genius evil

Chapter 827

Chapter 827
Ten minutes later, the car arrived at the hospital. After getting off, Zhong Hui pulled Liu Yang over and introduced him to Jiang Chen and Ye Siran.

Liu Yang had never heard Zhong Hui mention Ye Siran before, and when he was at the airport, he only took a few glances at him from a distance, and thought that Ye Siran was in good shape, and his appearance seemed to be okay.

Standing in front of Ye Siran at a close distance at this time, I realized that Ye Siran's beauty was so powerful that when Zhong Hui asked him to say a few words, his face turned red, his breath was short of breath, and he knocked. Stumbling and speechless.

And after seeing Jiang Chen's appearance clearly, Liu Yang couldn't help feeling ashamed even though he had always been quite confident about his appearance. A match made in heaven.

"Let's go in." After the introduction, Zhong Hui said, leading a few people to the hospital.

Both Zhong Hui and Han Jing's hometowns are in Xifu. After graduating from junior high school, they kept in touch with each other very frequently.

After Han Jing had a car accident, Zhong Hui visited the hospital a few times and enthusiastically raised funds for Han Jing. Although the effect was minimal, she did her best.

He knew the way well, and led the three of them to the intensive care unit. As soon as they reached the door of the ward, they saw the door of the ward open, and a doctor led a little nurse out of it.

"What are all of you here for? Don't disturb the patient's rest." The little nurse said with a straight face when she saw the four of them.

"We are Han Jing's classmates, and we are here to visit Han Jing." Zhong Hui explained.

"Oh, I remember you. You have been here several times, right?" The little nurse took a look at Zhong Hui, recognized him, and whispered something in the middle-aged male doctor's ear.

"You are Han Jing's friends, aren't you? It's a good time to come. By the way, let's go through the discharge procedures for Han Jing." The male doctor said.

"Discharged? How can Han Jing be discharged from the hospital in this situation?" Zhong Hui was taken aback for a moment.

"This Han Jing has lived in our hospital for several months. With the addition of medical expenses and bed expenses, the accumulative debt is nearly 10 yuan... Little girl, it's not that we are unkind, but the hospital is not a charity, you have to consider When it comes to our difficulties, if you really can't make up the debt, we can only let the patient be discharged first." The male doctor said helplessly.

"We have been trying to find ways to raise funds." Zhong Hui said hastily.

She is well aware of Han Jing's condition. High paraplegia is extremely dangerous. Once he is discharged from the hospital, the situation will be extremely dangerous, and other hospitals will never accept him without money.

"You have already said this several times, don't be careless here, and go through the discharge procedures for the patient." The little nurse said.

Zhong Hui's face turned bitter, and he still wanted to talk. Ye Siran gently tugged at Jiang Chen's sleeve, and said, "Sorry, we came here this time to make up for the debt, where can I pay?"

"Pay the debt?" Both the male doctor and the nurse's eyes lit up, and soon, the nurse led Jiang Chen and Ye Siran to pay the money.

At this time, Zhong Hui and Liu Yang were able to enter the ward.

"Ye Siran is really good. I didn't expect that after so many years, I still remember the friendship from the beginning." Zhong Hui was filled with emotion.

Nearly [-] yuan is not considered a small amount of money. Ye Siran offered to make up for Han Jing without saying a word, which undoubtedly relieved Han Jing's urgent need.

"He's pretty and kind-hearted. He's really good. Unfortunately, he has bad eyesight and found a bad boyfriend." Liu Yang said.

"Liu Yang, don't talk nonsense, Han Jing is Si Ran's friend, not Jiang Chen's friend, Jiang Chen has no obligation to help." Zhong Hui said.

Having said that, it is inevitable that there will be a grudge in my heart.

The cheapest Bentley Continental that Jiang Chen drove cost 400 million yuan. 10 yuan may not be affordable for ordinary people, but to Jiang Chen, it is undoubtedly an insignificant amount of money.

Jiang Chen didn't take the initiative to offer help, it was Ye Siran who spoke first, which somewhat made Zhong Hui underestimate Jiang Chen, and thought that if there was a chance, he would talk to Ye Siran about it.

There are several beds in the ward, and Han Jing's bed is leaning against the corner. Because he has not received effective treatment, he looks very weak.

But seeing Zhong Hui and Liu Yang coming, she still seemed very happy. Zhong Hui chatted with Han Jing, told Han Jing that Ye Siran was here, and that Ye Siran had gone to pay the hospital's debt for her.

Han Jing thought for a long time before he remembered who Ye Siran was. He was surprised and excited at the same time. When Ye Siran and Jiang Chen returned to the ward, Han Jing took Ye Siran's hand and just cried. speak up.

Ye Siran comforted: "Han Jing, I just asked the doctor, and he said that your situation has a high chance of recovery, so don't feel psychological pressure."

The beautiful and flowery girl was in the prime of her youth, but she encountered such unexpected disasters, which made Ye Siran's heart extremely heavy.

"The doctor said that the chance of recovery is very high, but the initial procedure fee and the later rehabilitation treatment cost are nearly 100 million, which not everyone can afford." Liu Yang said with a sigh.

