genius evil

Chapter 817 Pretending to be a Gentleman

Chapter 817 Pretending to be a Gentleman
In the middle of the night, everything was silent.

In the empty living room, the only sound was the slight ticking of the wall clock on the wall.

Under such circumstances, whether it was the sound of opening the door or the sound of walking, it was exceptionally clear to Jiang Chen's ears.

Even if Jiang Chen wanted to pretend he didn't hear it, he couldn't do it.

The woman who slipped out of the room tiptoed and walked very slowly, lest she would wake Jiang Chen up, and even suppressed her breathing on purpose.

Looking for the direction, the man fumbled to the edge of the sofa.

"Asleep?" whispered to himself at this moment, who else could be besides Ye Siran.

There were three women in the room, Ye Sichen slept in a bedroom, Miss Mi slept alone, and Jiang Chen slept on the sofa.

The difference from last night was that Ye Siran didn't think much about it when he was in the same room with Jiang Chen last night, but it was because of Jiang Chen's messy remarks that Ye Siran realized that his How dangerous was the situation last night, it almost sent him to Jiang Chen's mouth, tempting Jiang Chen to eat it into his stomach.

Jiang Chen didn't eat, Ye Siran would not doubt his own charm, but thought that Jiang Chen was pretending to be a gentleman, until tonight, he finally showed his fangs.

Ye Siran wasn't worried about himself, nor was he worried about Ye Sichen, she slept with Ye Sichen, even if Jiang Chen was a beast, he shouldn't be so stupid as to sneak into their bedroom and do something wrong.

What Ye Siran was worried about was Miss Mi.

This kind of worry made Ye Siran feel regretful for a while. He knew that he should have asked Mi Jie to sleep with their sisters. The bed in the bedroom is very big, slightly crowded, and it is no problem to sleep three people.

Let Miss Mi sleep alone, what should I do if Jiang Chen gets dizzy and runs into Miss Mi's bedroom?Wouldn't that have killed Miss Mi for the rest of her life?

It was precisely because of this worry that Ye Siran quietly ran to the living room to see if Jiang Chen was lying on the sofa.

If not, it means that Miss Mi is in a very dangerous situation now.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was lying on the sofa, motionless, apparently fell asleep, which made Ye Siran slightly relieved.

"Why is this guy so honest? Could it be that he's not interested in Miss Mi?" Ye Siran murmured.

"No, this guy looked at Sister Mi with squinting eyes, he was clearly very interested, he must be pretending to be a gentleman just like last night." After a while, Ye Siran said again.

Speaking of this, Ye Siran was completely relieved.

Since Jiang Chen wanted to continue pretending to be a gentleman, it meant that at least tonight Jiang Chen was honest, and that at least tonight, she could sleep peacefully.

Ye Siran quickly left quietly, entered the bedroom, and closed the door, leaving Jiang Chen lying on the sofa alone, with the urge to vomit blood.

"Do I look at Sister Mi lewdly?" Jiang Chen was quite upset.

Even if he is a beast and a pervert, he is not so hungry, right?
To say that he looked at Ye Sichen lewdly, it was not too bad.

As for pretending to be a gentleman, Jiang Chen was so depressed that he wanted to die. Could it be that these days, lying on the sofa and sleeping honestly is also a big mistake.

"Can you still leave a way for honest people to survive?" Jiang Chen said through gritted teeth.

Just as Jiang Chen was itching his teeth with hatred for Ye Siran, the door of another bedroom opened quietly, and Miss Mi walked out of the room without a sound. Judging by the situation, she probably didn't even wear shoes, otherwise she would walk At that time, the sound could not be so small.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded when he heard the movement.

Could it be that Sister Mi and Ye Siran both have a penchant for admiring beautiful men sleeping?

But if you want to appreciate it, is it better to turn on the light to appreciate it?
Moreover, there is no need to act like a thief at all. As a man of no means, he doesn't mind being watched at all.

How could Sister Mi know that Jiang Chen was not asleep at all, and she didn't know that Ye Siran had come here once before her.

Sister Mi didn't wear shoes, she stepped on the carpet with her bare feet, and moved to the edge of the sofa step by step.

With the faint moonlight coming in from the window, Miss Mi saw Jiang Chen lying on the sofa, breathing evenly, and fell asleep.

"It's so strange." Sister Mi murmured to herself.

What Ye Siran was worried about was Sister Mi's personal safety. Regarding this point, Sister Mi herself was not worried at all, because she and Jiang Chen were enemies, and because of Jiang Chen's matter, she was more than He kicked Jiang Chen's nose and face once.

What Sister Mi was worried about was Ye Sichen's safety, and by the way, she was worried about Ye Siran's safety.

Sisters flowers.

After thinking about these three words for a while, Sister Mi felt that it was enough to make most men in the world feel distracted. If the pair of sisters were still beautiful, then it was enough to make all the men in the world. Everyone has the urge to turn into a beast.

For Sister Mi, Jiang Chen was a beast, and such a beast-level satyr, hiding in the room, could be imagined as harmful.

Sister Mi was worried that after she fell asleep, Jiang Chen would sneak into the room where Ye Sichen and Ye Siran were, and then use powerful force to force the two sisters to submit.

