genius evil

Chapter 821

Chapter 821

Naturally, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to be kicked by Ye Siran. After all, how embarrassing would it be to be kicked in front of so many people?

With a movement of his foot, Jiang Chen avoided Ye Siran's foot.

"Jiang Chen, do you have something to say?" Jiang Chen moved his foot, and just took a step forward, looking as if he saw that the Ren family was in trouble, and he had something to say.

Although Jiang Chen didn't talk much after coming to Ren's house, but including Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng, no one dared to underestimate them.

Seeing Jiang Chen stand up at this time, and hearing Ye Siran's question, the attention of the two of them involuntarily fell on Jiang Chen.

Seeing Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng's eyes, Jiang Chen couldn't help but turn dark, he turned his head and gave Ye Siran a fierce look, how could he not understand that Ye Siran had blackmailed him.

"Jiang Shao, what are you?" Ren Nanzheng asked.

"It's nothing, I have nothing to say, you guys continue." Jiang Chen said carelessly, he didn't have the mind to meddle in other people's business.

Ren Nanzheng's eyes flickered slightly. He thought Jiang Chen stood up for Ren Junlin. Hearing Jiang Chen's words, he felt a little relieved, and immediately smiled lightly, "Jiang Shao, the reception is not good today, please don't mind. No, I'll ask someone to take you, Young Master Jiang, to the backyard, and when the matter here is settled, I'll go and apologize to you, Young Master Jiang."

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head resolutely, and said, "I like the excitement the most, and it's best to stay here and watch the show."

The corner of Ren Nanzheng's mouth twitched, thinking that what he was watching was not the excitement, but a joke of the Ren family.

However, looking at Jiang Chen's attitude, it seemed that he had no intention of interfering, so he ignored it, and said to Ren Junlin, "Brother, when it comes to premeditated, I actually want to ask, why are you carrying a gun on your body?" Woolen cloth?"

"Yes, why do you have a gun on you? Also, this guy Ren Minxing actually got someone to take a gun. Is he planning to bring us father and son together?" Ren Qichao asked immediately, angrily appearance.

"Hey, I've said it all. I didn't give you the gun, and it has nothing to do with my money. Why do you always slander me and treat me as a bully?" Ren Minxing said unconvinced.

"It's okay if you say it's okay, who will believe it?" Ren Qichao said coldly.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me anyway." Ren Minxing said with a deadpan face.

"It's not only that I don't believe it, but no one here will believe that it has nothing to do with you. Don't argue, tell the truth about the conspiracy of your father and son." Ren Qichao said.


Jiang Chen smacked his mouth when he heard this.

This Ren Qichao looked a little smarter than Ren Minxing.

"What are you talking about?" Seeing Jiang Chen stepping back furtively and standing beside him again, Ye Siran was furious and wanted to kick Jiang Chen again.

You know, she was angry just now, but the kick that kicked Jiang Chen was indeed suspected of making Jiang Chen come forward. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would not want to come forward at all, and was so angry.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just thinking, if only this scene could be a little more intense." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

So far, it's just an insignificant guy who died, Jiang Chen can't wait to watch the main event.

Ye Siran's face turned pale in anger, he dared to feel that, hearing Jiang Chen's words, he felt that the Ren family was not chaotic enough.

"Jiang Chen, this matter has an inseparable relationship with you. You should hurry up and let them stop their quarrel." Ye Siran said, worried that the situation would get out of control.

"Miss Si Ran, what you said is unreasonable, why do you have something to do with me?" Jiang Chen yelled softly.

"Think about Si Chen." Ye Siran hinted.

"Is it a beauty trick?" Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

The matter here originally had nothing to do with him, but it has something to do with Ye Sichen. If there is a problem with the Ren family, Ye Sichen will inevitably be affected.

As far as the relationship between Ye Sichen and him is concerned, once Ye Sichen is affected, then there is indeed an inseparable relationship with him.

The logic here is very obscure, but it is also very powerful, so powerful that Jiang Chen couldn't refute it for a while.

"Sichen and I have no parents since we were young. We grew up under the care of two uncles. No matter who happened to the two of them, Sichen would be very sad. Do you want Sichen to be sad?" Ye Siran then said, coercion was impossible, so he had to play the sad card.

"Miss Si Ran, can I say that I was shot while lying down?" Jiang Chen had a helpless look on his face.

"If you insist on ignoring Si Chen, you can pretend I didn't say anything." Ye Siran said coldly.

"Okay, I'll pretend you didn't say anything." Jiang Chen said.

"You—" Ye Siran was dumbfounded, clearly aware that Jiang Chen was about to be persuaded by her, why did he still react like this, what happened?
Sister Mi silently listened to the conversation between the two, and then shook her head silently.

Ye Siran didn't know what was going on, but Sister Mi felt that she knew what was going on.

To Jiang Chen, Ye Sichen was like a boiled duck that couldn't fly away. At this moment, Ye Siran was using Ye Sichen as a bargaining chip. Useless.

