genius evil

Chapter 846

Chapter 846
After eating a meal cooked by Sister Lan herself, Jiang Chen left satisfied. Xiaodie was very sensible and worked diligently with Sister Lan to pack things, looking like a very attentive puppy.

"Xiaodie, do you have something to say to me?" The confidant Mo Ruomu saw Xiaodie like this, how could Sister Lan not know that the little girl had a problem.

"No, it's because you are tired, Mummy, that's why I helped." Xiaodie shook her head and said.

"Xiao Die, it's agreed, we'll only stay here for a week, you don't have to be naughty then, you know?" Sister Lan then said.

"Mommy, you said to stay for a week, let's just stay for a week, I'm sure I won't be naughty." Xiaodie said quickly.

"That's good." Sister Lan nodded.

"Mum, when you were cooking in the kitchen just now, brother Jiang Chen said something to me, and he also said that I must never tell you, so I am in a difficult situation now because I don't know what to do. I shouldn't have told Mommy about you." Xiaodie looked worried.

"What?" Sister Lan asked subconsciously.

"Mommy, brother Jiang Chen said he wouldn't tell you, why did you ask me... But who told you to be my mommy, and I'm the most obedient and obedient, so I'll tell you as hard as I can , but Mommy, you can't betray me in front of Brother Jiang Chen." Xiaodie said.

Sister Lan suddenly felt amused, Xiaonizi is a big kid, although it is easy to worry about, but sometimes what she says makes people dumbfounded.

"Okay, I won't betray you, tell me quickly." Sister Lan had no choice but to say.

"Brother Jiang Chen told me that this house was not given to him by others, but bought by him. To be precise, it was specially bought for you, Mommy...Brother Jiang Chen was worried that Mommy would not agree to it. To live here is to say that someone gave it to him." Xiaodie said sternly.

"Is it like this?" Sister Lan was a little skeptical. After all, even if Jiang Chen really bought the house and not someone else's gift, why did he tell Xiaodie about it?

After all, Fluttershy is just a child.

As for asking Xiaodie not to tell her, Sister Lan felt that there was no credibility at all, because Sister Lan could tell that Xiaodie clearly said that she intended to tell her about it.

Unless there is one situation, that is, after Jiang Chen told Xiaodie about it, he intentionally asked Xiaodie to tell her about it again.

However, if this was the case, why Jiang Chen did this made Sister Lan very confused and couldn't figure it out.

"Mommy, I thought about it seriously, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, I don't know why brother Jiang Chen didn't let me tell you, and what brother Jiang Chen said about the golden house hidden beauty, I don't know I just don't understand what it means...Mommy, what is Jinwu Zangjiao?" Xiaodie said, looking at Sister Lan innocently.


Sister Lan blushed all of a sudden, extremely coy.

She was wondering if Jiang Chen had ordered this matter, now that she heard Xiaodie talking about Jinwu Zangjiao, Sister Lan could basically be sure that it was Jiang Chen's intention.

"Golden House... Zangjiao..." After thinking for a while, Sister Lan's hand trembled, and a plate in her hand almost fell to the ground.

"Mommy, you haven't told me what the meaning of "Golden House Cangjiao" is." Xiaodie asked, looking thirsty for knowledge.

Sister Lan thought that although Xiaodie was eccentric, she was still young after all. Fortunately, she didn't know what the meaning of "Golden House Cangjiao" was, otherwise she would lose face as a mother for others.

"It's nothing interesting, your brother Jiang Chen was just joking." Sister Lan hurriedly said perfunctorily, how dare she explain to Xiaodie what Jinwu Zangjiao is.

"Are you kidding me? But I see Brother Jiang Chen's serious look, it doesn't look like he's joking at all." Xiaodie said.

"Xiaodie, you are not allowed to speak anymore, remember, your brother Jiang Chen is only joking." Sister Lan said, lest Xiaodie would become entangled, she simply stopped letting Xiaodie speak.

"Mummy, you are so domineering, I'm sad." Xiaodie said, running out of the kitchen, into the bathroom, and ran to the bed alone, giggling non-stop.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I can only help you so far. Next, it's up to you." Xiaodie muttered.

Sister Lan didn't know that all of this was done by Xiaodie. She was alone in the kitchen, very upset.

Several times I wanted to make a call to Jiang Chen to ask what was going on, but I also thought about whether I should move out immediately before I brought my clothes and so on.

Thinking so wildly, I don't know what to do, my face is burning red, and I am very confused.

Xiaodie cheated her own mother and Jiang Chen by the way, but if Sister Lan didn't know about it, it was even more impossible for Jiang Chen to know.

Jiang Chen was walking slowly outside the community by himself. Just as he walked out of the community, there was a guy walking towards him with a flattering smile on his face.


