genius evil

Chapter 848

Chapter 848
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I got you in trouble." While crying, the girl kept apologizing to Jiang Chen.

Wu Mengdi dared to rob people in the street, and was extremely arrogant and presumptuous. Naturally, it was impossible to have no background. Moreover, when Wu Mengdi reported his family name, he was so arrogant, and it seemed that he had a lot of background.

Jiang Chen vented his anger on her, not to mention offending Wu Mengdi, but also beat Wu Mengdi so badly, the girl knew that Wu Mengdi would definitely spare no effort to revenge Jiang Chen.

Thinking about this in her heart, the girl was so panicked that she couldn't control her tears, as if the faucet was turned on.

"I have to say, you really love to cry." Jiang Chen was speechless.

He was just making a joke out of habit, but he scared the girl into such a state. Fortunately, the scene of his bravery was seen by many people, otherwise people who don't know will suspect that he is It's not about what's wrong with this girl, even pointing at his spine and scolding him for being heartless.

But what I have to say is that although Wu Mengdi's taste is not very good, there is one thing that he said is right, that is, when this girl cried, she did have such a charm of pear blossoms with rain, which was very special. It's pitiful.

"I'm really sorry, I was too excited, can you give me your mobile phone number?" the girl said, wiping her tears and choking.

"You want to pick me up?" Jiang Chen asked jokingly.

"Ah... no... I mean, if they come to trouble you in the future, you can call me and I will solve it. After all, the trouble is caused by me." The girl said hurriedly, lest Jiang Chen Misunderstand.

"Although I'm curious how you can solve it, since you want my mobile phone number, I'll give it to you. Remember, if you want to chase me, you can't cry. Girls who love to laugh have no luck." It would be too bad." Jiang Chen chuckled, and told the girl his phone number.

After that, the girl dialed Jiang Chen's phone number, blushing and told Jiang Chen her name - Gu Wanxi.

After that, Gu Wanxi apologized to Jiang Chen again and again, and then walked into the school with mixed feelings of guilt and anxiety.

Jiang Chen looked at Gu Wanxi's back, no matter how he looked at it, there was a sense of tragic determination. He knew that she must have been terrified today, and that she was being targeted by Wu Mengdi.

"That's all, it's simply a matter of being a good person and sending him to the west." Jiang Chen said a little helplessly.

Jiang Chen has never been the kind of person who likes to meddle in other people's business. If Gu Wanxi hadn't bumped into his arms today and caused trouble, I'm afraid that the subsequent things would not have happened.

Of course, there is a premise for this, that is, Wu Mengdi did not show up.

This Wu Mengdi, after hearing what Zhou Jinse said, Jiang Chen still wanted to find a chance to meet him. Today's meeting, I have to say, completely disappointed Jiang Chen.

But right now, since Jiang Chen has taken care of this nonsense, he doesn't want to have a head and tail, so he can only force himself to be a good person.

After Gu Wanxi entered the school, Jiang Chen also walked in and went to the boys' dormitory.

In bedroom 402, Jiang Chen had just opened the door and entered when he heard Cheng Dafu say: "Boss, someone came to look for you just now, and I told you that you were not here, and that person left again."

"Female?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's not a girl, but a genuine old man... Boss, although you are indeed a little bit more handsome than me, and you have extraordinary ways of picking up girls, surrounded by school beauties and clusters of flowers, but is it really okay for you to be so shameless? Beauty, all of them have to post to you?" Duan Yu yelled.

"Fourth brother, how can you open your eyes and talk nonsense? What does it mean that the boss is only a little bit more handsome than you, obviously more than a hundred times more handsome than you?" Yuan Kaige pushed up his glasses, arguing for Jiang Chen.

While talking, Yuan Kaige tossed a car key to Jiang Chen, and said, "Boss, someone sent you a Land Rover. Here are the car keys. When you have time, take us for a drive. Tell me I've never been in a Land Rover since I grew up so big."

"What are you doing for a ride? I'm taking you to pretend to be flying." Duan Yu corrected.

"Vulgar." Yuan Kaige rolled his eyes.

Jiang Chen ignored the bickering between the two guys lazily, stuffed the car keys into his trouser pocket, and asked Cheng Dafu: "Third brother, did the person who was looking for me say anything?"

"I didn't say anything, it just seemed that the visitor was not kind. Boss, could it be that you were robbed of someone else's girlfriend and you were approached by someone?" Cheng Dafu asked.


Almost as soon as Cheng Dafu's voice fell, the dormitory door, which was half hidden, was kicked open from the outside, and several figures appeared outside the dormitory door.

"It's true, they came to you." Cheng Dafu said nana.

"Jiang Chen, you are finally back, we have been waiting for you for a long time." One of them stared at Jiang Chen and said.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Chen asked lightly.

"What's the matter? Jiang Chen, your forgetfulness is really great. Do you think I'll let you go if you stepped on my face?" A person squeezed out from behind those people and said coldly.

