genius evil

Chapter 816 Bai Chang is so handsome

Chapter 816 Bai Chang is so handsome
It's like putting on clothes when you're cold, eating when you're hungry, and sleeping when you're tired.

But how to sleep and who to sleep with, there is no doubt that you must first explain clearly, otherwise it will be easy to mess up.

This presidential suite has two large bedrooms, and naturally there are only two beds. Therefore, who will sleep with whom is the first problem to be solved.

Jiang Chen suddenly felt a kind of trouble called happiness.

"I sleep alone." Ye Siran said without thinking.

"I'm not used to sharing a bed with others." Sister Mi continued.

"Very good, this is perfect, silly and sweet, the two of us will sleep together tonight." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Ah——" Ye Sichen's red lips parted slightly, and his dazed, pink face suddenly turned red.



Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Ye Siran and Miss Mi said decisively.

When we were in the mall today, Ye Sichen kissed Jiang Chen's face unexpectedly. To Ye Siran and Sister Mi, that feeling was like a nuclear warhead exploding in front of them. not big.

Hugging is not allowed, let alone sleeping in a bed!

If Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen slept together, it would definitely not be Jiang Chen who went crazy, but the two of them.

"I said, two beauties, what are you two going to do? How about I sleep on the sofa with Silly Baitian and let the two of you sleep on the bed, so it's okay?" Jiang Chen said helplessly, A reluctant look.

That appearance seems to be telling Ye Siran and Sister Mi that he could have had sex with Ye Sichen happily, but now he can only make allowances for sex on the sofa. The gap is undoubtedly huge. After all, the sofa Definitely not as comfortable as the bed.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense here, Si Chen will sleep with me tonight." Ye Siran said with a straight face.

"I sleep alone, so that's the arrangement for tonight." Sister Mi said afterward, singing along with Ye Siran.

"Miss Si Ran, don't you want to sleep alone? Since you have made up your mind to sleep alone, don't wrong yourself. Of course, don't worry about me sleeping well. I will take good care of Silly Baitian and let Silly Bai Tian has a good night's sleep." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Ye Siran sneered, looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot, and said to Ye Sichen, "Sichen, follow me back to the room."

"Wait a minute." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "It's fine if I don't want to sleep with Shabai, but who will I sleep with tonight?"

"It's not sleeping with me anyway." Sister Mi said expressionlessly.

Of the three people in this room, she and Jiang Chen had the worst relationship. Apart from her and Ye Sichen, Jiang Chen could sleep with whoever he wanted.

Of course, the three women, apart from her and Ye Sichen, Jiang Chen could only sleep with Ye Siran.

However, if Ye Siran is willing, Sister Mi has no objection to this.

"Can't you sleep alone?" Ye Siran glared at Jiang Chen, knowing that this guy had started to play with his own and other people's IQ again. It was obviously a game with low IQ. If he was not careful, he would fall into Jiang Chen's In the trap, he had to cheer up to deal with it.

"Of course I can sleep alone, but what if any of you three can't figure it out in the middle of the night and quietly climb into my bed... Oh, what about my sofa? I'm worried that the three of you will fight." Jiang Chen said.

"It's already dark, stop daydreaming." Ye Siran rolled his eyes, this guy is indeed so smug that no one can match him.

"I'm going to take a bath." Sister Mi said, deciding not to participate in such ambiguous topics. After all, she and Jiang Chen have never been ambiguous. As a melon eater, one must have the awareness of a melon eater. alright.

"Si Ran, you also go to take a bath." Ye Siran ordered.

"So, you decided to sleep with me?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, but that smile, no matter how you look at it, is a bit forced.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't want to sleep on the sofa alone, I'll give you a suggestion, you go to another room and then you can sleep on the bed." Ye Siran said angrily.

I don't know why, seeing Jiang Chen smiling so reluctantly, Ye Siran just came here without getting angry?
Could it be that she is worse than Ye Sichen?
Even if it was really bad, Jiang Chen didn't have to make it so obvious.

"I think your suggestion is very good, so I'd better sleep on the sofa." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

Ye Siran smiled coldly, thinking that this should have happened a long time ago, he might as well be honest, why bother others?

"Let's talk about Cen Hui and Wen Heng." Ye Siran said while Ye Siran and Sister Mi went to take a bath.

"What's going on, I'm suddenly sleepy, no, I can hardly open my eyes, unless someone pours me a glass of water." Jiang Chen yawned.

Ye Siran was annoyed seeing Jiang Chen pretending so much, but he still went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water, who told her to ask for something.

Jiang Chen took the water, drank a couple of sips, and said with a smile, "Miss Si Ran, I suddenly discovered that with a little training, you still have the potential to be a good wife and mother."

"Teaching?" Ye Siran's face turned black for a while, so Jiang Chen asked her to fetch water, was he training her?

