genius evil

Chapter 836 3 funny ratios

Chapter 836
The guy who spoke was tall and strong, with an astonishingly loud voice. When speaking, there was a buzzing sound inside the dormitory.

"Wang Zha is Wang Zha. What are you doing so loudly? It's not that you can't afford the money." A short and thin boy pushed his glasses with his hand, reluctantly took out a few one-yuan bills, and patted them on the guy. In front of him, he said with his mouth.

"That's right, I didn't know, I thought you won hundreds of millions at once." The third handsome boy said angrily, and gave the money quite readily.

"What do you know? When it comes to gambling, money is not the most important thing. The important thing is to win the game. While I'm lucky, let's make persistent efforts." The tall and strong boy said.

After saying this, the tall and strong boy realized that the bedroom door was pushed open, and someone walked in from the outside.

After taking a look at Jiang Chen, the tall and strong boy was overjoyed, waved at Jiang Chen, and said, "Brother, can you play poker? It's just in time for us to play together, the two of them are too weak, and I alone It's not fun to win, it's not challenging at all."

"Cheng Dafu, can you talk?" The short and thin boy quit and started yelling.

But just as soon as he yelled, the boy who was a little handsome said with a sad face: "It's over, it's completely over now."

"Damn it, I didn't win you much money in total. Don't cry poorly here. Don't think I didn't see it. A BMW car brought you here just now." The tall and strong boy said.

"Big handsome, didn't you see a big handsome come to our dormitory? It turned out that I was very confident to compete for the courtyard grass of our department. Now that the game is over, let alone the courtyard grass, I even have room grass I can't keep it." The boy said heartbroken.

"Damn, so that's what happened, then you can just cry to death." The tall and strong boy laughed strangely.

No way, who made this guy unilaterally triumphantly announce that he has reserved the location of the courtyard grass after wandering around the dormitory building.

This is all right, Jiang Chen's appearance gave him a devastating blow.

"Duan Yu, you don't even think about it. I think this handsome guy is better than him. Our school's No. [-] school grass has been reserved." The short and thin boy said with a smile, seeing that guy being beaten , It's a feeling of gloating.

"Well, I think what you said is very reasonable. Anyway, I never had extravagant hopes for the school girl, as long as the school flower belongs to me." The guy named Duan Yu said.

The three funny guys quarreled for a while, and the tall and strong man asked Jiang Chen, saying, "Brother, do you live in this dormitory?"

"Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"My name is Cheng Dafu. If you are successful, you will be generous. If you are rich, you will be rich." Afterwards, Cheng Dafu introduced himself.

Immediately afterwards, the short and thin man and the somewhat handsome boy also introduced themselves one after another, namely Yuan Kaige and Duan Yu.

Cheng Dafu is from the Central Plains Province, Duan Yu is a native of the capital, and Yuan Kaige is from Jiangbei Province. After such a self-introduction, the relationship between the four gradually became familiar.

"Master, can I ask, what do you eat to look so handsome?" Duan Yu stared at Jiang Chen and asked unwillingly.

He actually looks pretty good, a bit like a recently popular idol star, who used to be a majestic male god in high school.

I thought that after going to college, I could continue to be coquettish, become a school girl, and reach the pinnacle of life.Who would have thought that Jiang Chen gave him a critical strike of ten thousand points.

"As long as you like, you don't have to feel inferior." Jiang Chen laughed.

No matter Jiang Chen's facial features or body shape, they were acquired through training. It can be said that he has opened up a cheating device against the sky. Naturally, it is not something ordinary people can compare.

"Can you grow like this with any length? It seems that I am too serious about growing up." Cheng Dafu touched his rough old face and said sighingly.

"I don't care much about what I look like. What I care more about is the connotation. I happen to have a lot of connotations." Yuan Kaige said solemnly.

"Please, everyone is very busy, okay, who has time to appreciate your connotation?" Duan Yu said unceremoniously.

"How should I put it, this can only mean that you lack a pair of eyes to discover beauty, but you are very superficial at first glance, so I forgive you." Yuan Kaige said generously.

"No, don't forgive me, after all, I really can't appreciate your connotation." Duan Yu grinned.

"Stop arguing, it's our honor to have a handsome contestant in our dormitory, isn't there a saying, those who are close to the vermilion are those who are red and those who are close to the black are black, and compared with the handsome, I have a hunch that we live in the same dormitory. I will gradually become handsome." Cheng Dafu said.

As expected of Dumuqiao who killed thousands of troops from all provinces of the country before being admitted to Capital University, these three guys are eloquent and funny.

"By the way, when I went to other dormitories for a stroll, their dormitories had already settled the ranking of the dormitory members in the morning. I am the oldest here, and I will do my part. I will be the boss of dormitory 402 from now on." Cheng Dafu said .

"How old are you?" Duan Yu asked unconvinced.

