genius evil

Chapter 831 Wen Qing's Robber

Chapter 831 Wen Qing's Robber

Jiang Chen left the West Mansion the next morning.

Sitting on the plane from Xifu to Tiannan City, thinking about the charming scene with Ye Siran in the hotel room yesterday, Jiang Chen regretted so much that he wished he could slap himself ten or eight times.

"Sure enough, sitting still is not my style." Jiang Chen said to himself, the more he thought about it, the more he regretted it.

Ye Siran entered the bedroom, but didn't lock the bedroom door. The implication is that Jiang Chen guessed the beginning, but when he and Ye Siran rolled on the bed, at the critical moment, it was given to him. I stepped on the brakes myself.

It's not that Ye Siran is not beautiful enough.

It's not that the disheveled Ye Siran is not attractive enough.

Not to mention the half-drunk Ye Siran, who is not feminine enough.

It was Jiang Chen who thought at that time that the reason why Ye Siran was so impulsive was because he was stimulated by Ren Junlin and Ren Nanzheng.

As a gentleman with good taste, how can he do something that takes advantage of others?
So, after Jiang Chen threw Ye Siran onto the bed, he talked with Ye Siran all night about his ideals in life.

At this time on the plane, thinking of Ye Siran's sad eyes when he opened the door to leave the hotel, Jiang Chen suddenly realized what a stupid mistake he had made.

Ye Siran doesn't need someone to accompany her to talk about life and ideals, she is fully prepared to indulge once, what she really needs is a wanton indulgence.

On the surface, he seemed to be a good old man, but in fact, he did a very stupid thing inadvertently.

"I'm so stupid, really." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

If the plane hadn't already taken off, if it hadn't been for jumping from a high altitude, Jiang Chen would definitely return to the hotel immediately, throw Ye Siran on the bed again, tear Ye Siran's clothes viciously, and accompany her Indulge to the end.

"There is only one chance, and I didn't seize it. A smart and handsome man like me would actually make such a low-level mistake." Jiang Chen was very depressed.

"Passengers, listen, passengers, you have only one chance, only one..." Just as Jiang Chen was complaining about himself, the announcement suddenly sounded in the cabin.

A piece of nonsensical broadcast, all the passengers who listened to it were confused, and no one understood what this broadcast meant.

"The plane has been hijacked by us. Passengers, please prepare your valuables immediately, otherwise, the plane will be blown up by us immediately."

Just when the passengers were confused, the radio sounded again.


The passengers finally understood the meaning of the broadcast, and their complexions changed drastically. Those who were less timid immediately screamed in fright. Some even took out their mobile phones, wallets and other items tremblingly, and took them out. On hand, ready to hand over.

"Handsome guy, is the broadcast real?" A little beauty sitting beside Jiang Chen asked tremblingly, her face was pale and she was trembling constantly.

"Of course it's fake." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"You only have one life, so please don't be impulsive. If you lose money, you can earn it again. You only have one life. Money is precious, but life is even more valuable."

The voice of the car almost fell off, and the sound of the broadcast sounded for the third time.

Immediately afterwards, there was a commotion in the cabin, and four tall men rushed out quickly. Each of them was holding a cloth bag in their hands, shouting and drinking, and asked everyone to put valuables in it. .

"Handsome guy, didn't you say it was fake?" The little beauty cried in fright.

"Isn't it fake? Have you seen any gangster who is so young?" Jiang Chen asked in wonder.

"Boy, what are you talking about, quickly take out your mobile phone wallet, or you will be killed." A man with a scar on his face walked to Jiang Chen's seat, and said fiercely.

"You guys are filming, right?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Filming?" Dao Scar froze for a moment, then chuckled, and said, "Boy, your mind is very active. Believe it or not, I'll throw you out of the plane?"

Jiang Chen chuckled and said, "You've overlooked one important point. Apart from being very active in thinking, I'm still handsome. I'm so handsome. Would you guys give me more close-up shots? The movie will be released in the future. At that time, the box office also had my share of credit."

"Looking for death." Scar's face became angry.

What does Jiang Chen mean by these words, really think they are filming?
"Don't you think that this drama of yours needs my good looks?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Fart." Scarface became more and more angry.

"Handsome guy, are they really filming a movie?" The little beauty was going to confirm that the plane had been hijacked, but Jiang Chen categorically stated that she was acting and asked for a role, which confused the girl again.

As for Jiang Chen being handsome or not.

On this issue, the girl thinks it is beyond doubt.

As soon as she got on the plane, she saw Jiang Chen sitting next to her, and she didn't know how many times she secretly glanced at Jiang Chen. If she didn't know all kinds of celebrities, she would almost doubt whether Jiang Chen was a certain star. up.

