genius evil

Chapter 835 Jiang Chen's Taste

Chapter 835 Jiang Chen's Taste

"What about you, who are you, why do you let me die far away? Is this pretending to be Jiang Shao's girlfriend? But as far as I know, you don't seem to be, am I right, classmate Jiang Yanyan Raising her eyebrows, the woman looked at Jiang Yanyan provocatively and said.

"Grandmother, does it matter to you whether I am Jiang Chen's girlfriend?" Jiang Yanyan stared, her aura not weak at all.

On the plane, it's fine for the little beauty named Jian Xiaoyu to covet Jiang Chen, at least Jian Xiaoyu didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but what happened to this woman?

It's okay to dress so sexy and dress up so flirtatiously, but as soon as they meet, they throw themselves into their arms, can they still have some face?
The woman was not angry, she smiled charmingly and said, "You are not Jiang girl's friend, but I am."

One sentence left Jiang Yanyan speechless for an instant.

After a while, Jiang Yanyan asked Jiang Chen depressedly: "Is she really?"

"Student Yanyan, don't doubt my taste." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"Skin white, beautiful and long legs, isn't this your taste?" Jiang Yanyan muttered.

"It turns out that my taste is so high." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

After a while, I got into the car driven by the woman. When I saw this car, there were two bodyguard cars following it, which made Jiang Yanyan secretly slander.

"Is it important to be rich? My family is also very rich, but have I ever shown it off to others?" Jiang Yanyan said in her heart, and gave the woman a look of contempt.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Wu Qingya, classmate Jiang Yanyan. If you have anything to do in Beijing, you can call me at any time. I will help you solve any troubles." Wu Qingya said, and walked out of the car He picked up a business card and handed it to Jiang Yanyan.

Wu Qingya is a woman, in terms of her looks or temperament, it is naturally difficult to be called the kind of woman who looks at the smoke and looks charming, but what Wu Qingya is best at is acting. Basically, what she plays is like what she is today. The attitude is quite eye-catching.

"Any trouble?" Jiang Yanyan's eyeballs twitched, she didn't know what she was thinking. Originally, she didn't want Wu Qingya's business card, but she still accepted Wu Qingya's business card based on the principle of knowing oneself and the enemy.

"Yes, any trouble." Wu Qingya said seriously.

Of the four major families of Zhou, Wu, and King Zheng in the capital city, although the Wu family's rankings showed signs of retreating due to Jiang Chen, they were still unshakable behemoths. Wu Qingya still had some confidence in this.

"That's good. I'll accept the business card. You'd better not lie to me." Jiang Yanyan said, putting the business card in her pocket.

After the car was on the road, I went to Jiang Yanyan's school first. Wu Qingya asked someone to book a room next to the school. After Jiang Yanyan stayed in the hotel for one night, she went directly to the school to go through the enrollment procedures tomorrow.

"Jiang Chen, anyway, your school doesn't start until tomorrow, why don't you stay in this hotel tonight." Jiang Yanyan said to Jiang Chen.

"It's a bit far from Capital University. If you go there tomorrow morning, there will be traffic jams." Wu Qingya said.

"If you get stuck in traffic, what does it matter? At worst, you can just go through the admission formalities in the afternoon." Jiang Yanyan said carelessly.

Wu Qingya smiled lightly and said, "The actual situation is that I would like to treat Young Master Jiang to a meal."

"Aren't you going to invite me?" Jiang Yanyan asked.

"No." Wu Qingya said directly.

Jiang Yanyan suddenly became angry, who is it? It's disgusting that a man who seduces someone else's family is so righteous.

"Jiang Chen, I'm going to call An Qi later, do you have anything to say to her? Or, is there anything I can't say." So, Jiang Yanyan said, bringing out Xu Anqi to remind Jiang Chen not to mess around .

"Say whatever you want." With a wave of his hand, Jiang Chen got into the car and left.

"Just say it?" Jiang Yanyan laughed out loud, and said to herself: "Jiang Chen, I gave you the steps to go down, but you didn't go down by yourself, so don't blame me."

After saying this, Jiang Yanyan took out her mobile phone and started calling Xu Anqi.

"Young Master Jiang, what are your plans for this trip to the capital?" Wu Qingya asked in the car while driving.

Jiang Chen came to the capital this time, and the itinerary was extremely low-key. However, since she knew that Jiang Chen would come to the capital to attend university, she had been keeping an eye on the news. In front of Jiang Chen.

"Study hard and improve every day." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Wu Qingya laughed out loud, blinked, looked at Jiang Chen sideways and said, "Do you know what I like most about you? I like your humor the most."

"You came to pick me up, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen lazily ignored the woman's spare no effort to seduce him, and said, he is really not that kind of casual man.

But why, every woman who is interested in him thinks he is the kind of man who is easy to seduce?
"I want to talk to you about the Wu family." Wu Qingya said.

"I don't have a lot of interest. Whatever matters about the Wu family, you just have to be happy." Jiang Chen said lightly.

