genius evil

Chapter 842

Chapter 842
"Jiang Chen, is that girl just now your new girlfriend?" On the road, inside the driving Ferrari, Zhou Jinse looked at the traffic ahead without squinting, and asked casually.

"If I told you no, would you be very happy?" Jiang Chen asked with a faint smile.

"I'll ask casually, it's fine if you don't want to answer." Zhou Jinse said indifferently.

"I met her three times, twice on the plane, and once just now, what kind of relationship do you think we have?" Jiang Chen said.

"The first two meetings were on the plane, and the third meeting was at school. It seems that the two of you are very destined. I think, because of your relationship with women, she will not be able to escape from your grasp." Zhou Jinse Said.

"So you're jealous?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"No." Zhou Jinse categorically denied it, so she wouldn't be jealous.

Moreover, she would never think that she was jealous, it was just out of curiosity.

"When a woman shows hostility towards another woman who appears next to her beloved man, tell me it's not a fake?" Jiang Chen said amusedly.

"Will you be happy if I say I'm jealous?" Zhou Jinse imitated Jiang Chen's tone and asked.

"I will reward you." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Zhou Jinse subconsciously wanted to ask what the reward was, but before she could utter a word, she felt the car stop. Then, a warm breath rushed towards her face, and Jiang Chen kissed her red lips forcefully.

A kiss, almost suffocating, Zhou Jinse blushed, quickly took out a few wet wipes from her bag, and wiped her mouth vigorously, as if she wanted to wipe off the skin on her mouth.

"DiDi... DiDi..."

Jiang Chen stopped his car in the middle of the road, and the cars behind him were blocked in a large area, and the sound of their horns was deafening.

"Why, you don't like this reward?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and asked, as if he hadn't heard the loud whistle at all.

"Jiang Chen, if you don't drive again, the traffic police should be here soon." Zhou Jinse said coldly.

"I went to the police station to drink tea, but I never went to the traffic police brigade. I don't know what the tea in the traffic police brigade tastes like. If you have never drank it, let's go have a cup together." Jiang Chen didn't care. Said.

Hearing Jiang Chen's words that were almost like cheating, Zhou Jinse was so weak, or it was a complete mistake to take the initiative to find Jiang Chen today, right?
Otherwise, how could Jiang Chen have the chance to play hooligans?
"Don't worry about it. Before the traffic police came, did someone come over and smash the car?" Zhou Jinse said angrily. She didn't care at all about the taste of the tea in the traffic police brigade.

"Will there be?" Jiang Chen said.

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, there was the sound of knocking on the window glass, and a fierce-looking face was pressed against the window glass, looking into the car.

Jiang Chen casually put down the car window and asked, "Brother, what's the matter?"

"Will you drive you?" The strong man said angrily.

Jiang Chen stopped the car for several minutes. If he hadn't stepped on the brakes so fast, he would have almost rear-ended him. He has a temper himself. Jiang Chen asked so freely, which made the strong man come here without a hitch. .

"Yes." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Then hurry up and drive forward." The strong man said.

"No." Jiang Chen shook his head, pointed at Zhou Jinse, and said, "See, my girlfriend is very beautiful, right? But I gave her a reward just now, and she refused to tell me whether she liked it or not. , I'm so sad right now that I can't drive at all."

"Beauty, although women need to be coaxed, men also need to be coaxed occasionally, so you can tell him if you like it or not?" The strong man said to Zhou Jinse.

"I—" Zhou Jinse was speechless.

If he didn't know that this burly man was the driver of the car behind and came to trouble Jiang Chen, Zhou Jinse would have wondered if he was an extra actor invited by Jiang Chen.

What does it mean that a man should be coaxed occasionally?
What does it mean to tell Jiang Chen that he likes it?

Jiang Chen was using this strong man's mouth to force her to express his opinion.

"Miss, can you stop being shy? See if there are any cars in the row behind. It means that I have a good temper. If I change to someone with a bad temper, it will smash your car." The strong man said, A look of grievance.

He had the idea of ​​smashing the car, but he didn't have the courage to put it into practice, because he knew that he would definitely not be able to afford it. The grievance on his face at this time was definitely not pretending, but real grievance.

"Besides, I'm in a hurry to deliver the goods. If I'm late, people will deduct my wages. Miss, for the sake of whether I have seniors or juniors, you can do it." Zhuang Han continued.

Speaking of this, even if Zhou Jinse didn't want to make a statement, it would be impossible.

Taking a light breath, clenching her teeth, Zhou Jinse said in a muffled voice, "I like it."

Ten minutes later, in a coffee shop, Zhou Jinse's expression was still very ugly.

After the coffee was delivered, she kept drinking it in a dull mood, not even wanting to look at Jiang Chen.

"It's really the eldest lady's temper. I'm just joking with you. Is there any need to be so angry?" Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

"Do you know how dangerous your behavior is? What if there is a car accident?" Zhou Jinse asked excitedly.

