genius evil

Chapter 830 The Taste of Indulgence

Chapter 830 The Taste of Indulgence

"Actually, you should take the initiative and get me drunk." Before Jiang Chen could reply, Ye Siran said again with a chuckle.

"Um, is it good for me to take the initiative to get you drunk?" Jiang Chen said inexplicably with a dry hoarse voice, pretending to be stupid.

If Ye Siran was an ugly girl, getting her drunk would undoubtedly be of no benefit to Jiang Chen. The toughness may not be able to bear it.

However, if only if nothing more.

Not only is Ye Siran not an ugly girl, but she is also a genuine beauty. Even if a person is blind and has distorted aesthetics, there is no way to deny this.

Ye Siran had already drank nearly a bottle of red wine, his cheeks were flushed, his eyes were like peach blossoms, and when he giggled and laughed, he was extremely charming. To a normal man, his allure was no less than that of a nuclear weapon explosion.

Of course Jiang Chen was a normal man, specifically, he was a man even more normal than a normal man.

As a matter of course, it is conceivable that Ye Siran's coquettish attitude had an impact on Jiang Chen.

But even though he was stimulated by Ye Siran's vague provocation, Jiang Chen couldn't express his thoughts too clearly.

Beautiful women are the most deceptive.

A woman who is both beautiful and drunk, as long as she is willing, she can even deceive people to death!

"When you get me drunk, you'll know what the benefits are." Blinking, Ye Siran chuckled, picked up the bottle, and poured himself wine.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I don't know why, but I suddenly had a bad feeling. Do you think I should leave here before you get drunk?"

"Are you so timid?" Ye Siran said, curling his lips.

"It's true that I'm very courageous, but someone told me that the woman at the bottom of the mountain is a tiger." Jiang Chen said with a sad face.

"Even if I'm a tiger, I won't eat you." Ye Siran was overjoyed, and urged: "Don't look at me, drink."

"Okay." Jiang Chen reluctantly picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Finish." Ye Siran was a little unhappy.

When Jiang Chen finished drinking, Ye Siran poured it for Jiang Chen immediately, and forced Jiang Chen to drink again. In this way, under repeated pressure, more than half of the second bottle of red wine entered Jiang Chen's stomach.

Ye Siran got up, brought over two more bottles of red wine, and also forced Jiang Chen to drink the third and fourth bottles.

"Miss Si Ran, I agreed to get you drunk, and you are trying to get me drunk." Jiang Chen said speechlessly.

"Then are you drunk?" Ye Siran asked.

"Drunk." Jiang Chen said, he was drunk when he said he was drunk, and slumped on the sofa.

"Jiang Chen, if you say you're drunk, I'll really think you're drunk." Ye Siran said softly.

Jiang Chen's heart skipped a beat, what did Ye Siran mean by that, could he be molesting him while he was drunk?

If that's the case, to follow or not to follow?

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that this was a big problem.

Come on, Ye Siran will definitely think that he is a casual man.

If not, Ye Siran will definitely be very sad, after all, he has already drunk so much alcohol.

How could Ye Siran know Jiang Chen's wild thoughts, she didn't drink much wine, she was full of wine, probably only one bottle.

Usually, when she is in a good mood, she drinks at home alone, drank almost two bottles, and can still stay awake, but I don’t know if it’s because of her bad mood today, she drinks a bottle of wine, and her sanity is a little bit blur.

"Jiang Chen, Si Chen and I lost our parents when we were young. We grew up under Ren's parents. Grandpa loves us very much. From outsiders' point of view, our sisters' lives are so carefree. Basically, we are the same as the princess. There is no difference, it's just that only we know what it's like to be under the fence." Ye Siran murmured, as if talking nonsense.

Jiang Chen waited for a while, but he didn't wait for Ye Siran to pounce on him, but he was slightly taken aback when he heard these words.

"I have known since I was a child that nothing should be taken for granted. In everything I do, I must follow the rules, be cautious, and not make any mistakes, because making mistakes means causing trouble to others... that How old was I, seven years old, seven years old, I still remember it."

"It's so tiring, it's really tiring, other people's children are pampered by their fathers, but Sichen and I don't dare to ask for a little pampering. At that time, the happiest thing for me was that I could go to school Go to school, only go to school is the real carefree."

"Once, my aunt told me that everything in the Ren family belonged to my cousin Minxing. Let Si Chen and I keep our own place and don't try to fight for anything, or we will be kicked out of the house, but my aunt never understood , we never fight or grab.”

