genius evil

Chapter 837 The school belle belongs to Jiang Chen

Chapter 837 The school belle belongs to Jiang Chen

"This No. [-] school belle, at first glance, is the kind of big beauty with unique eyesight, and it is more suitable for a man with unique connotations like me." Yuan Kaige said without hesitation.

"Is it really okay for you two to open your eyes and talk nonsense like this? Look at me, and then look at the number one school beauty, don't you find that it fits my temperament very well?" Duan Yu said.

"You can roll as far as your thoughts go. With your funny temperament, we will be thankful that you don't lose face in our 402 dormitory." Cheng Dafu said.

"Then I'm begging you two, the top ten school beauties, this number one school beaut, can you two not make up your mind?" Duan Yu said with a bitter face.

"Don't make up your mind, she is my girlfriend." Jiang Chen said lightly.

The so-called selection of the top ten beauties of Beijing University, in Jiang Chen's view, is nothing more than some nerds who are bored and make it up to look forward to plum blossoms and quench their thirst.

However, even so, Jiang Chen had to admit that this list of top ten school beauties still has a certain level of technical content.

Among other things, this number one school belle definitely deserves her name.

The person ranked No. [-] among the ten campus beauties of Capital University is a name Jiang Chen is very familiar with——Zhou Mingzhu!
"Boss, don't be joking, my little heart won't be able to take it." Duan Yu put his hands on his chest and wailed.

"Boss, Zhou Mingzhu was not a freshman, let alone someone from Jiangnan province. Is it really okay for you to lie to us like this? In fact, you can say that you plan to pursue her. Anyway, we are definitely not your match." Cheng Dafu also said. .

"The boss said that, he must think that he is sure to spend this week, but in terms of the boss's appearance, I think there is still a 60.00% success rate." Yuan Kaige said.

"Just like the boss, the success rate is only 90.00%?" Duan Yu asked.

Jiang Chen is only 60.00%, so what about him?
Is there six percent?
This is undoubtedly another violent crit, which is unbearable every minute.

Yuan Kaige sneered and said: "These days, women are all very materialistic. Being handsome is useful, and you have to be rich. Otherwise, you are a poor dick with no money, who cares about you?"

"I don't know why, but I suddenly felt that what you said made sense." Duan Yu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"I'm rich." Jiang Chen said rather shyly.

"Boss, I just like your serious bragging." Cheng Dafu patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder.

Jiang Chen couldn't laugh or cry, although the reality is cruel and hurtful, but these guys are so deceiving themselves, is it really okay?

"Boss, although you have no money, you can brag. I have decided to give you Zhou Daxiaohua. With your level of bragging, Zhou Daxiaohua will definitely not be able to escape your grasp." Duan Yu said.

Cheng Dafu and Yuan Kaige nodded at the same time, expressing that they were extremely optimistic about Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen explained lazily, anyway, it's enough for these three teasers to give up their idea of ​​beating Zhou Mingzhu. He didn't want to make a big news in the same dormitory just after school started.

"Second and third, Zhou Da's beauty is reserved by the boss, but this second school beauty, you are not allowed to steal from me." Duan Yu stared at the computer webpage, and said to Cheng Dafu and Yuan Kaige.

"I won by relying on connotation, so I don't need to compete with you." Yuan Kaige said.

Cheng Dafu squinted his eyes and smiled, and said, "Sorry, I want to grab it."

"This second school belle is also my girlfriend." Jiang Chen coughed dryly and said loudly.

"Third brother, is it cold?" Duan Yu asked.

"I'm very hot." Cheng Dafu said.

"I am also very hot. Since we are all very hot, why does the boss have a fever and talk nonsense? Do you think we should send him to the school hospital?" Duan Yu asked.

"It's very necessary." Yuan Kaige agreed very much.

"The second school belle, Fairy Tale, a native of Tiannan City, Jiangnan Province, and other information, I think you can find it on the school intranet." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Jiang Chen was not unsurprised when he saw the name of Fairy Tale on the list of top ten school beauties, but remembering that Fairy Tale once asked him which school he planned to go to college, Jiang Chen understood again. Why did Fairy Tale come to Capital University?

Needless to say, Fairytale's academic performance is also impeccable in terms of appearance and temperament.

No, even a freshman, with a photo that was secretly taken, made his way into the ranking of the school belle of Beijing University, and he still ranked second, second only to the veteran school belle Zhou Mingzhu.

"Boss, what you're talking about is the same thing. Could this girl be really your girlfriend?" Duan Yu wanted to cry.

It was in vain that when he found out that Jiang Chen had a girlfriend just now, he was very happy. Who would have thought that the first and second school beauties in this ranking, from top to bottom, were all Jiang Chen's girlfriends.

"Boss, you can't be so shameless." Cheng Dafu said earnestly.

It's meaningless to lie to people about this kind of thing, and it will be exposed sooner or later. Moreover, Jiang Chen knows the material of the fairy tale so well, it is obvious that it has a lot to do with the fairy tale.

