genius evil

Chapter 828

Chapter 828

Originally, Liu Yang thought that the reason why Jiang Chen was able to date Ye Siran was because of his wealth. After all, rich people are uncles these days.

Besides, Jiang Chen swaggered through the city in a multi-million dollar luxury car, so it was not unflattering. Isn't it easy to pick up girls?
It's not because of this that Ye Siran worships money, but nowadays, who doesn't love money, regardless of gender?Could it be true love to live a poor life with a little bum?Can the love of rich people not be called true love?

Unexpectedly, Ye Siran quickly revealed that the car did not belong to Jiang Chen.

In this way, it really made Liu Yang look at Jiang Chen with admiration. The ability to eat soft food like this is no one else, and the ability to pick up girls is simply off the charts.

While looking at him with admiration, it also made Liu Yang very envious and jealous of Jiang Chen.

Ye Siran is beautiful and has money, what does Jiang Chen have, he is just a little handsome, how can he be so lucky to be able to meet Ye Siran?
When Ye Siran said that the car didn't belong to her, Liu Yang was a little confused. What's going on?
"You didn't pay the 10 yuan owed by the doctor just now?" Liu Yang asked suspiciously.

"Liu Yang, if you don't want to eat, you can go first." Zhong Hui secretly kicked Liu Yang.

Even though the car doesn't belong to Jiang Chen and Ye Siran, do they look like poor people?What's more, people can borrow a multi-million-dollar car casually, and it is conceivable that they know who they know.

The old saying goes well, what kind of person makes friends with what kind of person, Jiang Chen can borrow a car worth millions, how can it be simple for himself?

Why is it that Liu Yang, who is usually very clever, has turned into an elm-headed person, yet he doesn't even understand such a simple truth.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, don't you mind." Liu Yang said, and the food he just ordered was delivered, alleviating his embarrassment.

Zhong Hui was also afraid of embarrassment, so she greeted Ye Sichen and Jiang Chen for a meal, thinking in her heart that she had to finish eating quickly and leave early, otherwise Liu Yang would lose all face.

Liu Yang, however, did not feel ashamed at all. He ate a few mouthfuls of food and said slowly, "Jiang Chen, since the car is borrowed, you'd better drive it leisurely. If you accidentally crash it, you won't be able to afford it." , even if it is scratched and scratched, it will be an astronomical sum if it is repaired."

"Xiao Ming's grandfather smoked, drank, and picked up girls, but he lived to be a hundred years old. Do you know why?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Because he never meddles in other people's business." Ye Siran answered.

This Liu Yang was too self-righteous, which displeased her very much.

"Beauty, I'm doing this for your own good. If you're looking for a boyfriend, it's better to find someone down-to-earth, just like me. I don't have money. I never pretend to be aggressive. Just a car." Liu Yang said.

"You can directly say that you are poor." Jiang Chen said.

"I'm poor, but what does it matter?" Liu Yang asked back.

"You are not only poor, you are also ugly." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Little boy, what are you talking about?" Liu Yang was angry.

"I forgive you." Jiang Chen said solemnly: "When a poor person is short-sighted, when an ugly person makes mischief, this is nature and cannot be changed."

"You—" Liu Yang almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Liu Yang, do you still want to show yourself here?" Zhong Hui stood up and dragged Liu Yang away.

"Have a good meal, and it has become like this." Ye Siran put down his chopsticks, losing his appetite at all.

"You have to congratulate your female classmate. If there are no accidents, she will be out of the sea of ​​suffering from today on." Jiang Chen laughed.

"You mean they will break up?" Ye Siran asked in astonishment.

"If you don't break up like this, then it is definitely true love." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"It's better to tear down a temple than a marriage." Ye Siran said angrily.

"Don't worry, your female classmate will definitely thank me in the end." Jiang Chen said confidently.

Ye Siran also felt that Liu Yang's personality was a little too frivolous, and even if there were doubts about some words, it would be fine to keep them in his heart, why should he say them out loud?

Little did he know that in that case, the only one who would be embarrassed would be himself.

As for Jiang Chen, it would not have any influence at all. Firstly, Jiang Chen's face was thick enough, and secondly, Jiang Chen was indeed very rich.

Liu Yang thought about attacking Jiang Chen, but completely missed the point. Even if he said Jiang Chen was ugly, it was better than saying Jiang Chen was poor.

"Jiang Chen, that 100 million..." Ye Siran just said.

"Actually, my medical skills are very good." Jiang Chen reminded.

After Ye Siran was stunned for a moment, he immediately came to his senses and said, "You mean, you can cure Han Jing?"

"In order to avoid the 100 million in vain, I think it's better for me to do it myself. Who knows how good your reputation is, and whether you will pay back the borrowed money." Jiang Chen said pretendingly.

Ye Siran ignored Jiang Chen's attack, pulled Jiang Chen away, and urged: "Let's go to the hospital quickly, you treat Han Jing earlier, Han Jing will have less pain."

"I haven't finished my meal." Jiang Chen was a little unhappy.

"Hurry up, don't waste time." Ye Siran didn't care so much, he pulled Jiang Chen out of the box, after paying the bill, he drove himself, and quickly drove to the hospital.