Ye Siran kept talking, whispering softly, talking about her childhood, about her and Ye Sichen's time at Ren's house.

The proud daughter of heaven in the eyes of others has too many unknown tragic pasts.

Jiang Chen listened to it, but didn't answer. He knew very well why Ye Siran was so sad and so brooding.

She didn't covet the Ren family at all, but Mr. Ren pushed her into the whirlpool because of his own selfish desires. Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng's visits pushed her into the abyss of despair.

Everyone thought that she would compete. My aunt used to think so. Now, Mr. Ren thinks so. Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng also think so.

No one has considered Ye Siran's feelings, and no one has considered what Ye Siran really needs. They just force Ye Siran not to violate their will when they need it.

In this way, what is the difference between a puppet and a puppet?
Ye Siran babbled for more than half an hour, and Jiang Chen heard every single word in his ears. He still didn't speak, but got up, and took two more bottles of red wine from the wine cabinet.

"Drink some more." Jiang Chen said.

"I think, I don't need to anesthetize myself with alcohol." Ye Siran said seriously.

"Then you may need a shoulder to lean on." Jiang Chen smiled and sat beside Ye Siran.

Ye Siran cautiously leaned his head on Jiang Chen's shoulder and whispered, "Jiang Chen, thank you..."

A brief sentence, but the tears burst at this moment, soaking Jiang Chen's shoulders.

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment, then patted Ye Siran's back lightly with his hand, and said, "If you need to find someone to drink next time, you can always find me."

"I will never get drunk again." Ye Siran said tremblingly.

"This is not acceptable. If women don't get drunk, men have no chance." Jiang Chen said.


Being teased by Ye Siran, Ye Siran laughed uncontrollably, she raised her head, her crying face was like a kitten.

"I hate it." Ye Siran complained, muttering, crying and laughing, without looking in the mirror, Ye Siran knew how ugly it was.

Such an ugly side was seen by Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen must have laughed at her.

Jiang Chen laughed, and asked: "Miss Si Ran, have you ever thought about letting go once?"

"Indulgence?" Muttered, Ye Siran was a little confused.

She has never been indulgent before, and she doesn't know how to indulge. Perhaps, talking so much to Jiang Chen today is already the most indulgent time in her life.

"Life is short, enjoy it when you have it," Jiang Chen said.

Ye Siran chewed on the meaning of Jiang Chen's words, and somehow he thought of something, his blushing cheeks were bright red, and his eyes were almost dripping with water.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to be such a person..." A short while later, Ye Siran said rather angrily, and trotted into the bedroom.

"Beauty Siran, what kind of person am I? Can you explain clearly?" Jiang Chen was puzzled, and shouted as he looked at Ye Siran's back.

He was just kind enough to comfort and comfort Ye Si. A woman who has never released her nature since she was a child is undoubtedly very sad.

When he asked Ye Siran to indulge once, he was telling Ye Siran that if Ye Siran needed it, he could help her make up for some childhood regrets.

"Don't say it, you are not allowed to say it, and I won't listen to it." Ye Siran said, closing the bedroom door.

"Women are really unreasonable creatures." Jiang Chen grinned, completely confused about where he was wrong, which gave him no chance to correct himself.

In the bedroom, Ye Siran stood by the door, his heart was beating fast, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

Ye Siran has never experienced the taste of indulgence.

If she said that she didn't want to indulge once, it would be deceiving herself, she just didn't know how to indulge.

Jiang Chen's words reminded her and made her understand how to indulge if she wanted to indulge once.

The bedroom door was closed, but not locked. Ye Siran took deep breaths again and again, trying to calm down his emotions, but he couldn't calm down no matter what.

She stood there, listening to the movement in the living room, waiting for Jiang Chen to push the door in.

She knew that it was wrong for her to do this, Ye Sichen liked Jiang Chen so much, if she got entangled with Jiang Chen, it would hurt Ye Sichen.

But the little devil in his heart seemed impatient to be released, even though he knew it was wrong to do so, Ye Siran still wanted to try it once.

Just once, once is enough.

After this time, there will be no regrets in her life.

However, to Ye Siran's great disappointment, she waited for a while, but Jiang Chen still didn't come over to open the door.

"Liar, Jiang Chen, you big liar." Ye Siran stomped his feet, not knowing whether it was shame or disappointment.

"Beauty Siran, what are you talking about, I didn't hear clearly, can you say it again?" But at this moment, the door was opened, and a smiling face was reflected in Ye Siran's pupils...

(End of this chapter)

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