight." Jiang Chen said shyly.

"You're really handsome, sir, are you a star?" A clerk couldn't help but say.

"You have a good eye." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, then glanced at Miss Mi, and then at the other shop assistants in the store, and said in confusion: "What about you, don't you praise me?"

Including Miss Mi, all the clerks turned their heads away in shame, their shoulders twitched, this guy is too shameless.

Jiang Chen felt a little dissatisfied. Beautiful things are meant to be praised, aren't they?

Seeing that these people didn't mean to praise him, Jiang Chen said angrily: "Praise me quickly, or I will return the product."


Ye Siran couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked Jiang Chen into the fitting room. This guy is shameless, and they are shameless.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen took the little fat man's card and swiped the card to pay the bill. He swiped 10,000+ in one go without feeling sorry for him, and then walked out of the counter with big bags and small bags.

"Silly Baitian, just tell me what you want to buy, and I'll pay for it." Jiang Chen said grandly.

"Is it okay?" Ye Sichen was a little shy.

"Of course it doesn't matter, spend whatever you want, even if you want to buy this shopping mall, I will buy it for you." Jiang Chen said with pride.

Ye Sichen smiled lightly, and finally nodded.

"Miss Siran, Sister Mi, you two can buy whatever you want. I have money, and I have plenty of money, so spend whatever you want." Jiang Chen said to Ye Siran and Sister Mi again.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Miss Mi didn't hesitate, and dragged Ye Sichen into a cosmetics counter.

Anyway, it wasn't Jiang Chen's money that was spent. Jiang Chen didn't feel bad, and Sister Mi didn't feel bad at all.

That being the case, it is natural to pick the most expensive one to buy.

Sister Mi has long taken a fancy to the latest perfume, and has been hesitant to buy it because the price is too expensive. Today, she can finally get her long-cherished wish.

"Miss Si Ran, you?" Jiang Chen reminded.

"Where am I in the mood to buy things now?" Ye Siran said helplessly.

Originally, Ye Siran thought that when Jiang Chen bought clothes, he should leave. Who knew that Jiang Chen would encourage Ye Sichen and Sister Mi to buy together, which would take a lot of time.

"It's so lonely to spend so much money." Jiang Chen sighed.

"I'll buy it." Ye Siran gritted his teeth and said, isn't it just spending money?Who wouldn't?
The little fat man who left was listening to a text message of a consumption reminder coming from his mobile phone from time to time. It was frightening, and his body was full of fat. Following the sound of the text message, he trembled non-stop.

"You go back first, I still have something to do here, I'll see you when I'm done." The little fat man said to his female companion.

The female companion smiled sweetly, but the smile was rather contemptuous. This little fat man boasted about himself in front of her countless times, boasting that he was omnipotent, and today he suddenly showed his true colors.

The woman left quickly, and the little fat man was holding his mobile phone, planning to call the bank to report the loss of the card, but when he thought it was wrong, he decided to call Wen Heng first.

Money is certainly important, but Jiang Chen has spent this money, there is always a way to make Jiang Chen spit it out, it is better to teach Jiang Chen a hard lesson first.

After all, if Jiang Chen reported the loss of his bank card and left the mall, where would he go to find someone?

Instead of this, it is better to let Jiang Chen spend vigorously in the mall first, so that Jiang Chen can stay in the mall forever, although the price is really a bit heavy.

The little fat man just found out Wen Heng's cell phone number, and wanted to call Wen Heng, but just as his fingers were about to dial the number, there was another pause, and cold sweat broke out quietly.

"Not good." The little fat man murmured.

The little fat man suddenly realized that earlier in the shopping mall, he was so focused on bragging himself that he inadvertently said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said.

And Jiang Chen knew the Ren family in Xifu and Wen Heng, and even though he knew Wen Heng, he still didn't give him face, which meant that Jiang Chen was definitely not Jiang Chen's friend.

If it's not a friend, what else could it be?
After trying to understand this point, the little fat man's forehead was as cold as rain. Inexplicably, he faintly felt that he seemed to have made a huge mistake unintentionally.

If this matter is not handled properly, Wen Heng will be implicated, and he himself may die without a place to bury him.

Thinking of this, the little fat man stopped calling Wen Heng. He quickly got into his car and drove towards Ren's house.

What happened here, the little fat man decided to meet with Wen Heng and say, by the way, to find out Jiang Chen's background. You can only wash your neck and wait to die.

Naturally, Jiang Chen wouldn't know about the little fat man's mental activities, and even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart. He was leading Ye Siran's four daughters to happily sweep through the shopping mall.

"Miss Siran, doesn't it feel good to spend money?" Jiang Chen said with a smile as Ye Siran had a few more shopping bags in his hand.

"It's okay." Ye Siran said with a straight face, while beckoning the clerk to get what he wanted.

She usually doesn't have much time to go shopping, and because of her job, she doesn't like shopping too much... I didn't realize until today that spending money recklessly and buying things you like is such a happy thing.

However, in order to avoid Jiang Chen's arrogance, Ye Siran was unwilling to give Jiang Chen a good look.

"Sister Mi, I always thought you had prejudice against me, do you still have it now?" Jiang Chen asked Sister Mi again.

"Yes." Sister Mi said coldly.

Did Jiang Chen think he could buy her off like this?
Well, there is no problem in buying her for a day, but in order to give Jiang Chen the illusion that he is easy to buy, Sister Mi must not let Jiang Chen realize how happy he is at the moment.

After bumping into a wall twice in a row, Jiang Chen still refused to give up and walked up to Ye Sichen.

"Silly white sweet..." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, you are really amazing, I love you to death." Ye Sichen said happily.

"I didn't hear what you said." Jiang Chen heaved a long sigh. Today's money is finally not in vain.

"Come on."

Ye Sichen didn't speak, leaned over and kissed Jiang Chen hard on the face.



For a moment, both Ye Siran and Miss Mi stared at Jiang Chen. If their eyes could kill, they would definitely crush Jiang Chen.

"Sibaitian is so sensible, how about the two of you?" Jiang Chen pointed to his cheeks, and said with a playful smile.



Ye Siran and Sister Mi kicked Jiang Chen on the left and the right respectively, the guy who got cheap and behaved, he owed a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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