genius evil

Chapter 823 Take People's Money and Disaster Disaster

Chapter 823 Take People's Money and Disaster Disaster

There were three people who came in. A middle-aged man with long hair and long beard walked in the front. His black and white mottled hair was combed into a bun, and he was wearing a dark green robe. The taste of immortality.

Although, dressing like this, looking at the modern city, falling into the eyes of those fashionable men and women, is as weird as it needs to be.

Behind the middle-aged man, there are two young men and women, one man and one woman, following closely on both sides of the middle-aged man, step by step, but also with a rather arrogant demeanor, as if no one is in their eyes.

"Mr. Huang, who are you?" Seeing the three people coming in, the corner of Ren Junlin's mouth twitched involuntarily, and he stepped forward to ask.

"Take people's money and eliminate disasters with others." The middle-aged man said indifferently, with a look of disdain between his eyebrows and eyes, it was obvious that he was too lazy to talk to Ren Junlin even a superfluous word.

"Whose money are you taking?" Ren Junlin was stunned for a moment, and then asked.

"Idiot." Wen Heng curled his lips and laughed.

"Could it be you?" Ren Junlin said in surprise, perhaps because he was too shocked, it was so unbelievable.

Ren Nanzheng also puffed up his eyes and looked at Wen Heng, his Adam's apple trembled slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all.

As for Ren Minxing and Ren Qichao, they were a little stupid, but they realized in an instant that the appearance of a middle-aged man was very unusual, and subconsciously fell silent.

Wen Heng smiled even brighter, and said to the middle-aged man, "Mr. Huang, everything is going according to plan."

"Don't talk nonsense with me, I'm only responsible for killing people." The middle-aged man said noncommittally.

"The first one, kill him." Wen Heng raised his hand and pointed at Jiang Chen.

Following Wen Heng's finger, the middle-aged man's eyes fell heavily on Jiang Chen, but with just one glance, his attention was attracted by the two sisters Ye Sichen and Ye Siran.

A look of astonishment obviously flashed in his eyes, and the middle-aged man said, "Yes."

"Thank you, sir." Wen Heng heaved a sigh of relief seeing the middle-aged man agreeing.

To him, the biggest threat within the huge Ren family is undoubtedly Jiang Chen. As long as Jiang Chen is eliminated, no one in the Ren family can stop his footsteps.

"It's best not to move thoughts that shouldn't be moved, or you will die a miserable death." Jiang Chen said lazily.

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Sichen and Ye Siran like that, as a man, how could Jiang Chen not understand what that meant.

As a man who protects his weaknesses, what Jiang Chen can't tolerate the most is someone beating the woman next to him. This middle-aged man, no matter what his identity or origin, has already been sentenced to death by Jiang Chen.

"Tell him who I am." The middle-aged man was so proud that he didn't even want to look at Jiang Chen more.

"Sect Master of Xiaoshui Sect, Yellow Dragon Snake." Wen Heng took advantage of the situation and introduced.

"How come?" Hearing this, Ye Siran murmured to himself.

Ye Siran couldn't be more clear about the relationship between Xiaoshuizong and Ren's family. Leaving aside the friendship between Xiaoshuizong and Ren's family, those intricate relationships are enough to bind the two tightly together.

However, Ye Siran was relieved when he thought of the matter of being chased and killed by Hua Gu in the southwest forest.

The relationship between Xiaoshui Sect and the Ren family is not as close as outsiders think. On the contrary, judging from the current situation, this Xiaoshui Sect is inextricably linked with Wen Heng .

Although, for the time being, Ye Siran doesn't know exactly how Wen Heng bought this Xiaoshuizong.

"The name is good, but the face is not good. At first glance, it looks like a middle-aged face." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"court death."

The young man following Huanglongshe shouted angrily.


Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, and just shot casually, blowing off the guy's head with one shot.

"Ten thousand, ten thousand, don't offend people with guns in their hands, or they will die miserably." After firing a shot, Jiang Chen said calmly.

Wen Heng's expression changed slightly, and he said to Huang Longshe, "Mr. Huang, we are in trouble."

"Jiang Chen, I heard that you are quite strong, why, do you only use guns to hurt people?" Huang Longshe said with a frown.

"Yeah, so what?" Jiang Chen responded with a smile, quite a rogue tone.

Huanglongshe couldn't help frowning even tighter, and said in a low voice: "Put down the gun in your hand, maybe I can spare you today."


Jiang Chen fired casually, and a bullet brushed Huanglongshe's ear and flew out. He said casually, "I'm sorry, I will definitely kill you. Of course, if you take the initiative to dig out your own eyeballs If so, maybe I can consider letting you die more happily."

"Jiang Chen, do you think that having a gun in your hand is enough to threaten me?" Huang Longshe's voice became cold and severe.

"I have already threatened you." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"Then I want to see how you threaten me." Huanglongshe snorted coldly, before he finished speaking, his feet suddenly moved, and a slender soft sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

The soft sword slashed across the air, towards Jiang Chen's right hand holding the gun, and slashed down.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, made a wrong step, took two steps back, casually pulled the trigger, and fired two shots at Huanglongshe.

