genius evil

Chapter 850

Chapter 850
Short hair, neutral underwear, and a pair of dirty canvas shoes that can hardly be seen in their original color. They look casual and chic.

If someone didn't know it, at first glance, they would almost think that this was a handsome guy.

But her bright and beautiful eyes, small and delicate face, and skin that can be broken by blows all show that she is actually a big beauty.

Even if she was dressed so unruly, it never concealed her beauty.

"Nangong Xiaohua!"

Duan Yu and the others heard the sound of laughter and talking, followed the sound, and their eyeballs were about to drop to the ground.

"Why is Nangong Xiaohua not Nangong Xiaohua? My name is Nangonghua. You can call me by my name, or call me senior sister." Nangonghua said a little dissatisfied.

On the list of top ten campus beauties of Capital University, Zhou Mingzhu ranked first, Fairy Tale second, Jian Xiaoyu third, and Nangong Hua fourth.

However, Nangonghua has a free and easy personality. She has never paid much attention to the so-called school belle rankings, and she doesn't like others to call her school belle.

Because for Nangonghua, the title of school flower is a bit like a vase in nature, and she is not a vase, and she hates others to treat her like a vase.

How could the three of Duan Yu call Nan Gonghua by name directly, and call them Senior Sister respectfully.

"Good boy, sister, I will protect you from now on, if anyone bullies you, just tell me." Hearing Duan Yu and the other three call her senior, Nangong Hua said happily.

Duan Yu and the three of them suddenly had black lines all over their heads. The character of this school belle senior is very so-so.

The three of them were extremely curious about the relationship between Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua, thinking to themselves, could Jiang Chen really plan to catch all the top ten campus beauties of Capital University?
Nangong Hua didn't know what Duan Yu and the others were thinking, and asked Jiang Chen, "Do you have time? Let's chat."

"If you don't mind, let's chat while eating." Jiang Chen said casually.

"What's the point of this? If you want to eat, I want to eat too. But I eat a lot, so don't be scared by me." Nangong Hua said.

"No matter how old you are, can you still compare to me?" Jiang Chen smiled. It has to be said that Nangong Hua's character is very pleasing, and it is very easy to get along with others.

Nangong Hua also smiled, and said, "It seems that the two of us have a common hobby, and we both like eating."

Jiang Chen didn't really like to eat, but his body consumed too much energy, so he had to replenish it, but he didn't explain it. After Nangong Hua finished cooking, the two found a table and sat down together.

The three of Duan Yu wisely stayed away from each other and chose a table far away, but the attention of the three of them was all attracted by Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua.

"Second, count the time, we have only started school for two days, right? Why does it feel like it has been two years since I started school?" Duan Yu said vaguely while eating.

"Boss is very talented in picking up girls. Let alone two days, even if I give him two seconds, I think he can win a girl." Yuan Kaige knew what Duan Yu meant by Jiang Chen's speed of recognizing beautiful women. It was too fast, what would take others two years to do, Jiang Chen did it within two days.

"It's nice to be handsome." Cheng Dafu was filled with emotion, rubbing his face, thinking about the feasibility of plastic surgery.

"I have an intuition that if this situation continues, the boss may really put all the top ten beauties of Beijing University into the harem. Think about it, the boss only met Nangong school beauties yesterday, and we are sitting together for dinner today. It was Nangong Xiaohua who took the initiative to find the boss, this charm, no one can compare." Duan Yu sighed.

"It doesn't matter if he is handsome, but he is actually rich. It doesn't matter if he is rich, and he can still fight so well." Cheng Dafu sighed again, and gave up the plan of plastic surgery.

"So, people like Boss are too evil, born to be the natural enemy of men and the nemesis of women." Yuan Kaige concluded.

Nangong Hua didn't lie, she did eat quite a lot, and she didn't mind eating meat. Although the portion of the food was not as perverted as Jiang Chen, it was quite a lot for a girl.

"Aren't you afraid of gaining weight after eating so much?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"If you gain weight, just gain weight. Anyway, I don't care at all." Nangong Hua said casually, her mouth was full of greasy food, and she had no image at all.

Then, Nangong Hua asked: "What about you, you eat more than me, aren't you afraid of gaining weight?"

Nangong Hua used to eat with her classmates. Everyone was very surprised when they saw her eating. It was clearly telling her that as a girl, she must never eat too much, even if she accidentally ate a piece of meat A colossal sin.

Whether it's a boy or a girl, this is the first time Nangong Hua has seen someone who can eat better than her.

If Jiang Chen was a fat man, it would be fine, he was a bit born, Jiang Chen's figure was unbelievable, at a glance, there was almost no trace of extra fat on his whole body.

"You don't mind, so why should I mind?" Jiang Chen said.

Nangong Hua gave Jiang Chen a heroic look, and said, "I heard that you beat Pan Zijing again, and even sent him to the hospital."

"This is the last time, I won't beat him up next time." Jiang Chen said.