"Money is not a problem." Ye Siran said.

She had thought about it just now, all of Han Jing's treatment expenses would be borne by her.

"No, Siran, you have already spent [-] yuan just now, I can't spend any more money from you, and I will return the money to you slowly after I recover from illness." Han Jing said hastily .

"Han Jing, Siran also has a kind heart, so don't refuse." Zhong Hui persuaded.

"Yes, Han Jing, don't worry, Siran's boyfriend is very rich, you haven't seen the car he drives... Let me tell you, he drives a Bentley, worth millions , this 100 million is just a drizzle to him. Even if your disease costs 1000 million, it is not a problem." Liu Yang also persuaded.

"Liu Yang, why are you talking, Jiang Chen's money is Jiang Chen's money." Zhong Hui said.

"Aren't they all the same? There is no need to make such a clear distinction between male and female friends. You and I have nothing to separate." Liu Yang said unwillingly.

"One million is not a small amount of money. Even if Jiang Chen is very rich, Jiang Chen has no obligation to take this money. Don't talk about it." Zhong Hui said. She said just now that Liu Yang should stop talking nonsense. , Liu Yang still said so.

"You don't need to say much, I will borrow 100 million from Jiang Chen first..." Ye Siran said.

"Borrow? Shouldn't I give it?" Liu Yang got up in surprise.

Ye Siran was a little speechless and at the same time very helpless.

If Jiang Chen is really her boyfriend, there is no need to borrow it, but the problem is, Jiang Chen is not at all. Liu Yang has completely misunderstood the relationship between her and Jiang Chen. Good explanation.

"Si Ran, how can I ask you to lend me money to treat my illness?" Han Jing became more and more anxious.

"Han Jing, don't think too much, the relationship between me and Jiang Chen is a bit complicated, it's not what you think." Ye Siran didn't know what to say.

Opinions could not be unified, and Han Jing was appeased for a while, Ye Siran and Jiang Chen walked out of the ward, followed by Zhong Hui and Liu Yang.

"Si Ran, let me invite you to dinner, it's just time for dinner." Zhong Hui said.

"It was agreed that I invited you, of course I invited you, but I'm not familiar with this area, you should find a restaurant." Ye Siran said.

"I'm here to look for it. I'm familiar with this area." Liu Yang raised his hand and said.

A few minutes later, I drove to the restaurant Liu Yang was looking for. As soon as I got out of the car, Zhong Hui's expression changed slightly, and she said to Liu Yang, "Why did you come here? I heard that eating here is very expensive."

"It's okay, let's go in, I happen to be hungry too." Ye Siran said.

Entering the restaurant, the waiter soon came over and led the four of them into the private room. Ye Siran asked Zhong Hui to order. Zhong Hui was embarrassed and ordered a few of the cheapest ones, so Ye Siran ordered a few more signature dishes , It's noon, and I have to drive, so I didn't order wine.

"Mei Ye, you are going to borrow money from your boyfriend to pay for this meal again?" Liu Yang teased while waiting for the food to be served.

"If you want to borrow money, I have no objection." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I don't have any money." Liu Yang's expression changed, and he shook his head quickly.

This meal cost almost tens of thousands, and it was his two months' wages, so even if he was killed, he wouldn't be able to spend that much money.

"So, I can only borrow it." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"I think you two are really strange. Why do you have such a clear distinction between male and female friends, and you drive such a good car, so your family must be rich, right? Is there a billion?" Liu Yang asked curiously.

"Yes." Jiang Chen nodded.

Liu Yang said one billion, which was kind of teasing. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to say yes so bluntly. He couldn't help swallowing, and said, "It's said that the richer a person is, the less stingy he is. I finally learned a lot today." gone."

"Where did Jiang Chen get so much money, don't believe me if you're joking, and that car doesn't belong to Jiang Chen." Ye Siran said angrily.

Well done, why is Jiang Chen scary?Even if it's true, can't you be a little more humble?
"It's not his, could it be yours?" Liu Yang felt a little bad all over.

In vain, he always thought that the car belonged to Jiang Chen, after all, Jiang Chen was driving, and Jiang Chen didn't seem to be short of money.

The car didn't belong to Jiang Chen, so it could only be Ye Siran.

That is to say, Ye Siran is the hidden rich woman.

"Jiang Chen, I found out that I admire you a little bit." With a sigh of emotion, Liu Yang said.

"What do you admire about me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Naturally, it's because of softness... No, it's about finding a girlfriend. To be honest, I'm about to fall in love with you." Liu Yang.

"Liu Yang..." Gritting her teeth, Zhong Hui couldn't take it anymore, Liu Yang was not like this before, why is it that he looks like a different person today?
"It's not admiration, it should be envy." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

The corner of Liu Yang's mouth twitched. Jiang Chen was right, he was indeed envious, but he wouldn't say it in front of Zhong Hui, otherwise he would be too imbecile.

"The car is not mine either, it is borrowed." Seeing Liu Yang misunderstood, Ye Siran had no choice but to add reluctantly.

Unexpectedly, when she said these words, Liu Yang's expression changed again...

(End of this chapter)

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