genius evil

Chapter 834

Chapter 834

For the next three days, Jiang Chen stayed with Mei Hongyi.

The girlish Mei Hongyi gradually faded away, and under Jiang Chen's intentional or unintentional training... No, it should be said that under the guidance, it gradually became a little wilder. The two of them were on Mei Hongyi's big bed, The cooperation is extremely tacit, and the business of having children is in full swing.

Three days later, Jiang Chen returned to Yilan City.

Just these few days, the university is about to start. Although Jiang Chen has never planned to be a good student, even pretending to be dismissive, after this trip to the capital, the time arrangement will naturally not be like that. So free now.

Furthermore, not long after the university started, there was the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, Jiang Chen had promised Sleeping Beauty to attend, so he must go.

In this way, it will take more time to spend more time on the upcoming ancient martial arts alliance conference.

Therefore, this trip back to Yilan City, Jiang Chen wanted to take care of some things.

For the sake of sharing the rain and dew, Jiang Chen spent one day with Lan Xiu, one day with Liu Yufei, one day with Ding Lingling, and one day with Tangyue, even though Tangyue didn't need his company at all.

In addition, I packed up to accompany Baobao Tang Tianlin and Shuang'er for a day. The relationship between the three girls is both entangled and harmonious, but Jiang Chen is the one who is cheap.

For several days like this, Jiang Chen was so happy that he didn't want to leave, until Jiang Yanyan, who had already helped him book the plane ticket, urged him again and again, and Jiang Chen went to Tiannan City with Jiang Yanyan.

After returning to Tiannan City, Jiang Chen accompanied Xu Anqi for a day, and then flew to the capital with Jiang Yanyan.

"Jiang Chen, I heard that you are very busy in Yilan City these few days." On the plane flying to the capital, Jiang Yanyan said a little eccentrically.

You know, after she contacted Jiang Chen, she booked the plane ticket three days ago.

According to the itinerary plan, Jiang Yanyan planned to go to the capital in advance, and then spend a few days to get acquainted with the campus environment.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen kept procrastinating, and seeing that the university would start tomorrow, she would have no time to familiarize herself with the campus. This was not to prevent Jiang Yanyan from complaining.

Of course, what Jiang Yanyan complained the most was Jiang Chen's ostentatious flirting with girls. After all, Yilan City is so big, and Jiang Chen is so ostentatious, it's hard for her to know.

"The guy who values ​​sex over friends." After saying this, Jiang Yanyan murmured in her heart.

"As a man, he should put his career first." Jiang Chen put on a show and said slowly.


The corners of Jiang Yanyan's mouth twitched. If she didn't know Jiang Chen well and heard Jiang Chen say it in such a serious manner, she would almost believe Jiang Chen's words.

"That's a very good statement. A man really has to put his career first. It's absolutely unacceptable to be idle all day long." Jiang Yanyan then said.

"You really understand me very well." Jiang Chen sighed.

Jiang Yanyan couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said, "Jiang Chen, you wasted several days of my time, how do you want to compensate me?"

"It's a big deal, I'll go to your school when the time comes." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"Really?" Jiang Yanyan was overjoyed, she had exactly such a plan.

"Of course it's true. After I go to your school, I'll take you for a stroll around the campus. If you see a good boy and want to get him back as your boyfriend, I'll strike at any time." Jiang Chen said with a vow.

"Jiang Chen..." Jiang Yanyan gritted her teeth.

"If your school doesn't have any handsome guys, I can help you find them at Capital University." Jiang Chen said immediately.

"If I want to find a boyfriend, I will find it myself. You don't need to worry about it. You should think about making it up to me." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

After all, she was considered a genuine beauty, why was Jiang Chen always worried that she couldn't find a boyfriend?

This made Jiang Yanyan very depressed.

"Isn't it compensation for finding a boyfriend for you?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment.

"No need." Jiang Yanyan refused directly and resolutely, saving Jiang Chen from finding a boyfriend for her, which would be too funny.

"Could it be that you don't really like men?" Jiang Chen looked terrified.

"I'm sorry, but this girl is female and I like men." Jiang Yanyan bared her teeth for a while.

"Hey, I can feel relieved." Jiang Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

"It turns out that you are not boyfriend and girlfriend." The next seat, a little beauty with short hair, big eyes and very ladylike clothes, was amused by the conversation between Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan. At this moment, she couldn't help being curious. asked.

"Surely not, do you think he is worthy of me?" Jiang Yanyan asked, puffing out her chest.

She pursed her lips and chuckled, and the little beauty said: "You two are having fun, you must have a very good relationship, that's why you're joking like this."

"No kidding, I really don't deserve her." Jiang Chen sighed.

"For sure you have self-knowledge." Jiang Yanyan was immediately happy.

Then, Jiang Yanyan asked the little beauty very curiously, and said, "Are you also going to school in the capital? Which school are you in?"

"Capital University, sophomore, hello, my name is Jian Xiaoyu, you can call me Xiaoyu." The little beauty said.

"My name is Jiang Yanyan, and this hooligan is called Jiang Chen. She is a freshman this year. Xiao Yumei, since you are also a student of Capital University, it won't take long for you to understand that this hooligan has the ability to cause harm. Listen to my advice. In the future, when you see him at school, it is best to stay as far away as possible, and you must never tell others that you know him." Jiang Yanyan reminded.