Han Jing's high paraplegia was caused by a car accident. The reason why he didn't have the operation was due to the money issue on the one hand and the low success rate of the operation on the other.

A bad one can easily cause Han Jing's lower body to be paralyzed, causing a serious medical accident. So far, the hospital has been adopting conservative treatment.

Seeing Ye Siran and Jiang Chen come back, Han Jing asked curiously, "Where are Zhong Hui and Liu Yang?"

"The two of them have something to do, so let's go first." Ye Siran panicked casually.

Han Jing didn't think much about it, and said softly: "Since my accident, Zhong Hui has been working hard on my affairs. If possible, you can help me persuade her, and Si Ran, I really can't borrow money from you anymore." gone."

Ye Siran smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a hunch that it won't be long before you can get out of bed and walk."

"Will there be such a day?" Han Jing looked forward to it, but there was a strong sense of loss in his eyes.

Taking advantage of Han Jing's inattention, Jiang Chen gently pierced an acupuncture point on her body with a silver needle. Han Jing fell asleep instantly. After that, Jiang Chen turned Han Jing over and quickly applied the needle.

In this way, it took nearly 10 minutes to take out the silver needle, Jiang Chen exhaled, and said to Ye Siran: "If there is no accident, with the post-rehabilitation treatment, within a month, you will be able to get along with me." It's no different from ordinary people."

Han Jing's condition is very likely to lie in bed for the rest of his life. Jiang Chen said that within a month, Han Jing will be no different from ordinary people. This undoubtedly gave Ye Siran a huge surprise.

The two didn't stay long, and they left the hospital soon. As for Han Jing's follow-up rehabilitation, Ye Siran thought about it, and it would be better for the Ren family to come forward. It seems that the Ren family has a similar foundation. , It is also helpful for Han Jing's systemic recovery.

But the two of them had just walked out of the hospital when they saw a sporty sports car approaching, the co-pilot's door opened, a young girl pushed the door and got out of the car, and soon, the door of the driver's seat also opened , a head popped out.

"Jiang Shao, Siran." The guy who popped up greeted Jiang Chen and Ye Siran warmly, who else could it be if it wasn't Ren Minxing.

"Young Master Ren is so excited." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen didn't know how to describe this guy, the Ren family was in a mess, and they still wanted to come out to pick up girls.

The woman who got out of the car looked like a nurse from the hospital.

Ren Minxing smiled and said, "It's so-so, how can it compare to Guo Jiang Shaoyou, you two are dating, then I won't bother you."

"No date, cousin Minxing, don't talk nonsense." Ye Siran hurriedly said.

Others misunderstood, Ye Siran was not in a hurry to deny it, but she didn't want the Ren family to misunderstand the relationship between her and Jiang Chen.

"It's obviously a date, and I'm not blind." Ren Minxing said, winking at Jiang Chen for a while, and said: "Jiang Shao, I know there is a pretty good hotel, do you need a recommendation?"

"It's free." Jiang Chen said.

"It's absolutely free. If you go, Young Master Jiang, it will definitely shine." Ren Minxing said with a smile, took out his mobile phone and made a call, and then said to Jiang Chen: "Young Master Jiang, if you go, report Just put the name on it, I still have something to do, let's go first."

After speaking, he got into the car and drove away quickly.

However, what Ye Siran didn't expect was that as soon as Ren Minxing left here, two more people walked over, Zhong Hui and Liu Yang.

Zhong Hui looked shy and awkward, while Liu Yang, with a strange expression on his face, stared at Jiang Chen and Ye Siran non-stop, as if there was something strange on them.

"Zhong Hui, are you here to see Han Jing?" Ye Siran asked.

Zhong Hui nodded uncomfortably and did not speak. She dragged Liu Yang into the hospital, and said in a low voice as she walked, "See, Jiang Chen knows some people, yet he still suspects that he didn't give Han Jing Pay back the 10 yuan. Fortunately, I gave you a hand, otherwise this face will be humiliated."

"How do I know he's not a liar?" Liu Yang argued stubbornly, but his face was hot.

"Just this one time, don't take this as an example, otherwise I will definitely break up with you." Zhong Hui said, walking quickly, leaving Liu Yang behind.

"Jiang Chen, what's the situation?" Ye Siran looked confused.

"Someone wants to send his face to the door for a vape, but before I have time to vape, he vapes himself... Maybe this is the legendary crime." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I don't understand what you are talking about at all." Ye Siran said, vaguely understood a little clue, but he didn't want to say anything more, and said to Jiang Chen: "Aren't you full? I'm treating you to dinner now. How about it? ?”

"Miss Si Ran, I need to remind you that you have no money." Jiang Chen said.

"That's right, I don't have any money, so you can treat me." Ye Siran said, and it happened that she wasn't full either.

"Speaking so confidently, if outsiders hear this, they will undoubtedly doubt whether we are really dating." Jiang Chen was a little embarrassed.

"What did you say?" Ye Siran stared.

"I mean, it's my honor to have the opportunity to invite Miss Si Ran to dinner." Jiang Chen laughed.

"What are you talking about so disgustingly?" Ye Siran muttered, his face, unknowingly, quietly turned red and hot...

(End of this chapter)

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