genius evil

Chapter 815 Which of You Will Sleep With Me Tonight

Chapter 815 Which of You Will Sleep With Me Tonight
The Ren family is located on a hill to the east of Xifu City. This hill originally had no name, but now it is named after the Ren family.

Within a ten-mile radius of the hill, the surrounding services and industrial facilities are all closely related to the Ren family.

Of course, what the Ren family has changed is not just within the ten miles. The entire Xifu City, up to the decision-making at the government level, and the basic necessities of life for ordinary people are all deeply influenced by the Ren family.

A family affects the lifeline of a city, that's all it says!

Wen Heng also lives on this hill. He has his own villa, but the villa is not within the inner circle.

After seeing Ren Nanzheng, Wen Heng returned to his residence. The wound on his face was not serious and had already been treated.

However, Wen Heng did not repair the two front teeth that were knocked out.

This is a shame to him, but Wen Heng knows that this shame must not only be a shame for him alone, but a shame for the entire Ren family.

Only in this way, would he have the opportunity to repay this hatred, otherwise, if he went head-to-head with Jiang Chen alone, he would undoubtedly be hitting a rock with an egg.

There is a big tree in the yard of the villa, and there is a wicker chair under the tree. At this moment, Wen Heng is lying on the wicker chair to bask in the sun.

Because the location of this villa is quite remote, usually few people come, it is quite quiet, but soon, this quietness is interrupted by a burst of eager footsteps.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from far and near, Wen Heng grinned, and a smile emerged. No need to look at who it was, Wen Heng just understood that a good show directed by him should be based on this It's kicked off.

The person who came was Ren Minxing.

After Ren Minxing drove up the mountain, he went straight to Wenheng's residence, got out of the car, staggered into the yard, and saw Wenheng basking in the sun, Ren Minxing immediately said angrily: "Wenheng, You bastard, you hurt me."

"Minxing, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Ren Minxing's footprints all over his body, even on both sides of his face, Wen Heng stood up eagerly and asked.

"Damn it, you still have the face to ask me what's wrong." Ren Minxing was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped Wen Heng on the face.

This slap, Ren Minxing slapped mercilessly, after a slap, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Wen Heng's mouth.

"Min Xing, tell me what happened exactly." Wen Heng wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said inexplicably.

"You don't know?" Ren Minxing looked at Wen Heng viciously.

"Should I know?" Wen Heng said with a confused face.

"Don't you really know?" Seeing that Wen Heng's expression did not seem to be fake, Ren Minxing was slightly taken aback, and then asked viciously: "You called me before and said you were sending me a pair of Russian twin sisters. It was placed in the villa, why did my second uncle go after I went?"

"Second Master? You said that Second Master also went? You, were you beaten by Second Master?" Wen Heng asked suspiciously.

"Answer my question." Ren Minxing gritted his teeth.

"Min Xing, I don't know about this matter. Apart from me, you are the only one who knows about those two little Russian beauties." Wen Heng said sincerely.

"But why did my second uncle go there?" Ren Minxing asked with a frown.

"Could it be a misunderstanding?" Wen Heng said.

"Bullshit misunderstanding, this matter is endless." Ren Minxing said in a vicious voice, came in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

As soon as Ren Minxing left, Wen Heng took out his mobile phone and called Ren Nanzheng.

"Wen Heng, give me an explanation." As soon as the call was connected, Ren Nanzheng spoke in the same tone as Ren Minxing.

Wen Heng smiled wryly and said: "Second Lord, just Minxing came to my place, did you have any conflict? This is my problem. When I was setting up the pair of sisters earlier, I was accidentally seen by Minxing. He explained that it was given to you, I never imagined that he would be so courageous."

"Okay, I see." Ren Nanzheng said, and then hung up the phone.

Wen Heng held the phone and laughed twice.

In front of Ren Minxing, he didn't have a single redundant explanation, because he didn't need to care about whether Ren Minxing believed it or not, as long as Ren Nanzheng believed it.

In other words, as long as Ren Nanzheng believed it, no matter what opinions and statements Ren Minxing had, he would be slapped in the face by Ren Nanzheng non-stop.

It is a big taboo for juniors and elders to rob women, and it is not so easy to expose it.

"I'm really looking forward to it." Muttering to himself, Wen Heng said.

Fatty Cen Hui appeared in Wen Heng's villa not long after Ren Minxing left.

Lying on the wicker chair, raising his eyes, looking at the little fat man who was panicking like a bereaved dog, Wen Heng said lightly, "What happened."

"There was a little accident." The little fat man said awkwardly.

"Is it related to me?" Wen Heng said.

"Not sure, but it was indeed an accident." The little fat man became more embarrassed.

"Let's listen to it." Wen Heng said with a frown.

There is no friendship between him and the little fat man, just a relationship of mutual use. Speaking of which, the pair of Russian twin sisters was given to him by the little fat man.

