genius evil

Chapter 832

Chapter 832
After the plane landed at Tiannan City Airport, the police who were ready to go early in the morning rushed forward and took several robbers off the plane.

Some were slow to react, thinking that this was still filming.

Of course, there are also some people who saw the clues early in the morning and knew that this flight was a disaster for the rest of their lives.

As for the little beauty sitting next to Jiang Chen, she was undoubtedly the first to understand what happened, but maybe it was because Jiang Chen was sitting next to her, or maybe it was because Jiang Chen was laughing and cursing that this hijacking incident To solve it perfectly, she has always been very timid, but she has a rare peace of mind in her heart.

"Xiao Yu, what happened? I saw a lot of policemen." The little beauty just walked out of the airport with the flow of people, and a girl greeted her with anxiety on her face.

"It's okay, filming." The little beauty said with a smile.

"Filming?" The girl didn't believe it, but the little beauty didn't have the habit of lying, so she didn't think much about it for a while, as long as the little beauty is fine.

"Xiao Yu, how long do you plan to play with me this time? Why don't you play until school starts?" the girl said.

"There is still one week before school starts." The little beauty said.

"It's okay, one week is one week, and I'll buy you a plane ticket." The girl said with a smile, and took the little beauty away.

Jiang Chen was the first person to leave the airport, and he didn't care about the follow-up of those robbers. It wasn't that he wanted to keep a low profile on purpose. How many pairs of eyes must be fixed on him.

However, what made Jiang Chen feel a little helpless was that he was already so low-key, but he was still so eye-catching. No, just after he walked out of the airport, a Hummer H2 stopped in front of him.

"Get in the car." Inside the car, Mei Hongyi greeted.

"Girl in red, you are really flattering me." Jiang Chen was overwhelmed with surprise, opened the car door, and sat on it.

You know, he went back to Tiannan City, no one had mentioned the itinerary, and Mei Hongyi just came to pick him up at the airport, which had to be said to be very intentional, and Jiang Chen was so moved.

"Those robbers on the plane are not ordinary people." Mei Hongyi drove on the road, ignoring Jiang Chen's posturing, and asked.

"Girl in red, I seem to remember that I saw your parents last time." Jiang Chen said as if he didn't hear Mei Hongyi's words.

"Jiang Chen, are you listening to me?" Mei Hongyi asked angrily.

"I still remember that your parents were quite satisfied with me." Jiang Chen said, of course he heard Mei Hongyi speak.

"And then?" Mei Hongyi asked.

"Your parents must have talked about me a lot recently, and they must have told you to invite me to your house for dinner." Jiang Chen laughed.

"There is no such thing." Mei Hongyi immediately denied it, her small face was slightly red and hot.

Since Jiang Chen went to her house last time, plus Liu Zhengzhi's incident, Mei Lanting's attitude towards Jiang Chen has turned 180 degrees, and Wu Junlan is even more satisfied with Jiang Chen's attitude. Seeing that attitude, it is clearly confirmed. The identity of Jiang Chen's son-in-law is the same.

Jiang Chen was right, Wu Junlan talked about Jiang Chen a lot, and told her to ask Jiang Chen to go home for dinner a few times, but she pushed him away with various reasons.

But even if Jiang Chen guessed right about this kind of thing, it was impossible for Mei Hongyi to admit it.

There is no way, she knows Jiang Chen's character too well, once she admits it, maybe Jiang Chen will do something to her.

"I just have time today, why don't I go to your house for dinner." Jiang Chen said.

"I've already said there's no such thing, why are you going to my house for dinner?" Mei Hongyi felt guilty.

"The main reason is that you are too shy, girl in red, so I have to go to your house for another meal, and then you will almost take the initiative to make love with me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Mei Hongyi was dumbfounded. Jiang Chen said so many things and took such a big turn. Is this the ultimate goal?
It's okay to make a promise with your body.

But what does it mean to ask her to take the initiative to agree with her body?
Couldn't this guy take the initiative on his own?

In the final analysis, she is also a woman, okay? With her own reserve, Jiang Chen can't take her feelings into consideration?
But thinking about it, if Jiang Chen really went to eat at home again, considering Wu Junlan's love for Jiang Chen, it is estimated that she really had to take the initiative to agree with him.

"Jiang Chen, stop messing around here, I'm talking about hijacking." Mei Hongyi quickly changed the subject.

"Girl in red, you are really shy." Jiang Chen looked helpless.

Mei Hongyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "You know how bad the nature of this hijacking incident is, not only the ground team has received news, but the sky team has also started to act in secret. I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome for the martial arts alliance conference."

"Girl in red, may I ask, does this have anything to do with me?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"I want you to be mentally prepared. If the Tianzu intends to intervene, it is impossible for them not to target you." Mei Hongyi said.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said indifferently: "If you want to target it, then target it."

"Aren't you afraid that you will become the target of public criticism?" Mei Hongyi asked.

"I've already been the target of public criticism." Jiang Chen was even more indifferent.