He and Wu Qingya had a tacit understanding on the matter of the Wu family, but to put it bluntly, from time to time, the Wu family really couldn't get into Jiang Chen's eyes.

"The Wu family matter, in the final analysis, I am the biggest vested interest. 90.00% of this credit belongs to you. I mean, you can make any request." Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Wu Qingya had no choice but to To speak more bluntly.

"Any request, including yourself?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

Wu Qingya's heart skipped a beat and she nodded.

"Still not interested." Jiang Chen said, curling his lips.

Wu Qingya didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It's not wrong to say that this man's eyes are higher than the top when it comes to women, but there are so many women around him, but not every woman may be better than her in appearance and figure, such as family background and so on. Not to mention.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that Jiang Yanyan, whom I met just now, has that wild aura on her body, which is very attractive to men, but she is not bad, is she?

"It seems that I have to find a way to arouse your interest." Wu Qingya said.

Jiang Chen didn't care about the Wu family's affairs, but Wu Qingya had to consider many aspects when it was about her own interests. After Wu Menghua's accident, although she was in the top position logically.

But in the final analysis, as a woman, she still needs a strong man to rely on.

This man, far away in the sky and close in front of his eyes, is Jiang Chen.

This is also the reason why Wu Qingya pays close attention to Jiang Chen's every move. She must tie herself closer to Jiang Chen's side.

Perhaps Jiang Chen has no intentions towards her, but at least, he must give other people the illusion of this, such as the Zhou family, such as the Zheng family and the Wang family.

The hotel Jiang Chen wanted to stay in was booked by Wu Qingya early in the morning. It was next to the Capital University. Wu Qingya sent Jiang Chen there and had a meal with Jiang Chen. It seemed that Jiang Chen didn't invite her to sit in the hotel room. The meaning is to leave unwillingly.

As soon as Wu Qingya left, Jiang Chen's ears finally cleared up a bit.

The reason why he kept a low-key itinerary this time was actually to avoid being disturbed by too many people at the beginning of school.

Although he is not interested in studying or anything, he likes the relatively pure environment inside the campus.

At the beginning, he was willing to stay in Yilan Middle School, and even set aside time to study, because of this.

The campus environment of Capital University is good, Jiang Chen still wants to enjoy it for a while.

This night, Jiang Chen stayed in the hotel room. The next morning, he left the hotel alone and went to Capital University to go through the admission procedures.

By coincidence, before going through the formalities, Jiang Chen first went to the bank of Weiming Lake, trying to find that girl named Zhou Mingzhu.

As soon as he left, Jiang Chen was completely disappointed.

Today is the official start of school. There are people everywhere in the school, and this Weiming Lake is no exception. There are many parents who send their children to school. They have heard the name of Weiming Lake early in the morning. , crowded to the brim.

Thinking about that timid girl who loves to be quiet, she probably wouldn't show up here at this time, and Jiang Chen was the one who turned back.

In a place inside the campus, many sun umbrellas were opened, and many sophomores and juniors were busy. Jiang Chen just walked over and attracted the attention of many people.

"Damn, handsome guy." A boy who claimed to be good looking couldn't help but shouted when he saw Jiang Chen.

This cry made everyone's eyes fall on Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled shyly, took out his admission notice, asked a girl, and said, "How do I get to this place?"


The girl didn't know if she didn't think that Jiang Chen would strike up a conversation with her, she was taken aback for a moment before hurriedly said: "You need help, right? I just happen to have nothing to do here, why don't I take you there."

"That's fine, it saves me trouble." Jiang Chen nodded.

"That's fine, I'll take you right away." The girl seemed a little flattered, she put down her work, and took Jiang Chen away.

"No, that kid was a bit of a threat to me just now. I have to find out which college and major he is in and whether he has a girlfriend, or I will lose my reputation as a high school student in Beijing University." Shouted at the beginning Boy, said bluffing.

The people next to him rolled their eyes when they heard the sound. Why is this guy so thick-skinned?The one with crooked melons and jujubes dares to call himself the school grass, when all the other boys in Beijing University are dead?
Someone led the way, and Jiang Chen's admission procedures were quickly completed. By the way, he got the key to the dormitory. The girl patiently took Jiang Chen to the dormitory building. Naturally, along the way, she asked Jiang Chen very secretly. Regarding the girlfriend question, after learning that Jiang Chen had a girlfriend, he was so sad that he ran away without even asking for Jiang Chen's mobile phone number.

Jiang Chen rubbed his nose, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, would such a handsome man not have a girlfriend?

The obvious question, why ask it knowingly?Isn't this asking for a blow?Of course, if this girl was more beautiful, Jiang Chen actually didn't mind lying to her that he didn't have a girlfriend.

Upstairs, bedroom 402, Jiang Chen opened the door and went in, only to hear a wild laughter: "Wang Zha, I won, give me the money, hurry up and give me the money."

(End of this chapter)

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