A pair of sisters can easily stir up a pool of spring water, which makes Wen Heng much more pleasing to the eye when looking at the little fat man.

I thought to myself, if it wasn't a big trouble, it would be fine to settle the matter for the little fat man.

"I took a woman to the shopping mall today, and I fell in love with a piece of clothing. At that time, someone wanted to buy that piece of clothing, but I snatched it away..." The little fat man said in a straightforward manner.

"Get to the point." Wen Heng listened lazily to the nonsense.

He is very clear about the little fat man's virtues. Relying on his family's money, he is ostentatious all day long, as if he wished everyone knew that he was rich.

"I robbed that guy of a piece of clothing, and he snatched away my gold necklace, ring and wallet, and forced me to reveal my bank card password." The little fat man said bitterly.

"Why do you ask me for such a trivial matter? Call the police if you have something to do. The elementary school teacher didn't teach you?" Wen Heng came here without a fight, thinking he was free?
"Young Master Wen, of course I understand this truth. However, in order to threaten him, I accidentally said something about you. That guy seems to know you too." The little fat man said.

"It's your fault that he doesn't give you face. Don't bother me with such a trivial matter." Wen Heng became a little impatient.

"Young Master Wen, listen to me first." The little fat man hurriedly said, and finally got to the point, he said: "I told that guy, the Ren family in Xifu is all up to you."

Wen Heng's face changed suddenly, he looked at the little fat man like a ghost, his eyes were gloomy like a knife: "What else?"

"I also said that Ren Minxing and Ren Qichao are only your followers, and Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng are being played around by you." The little fat man said.

"Bastard." Wen Heng was instantly angry.

This is to kill him.

At this moment, Wen Heng finally understands Ren Minxing's feelings, this feeling is really too uncomfortable, it is completely a disaster from heaven.

If Ren Junlin or Ren Nanzheng heard this, what would they think of him?

Even if he had ten lives, it wasn't enough to die.

"Young Master Wen, I knew I had said something wrong, so I didn't dare to call the police, and rushed over immediately." The little fat man said in panic.

"What are you rushing here for? Are you expecting me to solve this problem? Or do you think you haven't caused me enough trouble? Kill people to silence you, do you understand, or do you want me to teach you how to do it yourself?" Wen Heng said viciously. Said.

His plan is at a critical stage, and every move has to be done step by step. This damn guy is good, and for no reason, he has a lump of yellow mud in his crotch.

For a moment, Wen Heng wanted to strangle the little fat man to death.

The little fat man said with a mournful face, "Young Master Wen, I have never killed anyone before. How can I kill someone to silence you? Besides, that guy doesn't even give you face. He looks very well-connected."

"What's his name?" Wen Heng asked in a muffled voice.

If the little fat man can't kill people to silence him, he can only do it himself. In short, at such a critical moment, everything must not be messed up.

"I don't know his name, but that guy is very handsome, and he is surrounded by several beauties, very arrogant." The little fat man said, describing Jiang Chen's appearance.

"Jiang Chen!"

After the little fat man finished speaking, Wen Heng's face became as black as charcoal in an instant.

"Get out, get out, or I will kill you." Wen Heng was furious.

The little fat man left in disgrace, not knowing how much trouble his pretending to be aggressive had brought to Wen Heng.

But Wen Heng himself is very clear that if this matter cannot be resolved well, all the things he has done before will be in vain.

"Jiang Chen, originally I wanted to save your life and use you to disgust the Ren family, but unfortunately you know too much, so you must die, and die immediately, don't blame me for being cruel." Wen Heng said to himself Said the language, took out the phone again, made a call and went out.

Jiang Chen didn't know that this time he played tricks on the little fat man and pulled out so many things behind his back. At this time, he was driving the car and brought Ye Siran and his three daughters back to the hotel.

The three girls were in the shopping mall, constantly buying and buying, spending money so that the clerks of some counters were terrified, it was hearty.

Sitting in the car at this time, the three women all looked satisfied, and they all leaned lazily on the back of the chair. They were all different in beauty and beauty, each with its own merits, and it was extremely pleasing to the eye.

Therefore, in order to watch for a while, Jiang Chen deliberately lowered the speed of the car. Originally, the journey only took about 10 minutes, but it took almost [-] minutes.

It was getting dark, it was getting late, the three girls had been shopping for a long time, they were tired and hungry, Ye Sichen yelled for food, Jiang Chen just stopped the car, and asked the hotel waiter to bring the things to the store. upstairs, then led the three girls to the elevator and went to the hotel restaurant to have a big meal.

It took more than an hour for a meal. After dinner, Jiang Chen led the three girls back to the room. After entering the room, the door was closed. Jiang Chen glanced at the three girls respectively and asked, "Which one of you will be with me tonight?" sleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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