genius evil

Chapter 824 I'm Only Responsible For Killing

Chapter 824 I'm Only Responsible For Killing

The Yellow Dragon Snake died so quickly that everyone was caught off guard. Moreover, there was no doubt that his death was extremely disgraceful.

But anyway, to die is to die.

For a moment, in the living room, everyone looked at Jiang Chen like they were looking at a monster.

After all, they all remembered that Jiang Chen had said that the Yellow Dragon Snake would die miserably. In the end, just like what Jiang Chen said, the Yellow Dragon Snake did indeed die a miserable death with no dignity at all. .

The sect master of a majestic sect died in such a way that everyone didn't know what to say.

Jiang Chen naturally didn't care about the gazes of these people.

When Huang Longshe was thinking about Ye Sichen and Ye Siran that he shouldn't, Jiang Chen never thought about letting him live in this world again. Not picky at all, the point is, as long as the Yellow Dragon Snake is dead.

As for what other people think and think, Jiang Chen felt that he would only care about it if he was an idiot. Could it be that he had to fight to the death with the Yellow Dragon Snake and then kill the Yellow Dragon Snake to be considered powerful?
"Wen Heng, I've left enough time for you, haven't you figured out how to die yet?" Jiang Chen said leisurely after taking a look at Wen Heng who seemed to have killed him.

"Jiang Chen, don't kill me." Wen Heng said tremblingly.

The reason why he dared to fight against the Ren family, and dared to challenge Jiang Chen, was nothing more than the Yellow Dragon Snake. Once the Yellow Dragon Snake died, his backer would fall, and he would be like an ant in front of Jiang Chen.

"So it's better to shoot him in the head." Jiang Chen said as if talking to himself, and while speaking, he glanced at Ren Qichao.

Ren Qichao understood, took a step forward, put the gun in his hand on Wen Heng's head, and immediately pulled the trigger.

A vigorous farce ended in a way that no one could have imagined. As for the woman who came in with Huanglongshe, she was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, and was dragged down by Ren Junlin's orders.

"Jiang Shao, my Ren family is very grateful for today's matter." Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng looked at each other, and then said.

The matter has been resolved, but Ren Junlin still has lingering fears.

Ren Junlin knew very well that if Jiang Chen hadn't happened to meet him, the Ren family would have changed their family and surname today.

Who would have thought that Wen Heng had such a big ambition?
And who would have thought that Wen Heng and Xiaoshuizong would collude together.

A mere Wen Heng was already playing with everyone in their hands, not to mention adding a Xiaoshui sect. Under the pressure of both sides, the Ren family was almost at a dead end.

"Thank me?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I don't care about anything, I'm only responsible for killing people."

Whether killing Huanglongshe or Wenheng, as far as Jiang Chen was concerned, it was just because the two of them deserved to be killed, and it really didn't have much to do with the Ren family.

"No matter what, my Ren family has kept this kindness in mind." Ren Junlin said sincerely, with a very low posture.

The reason for this is that firstly, Ren Junlin is really grateful to Jiang Chen, and secondly, the Xiaoshui Sect is unreliable, and Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen and Ye Siran have a very close relationship. Perhaps, one day, Jiang Chen It may not necessarily be a great help to the Ren family.

Especially the latter.

With such thoughts in mind, Ren Junlin was naturally very polite to Jiang Chen.

Ren Nanzheng also said a few words. He was more polite to Jiang Chen than Ren Junlin. It is not difficult to see that although the external troubles of the Ren family have been resolved, there is still a lot of talk about the internal troubles. It doesn't matter.

"Jiang Chen..." Ye Siran called out softly, and she felt that she should also say thank you to Jiang Chen.After all, she is also a member of the Ren family.

"Miss Si Ran, did you suddenly realize that I am extremely handsome?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Seeing Jiang Chen laughing so hideously, Ye Siran wanted to say thank you, but couldn't say it anymore, couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, I'm not feeling well." Ye Sichen's weak voice sounded.

"Go, I'll take you back to sleep." Jiang Chen said, walked over, and took Ye Sichen's hand.

Today's events undoubtedly caused great excitement to Ye Sichen, and half of this excitement was caused by Jiang Chen himself.

Seeing Ye Sichen's pale face, who looked quite frightened at first glance, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel pity in his heart.

"It's rest." Sister Mi corrected.

What does it mean to take Ye Sichen back to sleep? Why did Jiang Chen speak so ambiguously?
If they were ignorant of this, they would simply think that Ye Sichen had slept in the same bed as Jiang Chen early in the morning.

Well, it is undeniable that Jiang Chen must have wanted to do this kind of thing early in the morning, but she definitely would not agree.

"I think sleeping is more appropriate," Jiang Chen said.

"It's just rest." Sister Mi emphasized very seriously.

Ye Siran has black lines all over his face, why is this arguing again?

As for the rest of the Ren family, they couldn't bear it one by one. There was nothing they could do. Jiang Chen's style of painting changed too fast.

"Silly Baitian, do you want to sleep?" Jiang Chen then asked Ye Sichen.

