genius evil

Chapter 847 You Are Really Unreasonable

Chapter 847 You Are Really Unreasonable
"I didn't do anything well, okay?" Jiang Chen said aggrievedly.

It was the girl who fell headfirst into his arms, not he who took the initiative to hold the girl in his arms. From the beginning to the end, he did nothing.

Since he didn't do anything, what does it mean for him to let go of this girl?
"I told you to let go, so let go. Are you deaf? Believe it or not, I chopped off both of your hands?" The man in black who spoke obviously had no patience at all. After failing to complete an order, he directly threatened .

"I didn't provoke you, and you threatened to chop off my two hands. Is this really okay?" Jiang Chen asked incredulously.

"What's the matter, you know you're afraid?" the speaker said triumphantly.

"It's not a question of whether you're afraid or not. Let me ask you again, is this really okay?" Jiang Chen asked again patiently.

"Boy, are you talking nonsense?" The speaker widened his eyes and said angrily, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will knock out all your teeth in a short while."

Jiang Chen sighed, and said helplessly, "You really don't make sense at all."

"I just prefer to use my fists to reason." The speaker said, the voice fell, and the huge fist smashed towards Jiang Chen head-on.

"Be careful." Seeing this man's punch, the girl exclaimed a little.

Jiang Chen didn't even look at it, he punched casually, only to hear a crackling sound, the man's hand broke instantly, and a scream like a slaughtered pig came from the depths of his throat, making one's scalp numb.

"The fist is so small, it seems that you are not unreasonable, but you can't reason." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, if you dare to fight back, you are courting death."

"I'm impatient to live, aren't I?"

"Let's all shoot together and kill this guy."

The other three, seeing that Jiang Chen broke the man's hand with a random move, were all furious, and said filled with righteous indignation.

Hearing these words, Jiang Chen was so inexplicable that he couldn't understand why these three guys were angry. Even if they were angry, that person was him.

"Hurry up, three of you, come and kill me." Jiang Chen said a little annoyed.

The three of them looked at each other, they obviously didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing, and they rushed towards Jiang Chen by coincidence.




Jiang Chen, too, was not even interested in seeing the three of them more, so he kicked the three guys, like kicking a football, and flew them out.

"Are you... are you okay?" The girl looked at Jiang Chen with a look of surprise in her eyes, and asked uneasily.

"I look like I should be fine." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Thank you, then, if it weren't for you, I...I..." The girl said, without saying a word, teardrops the size of peas slid down her cheeks.

"See, I have a good eye. When that girl cried, she was like pear blossoms and raining. I really felt sorry for her. I wish I could hold her in my arms and take pity on her." .” A disharmonious voice suddenly sounded, and two people were seen walking over slowly.

The person who spoke was a young man with greasy hair and pink face. He was wearing a pink suit. Not to mention, even the pair of leather shoes under his feet were pink. In terms of taste, he was very unique.

While talking, the young man looked at the crying girl with great interest, his eyes were very naked.

"Sir, your eyesight can't be wrong." Beside the young man, a thin middle-aged man stood beside him, and said neither yin nor yang.

"Especially the girl's legs, take a closer look, I think it will be fine if you play with them for ten days and half a month." The young man said tut-tsk.

Following these words, the thin middle-aged man's eyes fell on the girl's legs.

Because of the hot weather, the girl was wearing a short denim skirt and a pair of long, slender, white and tender legs, exposed to the air.

After a few glances, the skinny middle-aged man had to admit that the girl's legs were indeed pretty good, so he nodded and said with a smile: "Young master, you have seen countless girls, so naturally you can do whatever you want, but in terms of time, I have a slight reservation, in my opinion, play with it for a week at most and you'll get tired of it."

"I will try my best to play for a longer time. How about a bet between the two of us? If the time is more than ten days, you are helping me find another female college student in this capital university. Remember, you must be a freshman. Only students can do it," said the young man.

"Why freshman?" asked the skinny middle-aged man.

"Sentimental, immature, that's enough flavor." The young man said in the tone of an old driver.

"Okay, if it's more than ten days, I'll find another freshman girl for you. In terms of beauty, I'm sure you'll be satisfied." The skinny middle-aged man said.

When the two of them were talking, they didn't deliberately suppress their voices. They acted like no one else was there. Such undisguised comments made the girl feel ashamed and angry, and her face turned pale.

"Boy, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't embarrass you. Get out of here quickly." Having said that, the young man waved his hand at Jiang Chen, and said as if to repel flies.

"Boss, our people have been beaten, we can't let this kid leave." The skinny man said.

