genius evil

Chapter 838 Just hit him in the face

Chapter 838 Just hit him in the face

"When you went to dormitory 402 just now, those three guys were discussing the beauty of the top ten colleges. Men have always been most interested in beautiful women. Similarly, women are almost the same." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Blinking, Jian Xiaoyu chuckled slightly, and said: "You are really narcissistic, but what you said is correct, the girl who led the way for you happened to be my roommate, her name is Mao Dan, you Say this is not very fate."

"In fact, the two of us have always been destined. Counting this time, in just a few days, this is the third time we have met." Jiang Chen glanced at Jian Xiaoyu and said.

Hearing this, Jian Xiaoyu was slightly moved.

Counting this time, she indeed met Jiang Chen for the third time, but this time, she took the initiative to find Jiang Chen, and the other two times were all coincidences, and they were both on the plane.

Because on the flight from Tiannan City to Beijing, Jiang Chen didn't show that he knew her, Jian Xiaoyu almost thought that Jiang Chen had forgotten what happened on the flight from Xifu to Tiannan City.

When Jiang Chen said this, he naturally meant that Jiang Chen hadn't forgotten.

"So you remember it all." Jian Xiaoyu said.

"For beautiful women, I have always had a good memory, which can be regarded as a pretty good advantage." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Jian Xiaoyu was amused again, and said: "Speaking of which, the reason I invited you to dinner this time is to thank you for saving my life. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll die."

"It's just acting, don't take it seriously," Jiang Chen said.

"I've never been very courageous, but after the hijacking incident, I didn't have any sequelae. Your way of handling the problem is great. Except for me, all the passengers on the plane should thank you." Jian Xiaoyu said seriously .

"Don't praise me, I will be proud." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jian Xiaoyu is a sophomore at Capital University, and she is on the list of the top ten campus beauties. Needless to say, she is popular and recognizable.

Boys who pursue Jian Xiaoyu, not to mention as many as crucian carp crossing the river, are definitely not in the minority, but after the first year of freshman year, no one has ever embraced a beauty.

Jian Xiaoyu went to the cafeteria to eat with Jiang Chen at this time. Naturally, he was recognized by many people on the way. From time to time, some people made a surprised comment. Obviously, he did not expect that Jian Xiaoyu would walk with a boy. Together.

Moreover, Jian Xiaoyu and Jiang Chen talked and laughed all the way, sometimes a little bit shy, which seemed to be a symptom of being in love at first glance, and it made many Jian Xiaoyu's suitors or potential suitors almost stare straight at him. .

Even though the list of top ten beauties of Beijing University has nothing to do with the school, it still has authority. Before the fairy tale came, Jian Xiaoyu was actually ranked second.

Ranked second is also the second most difficult object of pursuit in the eyes of countless people, and the first is the number one school belle Zhou Mingzhu!
Right now, this unattainable goddess in the minds of countless people is actually walking beside a boy.

Jiang Chen and Jian Xiaoyu walked all the way, and more and more people saw the two of them walking together. Jiang Chen listened to the voices of those discussions.

"Xiao Yumei, your popularity is too high. It seems that I have to be more careful when I walk around the school." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

The biggest difference between university and high school is definitely not the freedom of study time arrangement, but the freedom of love.Or it can be said that once admitted to university, it is almost like holding a passport to fall in love.

My lady, my gentleman is good.

Beauty has always been a scarce resource. With less meat and more wolves, the competition is naturally not so great.

"Why?" Jian Xiaoyu asked suspiciously.

"I'm worried that someone will make a decision behind my back." Jiang Chen said truthfully.

Jian Xiaoyu giggled coquettishly, and said, "I don't know many people, and my living circle is small, and I don't have many friends in class, only three roommates."

"You want to tell me that you have never been in love, right?" Jiang Chen analyzed.

"I used to always think about studying hard after entering university, and never thought about falling in love." Jian Xiaoyu said.

Jiang Chen smiled and didn't ask any further questions.

What Jian Xiaoyu said was the past... This is a very interesting word that can be interpreted in many ways. One minute ago, it can also be called the past, right?
"It's like this, so you don't have to worry about my ex-boyfriend or ex-boyfriend coming to take pictures of you." Jian Xiaoyu said.

"What about them, what should I do if they come to take pictures of me?" Jiang Chen pointed in a random direction with his hand, and there happened to be a few boys gathered there.

"They will definitely not be able to shoot you." Jian Xiaoyu said with a smile.

When he was on the plane, facing a few robbers, Jiang Chen casually knocked them down, the process was incredible.

As for Jiang Chen's fighting strength, Jian Xiaoyu had a simple assessment through those robbers.

"As the old saying goes, two fists can't beat four hands, one or two doesn't matter, if hundreds of people come to shoot me at once, I will definitely die." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Where do I have such great charm?" Jian Xiaoyu was extremely embarrassed, her little face was flushed, adding a bit of charm.

