genius evil

Chapter 843

Chapter 843
The main purpose of Zhou Jinse's visit to Jiang Chen today was to talk about Wu Qingya and the Wu family.

On the surface, this matter seems to be an internal matter of the Wu family, but in fact it is related to the interests of the Zhou family. Moreover, not only the Zhou family is watching this matter, but the Zheng family and Wang family are also closely watching.

But the occurrence of some things was not under Zhou Jinse's control at all, no matter how reluctant she was, she couldn't refuse Jiang Chen at all.

In her heart, Zhou Jinse is actually an extremely conservative woman. Not to mention that she has never been in a relationship, she has never had contact with other men.

For the first time, she was taken away by Jiang Chen in a shocking way. Regardless of whether she complained or hated her, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes because of Jiang Chen.

These changes are not something she can resist, she can only accept and endure them silently.

However, Zhou Jinse didn't spend much time with Jiang Chen. After having dinner with Jiang Chen, he dragged his delicate body and drove away.

Jiang Chen didn't intend to stay overnight at the hotel either, so he hailed a taxi to go back to Capital University.

After getting off the taxi, Jiang Chen walked in the direction of the dormitory building, and saw a figure standing impressively under the dormitory building. When that person saw him, his gaze was as sharp as a sword, and it fell directly on him.

"Have I killed your wife? Have I killed your mother? Or, have I killed your old lover?" Jiang Chen walked over and said in a particularly unhappy manner.

What does it mean to look at him like this with the eyes of a sworn enemy?
If anyone saw it without knowing it, they would probably think that he owed this guy millions of dollars and didn't pay it back.

It has to be said that this feeling made Jiang Chen quite uncomfortable.

"No." The man said coldly.

"It didn't exist in the first place, but if you said yes, it would be strange." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, looked the man up and down, and said, "Hua Yunfei, what's the matter with you coming to me? Could it be that you came here to make a concave shape on purpose?"

This person is none other than Hua Yunfei, the head of the Long Sword Sect.

"I have something to do." Hua Yunfei's tone of voice was still very cold. He glanced at Jiang Chen and said coldly, "I have a question for you."

"I understand, you have always had a lot of questions." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Wu Menghua was killed by you, right?" Hua Yunfei ignored Jiang Chen's ridicule and asked directly.

"Um, you've been sculpting your shape here for a long time just to ask me this question?" Jiang Chen looked at Hua Yunfei like a ghost.

Hua Yunfei was already dead, and he had been dead for a long time. Jiang Chen felt that if Hua Yunfei had doubts about him, he should have come to him long ago. He came to him to ask this question now. What is the situation?
Of course, he didn't kill Wu Menghua at all, Wu Menghua died at the hands of Wu Qingya, no matter who came to confront him, Jiang Chen would not be afraid at all.

"Answer my question." Frowning, Hua Yunfei said.

"If I told you no, would you believe it?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Hua Yunfei stared straight at Jiang Chen, and after a while, he said, "I understand."

"It's good if you understand, go back wherever you came from." Jiang Chen waved his hand and drove away.

"Gui Yuanzong is making a lot of noise in the capital. You must have heard of it?" Hua Yunfei didn't leave, nor did he tell Jiang Chen what he understood, but changed the topic and asked road.

"I've let you down, I've never heard of it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Jiang Chen, I think it is necessary to advise you, some things, if people don't want to know, unless you do nothing about it, Wu Mengxiong's matter is unclear, but Gui Yuanzong will definitely not let this matter go easily." Hua Hua Yunfei warned.

"Who is Wu Mengxiong?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

Seeing Jiang Chen's appearance, Hua Yunfei just smiled, and said with a light smile: "As expected, Wu Mengxiong is already dead, and he still died by your hands."

"If you insist on thinking so, I can only say that you are happy." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Don't be so sharp-tongued, I will keep this matter a secret for you." Hua Yunfei said, put down these words, turned around and left, and disappeared from Jiang Chen's sight in a few moments.

"Interesting." Staring at Hua Yunfei's back, Jiang Chen murmured.

Wu Menghua was already dead, how did he die, or who died at his hands? To this day, it is undoubtedly meaningless to repeat the same old tune.

Hua Yunfei started with Wu Menghua's death and led to Wu Mengxiong's incident. His original intention was nothing more than to test whether the reason why Wu Mengxiong's whereabouts were unknown was related to Jiang Chen.

Whether it was Wu Menghua's question or Wu Mengxiong's question, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to give Hua Yunfei an answer, but how could Jiang Chen not know that Hua Yunfei didn't need an answer at all, what he needed was an attitude.

This attitude is exactly what Jiang Chen's attitude is towards Gui Yuanzong.

What I have to say is that Hua Yunfei is a smart person, and from a few clues, he got the information he wanted.

Of course, Hua Yunfei didn't know that the reason why he was able to obtain this information was that Jiang Chen deliberately disclosed it to him.

Jiang Chen and Wu Qingya cooperated, and developed to this stage, in fact, they are cooperating with the Long Sword Sect.