"Boss, if people find out that the first and second school beauties are related to you, you will become a public enemy of the whole school and be hunted down." Yuan Kaige said.

As for why Jiang Chen had two girlfriends, the three of them didn't think too much about it. After all, it's not unusual for a handsome guy like Jiang Chen to have several girlfriends.

"Whether someone will chase and kill the boss, I don't know, but if the first school beauty and the second school beauty meet, the tearing scene must be very exciting." Duan Yu smiled slyly.

After thinking this way, Duan Yu's mind suddenly became much more balanced.

"It's a crime, the two school girls are tearing each other apart, boss, how can you bear it?" Cheng Dafu sighed.

"Why do you all think that the two of them cannot coexist peacefully?" Yuan Kaige asked.

"Have you read The Legend of Zhen Huan?" Duan Yu said.

"Okay, Boss, you wish for good luck, take care." Yuan Kaige immediately said nothing.

Both the first school flower and the second school flower have their own owners, but fortunately, there are a total of ten places in this capital university school flower list.

Jiang Chen divided two and left eight. Duan Yu and the others thought that if the three of them were to divide the eight, one person could still get two and a half.

So the three of them quickly diverted their attention and stared at the information of other school belles carefully.

"Boss, I have to ask you first, besides Zhou Daxiaohua and Tongda Xiaohua, do you have any other girlfriends?" Duan Yu fell in love with another one, but to be on the safe side, he asked first this problem.

"Not much." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Are they all in Capital University?" Duan Yu asked again.

"No more, don't worry." Jiang Chen said.

Duan Yu was really relieved, pointed at the computer screen, and said: "The third school belle, Jian Xiaoyu, I now announce that I will get her mobile phone number within a week."

"I have an ominous premonition that you may be out of luck." Cheng Dafu said.

Almost as soon as Cheng Dafu's words fell, there was a knock on the door, and it rang.

Yuan Kaige strode over to open the door, and saw a woman standing outside the door, an unusually beautiful woman.

"Beauty, who are you looking for?" Yuan Kaige couldn't move his eyes when he saw this woman.

"Beauty, my name is Cheng Dafu." Cheng Dafu rushed over and introduced himself, smiling all over his face.

"Cheng Dafu's name sounds very vulgar. My name is Duan Yu." Duan Yu also rushed over and said.

After speaking, Duan Yu suddenly felt something was wrong, and lost his voice: "Ah, I know who you are, Jian Xiaoyu, you are Jian Xiaoyu..."

"The third school belle?"

Because Duan Yu had just seen Jian Xiaoyu's photo on the computer, Cheng Dafu and Yuan Kaige immediately matched each other.

All three of them opened their mouths and eyes wide open, and looked at Jian Xiaoyu standing outside the door in disbelief. They never expected that the school belle would come and knock on the door.

Especially Duan Yu, he just announced that he would take down Jian Xiaoyu's mobile phone number within a week, and Jian Xiaoyu just came, it was like a pie in the sky, it made him dizzy, his face was swollen famous.

"Hello, I'm Jian Xiaoyu." Jian Xiaoyu smiled slightly.

"College Jane, do you need help? If there is anything, I just need a word from you. I, Duan Yu, will not hesitate to go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire." Duan Yu said solemnly.

"I'm here to find Jiang Chen." Jian Xiaoyu said softly.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked, quite surprised that Jian Xiaoyu would come to his door.

"School just started today, and your meal card hasn't been issued yet. I'll treat you to dinner at noon, and I'll take you to familiarize yourself with the campus environment. What do you think?" Jian Xiaoyu said.

"But it's disrespectful." Jiang Chen nodded in agreement.

Jiang Chen and Jian Xiaoyu left quickly. Inside the dormitory, Duan Yu and the three looked at each other with expressions of seeing a ghost.

"Second brother, third child, it was really Jian Xiaoyu standing outside the door just now, and it wasn't me hallucinating?" Duan Yu murmured.

"Boss's level of picking up girls is really superb." Cheng Dafu was fascinated.

"It seems to be picked up by a girl." Yuan Kaige reminded.

"Don't say anything, both of you, Duan Yu is going to die." Duan Yu said in a ghostly cry.

"Fourth, although the top three campus beauties belong to the eldest, there are still seven behind." Cheng Dafu said.

"Third brother, you don't know about this. There are still seven, but there must be nothing to do with us. As long as the boss is willing, the top ten campus beauties will all belong to him alone." Duan Yubei said chokingly.

Hearing what Duan Yu said, Cheng Dafu and Yuan Kaige felt sad. After all, what Duan Yu said seemed a little exaggerated, but it seemed possible.

"Jiang Chen, you are not curious, why do I know which dormitory you live in?" Inside the campus, on the way to the cafeteria, Jian Xiaoyu asked Jiang Chen with a smile.

"When I came to sign up today, I asked a girl to lead me the way." Jiang Chen said.

"Jiang Chen, have you always been this smart?" Jian Xiaoyu originally thought of making a fool of himself, but Jiang Chen figured it out as soon as he guessed it...

(End of this chapter)

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