genius evil

Chapter 849 Thank You For Not Killing

Chapter 849 Thank You For Not Killing
Including Pan Zijing, several people laughed incomparably presumptuously. Of course, they also laughed incomparably.

The three of Duan Yu gritted their teeth, wishing they could slap Pan Zijing hard, so as to satisfy Pan Zijing's perverted addiction to slapping.

However, they can only think in their hearts, they dare not do anything, they can only silently hold back the anger in their hearts.

"Boss, I'm sorry." Duan Yu said guiltily.

"Boss, we are useless and have humiliated you." Cheng Dafu was also extremely embarrassed.

"Boss, I'm sorry." Yuan Kaige said.

"When was I humiliated?" Jiang Chen said inexplicably, "Didn't I just say that I have a third choice?"

Duan Yu and the others couldn't laugh or cry.

What is the third option?

In fact, no matter what choice Jiang Chen makes, today's result is inevitable, and he will be humiliated wantonly by Pan Zijing.

Who made Pan Zijing have a good uncle? As students, how could they dare to challenge the vice president of Capital University?

Otherwise, if they were accidentally expelled from school, it would be no wonder their parents didn't beat them to death.

"Oh, tell me quickly, what is your third choice? I'm not in the mood to play charades with you." Pan Zijing urged.

"The third option is, I will step on each of your faces once, if you have any objections, let me step on it twice more, and I will definitely fulfill you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Are you sure?" Pan Zijing immediately looked at Jiang Chen like an idiot.

Duan Yu and the others were also a little messy.

At this time, it is king to lower your figure and say a few soft words. If Jiang Chen argues with Pan Zijing like this, Jiang Chen will only suffer at the time.

They wanted to say a few words of persuasion, but each of them felt very uncomfortable, and they couldn't get out of their mouths no matter what.

After all, they were already unable to help in this matter, so how could they make Jiang Chen bend down and let Pan Zijing humiliate him?
Personality, sometimes, is far more important than future.

If, among the two options of personality and future, Jiang Chen chose his own personality, what more could they say?

"Very sure, lie down quickly, I can't wait to step on your face." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Boss, don't be impulsive." Although he couldn't bear it, Duan Yu still said.

"I'm very calm." Jiang Chen gave Duan Yu and the others a reassuring look.

Duan Yu received the information contained in Jiang Chen's eyes, Cheng Dafu and Yuan Kaige also received it, but receiving it was one thing, but the three of them were still very confused about Jiang Chen's intentions.

"Jiang Chen, you really don't want to drink a toast. Could it be that you don't understand that it is kind of me to let you lie down and let me step on your face?" Pan Zijing said.

Casually, Pan Zijing pointed to the four people he brought over, and said, "These four are my good partners and buddies. Besides, they are all members of the basketball team of Beijing University. Usually, they play four games alone. Five is no longer a problem, I know you can fight, but if you can fight, can you still beat them?"

"I have to tell you that I do have good intentions, but if you insist on being ignorant of good and evil, don't blame me for being rude. I can only let the four of them beat you up hard before stepping on you." face." Pan Zijing continued.

Hearing the meaning of those words, it was as if he had successfully stepped on Jiang Chen's face.

"I also have to tell you that my level of fighting is beyond your imagination." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Pan Zijing laughed loudly and said, "And then? Let me assume for you now, assuming you knock down the four of them, so what? Are you not afraid of being expelled from school?"

"Young Master Pan, are you kidding me? I can beat ten of these guys by myself." Among the four, a guy with a crew cut was not happy.

"Don't mind, I'm just making an assumption. You and I know very well that this assumption is impossible." Pan Zijing said indifferently.

"Bang bang... bang bang..."

Messy voices came out suddenly, no one knew when Jiang Chen moved, only heard a burst of intensive punching and kicking sounds.

When Pan Zijing finally saw clearly what happened, the members of the four basketball teams had all been knocked to the ground by Jiang Chen, each with a bruised nose and swollen face, howling like ghosts and wolves, looking as miserable as they could be.

After seeing this scene clearly, Pan Zijing's eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

Because Jiang Chen taught him a lesson and even stepped on his face when he was in the cafeteria, Pan Zijing knew very well that Jiang Chen could beat him.

So this time when he came to the door, just to be on the safe side, Pan Zijing specially called four members of the basketball team, in order to prevent Jiang Chen from going crazy.

However, Pan Zijing would never have thought that Jiang Chen would be so good at fighting.

The members of the four basketball teams were powerless to fight back under Jiang Chen's attack. Not to mention, in less than ten seconds, all four of them fell down.

What kind of combat power is this?

Duan Yu and the others were also stunned, gasping for air, with disbelief on their faces.

It was too fast, Jiang Chen's attack speed was too fast, it was too fast to see clearly, and when he finally saw clearly, the four people on the opposite side had already fallen down.