"Pan Zijing has an uncle at Capital University, named Pan Ting, who is the vice president of Capital University." Nangonghua reminded, not understanding what Jiang Chen meant by not beating Pan Zijing next time.

"You just said you wanted to chat with me, and that's what you were talking about?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Although Pan Zijing is only a sophomore, he did a lot of dirty things in school. In the first semester of the university, he made a girl's belly bigger and made the girl almost jump off the building. In the end, she was suppressed by Pan Ting, the girl was expelled, and Pan Zijing had nothing to do," Nangong Hua said.

Stretching out her hand and chatting about the long strand of hair on her forehead, Nangong Hua said, "I'm telling you this to tell you that Pan Ting is a very protective person. If Pan Ting doesn't agree with the matter between you and Pan Zijing, It’s fine if you know, once you know, I will definitely wear shoes for you.”

"This topic is very boring, I think we can talk about something else." Jiang Chen said casually.

"What else?" Nangong Hua asked.

"For example, do you have a boyfriend, and for example, do you care about me so much, do you mean something to me?" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"I don't have a boyfriend." Nangong Hua shook his head and said, "But it must have no special meaning for you. Don't even think about chasing me. I hate men who are playful."

"I think you are more likely to chase me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Why are you so shameless." Nangong Hua laughed and said, "This lady is still very self-loving, she will never take the initiative to pursue boys, even if one day, the sun comes out from the west, it is absolutely impossible , you should die of this heart."

"That's because you didn't know me before." Jiang Chen joked.

Nangong Hua's character was very fond of Jiang Chen, and she still had no psychological burden to say such teasing words.

"Don't be smug here. As for you thinking that I care about you, of course there is a reason, but this reason, I can't say it now, do you have time at night? How about I treat you to supper?" Nangong Hua sold it a little A pass, said.

"If there is a beauty treat to eat, I will naturally not refuse." Jiang Chen agreed.

"That's good. At nine o'clock in the evening, I will wait for you at the east gate of the school. You are not allowed to be late. I hate people who are late." Nangong Hua said.

"Drinking? Do you need to bring your ID card?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Identity card?" Nangong Hua was taken aback for a moment, then she immediately reacted, smiled and gave Jiang Chen a white look, and said, "Are you always this direct in front of other women?"

"Everyone is very busy, wouldn't it be good to be direct?" Jiang Chen said.

"How many times have you succeeded?" Nangong Hua asked again.

"If I don't talk much, you will definitely think that I am not attractive enough. If I talk too much, you will think that I am too hardworking. This question is really difficult to answer." Jiang Chen said.

"On the first day of school, I went out with the beauty of University Jane in the school, and the beauty who drove the Ferrari came to the door. Naturally, I will not doubt your charm." Nangong Hua said.

"Many." Jiang Chen said decisively.

Nangong Hua giggled coquettishly, and said, "I'll give you a chance to bring your ID card, but it's not easy to take advantage of my lady's advantage."

"Besides, let me tell you, Miss Ben is a junior this year, and the reason why she hasn't found a boyfriend so far is because Miss Ben has a very high vision." Nangong Hua said again.

"You can talk about your requirements for your future boyfriend now, maybe I just happen to be the one you want to find." Jiang Chen said.

"Let me just say it briefly. First, you must be tall and handsome. Second, you must be humorous and tasteful. Third, you must be rich. It's not about having money at home, but making money by yourself. Fourth, that is Most importantly, it must be pleasing to my eyes, and I like it at the first sight." Nangong Hua snapped her fingers and said sternly.

"Miss Nangong, you're going to come after me soon." Jiang Chen said, and as he spoke, Jiang Chen pointed to his face and said, "Tall and handsome, it's a personal portrayal of me, what's your sense of humor? Yes, I don't need to say more, you can see it. As for the fourth point, there is no need to say more, otherwise, you would not take the initiative to find me, let alone sit and eat with me. "

"What about the third point? Don't avoid the important ones and just take the light ones, okay?" Nangong Hua said.

Jiang Chen smiled without saying a word, silently took out the key of the Land Rover from his pocket, and put it on the table.

Nangong Hua was stunned. The four requirements she put forward were actually progressive, one by one more stringent than the other. Jiang Chen easily met the first two and the fourth standard. In Nangong Hua's opinion, , no problem.

But it's just the third point, basically 90.00% of college students who are [-] can be excluded, but Jiang Chen is actually that [-], because Jiang Chen took out a key to a Range Rover.

"Is the car yours or did your family buy it for you? If your family bought it for you, it doesn't count." After being stunned, Nangong Hua asked.

Jiang Chen smiled again without saying a word, took out his mobile phone, turned on the screen, and showed Nangonghua the bank's text message reminder. Nangonghua took a look, and Nangonghua was a little dazzled by the row of numbers, and then the whole person felt a little bad .

She never knew what a shy girl was, her face turned red in an instant, giving Nangong Hua the feeling that her request for a future boyfriend was tailor-made for Jiang Chen at all...

(End of this chapter)

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