Although Jiang Chen is not a celebrity, the little beauty feels that Jiang Chen's face can undoubtedly support a movie, which is the so-called appearance.

"Naturally, it's filming, but the crew is a bit distracted." Jiang Chen said.

When the little beauty heard this, she said to Scarface: "I think you can show this handsome guy a little more, maybe the box office will be even better."

"Congratulations to you two, you have successfully angered me." Scarface said furiously.

"If you don't give it, you won't give it. What are you doing with such a temper?" The little girl was aggrieved.

Scarface almost vomited blood, is this a question of giving or not?
The main question is, is this hijacking?

Please, do you understand hijacking?

Such an understatement made it difficult for him to be a human being.

"Hurry up, hand over the things, or I will really do it." Scarface said in a vicious voice, feeling that his patience had been greatly challenged.

"Brother, it's just a filming. Do you want to get into the film so deeply?" Jiang Chen muttered, then said loudly: "Everyone calm down, don't be nervous, this is filming, if you don't believe me, look for it Camera."


The passengers on the plane were all messed up.

It turned out that it was filming, which made them nervous for nothing.

But that's right, the law and order in the country has always been good, so where has there been a hijacking incident?Even if it really happened, they wouldn't be so unlucky, they just happened to run into each other, right?

"Filming, haha, everyone, take it easy." Someone laughed.

Some people will reach out to get the wallet and mobile phone that have just been put in the cloth bag, while chatting with the people around them with a smiley face, and then some people will look around, looking for the camera.

"Do you all want to die? Who told you that you are filming?" A roar sounded, and a bald man with a strong figure roared.

"That's right, we're not filming at all, you all be honest and don't move around, whoever moves around will stab the other to death." Scarface also yelled, looking at Jiang Chen like a ghost, wondering if Jiang Chen is an idiot .

After all, looking at this posture, does it look like filming?

"You stab a fart, who are you scaring with a toy knife?" Jiang Chen put on a straight face, stretched out his hand and slapped his face, knocked his scarred face to the ground, and passed out instantly.

"And you... you... the three of you, can you still consider the public's feelings? Is filming a big deal? After all, we are all group performers. It's fine if we don't get lunch and salary with you, but we still Talking so loudly, where is the director, get out, I want to have a good argument with him." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"This handsome guy is right, you are infringing on our portrait rights, you must distribute lunch boxes."

"I just had dinner, it's better to send money."

Jiang Chen stood up, and under the accusation filled with righteous indignation, the public opinion immediately affected the three of them one by one, and began to curse.


The bald man was an irritable man, his eyes were so gloomy that it was unbelievable. He gave Jiang Chen a dead look, waved his hand, and led the remaining two people towards Jiang Chen.

"Boy, you are very courageous. We didn't intend to kill people today, but now, let me tell you, I have changed my mind." The bald man said, stabbing Jiang Chen's heart with a dagger in his hand.

"So domineering?" Jiang Chen was extremely angry, and said, "You think I'm easy to bully, don't you? I messed up your scene today."

While talking, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the bald man's right hand.

"What a fast speed, what a lot of strength." The bald man's face was pale, his eyes flickered, and he asked in a low voice, "An ancient martial arts practitioner?"

"To each other, I didn't expect that you bastards are mixed with such virtues. If you want to rob, wouldn't it be better to rob the bank?" Jiang Chen said with a voice that only the bald man could hear with a playful smile.

The bald man's eyes lit up when he heard the sound, he seemed to think that robbing a bank was a career with a good future, but when he saw that his hand was still held by Jiang Chen, no matter how hard he tried, he would not move at all. Met an expert.

"Brother, there is nothing we can do about it. The Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference will be held soon, and we must find a way to get some money to spend. Otherwise, we will split the money here today? We won't embarrass you, you Don't embarrass us, or you will tear your face and everyone will have a hard time." The bald man said.

"No wonder you don't want to rob a bank but come here to rob a plane. It's just that your brains are not good enough." Jiang Chen sighed, raised his left hand, and slapped the bald man on the ground.

At the same time, two silver needles shot out from Jiang Chen's fingertips, and the other two fell to the ground with a bang before they realized what happened.

"Director, I'm sorry, I messed up your scene today." After finishing the three, Jiang Chen purposely said loudly.

"Handsome guy, are they really filming?" After a while, Jiang Chen returned to his seat, and the little beauty next to him asked anxiously.

"Guess." Jiang Chen said narrowly with a grin.

The little beauty's face was blushing, and about a minute later, she sneakily handed Jiang Chen a note, and suddenly saw that a name and a mobile phone number were left on the note...

(End of this chapter)

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