Gui Yuanzong kicked Wu Mengxiong away, supported a spokesperson again, and tried to kick Wu Qingya away again. This is tantamount to taking food from the mouth of Changjianmen. How can Hua Yunfei tolerate this matter? happened?
Jiang Chen said it was interesting, not because what Hua Yunfei said was interesting, but because Hua Yunfei appeared in front of him tonight, which was quite intriguing.

Hua Yunfei needs him to contain Gui Yuanzong, and he needs Hua Yunfei to check and balance Gui Yuanzong. There is no doubt that, on the issue of Gui Yuanzong, although the two did not talk much, in fact, they are already perfect. reached a tacit agreement.

In bedroom 402, as soon as Jiang Chen pushed the door and entered, the three pairs of eyes in the bedroom fell on Jiang Chen's body in unison.

"Boss, you're back. Are you thirsty? I'll get you water." Duan Yu said, throwing an unopened bottle of mineral water to Jiang Chen very courteously.

"Boss, you came up on foot. Your legs must be sore. Let me beat your legs." Yuan Kaige said, without saying a word, he pulled Jiang Chen to sit down and beat Jiang Chen's legs.

"Boss, I'll give you a shoulder massage, trust me, I'm a professional." Cheng Dafu said, standing beside Jiang Chen, stretched out his hands, and kneaded his shoulders.

"Just talk if you have something to say, and let the fart go." Jiang Chen kicked Yuan Kaige away angrily, and said speechlessly.

The three of them all giggled, Duan Yu said: "It's nothing, I just think that you must have worked hard today, Boss, as brothers, it's okay if we can't solve your problems for you, the logistics work, of course, must be done well. "

"The fourth brother is right." Yuan Kaige nodded vigorously.

"The second child is also right." Cheng Dafu said loudly.

"Is it hard work to pick up girls?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

Knowing that the reason why these three guys became such a dog, they must have heard about what happened in the cafeteria.

"How can it be hard to pick up girls? I think picking up girls is the hardest thing in the world. It's like the three of us, no matter how we learn, we can't learn how to pick up girls, and our worrying hair is about to turn gray. "

"Yes." Yuan Kaige and Cheng Dafu said in unison.

"Boss, since you think picking up girls is not hard, you must have a lot of tricks for picking up girls, right? For the sake of brothers, can you teach us a little trick or two, so that we can get rid of poverty and become prosperous?" Duan Yu said immediately, looking at Jiang Chen expectantly.

The same is true for Yuan Kaige and Cheng Dafu.

Duan Yu and the others had indeed heard of what happened in the cafeteria, but what the three of them were interested in was not the part between Jiang Chen and Jian Xiaoyu.

After all, they saw Jian Xiaoyu come to the dormitory looking for Jiang Chen with their own eyes.

What really interested them was the part where a stunning beauty driving a Ferrari came to find Jiang Chen. After listening to other students talking about it vividly, the three of them were about to regret it.

If they had known that something like this would happen, they would have followed Jiang Chen to the cafeteria.

And it was precisely because of this that Duan Yu and the others completely believed that Zhou Mingzhu and Fairy Tale were Jiang Chen's girlfriend.

After all, as soon as Zhou Jinse showed up in a Ferrari, it fully demonstrated Jiang Chen's skills in picking up girls, and it made people unconvinced.

No, the three of them will become so stupid, I hope Jiang Chen can teach some tricks to pick up girls, even if there is no hope of picking up a school girl, a department girl or a courtyard girl, no matter how bad it is, a class girl will be fine.

"Do you need a unique skill to pick up girls? Isn't it enough to be handsome?" Jiang Chen said.

"Boss, what do you mean by that, when you pick up girls, you only need to swipe your face?" Duan Yu asked.

"You're right." Jiang Chen nodded seriously.

"Boss, don't tease me. I don't study much, so I will take it seriously." Duan Yu said, and suddenly he was a little bit hard, and Yuan Kaige and Cheng Dafu were even more hard.

Duan Yu is not bad, Yuan Kaige and Cheng Dafu are completely poor in terms of appearance, if they want to rely on their faces to become well-off, there is no hope.

"Boss, besides brushing your face, what about other aspects?" Cheng Dafu asked hastily.

"There must be other aspects." Jiang Chen said, and then in Cheng Dafu's expectant eyes, he gave Cheng Dafu a fatal blow, "But I can just pick up girls by face, and other aspects are useless to me. .”

Cheng Dafu almost burst into tears, Duan Yu and Yuan Kaige were speechless.

This night, Jiang Chen lived in the dormitory. Duan Yu and the others brought back his bedding and other things. Not to mention, even the bed was made. It took a lot of painstaking effort.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Chen was woken up by Duan Yu and the others. He didn't know if the three of them had discussed it or what was going on. They all yelled for Jiang Chen to treat guests to breakfast. May refused, and led the three of them downstairs to the cafeteria.

But the four of them had just walked out of the dormitory building, and a green sports car that looked extremely flamboyant, with a beautiful drift, stopped in front of Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards, a guy who was dressed more flirtatiously than a sports car got out of the car, and ran towards Jiang Chen like a gust of wind...

(End of this chapter)

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