genius evil

Chapter 822 An Unfamiliar Dog

Chapter 822 An Unfamiliar Dog
Inside the Ren family, it doesn't matter if there is a small fight or a big fight.

Regardless of the extent of the trouble and how many people died, in the final analysis, it is an internal matter of the Ren family, and it is difficult for outsiders to intervene.

Jiang Chen was both a guest and an outsider.

This bullet almost hit Jiang Chen, not only Ren Qichao, but Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng were all suffocated in an instant.

Ren Nanzheng reacted, stepped forward and slapped Ren Qichao on the face, took the gun from Ren Qichao's hand, and said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Shao, this is a misunderstanding."

"I know this is a misunderstanding." Jiang Chen nodded.

Ren Nanzheng was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't understand when Jiang Chen became so talkative.

You know, according to the information he has learned about Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is a real bastard, let alone being unreasonable, even if he is unreasonable, he is unforgiving.

"You, come here." Jiang Chen ignored Ren Nanzheng's reaction, and waved to the person who snatched the gun from Ren Qichao.

"Jiang Shao, what's the matter with you?" The man said anxiously, biting the bullet and walking towards Jiang Chen.

"Tell me, why did you shoot me." Jiang Chen said casually.

No one saw the shooting scene, but how could it escape Jiang Chen's eyes?
He doesn't mind other people playing tricks under his nose. For example, Wen Heng has done a lot of tricks today.

However, when such tricks were played on his head, Jiang Chen couldn't bear it anymore.

"I didn't do it on purpose." The man stammered.

Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand and grabbed the gun in Ren Junlin's hand. Without further ado, he hit the man's thigh with a shot, and said with a light smile, "Sorry, I didn't mean it either."

The man was shot and fell to the ground, howling in pain.

"If you don't want to tell me why you shot at me, I really don't mind at all, and do a few more unintentional things." After the shot, Jiang Chen said lazily.

"It's Min Xing, Master Min Xing." The man's voice was hoarse from the pain, and he said vaguely.

"are you crazy."

Ren Minxing was enjoying watching the excitement, but suddenly he became the person involved. He felt that even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he would not be able to clean up.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, this bastard framed me." Ren Minxing said with a sad face.


Jiang Chen's second shot hit the man's other leg, and he said calmly, "The next shot, I'll hit your right hand, and the next shot, I'll hit your left hand."

"Jiang Chen, it really has nothing to do with me." Ren Minxing still explained, because he didn't know whether Jiang Chen believed his words or not.

"Cousin Minxing, stop talking." Ye Siran couldn't stand it anymore, and had to say, this cousin is indeed mentally handicapped.

It's fine for him to be mentally handicapped, but he still doubts Jiang Chen's IQ. If possible, Ye Siran really doesn't want to recognize this cousin again.

"Oh, okay." Ren Minxing said coyly.

"It's Wen..." The man didn't dare to doubt Jiang Chen's words. Jiang Chen's two shots had already fully demonstrated his attitude, unless he wanted to die.


Wen Heng shot the man in the heart, and said with a livid face, "An unfamiliar dog."

"Wen Heng, where did you get the gun?" Seeing this, Ren Minxing jumped up and down and said.

It was Wen Heng asking where the gun came from just now, which made him very passive. Now that he finally grasped the handle, Ren Minxing became excited all of a sudden.

"Cousin, can you say a few words less?" Ye Siran said weakly, unable to complain.

"I like the term dog." Jiang Chen grinned.

"Sorry, I was too impulsive." Wen Heng did not reply, but said.

Then, Wen Heng said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Shao, no matter whether that guy's shooting has anything to do with Min Xing, please see it for Si Chen and Si Ran's sake, don't pursue it too much."

"No problem, I won't pursue the two of them." Jiang Chen said straightforwardly.

Wen Heng smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

"You're welcome, I said I won't pursue them two, but it doesn't mean I won't pursue you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Shao, I don't understand what you mean." Wen Heng said.

It wasn't just Wen Heng who couldn't understand, Ren Junlin, Ren Nanzheng and others also couldn't understand what Jiang Chen was saying, but Ye Siran Mijie and Ye Sichen vaguely understood what Jiang Chen meant.

After understanding this point, Ye Siran couldn't help but feel relieved that Jiang Chen was finally going to show up.

Ye Siran naturally didn't know that Jiang Chen was going to show up, but not because of her or Ye Sichen, but because of himself.

Wasn't this Wen Heng wholeheartedly trying to get him involved in the disputes of the Ren family?

Very good, this is very scheming, simply, it fulfills Wen Heng's good intentions.

"You don't need to understand, just tell me how you want to die." Jiang Chen lazily talked nonsense to Wen Heng. After watching the play for so long, no matter how wonderful the play is, it will still cause aesthetic fatigue. of.