"Continue to the topic I just talked about." Ye Siran was a little uncomfortable, there was no other way, the word "tune-up" was really too ambiguous, she said: "What do you think of those words of Cen Hui?"

"My shoulders are a little sore." Jiang Chen said.

"Say it quickly." Ye Siran didn't have a gentle temper to begin with, but at this point, he couldn't bear it anymore and was about to explode.

Jiang Chen moved his shoulders, sighed, and said, "Miss Si Ran, I can only say that you can't stand the praise."

At the end, seeing that Ye Siran was about to run away at any time, he laughed and said, "I just read the almanac, and tomorrow will be a good day."

Ye Siran gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Chen.

"It's better to go out, better to visit friends." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly.

"Jiang Chen, you mean to go to Ren's house tomorrow?" Ye Siran quickly realized.

"Silly Baitian has already been there, if you don't go, is it appropriate?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"Okay, then go to Ren's house tomorrow." Ye Siran said decisively.

When she first came to the West Mansion, she had thought about going to Ren's house, but Jiang Chen didn't want to go so soon. Since Jiang Chen said it was time to go to Ren's house, Ye Siran decided to go to Ren's house tomorrow.

Ye Siran thought to himself, after going to Ren's house, all the puzzles and doubts, presumably, will no longer be secrets.

It's just that whether the result was good or bad, Ye Siran didn't know, and a little bit of annoyance quietly appeared on his face.

"Miss Si Ran, I guess you will not be able to sleep again tonight." Jiang Chen said.

"So, you'd better not think about sneaking in." Ye Siran said.

"Is that what I meant?" Jiang Chen was unhappy, and he said, "I mean, I just can't fall asleep too, or we can both sleep on the sofa, and each of us sleeps on a sofa."

Ye Siran looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot again, what did Jiang Chen mean by that? Could it be that he took her for Ye Sichen and thought she was as easy to deceive as Ye Sichen?
Ye Siran, who was not easy to deceive, got up quickly and entered the bedroom. Jiang Chen sighed and touched his face with his hand, a little doubting whether he was so handsome as Bai Chang.

The night is getting dark, around the early morning.

With a slight beep, the door of the suite opened, and a black figure entered the room in a flash the moment the door opened.

The size of the presidential suite is very large, although there are only two bedrooms, but with the bathroom, bathroom, sauna, etc., there are so many rooms of various sizes, it is amazing.

The black-clothed figure who came through the door, after entering the room, his footsteps were obviously sluggish for a moment, probably because he didn't know which door he should enter for a while.

Fumbling around, a figure in black appeared at the door of a bedroom, and then flipped his palm, and there was something extra in his hand, which shimmered in the dark, it was a key.

With the key in hand, the figure in black was about to open the door. Suddenly, someone patted his shoulder lightly.

The figure in black suddenly turned pale with fright, his whole body froze, twisted his neck like a ghost, and looked back.

"Hush." ​​Jiang Chen blew out a breath.

Hearing the sound, the black-clothed figure subconsciously nodded, and suddenly felt something was wrong again, and pressed a pistol in his left hand to Jiang Chen's chest.

"Hush." ​​Jiang Chen blew another breath, and said softly, "Be quiet, be sure to be quiet, and don't be impulsive."

"Who are you?" The black-clothed figure said, his voice low and inaudible.

"I'm Jiang Chen, how about you?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Ah—" Hearing this name, the figure in black suddenly trembled like an electric shock.

He came tonight to kill Jiang Chen, but now, Jiang Chen is standing behind him, it has to be said that it is extremely frightening.

Could it be that Jiang Chen didn't sleep so late?

Or did Jiang Chen already know that he would come and wait in the living room?
The figure in black just made a little noise, feeling a pain in his throat, something pierced his throat, and then the figure in black felt another pain in his chest, something pierced his heart .

All the strength in his body was drained at this moment, and the figure in black's feet softened and he fell headlong to the ground.

"In the middle of the night, it's indecent to shoot~ a pistol, and an injection is more appropriate." Jiang Chen muttered to himself, and entered the sauna with a figure in black.

Then the lights turned on, Jiang Chen saw clearly the appearance of the black-clothed figure, suddenly Jiang Chen frowned, his right hand stretched out like lightning, grabbed the black-clothed figure's collar and tore it forcefully, and suddenly saw that the black-clothed figure Around the waist of the figure was a pocket remote control bomb.

"It's not right to play with pistols, but you are still playing with bombs. You are about to finish playing." Jiang Chen said displeasedly, and quickly dismantled the bomb, and put the remote control into his trousers pocket .

After doing this, Jiang Chen opened a window and directly threw the black-clothed figure's body from upstairs. As for whether this would alarm the police, Jiang Chen didn't care at all, anyway, there was no evidence.

After throwing away the corpse, Jiang Chen went back to lying on the sofa. After a while, the door of a bedroom opened silently, and a figure slipped out from inside...

(End of this chapter)

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