It was meal time, and all the students were eating in the school cafeteria. As soon as Jian Xiaoyu appeared, many people noticed it.

Especially when someone saw Jian Xiaoyu using his meal card to buy food for Jiang Chen, their eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

"Young Master Pan, what's the situation?" At a table not far away, a few boys were eating. Due to the position they were sitting at, they saw Jian Xiaoyu immediately.

"It's nothing, let's eat your food." The boy named Pan Shao said, but the way he said that, looking at Jiang Chen like that, almost burst into flames.

Jian Xiaoyu has many suitors, but this Young Master Pan is undoubtedly the most persistent and willing to spend money among Jian Xiaoyu's many suitors.

In order to pursue Jian Xiaoyu, Young Master Pan gave countless times of flowers, and each time he gave them nine hundred and ninety-nine flowers, but Jian Xiaoyu never accepted them.

Pan Shao thought that Jian Xiaoyu had high vision and didn't like flowers, so he even tried to send a car and a house in the capital, but Jian Xiaoyu also refused to leave him thousands of miles away.

The more Jian Xiaoyu refuses, the more Pan Shao vows to pursue Jian Xiaoyu. It's not that he thinks that what he can't get is the best, but that, these days, a woman doesn't love cars or houses. , The cherished ones are no different from dinosaurs.

Like Jian Xiaoyu, Pan Shao has just entered his sophomore year. Regarding the matter of pursuing Jian Xiaoyu, Pan Shao is not in a hurry. He still has at least three years to impress Jian Xiaoyu.

What's more, he can't catch up, and neither can others. As long as Jian Xiaoyu remains single, he will have plenty of opportunities.

What Pan Shao never expected was that Jian Xiaoyu, who had always been a loner, came together with a boy just after the second semester of his sophomore year.

Not to mention, Jian Xiaoyu took the initiative to use his meal card to buy meals for that boy.

He didn't say much, but in fact, Young Master Pan was already burning with jealousy.

"Young Master Pan, we all understand your feelings for Jian Xiaoyu, and Jian Xiaoyu also understands it very well. It's fine for her to get together with other boys, but she even showed up in the cafeteria ostentatiously. This is obviously giving you eye drops. " Said the boy sitting next to Young Master Pan.

"Even if this is the case, what can we do? You can't beat that bastard up." Pan Shao said through gritted teeth.

"Young Master Pan, of course you can't make a move, but we can beat that bastard up for you. Young Master Pan, the woman you fancy is something that little boy can get his hands on. I think he doesn't know what to do." The boy said.

"I have no problem with you beating him up, but don't let Jian Xiaoyu know that I ordered him." Pan Shao said.

He really wanted to beat Jiang Chen up, but he didn't want to leave a bad impression on Jian Xiaoyu.

"Don't worry, I have experience in this kind of thing." The boy said, and then said to the other two: "Baoya, big head, come with me, let that little boy taste what it means to be slapped in the face."

Baoya is a boy with bucktooth, and Datou is a guy with a big head and a little abnormal. The two smiled, stood up, and said: "Bamboo pole, hit him lightly, just hit him in the face." .”

When these people were discussing how to deal with Jiang Chen, Jian Xiaoyu was staring at Jiang Chen in a daze, to be precise, he was in a daze when he saw the food on Jiang Chen's rice plate.

Jiang Chen directly asked for a catty of white rice, and then ordered seven or eight of various dishes, basically all of which were meat, and the food on the rice plate was piled up like a hill.

That amount is almost her weekly meal intake.

Jian Xiaoyu was in a daze. It wasn't that Jiang Chen wasted money by ordering so many things, but she was wondering whether Jiang Chen could finish eating so much food.

After all, Jiang Chen looked a little on the thin side, and he wasn't the type to eat at first glance.

"Is there something dirty on my face?" Jiang Chen asked.

"No, let's eat." Jian Xiaoyu hurriedly looked away, blushing and said.

Jiang Chen smiled, how could he not understand that he had bought a little too much food, but he didn't explain anything, and when he ate, Jian Xiaoyu would understand why he had to buy so much food.

At a glance, Jiang Chen saw a tall and thin man walking towards this side with two people, frowning slightly, Jiang Chen said: "Little beauty, I have to tell you a very unfortunate thing, Someone is going to shoot me a brick."

"Ah——" Jian Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't understand what it meant to come over. The tall and thin man nicknamed Zhugan had already walked over.

"Boy, do you have a good appetite." Taking a look at the food on the plate in front of Jiang Chen, Zhu Gan froze for a moment, then said in a strange way.

"Beauty is beautiful and delicious. If you have read the book, I think you will understand this truth." Jiang Chen said lazily, picked up a piece of braised pork ribs with chopsticks, stuffed it into his mouth, and started to eat...

(End of this chapter)

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