"Jiang Shao, did I offend you?" Wen Heng asked, frowning.

"Headshot with one shot? Dismemberment? Or, other ways to die, think about it quickly, I don't have time to waste with you." Jiang Chen urged.

"Jiang Shao, don't you think it's too much?" Wen Heng was furious, and his mood fluctuated violently.

"I feel that a headshot is a very beautiful way of death, why don't you try it?" Jiang Chen suggested, smiling.

"Jiang Shao, even if I look like an ant in your eyes, I am still a member of the Ren family. If you want to kill me, at least give the Ren family an explanation?" Wen Heng said anxiously.

His intuition told him that every word Jiang Chen said was very meaningful, but he didn't know what Jiang Chen knew, so he could only use this to transfer the conflict to the Ren family.

"Wen Heng, you are not a pity to die, you are just a dog raised by my Ren family, Young Master Jiang, I agree with you to shoot him in the head." Ren Minxing said hehe.

Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng looked at each other, but they didn't speak, although they didn't know why Jiang Chen wanted to use Wen Heng.

But there is no doubt that they all knew that if there was a reason for the incident, in terms of Wen Heng's status, Wen Heng was not qualified to be targeted by Jiang Chen at all.

Another point is that even if Jiang Chen wanted to embarrass Wen Heng for no reason, the two of them had no intention of showing up. Just like what Ren Minxing said, Wen Heng was just a dog raised by the Ren family.

Of course it depends on the owner to beat the dog.

But to offend Jiang Chen for the sake of a dog is obviously not a good deal.

Both of them were human beings, and Ren Qichao was very sensible and didn't talk too much, just watching the excitement with great interest.

"Minxing, I ask myself that I have always treated you well." Wen Heng looked at Ren Minxing resentfully, and said resentfully.

"Be nice to me?" Ren Minxing smiled, "Trying me for a fool is also being nice to me? I've always kept the matter of your two little Russian beauties in mind."

"That was a misunderstanding." Wen Heng sighed.

"Even if I believe it was a misunderstanding, so what? But I want you to die more." Ren Minxing said.

"What about you, do you all want me to die too?" Wen Heng said to the others.

"Just die, what does it have to do with us?" Ren Qichao said casually, listening to the tone of his words, it seemed that what died was a chicken or a dog.

"Sure enough, all the members of your Ren family are capable of doing anything crazy for their own benefit," Wen Heng said.

"Wen Heng, our Ren family has never treated you badly. What did you just say, an unfamiliar dog? I think you are the unfamiliar dog." Ren Minxing said unhappily.

As if Wen Heng didn't hear what Ren Minxing said, he suddenly burst out laughing, and while laughing, he said to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, I'm really very sorry, why didn't that shot blow your head off? .”

"Sure enough, you ordered it." Both Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng's expressions changed.

"That's right, I ordered it, and I admit it all." Wen Heng admitted, and said to Jiang Chen again: "Jiang Chen, you shouldn't have come to the West Mansion, if you don't come, all my plans will be completely destroyed." It all worked out."

"Actually, I don't need to come, but who made you stupid enough to do something to Silly Baitian." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

To put it bluntly, these crap things about the Ren family have nothing to do with him?
Not to mention how many people died, even if they were all dead, it had nothing to do with him.

The only one who has a relationship is Ye Sichen. Because of Ye Sichen, he has a relationship with Ye Siran again. Therefore, if Wen Heng wants to move Ye Sichen and Ye Siran, Jiang Chen must come to the West Mansion. .

"Look at them, they're all trash, they're always complacent when they're being tricked by others." Wen Heng pointed at Ren Junlin, Ren Nanzheng, Ren Minxing and Ren Qichao respectively, and said in a deep voice: "Ye Sichen It doesn't matter, but I can't move Ye Siran, otherwise, even if I play all four of them to death, it will be for Ye Siran to make wedding clothes, and I will get no benefit at all."

Ye Siran's face turned pale for a while, and he finally understood what happened to him before, and I dare say that Wen Heng was behind it.

Moreover, Wen Heng's ambition is so great that he is playing with the Ren family. Doesn't this mean that he wants to replace him?
"What a big dog."

"kill him."

Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng are not fools. If they still don't understand what happened, they can all go head-on and kill each other.

At the same time, regarding today's sudden conflict, the two also deeply realized that it was completely controlled by Wen Heng.

This made the two of them gasp, knowing that if Jiang Chen hadn't been here, they would have been played to death by Wen Heng.

"Kill me?" Wen Heng laughed out loud, looked at Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng like idiots, and said coldly: "An idiot is an idiot, do you think that's all I have to do?"

After the words fell, Wen Heng clapped his hands, and soon there were footsteps, and several figures walked in slowly from the outside...

(End of this chapter)

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