Jiang Chen didn't take his own life seriously, she couldn't control it, but Jiang Chen couldn't harm her again and again.

"Don't talk about a car accident, even if a meteorite falls from the sky and just hits the car, I can keep you unscathed." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Zhou Jinse was speechless again, because she realized that Jiang Chen did have such ability.

"This is not a fun thing, and I don't want it to happen again." After a moment of hesitation, Zhou Jinse said.

"Next time, when I ask you whether you like it or not, you answer me immediately, and there will be no next time." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Zhou Jinse tested the temperature of the coffee cup in his hand, and weighed the success of splashing the cup of coffee on Jiang Chen's face.

If you think about it for a while, you will give up. Zhou Jinse knows that the possibility is absolutely zero.

"I came to you today because I have something to talk to you about. Your attitude makes it impossible for me to talk to you." Sighing, Zhou Jinse said helplessly.

Since when did Jiang Chen eat him to death?

"Let's talk, finish the talk early, let's do something else." Jiang Chen said casually.

Zhou Jinse glanced at Jiang Chen, thinking in his heart what Jiang Chen said about doing other things, but with the lessons learned from the past, he would not ask this question no matter what.

"I received the news that you came to the capital yesterday, and Wu Qingya went to the airport to pick you up on purpose, is that true?" Zhou Jinse asked thoughtfully.

"Beauty Jinse, when did you become so jealous?" Jiang Chen asked.

It's okay for Zhou Jinse to be jealous of Jian Xiaoyu, but even Wu Qingya's jealousy, this jealousy is a bit too much.

"There is something going on inside the Wu family, I don't think you know about it." Zhou Jinse gave Jiang Chen a weird look and said, "Have you heard of Wu Mengdi?"

"Male and female?" Jiang Chen asked.

"The situation in the Wu family has always been complicated, and there is a tradition of internal fighting. Now, Wu Mengxiong's whereabouts are unknown, and Wu Menghua died indirectly at your hands. There is no successor. Wu Qingya took the opportunity to take the position, but no one would allow a woman The superior." Zhou Jinse said.

"So this Wu Mengdi who came out of nowhere appeared?" Jiang Chen said.

"To be precise, Wu Mengdi is the spokesperson newly supported by Gui Yuanzong. On the one hand, it is used to replace Wu Mengxiong, and on the other hand, it is used to replace Wu Qingya." Zhou Jinse said.

"Gui Yuanzong?"

Jiang Chen faintly felt that this sect was familiar, and soon remembered that this sect was inextricably linked with Wu Mengxiong who died in his hands.

"What about the attitude of the Long Sword Sect?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Long Sword Sect and Gui Yuanzong have been fighting for many years, and they are considered old rivals. Naturally, they will not allow Wu Mengdi to take the position, but now that the Long Sword Sect is in decline, they cannot fight Gui Yuanzong at all. Wu Qingya will be pulled down, but it will be a matter of time "Zhou Jinse said, that's all for now, there is no need to say more about the following, she also knows that with Jiang Chen's intelligence, Jiang Chen can understand what is her intention of revealing this information.

Jiang Chen really understood.

Once Wu Mengdi ascends to the position, it means that Gui Yuanzong ascends to the position, and the already declining Longjian Sect will inevitably get worse.

So currently the Wu family is divided into two factions, one is Wu Qingya's faction supported by Changjianmen, and the other is Wu Mengdi's faction supported by Gui Yuanzong.

The weakened Long Sword Sect is not Gui Yuanzong's opponent, that is to say, everything that Wu Qingya has worked out is about to be wiped out.

"That woman, really shouldn't be underestimated." After understanding this level, Jiang Chen said in his heart.

Wu Qingya went to the airport to pick him up. On the surface, there was nothing wrong with it, but in fact, Wu Qingya used this to announce the relationship between her, Wu Qingya and him.

And Wu Qingya's smartest point is that she never revealed a single word about the internal situation of the Wu family. Unknowingly, she tied Jiang Chen to the same boat, so that Jiang Chen didn't even have a chance to get off the boat. .

"If nothing else happens, Gui Yuanzong will deal with me next, right?" Jiang Chen said.

"Actually, if Gui Yuanzong really intends to snatch benefits from Changjianmen, you are the first target they want to target. Wu Qingya's contact with you just happened to create a perfect excuse for them " said Zhou Jinse.

"I provoked someone, isn't this an innocent disaster?" Jiang Chen looked depressed, and then said: "Beauty Jinse, you have to comfort me well."

A few minutes later, in the hotel room, Zhou Jinse finally understood what comfort Jiang Chen wanted. She was hugged to bed by Jiang Chen like a puppet, and Jiang Chen took off her clothes.

"Beauty Jinse, you said you like it." Jiang Chen said to himself, and quickly took off his clothes. After a while, the big bed began to shake, occasionally mixed with one or two suppressed sounds groans...

(End of this chapter)

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