genius evil

Chapter 825 How can you be such a beast

Chapter 825 How can you be such a beast

On the way back to the hotel, Ye Sichen fell asleep in the car. After arriving at the hotel, Jiang Chen carried Ye Sichen upstairs, carried him to the bedroom, and closed the door of the bedroom.

"Jiang Chen..." Sister Mi, who had been following behind Jiang Chen closing the door, almost screamed.

Too much and too rampant.

In broad daylight, in front of her and Ye Siran, Jiang Chen dared to do such a thing. Moreover, hearing the sound of the door lock, Jiang Chen had clearly locked the door.

If it wasn't for worrying about waking Ye Sichen up, Sister Mi would have screamed.

Fortunately, 5 minutes later, Jiang Chen opened the bedroom door and walked out.

Miss Mi stared at Jiang Chen, from head to foot, then from foot to head, her brows were slightly frowned, and she didn't know what she was thinking, then she passed Jiang Chen and entered the bedroom.

5 minutes is very short, although Sister Mi doesn't think that Jiang Chen can do anything to Ye Sichen in these 5 minutes, but she is still not at ease, she has to see Ye Sichen with her own eyes.

Ye Sichen was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly. Sister Mi checked carefully and confirmed that Ye Sichen's clothes were in good condition, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, a big question lingered in Miss Mi's mind, that is, what did Jiang Chen do in those 5 minutes just now?
Or, in fact, Jiang Chen didn't do anything.

But, if he didn't do anything, why did Jiang Chen lock the bedroom door?
Miss Mi thought about it, but couldn't figure it out.

"Is Si Chen okay?" Ye Siran found a bottle of red wine, took two wine glasses, poured one and handed it to Jiang Chen, took the other glass in his hand, and sipped it.

"Drinking in broad daylight?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't get drunk." Ye Siran said, lest Jiang Chen say whether she wanted to take advantage of him by being drunk.

Jiang Chen smiled and asked, "Aren't you curious about what I did just now?"

"Curious." Ye Siran said.

Although she didn't act as directly as Sister Mi, her attention was always on the bedroom, and if she heard the slightest discordant voice, she would break in immediately.

"So you're trying to get me drunk and play tricks on me? Why bother? If you ask me, I will definitely tell you the truth." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Ye Siran gave Jiang Chen an expression of thinking too much, and said, "I want to ask you why you doubt my grandfather."

"Do you need to drink alcohol for this kind of question?" Jiang Chen said, and replied casually: "I remember you told me that when you encountered Hua Gu in the jungle, neither the Ren family nor the military accepted your request for support, right? .”

Ye Siran nodded slightly.

"If there is one person who can influence both the Ren family and the military, who do you think is that person?" Jiang Chen said lazily.

Ye Siran felt that there was no need to answer this question, because only Mr. Ren could do this.

As for Wen Heng, it is true that he can influence the Ren family, but at best, he is just reaping the benefits of the fisherman through various small means.To say that Wen Heng can influence decision-making at the military level is to overestimate Wen Heng's means and capabilities.

"Why did Grandpa do this? Did he already know that you would show up?" Ye Siran asked.

"Of course he doesn't know, but even though it was Wen Heng's hands and feet, to some extent, isn't it a test for you? My appearance was just an accident." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"But, if you don't show up, I will die." Ye Siran murmured.

"If you die, it means that you have failed this test." Jiang Chen said.

"So, is this the truth?" Ye Siran lost his mind for a while, through Jiang Chen's words, all the doubts and puzzles were connected in series.

Wen Heng teamed up with Xiaoshuizong to overthrow the Ren family. Her two uncles and two cousins ​​were played by Wen Heng like clowns.

But the whole thing, from beginning to end, has not been hidden from the eyes of old man Ren, who is behind the scenes and controls everything, including Wen Heng and her.

Wen Heng is just a pawn, specifically, a touchstone, used by Mr. Ren to hone her two uncles and two cousins. The result is naturally very disappointing.

It is undoubtedly a great tragedy that there is no successor. Therefore, Mr. Ren took her idea and regarded Wen Heng's plot as a test for her.

If she passes the test, she will definitely have a place in the Ren family in the future.

If she fails, she will die tragically in the jungle, and her teammates will die in vain.

The truth is undoubtedly extremely cruel.After learning the truth, Ye Siran's mood suddenly became extremely bitter, and he poured wine into his mouth one mouthful after another. After a while, under the stimulation of alcohol, his pale face became a little more Very unusually ruddy.

Jiang Chen didn't intend to comfort Ye Siran, just like he didn't intend to hide the truth. Ye Siran was the first person involved in this matter, and the price she paid was undoubtedly quite tragic. Therefore, she It is the right to know the truth.

To conceal the truth would be the real cruelty to her.

"Beauty Siran, you won't get drunk if you promise, you must not take your word for it." But seeing Ye Siran's non-stop drinking, showing signs of getting drunk, Jiang Chen deliberately said jokingly .