In an instant, the three of them all understood that Jiang Chen was merciful in the ranking match in the dormitory yesterday, otherwise the three of them might still be lying on the bed unable to move.

"I've already knocked them down." Jiang Chen didn't care what Pan Zijing was thinking, and said calmly.

"You're going to beat me up next, right?" Pan Zijing asked.

"It's rare that you still have a little self-knowledge." Jiang Chen nodded.

"Pan Ting is really my uncle, my real uncle." Pan Zijing said.

"Even if Pan Ting is your real father, he won't be able to save you today." Jiang Chen said lightly, kicking Pan Zijing's knee, Pan Zijing immediately knelt on the ground with a thud.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen stepped on Pan Zijing's head, and stepped on Pan Zijing's face on the floor. The soles of his feet were hard, and soon, blood overflowed from Pan Zijing's mouth, nose and ears.

"Do you still remember what I told you in the cafeteria?" Jiang Chen said with a blank face.

Hearing the sound, Pan Zijing trembled all over.

It was fine if Jiang Chen didn't remind him, but with this reminder, he immediately remembered what Jiang Chen had said to him when he was in the cafeteria.

Jiang Chen said that next time he dared to hang around in front of him, he would kill him.

What Jiang Chen said, from the very beginning, Pan Zijing didn't think that Jiang Chen was joking, because from the tone of Jiang Chen's words, Pan Zijing heard very clearly that Jiang Chen was definitely not joking.

It's just that, in the cafeteria, being trampled on by Jiang Chen in front of so many people, Pan Zijing consciously disgraced himself and wanted to get back the place, so he brought someone to the door, and unconsciously, he forgot Jiang Chen's warning.

After remembering what Jiang Chen said, Pan Zijing immediately felt a chill sweeping his whole body. It was a hot day, but he was sweating wildly, and his teeth were chattering.

"Very good, it looks like you've remembered." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

"Jiang Chen, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it again, please, let me go this time." Pan Zijing said indistinctly.

"You sent your face to the door by yourself, and you will bear all the consequences yourself." Jiang Chen said indifferently, a silver needle in his hand disappeared in a flash, and sank into Pan Zijing's body. Pan Zijing wailed and passed out.

"You four, carry him and get out of here." Jiang Chen pointed at the four members of the basketball team and ordered.

The four of them were beaten miserably by Jiang Chen, who dared to disobey Jiang Chen, quickly lifted Pan Zijing, and left in a panic.

"Boss, your combat prowess is really off the charts." After a while, the dormitory was quiet again, Cheng Dafu closed the door, and said with a little lingering fear.

"Boss, thank you for not killing yesterday." Duan Yu said with a mournful face.

"Boss, you really offended Pan Zijing this time. If he goes to his uncle to sue, you may be in trouble." Yuan Kaige didn't tease him, but was deeply worried.

"If he still dares to sue, I don't care." Jiang Chen said.

"Boss, I think what the second brother said is very reasonable. People like Pan Zijing seem to think they are lawless at first glance. If you beat him so badly, it would be strange if he didn't retaliate against you." Duan Yu said.

"What are you talking about with such nonsense? Let's take a break first. I'll treat you to dinner tonight. None of you are allowed to rob me. Whoever robs me is in a hurry." Cheng Dafu said.

"Then I will invite you at noon tomorrow." Duan Yu raised his right hand.

"I'll invite you tomorrow night," Yuan Kaige said.

Jiang Chen smiled, knowing that these three guys felt a little guilty about what happened just now, so they wanted to make up for him in this way.

Although Jiang Chen didn't think it was necessary for Duan Yu and the others to stand up for him, Jiang Chen was a little moved by what Duan Yu and the others did.

They wanted to treat them to dinner, and Jiang Chen naturally would not refuse. After resting for a while, when it was time for dinner, the four people in the dormitory rushed towards the cafeteria in a mighty manner.

"Boss, even if it's my treat, is it really okay for you to buy so many meals? To tell you the truth, my family is also very poor besides being ugly. In addition, there is an 80-year-old grandmother and a little sister who is waiting to be fed. It will make me bankrupt." In the cafeteria, looking at the food on Jiang Chen's plate, Cheng Dafu was in a mess.

"Third brother, can you be more stingy? Another chicken leg." Duan Yu said, adding an extra chicken leg.

"I don't eat chicken legs, I eat pig's trotters, two trotters." Yuan Kaige joined in the fun and said.

"You guys who don't talk about loyalty, I hate you to death." Cheng Dafu said twistingly, like a big old man, who was wronged like a little girl.


A charming laugh sounded from behind Jiang Chen, and a voice that sounded full of anger said, "Jiang Chen, the relationship between the people in your dormitory is really good, I'm a little envious."

(End of this chapter)

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