genius evil

Chapter 845

Chapter 845
The small person is Xiaodie, and the beautiful woman is Sister Lan.

Long before the start of school, Sister Lan and Xiaodie came to the capital ahead of time. For the hospitality and arrangements of the two, Jiang Chen had greeted Fang Tongjun in advance, and told Fang Tongjun to do his best.

The mother and daughter left their homes and came to the unfamiliar capital. Jiang Chen was supposed to visit them on his first day in the capital.

However, Jiang Chen had too many things to do, and now he had to find time.

Seeing that Xiaodie's little face was swollen with anger, Jiang Chen rubbed her little head amusedly, and said, "Xiaodie, if you really can't remember brother Jiang Chen and me, It doesn't matter, anyway, you just need to remember that your elder brother Jiang Chen and I are the most handsome."

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are so shameless." Xiaodie giggled coquettishly after being teased.

"Sister Lan, I think the decoration here is almost finished, when do you plan to open?" Jiang Chen asked Sister Lan.

"It's scheduled for a week later." Sister Lan said.

"Okay, I'll let people come to cheer. Besides, the work here is left to the workers. Sister Lan, you don't have to keep watching." Jiang Chen said.

"But if Mommy is not here, there is no other place to go. Mommy has nowhere to go, and I have nowhere to go... Oh, I didn't expect the capital to be so boring. If I had known, I wouldn't have come here. It's not fun at all," Xiaodie said.

"There's no place to play, right? Brother Jiang Chen, how about I take you to a big meal later?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It must be good to have a big meal. I've wanted to eat it for a long time, but Mommy and I don't have a place to live now." Xiaodie said delicately.

"Xiaodie, don't talk nonsense." Sister Lan's face changed slightly.

"Sister Lan, what's the situation?" Jiang Chen's expression turned a little ugly in an instant.

"Jiang Chen, it's nothing. Originally, the person you arranged was to buy us a house near here, but I saw that the house price was too expensive, so I took Xiaodie to live in a small hotel temporarily. This hotel has been renovated, and Xiaodie and I can live in the hotel." Sister Lan hurriedly explained, lest Jiang Chen might misunderstand.

"But it will take another week to finish the decoration. I don't want to live in that broken hotel. It's dirty and smelly, and there are a lot of smelly men. I really hate it." Xiaodie muttered.

Jiang Chen originally thought that the people arranged by Fang Tongjun were ineffective, but he didn't expect that it was Sister Lan who didn't want the house, but he didn't find it strange after thinking about it.

Sister Lan was already used to saving, and the housing prices in the capital were ridiculously high. Sister Lan would definitely not want a gift for no reason, otherwise, even if she reluctantly accepted it, she might not be willing to live in it.

It's just that he doesn't know about it. Now that he knows, he can't let Sister Lan take Xiaodie to a small hotel anymore.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen said: "Sister Lan, someone just gave me a house, otherwise, you can take Xiaodie to live there for a while, what do you think?"

"Jiang Chen, don't bother, just wait here for another week." Sister Lan said softly.

Jiang Chen had already helped her enough. When she was in Yilan City earlier, her small restaurant basically relied on Jiang Chen's care to barely maintain it. Otherwise, the livelihood of the mother and daughter would be very difficult.

After arriving in the capital, the shop was rented by Jiang Chen, and she didn't need to spend money on decoration or anything. She just needed to come over and be the shopkeeper after everything was arranged.

It was precisely because Sister Lan didn't want to owe Jiang Chen too much favor that she didn't tell Jiang Chen that she took Xiaodie to live in a small hotel. Otherwise, Sister Lan knew that with Jiang Chen's personality, she would definitely make other arrangements. of.

She has troubled Jiang Chen enough, how could she trouble Jiang Chen?
Moreover, Jiang Chen had helped her so much, Sister Lan had always been at a loss as to how to repay Jiang Chen.

It's just that Xiaodie obviously doesn't like staying in small hotels, so she told Jiang Chen about it all at once, and it was too late for her to stop her.

"Then you go and live there for a week," Jiang Chen said.

"Mommy, it's only a week. Brother Jiang Chen is also very kind, so don't refuse any more." Xiaodie said.

Hearing what Jiang Chen and Xiaodie said, Sister Lan sighed helplessly, and could only say: "Okay, but Jiang Chen, Xiaodie and I will only live for a week, and after a week, I will move in with Xiaodie." Come and live in the shop."

Sister Lan didn't mind living in the restaurant. When she was in Yilan City, the environment of the small restaurant was so poor, she lived with Xiaodie for several years.

As for this shop, the area of ​​the hall alone is nearly [-] square meters, and the upstairs is also rented together, all of which are empty, as long as you tidy up a little and add some furniture, you can live in it.

"Okay, there's nothing to do here and there, let's go over here." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, if Sister Lan insists on not wanting to live there, Jiang Chen has no good solution, but since Sister Lan agrees to live in the past, then Sister Lan can't let Sister Lan decide.