"I won't get drunk, Jiang Chen, I'm in a bad mood, you can drink two more glasses with me." Ye Siran said softly, after finishing one bottle of wine, he found the second bottle and opened it.

"I'm very suspicious right now if you're intentionally trying to get yourself drunk." Jiang Chen said with a sigh.

He said he was not going to get drunk, but right now, Ye Siran was already five or six points drunk, and if he continued to drink, he would definitely be drunk.

As a result, just as Jiang Chen expected, Ye Siran was drunk halfway through the second bottle of red wine, and fell into Jiang Chen's arms.

Perhaps it was an unconscious action, or perhaps it was because she needed a gentle shoulder to lean on too much at this moment.

Sister Mi happened to come out of the bedroom. As soon as she came out, she saw Ye Siran nestled in Jiang Chen's arms, and Jiang Chen held Ye Siran's shoulder with one hand.

"Jiang Chen, what are you doing, let go." Mi Jie rushed up immediately, glaring at each other.

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's courage is really too great, and it is impossible to guard against.

Just now he did some unclear things to Ye Sichen, then he turned around and hugged Ye Siran again, even if it was the idea of ​​the sisters' hands, is it necessary to be so obvious and impatient?

"She's drunk." Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Did you get her drunk?" Sister Mi was deeply suspicious.

"If I say that she got herself drunk, you won't believe me, so I won't say anything." Jiang Chen said, picked up Ye Siran and sent him to the bedroom.

After a while, Jiang Chen came out of the bedroom and saw that half a bottle of red wine hadn't been finished, so he said to Sister Mi: "Sister Mi, why don't we have two glasses."

"Jiang Chen, how can you be such a beast?" Miss Mi was dumbfounded.

"It's a pity to waste it." Jiang Chen said.

A five-star hotel deserves to be a five-star hotel, and the treatment in the presidential suite is ridiculously good. Ye Siran just picked up wine from the wine cabinet, but the taste is quite good.

"Jiang Chen, you're drunk and Si Ran doesn't say anything, but you still want to get me drunk, do you think I'm stupid?" Sister Mi said angrily.

Ye Sichen fell asleep, Ye Siran was drunk, and among the three women, she was the only one awake. Sister Mi couldn't imagine what would happen if she was also drunk by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen imitated Ye Siran, gave Miss Mi an expression of thinking too much, picked up the wine bottle, poured and drank by himself.

"You know I don't want to get you drunk, but you just want to get yourself drunk now?" Sister Mi looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously, and said with some horror.

Jiang Chen is so powerful, and once he gets drunk and goes crazy, no one can control him. For a moment, Miss Mi couldn't help but think about whether she should call the police.

But when he thought about it, even if the police were called in, Jiang Chen might not be withdrawn, so he could only reluctantly give up such an idea.

"If I ask you to drink with me, you won't drink, and I can't drink alone. What are you going to do?" Jiang Chen gave a headache.

"Then just drink this half bottle." Sister Mi thought for a while and said.

There was only half a bottle of wine left, and she and Jiang Chen would split it up. If each had half, Jiang Chen probably wouldn't be able to get drunk and go crazy, and she wouldn't be able to get drunk either.

"Come on." Jiang Chen explained lazily.

Miss Mi took a clean glass, went to sit down opposite Jiang Chen, and then snatched the red wine bottle from Jiang Chen's hand, sharing half and half for each person, very evenly distributed.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing, but didn't say anything. He picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

"What are you doing drinking so fast? Are you deliberately trying to get yourself drunk?" Sister Mi rolled her eyes and sipped her mouth.

"Even if you give me another ten or eight cups, I'm sure I won't get drunk." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Come on, I won't be fooled by you." Sister Mi said.

She drank very slowly, and after a while, the red wine in the glass was finished. The taste of the wine was good, and Miss Mi felt that she hadn't drunk enough, but she was worried that Jiang Chen would really get herself drunk, so she had to endure it.

Putting down the wine glass, Sister Mi hesitated for a moment, and asked tentatively: "Jiang Chen, can you tell me, do you like Si Chen more or Si Chen more? Don't say that you like both of them equally."

"Naturally, I like silly, white and sweet." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

Ye Sichen is so innocent and cute, any man in this world, as long as he is not stupid or blind, will fall in love with Ye Sichen.

Sister Mi immediately became nervous, and said solemnly: "I think Si Ran is very good, with an independent personality and a good figure."

"Si Ran beauty can't find a boyfriend?" Jiang Chen asked.

"What do you mean?" Miss Mi was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Jiang Chen was talking about.

"Otherwise, why are you trying so hard to sell her?" Jiang Chen asked suspiciously, and then, Jiang Chen said again: "I think your promotion is completely superfluous, and there is no need to worry about beautiful Si Ran finding The boyfriend's problem is your own, if you don't find a boyfriend, you'll probably die."

"Does it look like I can't find a boyfriend?" Sister Mi puffed up her eyes.

Ever since, Jiang Chen stared at Sister Mi, looked again and again, and finally, nodded heavily, driving Sister Mi crazy in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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