"I'm sorry, I'm really ashamed that I was admitted to Capital University after only repeating my studies for two years." Cheng Dafu said with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"For you to be cruel, then I must be the second child. Who told me to repeat it for a year." Duan Yu said with a sigh.

"I was born on the first lunar month, and I am the third child." Yuan Kaige said.

"Jiang Chen, you will be the fourth child in our dormitory from now on." The three then said to Jiang Chen in unison.

"Ranking by age is too untechnical. Don't you three think it's better to rank by handsomeness?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Damn, none of you stop me, I'm going to disfigure him." Duan Yu couldn't take it anymore, he recognized Jiang Chen as handsome, so shamelessly showing off, is it really okay?
"After all, we are students of the Capital University. How can we judge people by their appearance? It's too superficial. I think the ranking by age is just right." Cheng Dafu also said.

It was hard for him to repeat his studies for two years before he was admitted to Capital University. Is it easy for him?
"Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you don't rank by handsomeness, then let's talk by strength." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No." Without even thinking about it, Duan Yu shook his head decisively, and said, "You all know that I am a native of Beijing, and my admission score is lower than yours. If you rank it according to your grades, I will definitely be at the bottom."

Duan Yu was already very depressed when Jiang Chen snatched away the good name of garden grass, because he was unwilling to be the bottom of the dormitory ranking no matter what.

Cheng Dafu and Yuan Kaige looked at each other, smiled, and Cheng Dafu said, "Jiang Chen said the ranking is based on strength, but he didn't say it was the results of the college entrance examination. Maybe it depends on who fights best."

While talking, Cheng Dafu did not forget to show off his muscles.

This guy is more than 1.8 meters tall, and his weight is definitely over [-], but he is not obese. He is definitely a macho.

"If you rank in terms of fighting skills, then I don't need to say I am the second child. When I was in high school, I had a brilliant record of chasing a group of gangsters and hacking a street." Duan Yu said boastfully.

"I'm not as good as you. My family is from the countryside. It's just that during this summer vacation, I killed a wild boar weighing more than 200 catties by myself." Yuan Kaige said slowly.

Cheng Dafu and Duan Yu's expressions changed when they heard the words, they looked at Yuan Kaige like a ghost, is what this guy said true or false?

What kind of combat power is it if one person kills a wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms?

"It just so happened that I brought some pork jerky made of wild boar, let's all eat some." Yuan Kaige's level of pretense was undoubtedly very high, and he turned around and took the pork jerky from the luggage.

Seeing that Yuan Kaige really took out pork jerky made from wild boar, Cheng Dafu and Duan Yu felt a little bad all over, it's unreasonable, look at this guy's small arms and legs, is he so perverted?

"Jiang Chen, what's your opinion?" Cheng Dafu asked Jiang Chen embarrassingly.

"That's exactly what I mean. Let's fight, whoever is the best will be the boss." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, that's it." Yuan Kaige made a final decision, eager to try.

One minute later, the three of Cheng Dafu were on the verge of tears, and they all bowed to Jiang Chen in complete admiration: "Jiang Chen, the boss is yours now, we are convinced."

There was no way to refuse, and he had to. When Jiang Chen beat them, it was like an adult beating a three-year-old child. If he refused, he would have no face to go out to meet people in a while.

As a result, the ranking has changed.

Jiang Chen's boss, Yuan Kaige's second child, Cheng Dafu's third child, and Duan Yu, who claimed to have hacked a street, was at the bottom and became the fourth child.

"I'm upset, I'm so upset, I must ask the counselor if I can change the dormitory." Duan Yu mourned like a jerk who had been abandoned.

It’s okay to be inferior to the results of the college entrance examination, inferior to handsome, and inferior to the fight in the end. Thinking about Duan Yu, he can predict how miserable his college life will be in the next four years. I can’t bear it. Absolutely I can't stand it.

"Duan Yu, if you dare to change the dormitory, I promise to chase you down the street." Cheng Dafu threatened.

"Forget it, don't change it, can't I do it if I don't change it?" Duan Yu almost didn't cry.

After a while, Duan Yu asked Jiang Chen, "Boss, you are so handsome, you must have had a girlfriend early in the morning."

"Yes." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Haha, I'm relieved now, campus beauties, you are all my Duan Yu's." Duan Yu laughed heartily, opened the laptop on the table rather mysteriously, opened the campus forum of Capital University, and said: "Hurry up, the three of you are here to help, let's see which of the top ten beauties of Capital University is the best match for my temperament."

As soon as they heard that there were campus flowers to see, Cheng Dafu and Yuan Kaige quickly moved over, staring at the webpage for a few pages, and their saliva instantly flowed all over the floor.

"Duan Yu, I've read it carefully. None of the top ten beauties are suitable for you. That is to say, don't be a toad trying to eat swan meat. It's the number one beauties. I feel that I have a destiny." Cheng Dafu wiped his saliva with his hand, and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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