As soon as that guy approached, Jiang Chen flew up and kicked him to the ground.

"Young Master, I didn't ask you to provoke you, did I?" The guy got up from the ground, patted the dust on his body, and said with aggrieved face.

"John Li, let me ask you, Sister Lan and the others have no place to live, why didn't you tell me right away?" Jiang Chen said displeased.

When Sister Lan and Xiaodie came to the capital, John Li followed them and guarded them in secret. As for Mulanhua and Yaoji, they stayed in the capital.

Jiang Chen could understand that Fang Tongjun had no time to take care of Sister Lan and Xiaodie staying in a small hotel, but John Li didn't say a word, which made Jiang Chen a little annoyed.

"Young Master, don't be angry. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but Sister Lan doesn't want me to tell you. She also said that if I tell you, I won't even think about eating in restaurants in the future." John Li said hurriedly .

"Just for a meal, you sold your personality?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Young master, you have to understand me. I'm living under someone else's fence now, and I have no money in my pocket." Li Yuehan said with a mournful face.

Ever since the money on him was blackmailed by Jiang Chen, John Li was no longer able to accept missions. During this time, he has been unable to make ends meet.

If it wasn't for eating at Sister Lan's restaurant, he might have starved to death on the street.

"Understood your shit, it's only this one time, don't take it as an example, if there is another time, I'll be the first to kill you." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"There will be no next time, absolutely not." Li Yuehan shook his head like a rattle, glanced at the gate of the community, and said enviously: "Young Master, Sister Lan and Xiaodie will live here from now on. right."

"What do you want to say directly." Jiang Chen didn't have the heart to play charades with this guy.

"Ahem... Young Master, it's like this. I don't have a place to live here. I've been living in the basement for the past few days. See if you can help me rent a house in this community too. ?” John Li said in embarrassment.

Thinking of him, John Li, in the world of assassins, he can be regarded as the number one figure, it is not a problem if he is popular and hot, but since he followed Jiang Chen, his life is getting worse day by day.

Now that he has been reduced to living in the basement, John Li is very worried, whether he should go begging on the street after a while.

"I just saw that the community was recruiting security guards." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Young master, don't make fun of me." Li Yuehan's expression changed.

"A monthly salary of [-], including food and housing, five insurances and one housing fund, I think it suits you well, hurry up and apply for the job," Jiang Chen said.

"Young Master, don't joke with me, my little heart won't be able to take it." John Li was about to cry.

Originally, after he lost his job, he had been frustrated with the issue of picking up girls. If he went to work as a security guard, wouldn't he be doomed to be lonely for a lifetime?
"Either I kill you right now, or you work as a security guard here, choose one of the two." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"I don't know why, but I suddenly felt that being a security guard is pretty good and promising. With a monthly salary of three thousand and five plus five social insurances and one housing fund, I will soon be able to get rid of poverty and become rich, buy a house in the capital and reach the peak of my life." Li Yuehan said with a playful smile Said, life is important, money and beautiful women are all just floating clouds.

"Quite enlightened, not bad." Jiang Chen was extremely satisfied, and said slowly: "As your employer, I have arranged such a beautiful and promising job for you, don't you intend to show it?"

"Young Master, I have been wandering around the Capital University for a while, and found some beauties who are of very high quality. When I have time, I will ask them for their mobile phone numbers, and I will honor them to you, Young Master." John Li said vowedly.


Jiang Chen raised his foot and kicked John Li away again. This guy really can't spit ivory out of his mouth.

Jiang Chen left quickly, and Li Yuehan stood alone outside the gate of the community, so depressed that he didn't want to. Several times, he wanted to turn around and leave, and he was going to be a security guard.

But the consequence of thinking about leaving was probably being killed by Jiang Chen. John Li backed off again, bit the bullet, and went into the community to apply for the post of security guard.

Jiang Chen had nothing else to do, so he walked leisurely all the way to Capital University, planning to go back to the dormitory to sleep.

But when Jiang Chen was walking in the commercial street outside the campus, a girl ran towards him in a panic.

The girl was crying and screaming loudly, trying to attract people's attention, but behind her, she was chasing four men in black. The four men were very fierce, and there were many people coming and going on the commercial street. Students, how can anyone dare to help.


Perhaps it was because she was too anxious, the girl accidentally didn't notice a small pit under her feet, stepped into the pit, and then fell forward involuntarily.

"Ah—" The girl's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and she let out a scream, and bumped into Jiang Chen's embrace just in time.

"Thank you...thank you..." The girl thought she would fall badly this time, but she didn't expect to fall into Jiang Chen's arms, and said in a hurry.

"A little thing." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Boy, let go of that girl..." Just after Jiang Chen's words fell, a menacing voice exploded in Jiang Chen's ears like a thunder...

(End of this chapter)

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