So, Miss Mi came out, and she wanted to see what was going on.

If she didn't see Jiang Chen on the sofa, then she would immediately call the police, and then rushed in to fight Jiang Chen desperately, although even if she tried desperately, it would be of no avail.

Jiang Chen fell asleep, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Seeing this scene, Sister Mi stretched out her hand, patted her chest lightly, and let out a foul breath.

"Sleep, it will be dawn soon." Sister Mi said.

Perverts are usually active at night, and when it dawns, Ye Sichen and Ye Siran should be safe.

Sister Mi stood by the sofa, stared at Jiang Chen for a long time, and after confirming that Jiang Chen was really asleep, not just pretending, she returned to the bedroom, closed and locked the door.

Although she was not worried about her own safety, Sister Mi still felt that it was better to be careful. After all, what if Jiang Chen went blind?
Ye Siran came and left, Miss Mi came and left, Jiang Chen couldn't sleep anymore, so he sat down on the sofa.

"Who did I provoke?" Jiang Chen said, seriously reviewing his character.

After the self-examination was completed and he was sure that there was absolutely no problem with his character, Jiang Chen was extremely suspicious that there was something wrong with Ye Siran and Miss Mi's character.

Otherwise, how could there be such a perception that sleeping on the sofa is strange?

Is it not strange to break into the door of a certain bedroom and do something outrageous?
"Sure enough, I'm still not suitable to be an honest person." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Especially Miss Mi's sentence will soon dawn, which almost made Jiang Chen jump off the sofa in anger... What's the matter with dawn? Couldn't Jiang Chen have some special hobbies, such as Bai Rixuan ~ obscenity? ?
It has to be said that Jiang Chen originally just wanted to have a good night's sleep, he didn't think about anything at all, and just said something, just casually.

But with Ye Siran and Sister Mi making such a move, even if Jiang Chen had no idea, it was impossible.

"This is forcing me to commit a crime." Jiang Chen was very angry.

Anger turned into anger, Jiang Chen also knew that he had little chance of committing a crime tonight, so after sitting on the sofa for a while, he lay down again.

But just as Jiang Chen lay down, the bedroom door opened again, and a figure quietly walked out.

"It's endless, right?" Jiang Chen said wanting to cry without tears.

That figure came running towards the sofa, because the light was not turned on, it walked clumsily, and it took several minutes to fumble to the side of the sofa.

Jiang Chen was waiting for this opportunity. When the person appeared beside the sofa, he stretched out his hand and grabbed an arm. Taking advantage of the situation, he pulled it into his embrace.

"Miss Si Ran, I'm warning you, you've angered me." Jiang Chen leaned into the man's ear and said angrily.

While speaking, Jiang Chen suddenly felt something was wrong.

As he spoke, a delicate fragrance was inhaled into the nostrils, the fragrance was like orchid, with a faint sweet smell, this was not the smell of perfume on Ye Siran's body.

Jiang Chen knew the smell of the perfume on Ye Siran's body, it was strong like his personality, but this fragrance was extremely pure and elegant, it was the smell of Ye Siran's body.

"Jiang Chen..." Ye Sichen was extremely ashamed, his face flushed.

Ye Sichen never expected that the sound of his walking was so soft that he woke up Jiang Chen, and was pulled into his arms by Jiang Chen.

Ye Sichen never expected that after Jiang Chen pulled her into his arms, he called her sister Ye Siran's name instead of her name.

His heart was beating fast, he was shy and annoyed, this guy, couldn't even tell her and his sister apart?
"Ha... Mistake, purely a mistake, silly, what are you doing out in the middle of the night without sleeping?" Jiang Chen said quickly, diverting Ye Sichen's attention.

"I'm afraid you won't be comfortable sleeping on the sofa." Ye Sichen said softly.

"I knew you were the best for me, so you came to sleep with me, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, and his mood was completely balanced in an instant.

"No, I'll see if you're asleep." Ye Sichen was very embarrassed, and asked in a low voice: "Jiang Chen, you just said that my sister angered you, what happened?"

"Nothing happened, stop talking, let's go to bed quickly." Jiang Chen said, holding Ye Sichen tightly in his arms.

"My sister will be angry if she doesn't see me when she wakes up tomorrow morning." Ye Sichen said softly.

"It's okay, if she wants to get angry, she can get angry." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"My sister will scold me." Ye Sichen was worried.

"That must be jealous of you." Jiang Chen said solemnly, his palm lightly brushed across Ye Sichen's back, Ye Sichen only felt that Jiang Chen's palm seemed to be electrified, as Jiang Chen's palm passed by, his body I couldn't help trembling, and my breathing quietly became short.

"Why is my sister jealous of me?" Ye Sichen asked, suppressing his embarrassment.

"I don't understand this either, why don't you ask her tomorrow." Jiang Chen smiled, feeling Ye Sichen's weak and boneless body in his arms, endured it for a while, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and looked for Ye Sichen's red lips, and kissed them viciously.


Ye Sichen trembled even more, moaning softly.



The doors of the two bedrooms opened at the same time, two figures rushed out of the room together, the lights were turned on, and Ye Siran and Mi Jie looked at Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen who were hugging each other, with the intention to kill... …

(End of this chapter)

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