"That's because they're incompetent, they're just trash, if you're beaten, just beat them, I don't have time to show them off." The young man said indifferently, waved his hand again, and said to Jiang Chen: Don't leave? After a while, Young Master Ben will get angry, even if you want to leave, don't even think about leaving."

"The way you look angry must be funny." Jiang Chen asked.

"What do you mean?" The young man asked, frowning.

"Because you look funny." Jiang Chen said seriously.

" are a bit interesting, I will give you a way to survive and refuse to leave, right? Then you don't have to leave today." The young man gave Jiang Chen a fierce look and said.

Accompanied by the young man's voice, the thin middle-aged man took a few steps forward, raised his leg, and swept towards Jiang Chen like a whip.

Decisive, sharp, and not sloppy at all.

"I have no grievances with you in the past and have no enmity in the present, so why bother? When you saw me, you turned around and left, wouldn't there be nothing wrong?" Jiang Chen said slowly.

While talking, when the middle-aged man kicked towards him, Jiang Chen kicked out, hitting the skinny middle-aged man's chest, leaving a clear footprint on the skinny middle-aged man's chest.

Not to mention, the bones in the thin middle-aged man's chest were instantly sunken, and a scream came from the thin middle-aged man's mouth. Immediately afterwards, the thin middle-aged man opened his mouth and sprayed out a big mouthful of blood, falling headlong He fell to the ground and passed out.

"Boy, it's no wonder you dare to meddle in other people's business, and you're still a little tricky." Seeing this, the young man narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"I'm already this powerful, so I'm a little resourceful?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied, so he should be very resourceful, right?
"I haven't finished my sentence yet, what are you in such a hurry for? You are a bit tricky, but do you know who I am? If you mess with me, you won't even know how you died sooner or later." The young man said sinisterly. Said.

"Then may I ask, who are you?" Jiang Chen asked curiously.

"Listen clearly, my name is Wu Mengdi." The young man said.

"Wu Mengdi?" Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen's expression was weird, he looked at the young man like a ghost, and almost thought he had heard it wrong.

"Haha, seeing you like this, I knew that you must have heard of me, what's the matter, are you about to pee in fright?" Wu Mengdi laughed and said triumphantly.

Jiang Chen had indeed heard of this guy, and he was quite impressed, but Jiang Chen never expected that he would meet Wu Mengdi in this situation, and he also never expected that Wu Mengdi is such a virtuous person.

"Hurry up, kneel down and kowtow three times, maybe when I'm in a good mood, I'll spare your life." Wu Mengdi said very presumptuously.

"It's true that I've heard of you, but haven't you heard of me? Or, you don't know me?" Jiang Chen said with black lines all over his head.

"What are you? In my capacity, it is necessary to know you?" Wu Mengdi said dismissively.

Jiang Chen smiled strangely, and said, "How about it, I happen to be in a good mood today, so you just kneel down and kowtow three times to me honestly, and I'll pretend that today's incident never happened."

"What are you talking about, are you crazy?" Wu Mengdi yelled.

What is his identity?
Asking him to kowtow three times to Jiang Chen, it would be better to kill him directly.

"There is only one chance. Whether you seize it or not is up to you. I will never force others to do what they want." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Boy, I'm very angry now. Even if you kowtow to me right away, you're dead. I, Wu Mengdi, am not the kind of person you can offend." Wu Mengdi said, after saying this, he turned around and left.

Jiang Chen is so good at fighting, he can't help Jiang Chen alone, Wu Mengdi still has such a little self-knowledge, and he won't be stupid enough to confront Jiang Chen head-on.

"You refused, right?" Jiang Chen's voice sounded from behind Wu Mengdi.

Wu Mengdi didn't look back, and said quietly: "Boy, just wait for me, and soon you will know what will happen to offend Wu Mengdi."

"I don't want to know what the fate of offending you is, but you will know the fate of offending me soon." Jiang Chen said, with a move of his foot, he appeared behind Wu Mengdi, kicking Wu Mengdi at will Flip on the ground.

Before Wu Mengdi could react, Jiang Chen kicked out the second kick, then the third kick, and the fourth kick... In an instant, more than a dozen kicks were kicked on Wu Mengdi's body, until Wu Mengdi could only breathe out but not in. It was Jiang Chen who put his feet away and said calmly, "Idiot!"

" he alright?" Seeing Wu Mengdi vomited blood and passed out after being kicked by Jiang Chen, the girl said in shock.

"Shouldn't you ask me if I'm okay at this time?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

When Jiang Chen said this, the girl didn't know what she thought of, her face turned pale again, her eyes were red, and tears rolled down her cheeks again...

(End of this chapter)

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