There are countless ancient martial arts forces he has offended, and Jiang Chen himself is too lazy to remember.

Mei Hongyi was speechless, she simply didn't know whether to say that Jiang Chen was not afraid of boiling water, or that Jiang Chen had absolute confidence in his own strength.

"University will start soon. During this time, you should be a little more honest and don't cause any trouble." Mei Hongyi then said.

"Girl in red, why do I feel that this is what you want to talk about today?" Jiang Chen jokingly said.

Instead, he said: "Actually, it's very simple if you don't want me to cause trouble. Before the start of school, you can accompany me all the time. I promise to be honest."

"Where do I have time to accompany you?" Mei Hongyi rolled her eyes.

At the end of the day, I was wrong. The companionship Jiang Chen mentioned was not just simple companionship.

I couldn't help feeling a little thankful that I said I didn't have time, otherwise, I wouldn't know what to do next.

"Girl in red, if you don't have time, forget it." Jiang Chen didn't force anything.

Mei Hongyi gritted her teeth slightly, what did Jiang Chen mean by threatening her?
"Damn bastard." Mei Hongyi cursed viciously in her heart.

"How many days do you plan to stay in Tiannan City? Do you have a place to live? If not, you'd better live in my house." After thinking about it, Mei Hongyi said.

The threatening meaning of Jiang Chen's words was not obvious, but Mei Hongyi felt it, and was really worried that something would happen to Jiang Chen.

She simply sacrificed herself. At that time, she would definitely stick to the bottom line and prevent Jiang Chen from succeeding.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said slowly: "So I have a place to live, but since you are kind enough to invite the girl in red, then it would be disrespectful."

Mei Hongyi just drove to the garden area where she lived. The car drove downstairs. Just as the two got out of the car, a pleasantly surprised voice came: "Jiang Chen, you haven't been here for a long time."

The middle-aged woman who spoke was beaming with joy, and looked at Jiang Chen appreciatively. Who else could there be except for the incomparably warm-hearted Aunt Yao.

"Aunt Yao is you." Jiang Chen also smiled, and asked, "Have you eaten yet? It just so happens that Hongyi and I are going to buy something to cook. If we haven't eaten, let's have some together later."

Mei Hongyi secretly slandered, when did she say she was going to buy vegetables and cook?
"Forget it, forget it, don't disturb your couple's intimacy." Aunt Yao smiled, waved her hands again and again, and said to Jiang Chen: "Your Aunt Yuan, Aunt Huang, has been thinking about you all the time."

After a while, Jiang Chen and Mei Hongyi went upstairs.

Mei Hongyi looked at Jiang Chen with incomparable resentment, and asked, "When did you become so popular?"

"The actual situation is that I have always been very popular." Jiang Chen said.

"You have always been thick-skinned." Mei Hongyi said.

She already regretted bringing Jiang Chen to her residence now, and the situation this time seemed to be more serious than the last time.

After all, the last time Aunt Yao said that Jiang Chen was her boyfriend, but this time they became a couple. Next, should I ask them when they will have a baby?

Mei Hongyi's intuition was very precise.

Twenty minutes later, there was a knock on the door, and Mei Hongyi went to open the door, only to see Aunt Yao leading Aunt Yuan and Aunt Huang standing at the door.

"Hongyi, you just said you wanted to go grocery shopping with Jiang Chen, right? We just went to the supermarket this morning, bought some vegetables at home, and each of us took some here, so that you don't have to go out." Aunt Yao said.

"Aunt Yao, how can this work? If not, let's go and buy it ourselves." Mei Hongyi said hastily.

"What does it matter? We are all neighbors, and we should help each other." Aunt Yao said.

The three aunts were so kind, Mei Hongyi couldn't refuse at all, so she had to accept the food and invite them to come in and boil water to make tea.

"Aunt Yao, Aunt Yuan, and Aunt Huang, drink some tea." After a while, the tea was brewed, and Mei Hongyi greeted them.

Aunt Yao picked up the teacup, took a sip, and asked suddenly: "Jiang Chen, Hong Yi, you two have received your certificates, when are you going to have a baby?"

"Have...have a baby..." Mei Hongyi's face flushed suddenly.

"When you get married, you have to have a baby. If you two don't have time to take care of it, I just happen to have time, so I can help you take care of it." Aunt Yao said.

"Your Auntie Huang and I both like children the most, and we can help you with raising your children in the future. It is best to have three children, and each of us will help you raise one." Auntie Yuan said.

Mei Hongyi was dumbfounded, it was okay to have a child after it was decided, but how many were decided by her, when she thought of having three children, Mei Hongyi shuddered.

"Three aunts, don't worry, we will definitely have a baby as soon as possible." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, it is to give birth as soon as possible, and to have more births. It is best to have two babies in three years, and three babies in five years." Aunt Yao said.

"No problem, we will have many lives soon." Jiang Chen said solemnly.


When the three aunts left, Mei Hongyi grabbed a pillow, threw it on Jiang Chen's body, and said angrily, "Jiang Chen, what nonsense are you talking about, who is going to have a baby with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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