It was none other than Pan Zijing.

"Pan Zijing?"

As soon as they heard what Pan Zijing said, Cheng Dafu and the other three immediately recognized him, because all three of them had heard that when Jiang Chen and Jian Xiaoyu were eating in the cafeteria, they stepped on a guy's face, and that guy called him Pan Zijing.

Immediately, the three stood up together, stood behind Jiang Chen, and stared at Pan Zijing and the others.

"What's the matter, do the three of you want to play a show of brotherly love in front of me?" Seeing Dafu and the other three, Pan Zijing dismissively said, "Today's matter is between me and Jiang Chen. The old grievances have nothing to do with the three of you, if you are sensible, sit down for me honestly, otherwise, don’t blame me for beating up the three of you together.”

"Who are you scaring? Beat me up if you have the ability." Cheng Dafu grinned.

"I've killed a wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms with my bare hands. I'm afraid of myself if I get angry. You'd better not mess with me." Yuan Kaige said in an understatement tone.

"Run to the dormitory to beat our boss, do you still take us seriously? Get out of here quickly, or you will have to eat and walk around." Duan Yu said with a grin.

It's true that these three people are all funny, but they are all daring masters. There is no fear in fighting such things.

"Threatening me? It's embarrassing to you, isn't it? You're nothing but yelling in front of me. Believe it or not, I'll tell you to get out of Capital University in no time?" Pan Zijing said grimly.

"It's not that you gave us face, but your face is really big enough. If you tell us to get out of Capital University, are we going to get out of Capital University? What are you?" Duan Yu retorted.

"There is a vice president of Capital University named Pan Ting, who is my uncle. You may or may not have heard of it, but it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. You can find out after checking the information. Is what I said true or not?" It's fake." Pan Zijing said in an understatement.

Hearing what Pan Zijing said, the faces of Duan Yu and the others all changed involuntarily.

Since Pan Zijing said this, it meant that he did have an uncle named Pan Ting, and that Pan Ting was also the vice president of the Capital University.

There was no way for Pan Zijing to deceive people about this kind of thing. After all, once he deceived people, it would be too easy to be exposed. To Pan Zijing, it would be of no benefit at all.

Pan Zijing, of course, couldn't get the three of them out of Capital University, but Pan Ting, the vice-principal, was capable of doing it.

Unless they didn't make any mistakes and Pan Ting couldn't catch it, otherwise, if they were caught, they would be close to getting out of Capital University.

"Pan Zijing, it's boring for you to do this. We just need to settle the matter between us students." Duan Yu said with an ugly face.

"Say it straight up if you're afraid." Pan Zijing sneered, took two steps forward, and said, "Who told me to beat him just now, who said he killed a two-hundred-jin wild boar with his bare hands, and who was it?" Said that I can't eat and walk around, I will stand here now, but you are attacking me, I promise not to fight back, come on."

Pan Zijing's words were extremely hateful. Duan Yu and the three of them couldn't move, so how could they dare to attack Pan Zijing?
In the final analysis, they are just students who have just stepped into the university. It is one thing to be bold, but it is another thing to bet on your own future.

"Pan Zijing, don't be too arrogant." Duan Yu was furious.

"What's the matter, you don't dare to do it, right? If you don't dare to do it, just say it. Although I will definitely look down on you, people like you are born to be low-level people. It's common for people to look down on you, isn't it?" Pan Zijing said jokingly. , that is called a draw.

To be honest, Pan Zijing really wanted Duan Yu and the others to do something to him, especially after he moved out his uncle. If he didn't do it, wouldn't the show be much less exciting?
"Shut up, everyone has a limit." Cheng Dafu blushed and said loudly.

"What is your bottom line, tell me quickly, I promise you will have no bottom line today." Pan Zijing taunted.

"Warning, I really killed a two hundred catties wild boar with my bare hands." Yuan Kaige said, but when he said this, his momentum could be said to be completely lacking.

"You can speak so confidently about breaking the law. Fortunately, you are still a student of Beijing University. Do you want me to call the police and let the police talk to you to make you happy?" Pan Zijing said.

It has to be said that at this moment, Pan Zijing's fighting strength is beyond the mark, and it is no problem to talk about one against three.

It wasn't until Duan Yu and the three of them were speechless that Duan Yu pointed the finger at Jiang Chen, and said leisurely: "Jiang Chen, you now know why I came to you today. Next, you have two options."

After saying this, Pan Zijing stretched out two fingers and said, "The first choice is that you lie on the ground and let me step on your face a few times. The second choice is that we knock you to the ground. Step on your face a few more times."

"Actually, I still have a third choice." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"You want to kneel down and beg me not to step on your face, right? It depends on your sincerity. If your sincerity satisfies me, it's not impossible." Pan Zijing said with a hey hey.

Those words made all the people he brought burst into laughter...

(End of this chapter)

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