"Yes." Ye Sichen nodded slightly.

"Have you heard, it's Silly Baitian who wants to sleep, not me forcing her to sleep." Jiang Chen said triumphantly.

"Childish." Miss Mi was speechless.

"Jiang Shao, two ladies, I invite you to meet me over there with the old man." But at this moment, Zhang Shan ran in from the outside and said politely.

Ye Siran came to Ren's house this time with the intention of meeting Mr. Ren, so he asked Zhang Shan to lead the way, and Jiang Chen and Ye Sichen followed Zhang Shan to meet Mr. Ren.

Mr. Ren was in the backyard of the villa. Unlike the previous rumors that he was seriously ill, Mr. Ren, who was over eighty years old, had a very red face.

"Grandpa, aren't you sick?" Ye Siran was so stunned that he couldn't tell that Mr. Ren was seriously ill.

"People are in good spirits on happy occasions, so it must be good." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Shao's eyes are like torches." Old Man Ren laughed, and called Jiang Chen and the others to sit down.

The tea was served quickly, Old Man Ren picked up the teacup, stood up, bowed to Jiang Chen, and said, "Young Master Jiang, you have the virtue of rebuilding my Ren family, old man, I am very grateful."

"Too polite." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and chuckled, but he didn't intend to help Old Master Ren up.

"Grandpa, why are you being so polite with him?" Ye Siran gave Jiang Chen a dissatisfied look, and hurriedly supported Old Man Ren to sit down.

"Si Ran, you have also seen that my Ren family, on the surface, looks like a giant, but in fact, it is on the verge of collapse due to internal and external troubles." Sitting down, Mr. Ren said with a sigh.

"Grandpa, the biggest trouble has been solved, so you don't have to worry about it." Ye Siran comforted.

"How can you not worry too much?" Elder Ren sighed again, and said, "Si Ran, those two uncles of yours are usually majestic and majestic, and they look like human beings, but in fact it is difficult to take great responsibility. Next, It was the most difficult time for my Ren family."

"Old man Ren, you have the sea-fixing needle, so you have the means to turn spring wind into rain." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

"Jiang Shao, don't laugh at me, old man. Speaking of which, I have no choice but to do so." Old man Ren said a little embarrassed.

"If I kill you, I'll tell you that I have no other choice, what do you think?" Jiang Chen said, with a hint of aggressiveness.

"Jiang Chen, what's the matter with you?" Ye Siran was anxious.

"I have a very strange problem. I really like to play dumb, but I don't see anyone playing stupid in front of me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Jiang Shao, I really have no other choice." Old Master Ren said, Ye Siran might not understand the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, how could he not understand?

Including Ren Qichao going to Tiannan City to find Ye Sichen, including Ren Minxing going to the airport to pick up Ye Sichen, all of these were secretly instructed by Mr. Ren.

In other words, Mr. Ren is playing a big game of chess. The purpose of this game of chess, in the final analysis, is to force Jiang Chen to take action for the Ren family's affairs.

I have to say that Mr. Ren did it very successfully and cleverly. Everyone was kept in the dark, and everyone was used by him intentionally or unintentionally.

Wen Heng thinks he is smart, thinks he is sure of winning and in control of everything, but he doesn't know that Mr. Ren is the big boss hidden behind.

"Don't tell me these things, I said it before in the living room, I'm only responsible for killing people." Jiang Chen lazily watched the old man act in front of him.

Old Man Ren smiled wryly, how could he not understand that everything was seen through by Jiang Chen, and what he said was hypocritical.

Naturally, in this way, the tea ended up being unhappy. Ten minutes later, Jiang Chen led Ye Sichen away, and Ye Siran and Miss Mi could only follow.

"Jiang Chen, what happened?" Ye Siran asked in confusion after walking out of Ren's house.

"Your two uncles don't live up to expectations, and your two cousins ​​are even more useless. What do you think happened?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Thinking of what Wen Heng said, Ye Siran was taken aback, and said, "You mean, grandpa intends to train me?"

"Maybe I didn't have such an idea before, but now, I definitely think so. Of course, it's not because of how good you are, you're just taller than the dwarfs." Jiang Chen laughed.

Ye Siran was not angry because Jiang Chen said this, she was silent for a while, and then said: "Jiang Chen, actually you want to tell me that grandpa used Si Chen and me, and then passed us , used you, right?"

"It's not too stupid after all, but it's fine to make a promise with your body. I've already been used by others. If you take advantage of me again, I'll be at a big loss." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for doing these things for me and Sichen." Ye Siran ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense and said seriously.

"It's really not necessary to promise with your body." Jiang Chen said again, and he said it very seriously.

Ye Siran couldn't laugh or cry, couldn't this guy talk to her seriously?Doesn't he know that this way of saying it is very embarrassing?
If he could beat Jiang Chen, Ye Siran wanted to give Jiang Chen a good beating. If that happened, Jiang Chen would probably be able to speak well.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing can only be thought about in my heart.

Moreover, Ye Siran has too many doubts in his heart, and he has no intention of beating Jiang Chen for the time being...

(End of this chapter)

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