She had to use herself as a bargaining chip. After all, Jiang Chen was playing the wishful thinking of both sisters. How could he miss this great opportunity to take advantage of the fire?
But this kind of thing, Miss Mi sees it through but doesn't plan to say it through. She can't let Jiang Chen get what he wants. Who made Jiang Chen so greedy... no, so shameless!

Otherwise, if she told the truth, wouldn't she have pushed Ye Siran into the fire pit with her own hands?
Just as Miss Mi was thinking this way, the intense drama that Jiang Chen was looking forward to finally came long overdue.

I heard Ren Minxing say: "Ren Qichao, do you think you have a gun in your hand, so you are so confident and loud? Shoot if you have the guts. If you dare not shoot, I will kill you sooner or later."

While talking, Ren Minxing rubbed the back of his head with his hand, Ren Qichao's chair almost gave him a concussion, this account, Ren Minxing remembered it.

If given the chance, he will definitely come back with revenge.

"You think I dare not shoot?" Ren Qichao pointed the gun at Ren Minxing and said coldly.

"Shoot if you dare, come on, shoot here." Ren Minxing patted his chest with his hands, laughed and said, looking at Ren Qichao contemptuously.

"I really shot." Ren Qichao gritted his teeth with a livid face. Ren Minxing's contemptuous attitude gave him a strong urge to shoot Ren Minxing in the head.

"Qichao, don't be impulsive, don't shoot." But at this moment, Wen Heng said, and while speaking, he glanced at Ren Junlin with a worried look on his face.

Wen Heng's behavior couldn't escape Ren Qichao's eyes. With a move of his mind, Ren Qichao pointed his gun at Ren Junlin, and scolded: "Put down the gun in your hand, or don't blame me for being rude."

Ren Junlin was suddenly annoyed, could it be that Ren Qichao is also crazy?
"Qichao, what are you doing?" Ren Nanzheng said sharply.

Today's incident, on the surface, is a big disturbance, but there has been a conflict between him and Ren Junlin brothers, and seriously speaking, it is not a big deal.

If Ren Qichao shoots, no matter whether Ren Junlin or Ren Minxing is injured, the internal affairs of the Ren family will be completely messed up.

"Father, you taught me not to be kind to a woman. In addition, you also taught me that I should either not be beaten or be beaten to death with a stick." Ren Qichao said.

Ren Nanzheng's face turned black. He taught Ren Qichao these things, but he never said that these methods were used at this time.

"Listen to me, put down the gun, and speak slowly." Ren Nanzheng said.

"Dad, we have been forced to this point. Do we still have to give in and compromise? Get rid of their father and son, and the Ren family will be ours from now on." Ren Qichao said loudly.


Gunshots sounded.

Ren Junlin pulled the trigger, shot Ren Qichao at the foot, and said: "Okay, you father and son really planned it early in the morning, put down the gun, otherwise I won't be polite to you next time I shoot. "

"Qichao, put down the gun quickly, or you will die." Wen Heng said anxiously.

Ren Qichao was a little confused, Ren Junlin did shoot before he fired. Although the bullet hit his feet but not his body, this situation still made Ren Qichao excited.


Then, another gunshot rang out, and Ren Qichao shot Ren Junlin at the foot, and said, "You're welcome, why should I be polite to you?"



Both Ren Nanzheng and Wen Heng cried out.

"Don't say anything. Now he and I have guns in our hands. It depends on whose life is tougher." Ren Qichao said.

"Okay...okay..." Ren Junlin trembled angrily, and said loudly: "Come here, tie up Ren Qichao for me. If he dares to resist, just break his hand."


Ren Junlin wouldn't do that until the last step, but what Ren Qichao did was far beyond the bottom line he could tolerate, and Ren Qichao had to be controlled.

"Ren Junlin, what nonsense are you talking about? The Ren family is not your Ren family. If you say tie me up, tie me up. What is it?" Ren Qichao said dismissively.

But after Ren Qichao's words fell like this, several people stepped forward to him, and one of them even tried to snatch the gun from his hand.


The third gunshot sounded, and when the man and Ren Qichao were grabbing the gun, the two pulled the trigger without knowing who it was, and a bullet flew past Jiang Chen's head.

Ye Siran's face turned pale, and he hurriedly turned his head to look at Jiang Chen, his nervous heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Jiang Chen smiled playfully, what is this, lying down... No, standing up also got shot?Who did he provoke?
"Quickly, put down the gun, Qi Chao, you almost hurt Young Master Jiang." Wen Heng said hastily.

"Shut up, I didn't fire the gun." Ren Qichao was so angry that the gun was snatched away by that man without even touching the trigger, so he can be blamed for this head?If he could, wouldn't he, Ren Qichao, be turning into a scapegoat?

However, after Ren Qichao finished speaking, the person who snatched the gun pushed back, and the gun returned to his hand. Ren Qichao grabbed the gun as if he was holding a hot potato, and his whole body was paralyzed. .

Could it be that he really fired the gun?

(End of this chapter)

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