Even with Jiang Yanyan's harsh aesthetic vision, she has to admit that Jian Xiaoyu is a beautiful woman, especially, Jian Xiaoyu has a strong bookish aura, that is, the legendary aura of a schoolmaster.

Naturally, Dumuqiao, who was able to kill thousands of troops, was admitted to Capital University, and Jian Xiaoyu himself was a top student, so he had no choice but to run away.

It's okay to be a top student, but she is still so beautiful, which makes Jiang Yanyan feel a little unbalanced. After all, she thinks she is also very beautiful, but why is her IQ not as good as her EQ?
Jian Xiaoyu chuckled lightly, not knowing whether he was interested in Jiang Chen or what, he stared at Jiang Chen non-stop.

Seeing this, Jiang Yanyan hurriedly said: "Xiao Yu, don't be deceived by his appearance. As the old saying goes, a hooligan should not be fooled by his appearance."

"Wait, I remember that a real person cannot be judged by his appearance." Jiang Chen said.

"You are a hooligan, so naturally you should be called a hooligan without appearance." Jiang Yanyan sneered, and said confidently: "You are very superficial, with no connotation at all, that is, you are a little more handsome..."

"Wait a little longer, grow into my appearance, and be a little more handsome?" Jiang Chen was a little dissatisfied.

"Listen to me first, okay?" Jiang Yanyan rolled her eyes, "You just rely on your good looks to lie to little girls all day long, and you run away after cheating, which is extremely irresponsible, so , Miss Xiaoyu, you must not be deceived by her appearance."

"Is it like this?" Jian Xiaoyu asked in confusion.

"It's definitely like this. I've known him for three years, and I'm very clear about his virtues." Jiang Yanyan said without doubt.

"Student Yanyan, is it really okay for you to slander me like this?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Everything I said is the truth, so why slander?" Jiang Yanyan said.

Then, Jiang Yanyan leaned closer, and whispered in Jiang Chen's ear, "Jiang Chen, I warn you, don't think that you can play tricks everywhere if you stay away from An Qi, and be careful that I will report you at any time."

"Why do you have such an illusion?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Intuition, the intuition of a woman, or a beautiful woman... This Jian Xiaoyu is not kind to the visitor, and he seems to be very interested in you. He is clearly trying to trick you. You must be firm and don't be tempted by beauty. "Jiang Yanyan warned.

"This may be the handsome guy's troubles." Jiang Chen concluded.

Jian Xiaoyu didn't talk much. After greeting Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan, she spent the rest of the voyage reading, only occasionally looking at Jiang Chen from the corner of her eye.

Jian Xiaoyu was interested in Jiang Chen, but it was not what Jiang Yanyan thought.

A week ago, on the flight from Xifu to Tiannan City, she was also sitting next to Jiang Chen, exactly the same as today.The only difference is that there was no hijacking incident.

She remembered Jiang Chen. After learning that Jiang Chen was also a student of Capital University, she couldn't tell whether it was a surprise or an accident.

But looking at the situation, Jiang Chen didn't seem to remember her, which made Jian Xiaoyu a little bit disappointed. In school, she was also the object of thousands of pursuits, but in front of Jiang Chen, she seemed to have no sense of existence at all.

Jian Xiaoyu was very quiet, while Jiang Yanyan was extremely excited. She drank several glasses of free orange juice and chatted with Jiang Chen constantly.

Finally, more than an hour later, the plane landed at Beijing International Airport.

Jian Xiaoyu and Jiang Chen and Jiang Yanyan bid farewell to each other and left alone, while Jiang Yanyan followed Jiang Chen's ass to pick up the luggage.

"Jiang Chen, I will often go to Capital University in the future, you must remember not to be flirtatious, understand?" After picking up the luggage, Jiang Yanyan followed Jiang Chen to the outside of the airport, saying as she walked.

It was still flamboyant before, but now it has become promiscuous. Jiang Chen felt that this nature had become a little serious, so he wanted to refute a few words. At a glance, he saw a woman, with a charming smile on her face, and walked away briskly. come over.

"Jiang Chen, that woman seems to be smiling at you." Jiang Yanyan spotted the woman immediately.

"As a man, he's so handsome, it's really easy to attract people." Jiang Chen sighed.

"It doesn't matter whether you are handsome or not, flies don't bite seamless eggs." Jiang Yanyan said.

"As a man with taste and quality, a gentleman who is elegant and clean, I will be very unhappy if you say that about me." Jiang Chen said pretending to be displeased.

"Do you want me to tell you that you are very attractive?" Jiang Yanyan said, curling her lips.

"You don't need to say it, because this is a fact that cannot be changed." Jiang Chen said.

The woman walked all the way, causing passers-by to look sideways, and finally walked in front of Jiang Chen, smiling charmingly and charmingly.

"Jiang Shao, welcome to the capital." The woman chuckled lightly as she threw herself into Jiang Chen's arms.

"Who are you, stay away from death." In an instant, Jiang Yanyan was about to explode...

(End of this chapter)

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