The Yellow Dragon Snake was extremely fast. Even if he shot at such a close range, the bullets would still have no damage to him. At best, it would only slow him down a little when he dodged the bullets.

"It's interesting, catch me two more bullets." Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and fired two more shots in a row.

"Small tricks." Huanglong Snake's voice was gloomy and cold, and his figure was like the wind. The next moment, he appeared in front of Jiang Chen. The soft sword in his hand brought a sharp cold wind and swept towards Jiang Chen's neck.

"What are you talking about so loudly? Don't hide if you have the ability." Jiang Chen teased and chuckled, and stepped back again. At the same time, he pointed his gun at Huanglongshe.

"Jiang Chen, why don't you try, is it you who shoot faster, or I who kill faster." Huang Longshe glanced at Ye Siran, and said sinisterly.

With a gun in Jiang Chen's hand, there was nothing he could do about Jiang Chen, but it would be impossible for Jiang Chen to think that he was determined to defeat him.

But this feeling that Jiang Chen had a gun in his hand, rather than being unrestrained, made Huang Longshe very upset.

Although it was a pity to kill Ye Siran, if Jiang Chen kept pestering him like this, Huanglongshe would not be sure that he would not be injured.

Therefore, he could only threaten Jiang Chen with Ye Siran.

"Don't be nervous, this gun is out of bullets." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Really? Then you are dead." Huang Longshe said, stabbing Jiang Chen with a soft sword in his hand.


The gunshot sounded suddenly, and Huanglong Snake was startled. His figure flickered a few times, and he managed to avoid the bullets. Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation and appeared beside Ye Siran, guarding Ye Siran's three daughters. behind.

"Jiang Chen, are you kidding me?" Huanglongshe was furious.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, but now, there should really be no bullets." Shrugging, Jiang Chen looked quite apologetic.

Huanglongshe's complexion was extremely gloomy.

He was almost fooled. If he hadn't heard about Jiang Chen and knew Jiang Chen's strength, he would have almost died. At this moment, no matter what, he would not believe Jiang Chen's words easily.

"Jiang Chen, these little tricks of yours are totally useless to me. I would like to advise you, it is best to honestly put down the gun in your hand, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless." Huang Longshe said.

"I said that there are no bullets, don't you believe me?" Jiang Chen was aggrieved.

"I'll give you three seconds to put down the gun, or I'll kill them all." Huang Longshe said viciously.

"It seems that you really don't believe it. How about I prove that there are really no bullets." Jiang Chen grumbled and pulled the trigger.

When the trigger was pulled, there was no sound of bullets being ejected from the magazine. Huanglongshe's heart skipped a beat, knowing that there were indeed no bullets, so he stopped hesitating and shot fiercely towards Jiang Chen.


But at this moment, gunshots rang out again.

The Yellow Dragon Snake was startled, her face turned pale, what happened, the gun in Jiang Chen's hand was clearly out of bullets, where did the gunshot come from?
After discovering that it was Ren Qichao who fired the shot, Huang Longshe's face became extremely livid.

"Who, who fired the shot?" Before Huang Longshe could speak, Jiang Chen yelled loudly, warning: "No one is allowed to help, I will fight this old guy fairly."

The corner of Huanglongshe's mouth twitched. He originally wanted to kill Ren Qichao with one sword, but Jiang Chen's words were too hateful, so he swung his sword back, and the soft sword in his hand rolled towards Jiang Chen's neck.

Jiang Chen seemed to really want to have a fair fight with the Yellow Dragon Snake. When the Yellow Dragon Snake's sword attacked, he didn't retreat but advanced, and instantly bullied in front of the Yellow Dragon Snake.

"Overestimating one's abilities." Huang Longshe sneered, clenched a fist with his left hand, and punched it out.


The two fists collided viciously, Jiang Chen swayed, and retreated two steps, while the Yellow Dragon Snake also involuntarily retreated several steps one after another.

"Punch me again." Jiang Chen's figure was like lightning, and the fist appeared under Huanglongshe's nose again.


This punch directly blasted the Yellow Dragon Snake out of the gate of the villa.

"Jiang Chen, the outside world told you that you are amazing. I thought you had some abilities, but you were just a reckless man who can only use brute force." Standing at the door, Huang Longshe said dismissively.

Jiang Chen didn't speak, he held a remote control in his hand, grinned, and gave Huang Longshe a weird smile, Huang Longshe was stunned, and didn't understand what Jiang Chen meant, but saw Jiang Chen press the remote control all of a sudden.


The sound waves soaring to the sky were deafening, and the yellow dragon and snake disappeared in place, leaving only a pile of flesh and blood.

"Dead." Wen Heng lost his mind and looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

He recognized it, what Jiang Chen used was a pocket remote control bomb, and if he remembered correctly, this bomb was intended to be used on Jiang Chen when he sent someone to kill Jiang Chen.

Now, it was used on the Yellow Dragon Snake. The Yellow Dragon Snake died so badly, even if it was dying, it never occurred to him that one day, he would die in such a way.

Wen Heng shuddered, he knew that he would be doomed too!

(End of this chapter)

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