"Brother Jiang Chen, why are you smiling so badly? You must be planning some bad idea." Xiaodie muttered.

"Oh, I was thinking, where should I take you to have a big meal later." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"For brother Jiang Chen's sake, you want to treat me to a big meal, so I'll do what I can and believe your words." Xiaodie said with a smile.

The house that Sun Haoyang sent was not far from this street, and it took about 10 minutes to walk there. The three of them walked there, and soon they saw the gate of the community.

"Oh, Brother Jiang Chen, take a quick look, that's the school I want to study in." Xiaodie suddenly pointed in one direction, signaling Jiang Chen to take a quick look, looking very excited.

"It's the Primary School Attached to Capital University." Sister Lan explained.

"Not bad." Jiang Chen took a look and expressed satisfaction.

It has to be said that Fang Tongjun is still very good at coming. Although Jiang Chen is dissatisfied with the slightly flawed arrangements for Lan Jie's accommodation, the arrangements for Xiaodie's school are quite in Jiang Chen's favor.

Even though it is not clear how good the faculty of the primary school attached to Capital University is, as a primary school directly under the faculty of Capital University, it must not be far behind.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I go to school in the future, and I can go home directly after class, it's so close." Xiaodie's eyes were bright, and she said longingly.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen couldn't help but give Xiaodie a high look. It was obvious that the words were not for him, but for Sister Lan.

Sure enough, after hearing what Xiaodie said, Sister Lan was moved, she didn't know what she was thinking, and her mind was a little wandering.

Jiang Chen led Sister Lan and Xiaodie into the community, and went to the house Sun Haoyang gave him. As soon as he entered the room, Xiaodie ran around the room as if having fun.

"It's so beautiful." Looking around, Xiaodie couldn't help exclaiming.

"Sister Lan, do you think this place is okay?" Jiang Chen asked Sister Lan.

Sister Lan smiled wryly, and said softly, "Jiang Chen, I have brought you trouble again."

The house is naturally impeccable, not only Xiao Die likes it, but Sister Lan also likes it tightly. When she was in Yilan City, she thought about buying a house for herself, so as to protect the mother and daughter from the wind and rain. .

However, although housing prices in Yilan City are cheap, it is very difficult for a mother and daughter to make ends meet with the income of a mere small restaurant. How can they expect to buy a house?
Sister Lan knows the housing prices in the capital, and this community is close to the primary school attached to the Capital University, which belongs to the school district, and the housing prices are ridiculously expensive.

It's well-decorated, with all the furniture. If she and Xiaodie come to live here, they only need to bring their clothes. What else can Sister Lan be dissatisfied with?

Or, the only thing she worried about was that the house was too good.

You know, all she needs is a place that can shelter from the wind and rain.

"Sister Lan, you don't have to worry about bothering me. The more you bother me, the happier I will be. On the contrary, if you don't want to bother me at all, I will be angry." Jiang Chen said seriously.

The capital city is not as small as Yilan City, and the people that Sister Lan will meet in the future are not comparable to Yilan City. Jiang Chen feels that it is necessary to change Sister Lan's mentality.

"But—" Sister Lan hesitated a little.

"Mummy, come and take a look, this room belongs to you, this one belongs to me, and that one belongs to brother Jiang Chen... Hee hee, I can sleep in a big bed from now on, it's so comfortable." Xiaodie was over there shouted, the little face looks like a flower.

"It's nothing, Sister Lan, even if you are willing to wrong yourself, do you want Xiaodie to be wronged with you?" Jiang Chen asked.

Sister Lan looked at Xiaodie who was smiling brightly, and said silently in her heart: "Jiang Chen, I don't just want to wrong myself, it's just that I don't know how to repay you."

Jiang Chen originally planned to take Xiaodie and Sister Lan out for a big meal. Sister Lan saw that there were all pots and pans in the kitchen, and when she first came in, there was a fresh food supermarket outside the community, so she refused , said that he was going to buy vegetables and cook for himself, but Jiang Chen had no choice but to agree.

"Brother Jiang Chen, Mommy is really stingy." In the kitchen, Sister Lan was busy alone. Jiang Chen and Xiaodie, one big and one small, stood at the door of the kitchen. big look.

Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I will secretly take you to eat next time."

"It's a deal." Xiaodie's eyes lit up, she hooked her fingers with Jiang Chen, and said, "Brother Jiang Chen, if you keep your word, then I will help Mommy to live here forever."

"Naturally, what you say is what you say." Jiang Chen said.

"Well, I will definitely let Mommy live here. If Mommy doesn't want to, I'll cry and make trouble, but brother Jiang Chen, you absolutely can't bring other women here, or I'll be very angry. " Xiaodie said.

"Why are you angry?" Jiang Chen asked amusedly.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you let me and Mommy live here, don't you just want a golden house to hide your beauty? Of course you can't bring other women here." Xiaodie said as a matter of course.

Jiang Chen almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, have even elementary school students become so impure these days?

(End of this chapter)

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